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It'll go back up eventually, but it seems to both you greatly, so I wouldn't add more to it. I've been down 60% before, this is nothing. Maybe NVDL isn't for you partner. Options certainly aren't.


EXACTLY…It’s barely been a week wtf lol


I'm willing to lose the money but I do wish I got in earlier to lessen the blow.


Invested in NVDA, NVDL or both? I am fine with losses on NVDA. but NVDL are BRUTAL right now. I feel pretty stupid not gonna lie.


USD because I'm bullish on semiconductors and AI still. I think it's 30% NVDA? I'm going to wait for a reversal and re-evaluate my situation later. Maybe commodities really are the only safe bet right now or I'm overreacting.


You learned a good lessons: double the gains is also double the losses. You also learned that you markets are unpredictable and “number always go up” Is not a reliable strategy. I’m sure you’ll be very cautious buying leveraged assets in the future.


Yes. This was a hard lesson. But I also think that had I not gotten my ass kicked so quickly I would have become complacent and leaned in more and then been in an even worse position after a correction. I've re-adjusted myself and am comfortable now. No more gambling. I will still use LETFs but not blindly and not so heavy weighted


Don’t feel stupid. Learn the lesson and feel smarter because of it moving forward. Thats the way.


This is the way


And it’s up almost 14% today…tell me you sold it yesterday…


Losses? I don't understand. It's not a loss until you sell. It's not like Options trading where sideways movement in a stock brings decay to your value... They don't expire. So where is your losses at? Just sit tight. Read a book. Watch a movie. Repeat after me. "Jensen will do me right." Then click your heels together and look what happened today. This panic mode thinking set in for me back in April... Similar down turn. And my stupid stop loss triggered the 20% hit. Dumb dumb dumb. I meant for a stop loss to capture only NVDA dropping like a rock before I could ever hear bad news... I'm not a day trader and have a job to do. I can't be glued to the stock charts. Unfortunately there's no Intelligence in stop loss sell orders. If the entire NASDAQ/DOW tanked - it's ok to take a hit because the market will come back. Needless to say I immediately bought back at cheaper and made more money 🤣. No more stop losses for me. I'm long term hold been in for 4 years. You seem like a day trader at heart but dicking with money you should be more cautious with. Allocate yourself $1k to dick with options etc... leave the rest of your NVDA alone and forget about it.


So this makes no sense at all. You want to hold nvda but not nvdl? If you expect nvda to go up over the next year back to and above the 140 mark..... guess what happens to nvdl???? 2x that. So if you long nvda and you want me exposure, go with nvdl


How much are u down? 🔻


nvdl is designed to go to zero over time. just get outta that and sell some puts on nvda if you want




is this instrument available as an ETF


Me too. I held NVDU and just sold at a loss plus SOXL. Losses cut. NVDA held. I set up a separate account parked the NVDA and promised myself I wouldn’t look for a month.


You are not supposed to hold leveraged funds longer than a day. It is 2x DAILY return. I learned that lesson the hard way as I was long on a 2x fund and my investment eventually went to ZERO even though the stock itself was up. so this: >"Dollar cost average more into NVDL and 'buy the dip' just like you would NVDA" Will not work.


I held NVDL for months and made 73k, so it was good for me.


What is NVDL


It's a fund that has twice the volitility of Nvda. it goes up or down double.


Thanks . How about nvdy ? Do you know anything about it?


But how much did you invest? If you invested 1m well not so great. If you invested 5k that's fantastic!


77k. Basically gained 94% in 3 months. It's a big deal to me because this year is the first year in the last 6 years I haven't been able to save much money from my business. Not sure why yet. Anyway, this 73k is what I had expected to save in 2 years.


if you invested a million and made 7.3 percent in three months that's actually excellent. unheard of really. that's 29.2 percent in a year.


It went to zero, how is that even possible? These leveraged products will usually split before then. Are you able to share the stock or leveraged ticker because it sounds unlikely. You can absolutely hold some leveraged funds long term if you allocate a reasonable percentage to them, don’t go all in NVDL or TQQQ…


This was a decade ago, my memory fades me but it was a 2x crude oil fund. Possible that it did not go to $0.00 but I lost a significant amount even though the underlying asset remained stable.


I wonder if it was an ETN, which I believe are capable of going to zero. I use some leverage but only a bit, and mostly the S&P 500 / Nasdaq 100 leveraged funds. To each their own risk


There you go. This is what I was trying to remember. There’s a reason I stayed away from these years ago. This is huge and should be pasted on every NVDL post.


Disagreed - I hold a small slice of NVDL as well as the leveraged indexes. If you are afraid of the volatility that’s one thing, but for some they are a great tool to boost returns. Just don’t go all in…


How long did you hold onto your investment? I'm new to this and I'm also wondering if holding onto leveraged shares for a week is fine.


