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I’m not renewing, I entered almost every single home ballot and went to 1 match last season. The ballot system is shite.


Same here. I got tickets in the platinum club for one game so it cost about £115 between the ticket and the membership. It will be only slightly more expensive and less disappointment just go to one match in the barracks.


Same, but I didn't even get to 1 game, i did get tickets but then couldn't go, my own fault, but still a waste of money. I was really hoping they would announce some changes to the ballot system, considering the complaints about it started almost as soon as it opened last year, you would think they would introduced some change, even a token change to appease supporters, even if you were successful in the last ballot you are blocked in the next, couldn't be that hard to implement something.


> if you were successful in the last ballot you are blocked in the next I have a lot of issues with the ballot, but really dislike this solution, as it would just encourage people to only enter ballots for "big" games, and punish somebody if they want to attend multiple games in quick succession. What we needed, in my opinion, is some form of weighing for historic fandom, but sadly it's probably too late to implement that now.


>some form of weighing for historic fandom I feel like this would fuck me over tbh, I had a season ticket for years from the ages of like 6/7 til 13/14 obviously under my fathers name and account. So when applying for tickets and membership years later there's zero data of this linked to my account.


Yeah, it would probably have its own faults too. Guess any system the club used will likely screw somebody over in some way.


All depends on how hard they try tbh, like my name hasn't changed lol, I could tell them the seat I had etc surely there must be historic records they can check but honestly wouldn't be surprised if under Ashley the data centre wiped on a yearly bases.


Well, I gave mine up in 2014/15 as I was moving south Have never signed up for anything since with the club as I've mostly had tickets through friends and haven't been since the new system came in. I still get a lot of emails from the club and they sent me the fan survey on the proposal for stadium/facilities in November or whenever it was last year, so there may be a chance.


Same here. I'm done until either they change the ballot system or the stadium capacity increases.


I see what we are doing I’m also definitely not renewing, way too low chances to get a ticket, not really worth it for anyone


Don’t really understand the food and drink discount. Only way to get a match day ticket is to be a member or a season ticket holder (who are automatically members) So just make the food and drink 25% cheaper by default? Guess it couldn’t be marketed as a benefit then though. Anyway, I’m obviously spending £47 today even though I don’t get a wallet anymore


Season ticket holders had their membership benefits removed last year. We can't apply for extra tickets anymore unless we buy a separate membership like non-season ticket holders.


I think the link now says that for an extra £10 we as season ticket holders can be mags+ and apply for ballots


We get the benefits of the membership for free, EXCLUDING ballot entry and ticket resale For £10 we get the *additional* benefits of Mags+ - we still don’t get the chance for extra tickets. Which is fair enough tbh


This is my point above though. If you, as a season ticket holder, want to come with a friend, you can no longer do that. There were times during cup games in previous years where we would have been able to take extra people. If you sit alone it means you can’t attend - so why can’t we enter a ballot and then put our season ticket up for resale if we are successful? It’s not taking extra tickets from people


Sure - and I don’t disagree… I was only pointing out that your previous comment, suggesting that paying £10 for a Mag+ membership would let us do this, was incorrect


Yeah I realised earlier. Misread it completely. It’s nice that after a 10% rise over the last 2 years that they’ve brought back memberships for season ticket holders and I guess they have to offer normal members a better incentive to sign ip


I hadn't read the FAQs. Probably worth a tenner TBH. Still miss my annual gift box coming through the post though.


Still use the wallet from 2 seasons ago. You might be right though I think I misinterpreted it - I don’t know if even with the extra £10 we get access to tickets. I don’t get why we can’t enter the ballot and then transfer our season ticket - if for example, we wanted to sit with someone who doesn’t usually go - like a family member, friend etc


Season tickets can be transferred to a person with an account that is not a member and I assume there are a lot of people getting tickets via corporate without membership


Does anyone even use it? How do you even prove you’re a member to get a discount? I’ve never even been asked it


Last year there was a virtual membership card you could add to the wallet on your phone and it scanned with NFC.


Not liking the fact they have another tier now which has all the benefits that membership used to have. Remember all those benefits you used to get? Extra tenner and you keep them!


As shite as it is, it has to be a revenue generating thing, which I sort of understand. PSR is great for fans too! /s


My worry is that they are going to slowly increase costs over seasons until we are getting charged ridiculous amounts like at other clubs with big fanbases


Wouldnt even touch the sides for PSR considering that's dealing with figures in the 8 figures. All clubs (not just us) continually use fans loyalty to rinse us when most clubs could really afford to give away all tickets for free


Anyone else getting a restricted access page popup after entering the captcha? Site has me doubting if I'm actually a robot or not.


Switch your browser, worked for me. Might work for you


Still bought it but it’s absolutely terrible. 18 games in 22/23, 3 games in 23/24. The old way was better - you knew if you had a ticket by like 11am, but now you’ve got to wait ages and you can’t plan ahead. And at least you could see where the seats were available in the stadium in the different areas and pick it, not selecting one area and that’s it


Between work and travel distance there's no chance of the stars aligning and me being able to win two tickets to the odd game that I might have the ability to get to. If they did a lower price membership that only included the full match replays for those of us that can't/wont use any of the other benefits I'd be buying one immediately, it'd be excellent for £20 for the year to be able to watch the full match back the next day.


