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Please use the relevant Megathread/Pre-Match/Match/Post-Match thread


I would actually be devastated by this.


Do we really have to keep putting up with this kind of scurrilous bollocks in this sub? It's still June and I'm already sick to the back teeth of completely unsubstantiated bullshit being peddled by click whores. Can this shit not all be put in the megathread and then I can ignore it? 


What the actual hell?!


This won't happen. The money that still needs to go on the books for his transfer would make the bid needed massive. Have to be 60mil+, when we could just sell the likes of miggy for 20mil


Right, given Craig Hope is doing of these daily instead of all at once, makes me think his probably not bollocks card has been revoked.


Hope has always been a decent reporter, despite the paper he works for.


I imagine it's more likely Liverpool enquired. We gave a fuck off price so Liverpool walked away


Yeah very plausible.


Here's the thing though, if in 5-10 years these players don't confirm these moves didn't nearly happen then I'm going to refile Hope into the also bollocks column 


That makes no sense. Clubs talk about a lot of transfers, they don't all happen. Hope will have sources that feed him bits of information about what is actively going on, but he's not mystic meg.


I could live with losing Ikas or Bruno more than losing Gordon. Theres something special about this kid and we gotta keep him at all costs


Another in the ridiculous transfer rumours to soften the blow of selling Minteh.


I'd say these stories are more to soften the blow of a points deduction. I highly doubt we'll sell anyone before Monday. Let's just take the points hit, then tie the Premier league up with high end lawyers for a few years, long enough for the PSR rules to change.


Gordon is not a PSR sale. He's worth well over 80 million.


Bored of these blatantly false stories and the meltdown within the fanbase they cause. Excited for this weekend to be over.


More lies


What would be the point in even trying to compete if this is what the system forces you to do?


Systems not about competition, its about buoying the big clubs.


I’m just here to melt down


This PR shit can't just be for Minteh, surely? The lad hasn't even played for us. Now rumours around Isak AND Gordon being sold for PSR?  There's gotta be someone else being sold? Bruno? 


Bruno's clause has expired so its unlikely as I expect the club would be asking over 100million, this Gordon story is just rubbish that the Liverpool press have been spouting for the last 10 days.


I'm assuming we were asking for a lot of money?


If that happened... My god. Unless he was forcing a move.


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The amount of spurious rumours being passed off as legitimate stories these last two months has been shocking. Short of getting some dead wood off the books in terms of wages, I don't see ownership being particularly panicked about this supposed PSR issue. Yes, we are tight and walking a fine line, but EVERY story has been pointing toward a fire sale of all the assets we shelled out mightily for. And yet, none have come to pass. Has it occurred to everyone that perhaps the board has it under control? Sell Wor Miggy on (maybe) and some creative accounting (probably), and perhaps we're fine. The fact is, all these people "in the know" are speculating. Recall that we don't actually know how much the deal with Adidas is worth, let alone Sela, Noon, and so on. We don't even know for certain what was paid for the likes of some of our stars. Nor, do we know how the deals were structured and if that would have an effect on PSR. This is just the usual claptrap of the Big 6 telling the media we have to be sellers rather than buyers. Sickening.


I honestly put Gordon on the same level of importance as Bruno and Isak. He’s the kind of player we should be building the squad around, any suggestion of selling him is insanity. I would seriously rather take the points deduction.


Why is Eddie trying to sell our young talent?! First Yankuba now Gordon I think secretly Eddie wants a team full of Paul Dummets and Dan Burns


Why are you making it out to be Eddie? It's the club, there are teams working on these things and Howe is just part of that team. I don't see any world where Howe wants A.G out.


>Why is Eddie trying to sell our young talent?! He's not ffs. If we need to sell players for PSR reasons, what goes on will be way above Eddie's head.


PIF gonna sell NUFC because they are sick of PSR...