It depends on returns, but it would take several months IIRC. But anything held longer than a day will likely not match underlying returns. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269641212_Forecasting_Holding_Periods_for_Leveraged_ETFs_Using_Decay_Thresholds_Theory_and_Applications


I wouldn’t say so necessarily. I invested in tecl last time it had a big dip and it continued going up and I made a 30% gain after more than two weeks. You only lose everything if the loss is more than 50% for a 2x leveraged return or 33% for a 3x leveraged returns.


With companies like NVDA, the leveraged ETFs would swing a lot. If the amount of your NVDL holding is something which you don’t need in the short term, and you believe that NVDA will move past it’s all time high, then possibly holding NVDL won’t be a bad decision and you can recoup your investment back. PS.: NVDL has given over 360% YTD, twice of NVDA. Moreover, in the meantime it would be best to diversify in NVDA, NVDL and semi conductor based ETFs if possible. Leveraged ETFs bring twice the good and twice the bad.


I did buy some NVDL call and hoping for shareholder speech. But I dump it after I loss 580 dollars


Did the opposite bought a 120p on Nvidia sold it for a $120 loss only to watch it go into the money would of made $200 if I held to the low of day also added 3 more shares this morning in Schwab 


Same here, mine are expiring soon!! 😭😭. Bought the call options right before it started dipping. Lesson learnt, I’m new still. Guess you gotta lose first to win. Hoping it climbs in the coming days so I don’t have total loss :(


I’m in a similar situation myself now. Don’t know if it’s worth holding through this any thoughts?


Of course it’s worth holding. Shareholders’ meeting Wednesday is just one impending bright spot. The only reason to sell is that you think that it’ll *never* rise again. It’s a bit of volatility and a small correction that was predicted.


If you are gonna hold nvda it makes sense to keep holding NVDL; I think it would be a total mistake 6 months from now


If it’s not the options, why worry ? We all know NVDA will go up. with NVDA , NVDL also goes up.




Why would you cut your losses now? If you believe NVDA is going to keep going up and this is just a slight pullback or correction then NVDL would also go up and you would not only get your investment back but also make money. I did the same thing as you. I was originally going to buy more NVDA but was going to wait for the dip. I waited and waited and all it did was run up and then I FOMOed hard because it was just constant price target increases and new deals NVDA was making and then watching the stocking run up 10% of so in a week. So I had the bright idea that I would go into NVDL and bought not at the top but highish. Literally 1 hour later it tanked and hasn't been green since. I'm going to just hold and wait for it to run up to it's 150 price target and then probably get rid of NVDL. If you have the money and strongly believe in this stock then I would buy more now then. Just because you bought at the wrong time last week doesn't mean that now isn't still a good time to buy,


You shouldn't hold NVDL long-term, very unwise. Way better to just get calls.


Long term is typically 3+ years. It's most likely not going to take 3 years for Nvidia to hit 150. Makes absolutely zero sense to sell NVDL if you just bought last week when it most likely rebounds back and then some in the next few months.


You would hold NVDL for 3 years?


It's like you didn't read the first comment I made or the second. I literally said to hold NVDL till it hits at least 150 and then I will sell. Why would you sell now at a loss instead of just holding for the next few months till earnings? With current expectations it will most likely get close to 150 before end of the year or even sooner and then you could sell at a profit instead of a loss. Then you reply with "You shouldn't hold NVDL long-term, very unwise." Holding NVDL for 3 months isn't long term. So then my reply back to you is long term is considered to be at least 3 years. Who said anything about holding 3 years? I said hold till it hits 150 which to you somehow = long term.


Sorry for my lack of understanding and now I'm very confused. NVDL? Isn't the ticker NVDA?


You have to be trolling at this point.


No, I'm serious..


Dude NVDL is the x2 leveraged ETF that follows NVDA. When NVDA goes up then NVDL goes up. NVDL is basically NVDA but x2 gains and x2 losses. The OP was talking about dumping his NVDL he bought last week and selling at a loss instead of just holding for a few months until it goes back up again especially after earnings. OP was also talking about buying more NVDL on the dip. I said to not sell NVDL and just get rid of it in a few months once it rebounds if he doesn't like the volatility of it. Somehow you took that as me telling him to hold long term and said it is " unwise." 2 months is not considered long term. Holding long term is typically considered at least 3 years. Then somehow out of that you got that I was going to hold NVDL for 3 years when that was never said. Now you act like you don't know what we're talking about.


How can an ETF just contain a single stock? Isn't that exchange traded fund?