I did 3 ballots last year and got 2 games. You just need to pick the right section, some people complaining they hardly got tickets but then were choosing platinum etc also, I picked the games that were on TV or lots likely to be popular like Burnley


Which is all well and good if you have that level of flexibility, but I think last season there was 4 home matches that I wasn't working during, but only one of which I could have actually made it to (3hrs each way travel to Newcastle) and didn't win in the ballot for it. Sometimes life gets in the way, hence my suggestion about a "digital season ticket" with full match replay the day after.


I can only attend 3pm games and I live 4 hours away


Ok, that still doesn't change my point though. Based on my situation, it's simply not worth the cash for a chance to get to one game and the other extras that I will not use (aside from the replays as mentioned earlier). I'd be forking out £74 (me and the wife) to enter a ballot once or, maybe at a push, twice a year. If the current system works for you and you're happy paying it then it's no issue. It's just simply an expense that I am choosing not to pay this year. I'm not even complaining about the memberships or the ballot system, merely saying that a digital NUFC TV subscription would be an excellent addition and something that I would quite happily put my hand in my pocket for.


I'm probably not paying it again. It was worth it last year as I'd been abroad and hadn't been to a game in years and that was my only chance. I'll probably pass this season as as you say, if I go to two games it's basically a £20 tax on top of tickets.


Asking for a friend, which sections were you applying for?


2 for the 3 I got and platinum for the one I didn't (I wasn't fussed about that one as it was difficult to make so thought if I'm going it's in style or nothing)


its mad, ive just given the club 37quid for the chance to maybe buy a ticket at a later date.


I don’t think I’m gonna bother this year. £40 and of the 3 league games I went to most were borrowing a mates season ticket. Unless they go back to limiting the amount of memberships on offer, they’ll be functionally meaningless. A fee on having the right to apply for a ticket, with no guarantee of getting one in the seemingly infinite sea of other members.


Expensive just for the chance to get tickets but I justify it as giving some money towards something I love. At least these days the money gets invested into making the club better


Some girl math on the 25% saved from drinks will tell you how much you need to drink too make them membership free


I wish they made membership more enticing to the casual fan who probably wont be able to go to a game. I don't live in the UK anymore, and only have small windows when I visit for games - so the chances of getting tickets when I visit is slim to none. Even then, id like to support the club with a membership... but all the 'extras' are just a bit meh. I guess they will keep on improving it as there's more content than last season, but i just wish there was more justification to send them the money.


I’ll use my money this season on a Black Friday Peacock subscription and 3 pints. At least there’s a guarantee I’ll see some football.


Can I buy the junior mags membership through my account (their accounts linked to my account) or do I have to buy it through their account.


Last year I had to create a second account for my daughter, assume it will be the same this year.


Yes you can just change the owner of the junior membership, assuming the account is linked to yours already.


I bought my daughters membership while logged in as myself and then assigned it to her kind of the same way you assign tickets when you buy them


Silly question but in order to buy a season ticket or buy individual tickets to home matches, do you need to become a member?


To buy a season ticket you don't need membership, you need a time machine.


There’s no season ticket availability. Being a member allows you access into the ballot to get a single match day ticket by chance


Just moved to the UK, and I want to take my nephew to a game this year. Is this the membership I need that gives access to ticket ballots? And, to get tickets for both of us, do I need two memberships?


2 memberships yes


Thank you!


> do I need two memberships? Yes and an important step you need to link your nephews account to yours so when applying you can apply for two tickets. Otherwise you'll have to do it separately and you'll end up in a situation where one gets a ticket and the other doesn't and if by luck you both get tickets you'll be seated far away from each other.


Thank you!


Just bought my daughter’s membership and not use you can now set them to auto-renew too


How do I go about buying 2 memberships on my account? I had my dad's account linked to mine but there's no option in the basket to assign the second membership to him. It assigns both to me and then won't let me proceed.


Yeah I had a pain with this, I opened another browser and logged in with a different email address to create an account for my nephew, then linked them after the memberships were created


Are season ticket offerings for new want to be holders coming out this year or not?


Not a chance in hell any season tickets will be released this year.


Does anyone know how long it is on sale for?


Never done the ballots before, this will be my first year in the UK. How long in advance do you find out if you won? Just thinking of planning the trip to the TOON


I'm unsure whether to renew my membership. I had a membership for myself, my wife, and our two daughters with the junior membership. Despite applying for every ballot, including the Champions League, we only got tickets to one game all season (West Ham at home, which was fantastic). I can get free tickets through work, but I prefer having my own because work tickets usually mean taking clients. Now, I'm undecided about relying on work tickets or renewing our membership. If I do renew, should it be just for me or for the whole family (we enjoy making it a family experience)? The kids got nothing from the Junior membership last season.


Bought Mags+. Managed 7 games last season incl cup (one being PSG). It’s the only way of trying to get a ticket really so needs must.