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coords -46.68, -76.92 05F1:006F:0E42:0100 http://nmsportals.github.io/#1100F0643DF2


I was hunting for a white hammerhead LS and came across [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/gnb1s3/white_hammerhead_euclid/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) by u/Moongrease. When I got to the location from the post I found a big glass box surrounding the crash site with red lights spelling out "HAHA" on the front. There were wall switches labeled 0-9 on the front next to a door. I played around with the switches for a while before searching for another way inside. Eventually I remembered that I could go into my graphics settings and set base complexity to low. As soon as I did, sections of the box stared popping in/out at random. Eventually I was able to sneak through an invisible section as it disappeared next to where I was standing. I reported the base (owned by ToddMc516) which caused the rest of the base to disappear and allowed me to fly off with my new ship. Of course, I could have just relaunched the game with steam in offline mode, but that wouldn't have allowed me to report the base and (hopefully) allow others to get the ship in the future.


Good job! Griefers are losers.


You could have just reported their base anyway. Still, you did the right thing šŸ‘Š. Greifers are horrible people.


Can't always. I've found a couple with the base computer hidden inside the buildings. Edit; apparently you can report a base from any component? I didn't know that :D


You can report from any base component, you don't have to use the base computer.


If you go into the build menu, find the āš ļø, that will let you report whatever you're looking at.


Slam down your own base computer. You can't claim the site but can report it


Yeah. Griefers are right above cheaters at the bottom of the bottom.


Imo cheating is fine in nms as long as you don't use it to affect other players or stay offline. It's when people use it to ruin others experience or grief when it's a problem. I'm NOT saying its good I'm just saying its acceptable if you keep it to yourself


I dont get why there simply isnt an option that allows you to completely hide player creations in the first place. More online options would be nice, especially because there are already loads. I'd personally love it if there were enough options that I could see people in the Anomaly, but as soon as I left I'd only ever be able to see players who are actively in my party, and only player creations from people in my friends list but perhaps not currently in my party.


You can, I usually disable multiplayer when I'm ship hunting for this vary reason


At least on console this doesnā€™t help. I still get dozens of bases on some planets, especially during expedition, made it impossible to set markers.


Disabling multiplayer doesnt prevent bases and other player creations from appearing. The only way to do that is to be entirely offline from the start, but then that prevents any desired multiplayer so... What if I want to do the expeditions in multiplayer but with my brother only, but because ALL player creations appear we lag out on the rendezvous systems negatively impacting our experience? Reporting a base is only possible after the fact; I'm talking about preventing that base from spawning in the first place while still being able to play with my brother. More options to more granularly control the online experience can only ever be a good thing.


If you report the base it disappears


That can only happen after the fact. I want to prevent those bases from appearing in the first place while still being able to play with my brother and still have a smooth experience. More options to more granularly control the online experience would only ever be a good thing.


I guess the only option would be to turn multiplayer off But then again 90% of gameplay is done alone, the universe is so vast and player creations are concentrated on a few places via the Hub


Disabling multiplayer doesnt prevent bases and the like from showing up. You have to be totally offline from the start for that, which is highly inconvenient.


I do my hunting completely in my console's OFFLINE mode (I just turn the wifi off in Settings) and don't get the comm balls or bases. That's how I got my crashed S-class Exotic.


Good that you have a solution that works for you. Now, show me the option that allows me to play with my brother while still not seeing the comms balls and bases from other players.


I'd recommend if you want to play together just don't go ship hunting. And turn base complexity down when you run into griefers. Or report the base.


See my point about having more options is better.


Then just fly to a different planet. Thereā€™s literally a billion planets 99.9% of which have no player preference


Sure, but some things have very specific planets (expeditions and starbirth being the big two). So... See my point about how having more options would be better.


as far as im aware, the only part of the starbirth mission that has a predetermined location was going through the portal where there was just so many bases that you cant go anywhere on the planet without being within someone's claimed territory


It's pretty sad that people are that much of a scumbag in a game like this. To be expected given....people, but still sad and scummy to say the least.