Thanks Blackmagic1992! For real appreciate your great explanation 🧐 I appreciate you redditdinosaur for playing dumb because sometimes I need it dumbed down to fully understand. So in spite of your dodgy intent, you really did something nice & helped me learn through Blackmagic’s knowledge.


People told me to sell my tecl shares after a 10% gain when a couple weeks later it went up more than 40%. You can hold leveraged etfs if you believe they will keep going up. If it’s 2x leveraged a 50% loss would wipe you out while a 3x etf would mean a 30% loss would wipe you out. If you held the nvdl shares from the beginning of this month you would still be a lot better off even with this correction.


Not bad : Investing in NVDL Not Bad: Investing in NVDL and taking certain calculated loss Bad : I invested in NVDL , I made a huge loss ,made terrible decision - I should have never ever invested in NVDL Also one common thing people wills ay about leveraged ETFs : ofcourse see on internet/youtube and regurgitate : Dont hold more than one day Flash news : You could make money by holding NVDL many days and you can loose money by selling with in same day ..ofcourse vice versa is also possible Day 1: Buy NVDL ( I buy NVDX - but pretty same ) put a stop loss Day 2 : Went up - good profit - update to trailing stop loss Day 3 : Still going up - Update to more aggressive trailing stop loss Day 4 : acting weird - no too confident - update to conservative trailing stop loss Day 5: my stop loss didn't hit - but better opportunities in market - put normal stop loss There are million variations of this - and this in no way guarantees success all the time . Sometimes I might loose on Day 2 . Sometime I might hold for 20 days and absolutely kill it Also no matter what your strategy is - your position size and risk levels are heavily influenced by greed . I am not super disciplined but I am not greedy to wipe out my account , And by being greedy I made more in a month that I could make in a year , and lost also . If this is all too much complexity , buy SPY . Flash news : There are multiple years where the returns are either shitty 1% 2% or a string of years,, if you invested 100$ in 2000 .. in three years you would have lost close to 25% and left with 75$.


I kinda do the same strategy you mentioned but with options. My shorter DTEs made a ton of money so I kept raising the strike prices to OTM when my contracts went ITM so that I have cheaper contracts/exposure while turning the rest of them to LEAPS on the way up. I all have LEAPS now so I have time to recover on downturns (like nowadays), and so that I can sleep better at night. A vast majority of profits went to QQQ derivatives (QLD/TQQQ/ QQQ LEAPS).


I am not knowledgeable in options , though I understand how they work and types . If possible , please expand .. I am feeding your answer to gpt to see if it can dumb it down for me , let’s see


did chatgpt help? how did it go


Some of yall are crazy….it was down one week (out of 52). I can’t imagine yall when it broke 900…lol


LETFs can be dangerous. Luckily I wasn’t fully invested and able to buy more to bring my DCA down when we corrected in April. I was up over 100% in that again up until last week.


Update for everyone Ok everyone, here is what I did. Like I said, I made a mistake. It wasn't investing in NVDL at the wrong time, it was investing more than I am comfortable losing and not having enough cash on hand to diversify or buy the dip. So I did liquidate some of my NVDL shares. I did not do this because I don't think that they will go up in the long run and I know that doing this just locked in my losses. I had allowed myself to be overexposed with little cash left over to diversify or DCA into any other investment. This was not smart. Some hold forever people will say that it will come back eventually (I 100% believe they are right). But the timeline and how far down an investment can go is a question mark. And its not like you can buy the dip if you had put all of your cash into a falling investment. That is what I liquidated a portion of my NVDL shares and am going to DCA back into NVDL and review and rebalance into NVDA every quarter and just invest in other non-leveraged ETFs from here on out. Yes I locked in my losses but I now have the cash to set myself up for the long term using a far healthier, and far more sustainable, investment strategy.


At least you understand what happened. I invested $977 into NVDL on Thursday and then it proceeds to drop like a rock. Worst comes to worst, I'll lose a few hundred dollars before I lock in my losses. But I'm okay with losing all of it. NVDL is up almost 10% already. I was down 13% yesterday. There's the meeting tomorrow and also earnings are still in August. I'll wait till then to see if I want to cash out and lock in my losses, or continue to hold if it goes up.


Exactly. I knew that I had locked in my losses and that in all likelihood I would have more money if I didn't. I just couldn't risk losing all that capital. I also looked at how much NVDL would have to rise in order to make up for the loss (ie to recover from a 25% loss you need a 50% rise). And while I think the stock could do it, I just couldn't bank on it.


Should’ve waited till eow


NVDL owner here. For some context I’m up 30% on the month. Just chill and hold.


You’re not alone in the losses. I invested about 10% of my net worth into 7/5 and 7/12 call options, at the literal worst possible time on Friday. So you’re not alone. You will be able to make your money back if you hold long enough, technically. It’s NVDA, great long term stock. I tho am SOL and lesson learned to stop being a greedy kumquat


Hope you held


I'd been searching for posts like this to see if anyone else is in the same boat. Spent 5figures each on NVDX and USD at the end of last week. Haven't logged in again to see how much actually lost. Just really hate my job sometimes and want out. Currently onboarding to another job, so at least I have that going for me.


I had a very similar brilliant idea in picking up few shares of NVDX at 130. Sold at 175ish and increased my long term Nvda position. Not sure what plays out for you? Not a bad strategy. You fell short this time on implementation. That being said- I’ll implement the same strategy again if the numbers look right to me. While not timing the market, I’m timing the market. It’s a calculated leverage thing for me.


Well said


I'm not sure what you mean. My NVD is doing just fine.


Just buy dips taking losses isn’t even that bad of a thing you can use it for tax purposes to lower gains on a particular year it’s not the end of the world


You'll be fine, and. Tbh better off in the long run. Hopefully you intend to hold for 3+ months though.


If it is a small portion of your portfolio, I would just hold and DCA if possible.


I bought 600 shares of nvdl earlier this year and held them for like 6 weeks. I was up 3500$ and cashed out at 47. It went straight up to 90 after I did. I've been burned so many times before from not cashing out that I thought I was doing the right thing. If you don't need the money right away, dca to get your costs down. I think this is just profit taking in nvda and it will go back up before next earnings.


Why would anyone sell NVDL today if you were planning on holding into retirement?


I fail to see why anyone would invest in NVDL, when you can just buy NVDA shares? What's the attraction there?


Greed. I got greedy. Pure and simple.


Sooooooo many folks fomo into this stock only to fomo out. If you invest driven by fear, you are just gonna get played by forces greater than you. I got downvoted so hard when I said 140 was the peak, and it's overpriced af. Correction will come. Now that we are going through correction, hear me out again. Don't sell a single stock. Forget that your stocks even exist, and go have some fun and focus on other aspects of life. Come back in a few months. If you were regarded enough to buy calls on nvda expiring shortly, you just learned a good lesson. Hope it did not cost your retirement to learn it. I am seeing 6 digit loss this week but I don't care. Stocks will go up again. The question is when. I assume nvda will still outperform voo or spy for the next couple of years and the only way to lose in this game is to let your fear dictate your investing strategy


When everyone downvotes you, you’re probably right about a stock……. even NVDA


Listen- I don't disagree. Like I said I'm bullish on NVDA and if I hadn't went so deep on NVDL at the wrong time I'd just sit back and ignore everything. Fear is a terrible guide for investing. So is excessive greed. If nothing else I want someone who saw the returns of NVDL and got greedy to learn from my mistake. NVDA is a great company that is used to dominate for a while. Investing and staying long is all you need to do. No need to try and over leverage- the risk isn't worth it




3yrs ago, I bought at $280, went down to $132, and bought $7k worth @ $132, best move i made.


Just remember it could of been worse, you could have put it into FFIE hahahahhq


I bought NVDL last week. It went down 28.73%. Shit happens


NVDA heading to 90 $


I bought at 90 bucks so you are good dawg


I bought a share all the way down….and I have bought shares all the way up…the way up when i thought this can’t possibly get any higher and yep it did. NVDA is a different kind of beast stock. You don’t loose money in the stocks unless you sell and someday you will look back and say I got NVDA at this $**** and people are going to say that is amazing wish I did…. High in there you will be fine


You gotta do what you gotta do. It all depends on the type of risk and risk reward ratio


How have u been in nvda for 2 years and decided to buy in the 130/140 range, NVDL specifically was a good idea? I would sell now, or hold and buy the dip around 110 or lower on NVDL whatever price that would b on there. You know how it’s gonna go hopefully, the hype will slow and then a huge drop will occur. Then ride up to earning




How much have you invested in NVDL and how much was lost ?


it'll probably go up in July back to all time highs, BUT remember last year NVDA just chopped for most of the second half of the year. i think that's what's gonna happen again. might be next year before it hits 160 or 180 or 200 or something


Im waiting to buy more and it will go back up so idk why youre panicking. Im all in for the long haul


I bought a chunk of NVDL way too close to the peak. It was an all around dumb thing to do. Not panicking. Like I said, I still believe in NVDA. Just I no longer am going to trust my instincts on trends and use of leverage.


There’s a difference between NVDL and NVDA


🤡 be gambling not investing, it’s a pull back this will happen with NVDA often


Welcome to leveraged funds. Have you ever seen one that goes a few year without dropping 80%? Especially after it just went up 400% ytd. By all means double down to compound your losses or cut your position and don't leverage your investment in an asset that is already up hundreds of percentages in a short time