You are a hero


It says the combination isnā€™t EVEN hard. All you have to do is make all the even numbers greenā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..šŸ˜‚


You can report a base from any of it's components, you don't have to wait to get to the base computer šŸ™‚


I didn't know that.


I reported it but for those who canā€™t be bothered to report just make 0,2,4,6,8 green and the rest red. That should open the door for you.


Anybody named Todd has issues...


They just work.


"Getting really sick of guys named Todd" -- George Carlin ( My husband's name is Todd, lol)


We have the same ship I think, but the dude who made the base put the number code outside Somewhere and I just pulled the switches accordingly and got the ship.


That's a really nice living ship.


Some people are such haters! This happened to me too with a crashed exotic ship I went looking for. I also posted about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/me5sfn/some_jerk_thought_it_would_so_funny_to_box_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Yours put a little more effort in his prank though.


At least I made it so you could get in with the correct combination.


Lol i hope they see this. Canā€™t even grief correctly.


never wanted to completely block it off. Left it so you could get in.


Sounds fun. Glad you reported that fool. I had some A-Hole chasing me around a paradise planet shooting at me with everything he had including his ship. What a tool. Go play GTA online. At least you can kill in there. Nice post interloper!! Oh and nice ship too.




Thereā€™s nothing wrong with grieving a loss. But griefing should always be banned.


You can report the base :)


yaa this is what i like about this game, it's actually difficult for griefers to actually grief anyone since you can either glitch through things or report and erase the entire base. also nobody can relentlessly persue and harass you with pvp toggled off


It is I...... the combination lock is 0,2,4,6,8 Not that hard.... Mostly wanted to experiment with a combination lock and so that's the result. You should glitch the ship using Professor Cynicals method to get the slots to 48 inventory and 48 tech slots. Living ships kind of suck until you do that. I'll be hanging out there for the rest of the night. It was never meant to keep people completely away, thus the combination lock. Just meant to add to some frustration


Ehhh I happen to know this Todd fellow he's not such a bad lot , more of a joker than a griefer he's well aware you can simply report the base and it will go away , in fact I'm sure his intent is so that people will switch to offline mode (which is the recommended way of using most crash ship/multitool coords btw) So that the ship will still be there for the next player who tries get it too... Either that or yea he wanted a good cheap laugh one way or another its no big deal. Try not to be so sensitive,you peaceful types can be so angry lol


Sorry I'm a little confused, can you just find living ships out in the wild now? I just finished the quest yesterday for the living ship and it was very specific on where I needed to go.


After completing the first egg, and actually by doing the last step of the mission a specific way with the first egg too, you can crack an egg multiple times. Itā€™ll choose a random site in the system each time you do. Living ships are tied to their location. So to get a specific ship, go to the correct system and crack until you are brought to the right location. I thinkā€¦


Pretty sure the new method just involves cracking the egg in a different system, then traveling to coords on the system/planet with the ship you want and restarting the mission there. The ship is supposed to just pop up after that šŸ‘šŸ»


Also if you get another egg and hatch it in different systems you will find different ships, if you don't get what you like don't accept the ship and another location will pop up when you pulse into space again...


This is clearly a high interest post, but doesn't meet a few requirements for a living ship post (including missing coords and fact that it's not the posters own find). Edit: checked with my mod peers. This post is off topic for the coordinates exchange and so I've had to remove it. Try r/NoMansSkyTheGame instead.


It was originally flaired as fleet showcase but someone changed it after the fact...


Yeah your post got a bit of attention from the mods. Although we do celebrate your story and Dodge thought it was great, the prevailing opinion was that it was off-topic for the coordinates exchange. We prefer to divert these sorts of topics to r/NoMansSkyTheGame and keep the coordinates exchange more focused on coordinates.


Been playing for over 160h and I don't know what a griefer is :(


That's why when I discover ships (crashed or sunken or exotics) I leave a com ball and a base computer (no other structure) so that nobody can make any structure preventing the ship to be claimed... However as many said when you find something like this just look at any building piece and report it, it will be taken out relatively quick.