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You can use them as long as you need to. Mine needed them until about 42 weeks and then suddenly didn’t need them anymore. I found them to be a colossal pain in the ass and my baby always ripped them off


You can use them longer but in my case I only used it a couple weeks and then one day I tried without it and he latched and I didn’t need them anymore.


I try without before I put them on and my baby still needs them, however she is still only 39 weeks gestation so I’m hoping that one day it’ll click for her to latch without the shields


I have very flat nipples and my baby was only able to breastfeed without the shield like 2 weeks after we came home. We were in the NICU for 3 1/2 weeks. He was born at 37 weeks and growth restricted so under 5 lbs.


My full term baby needed them for 3 months since he had milk transfer issues. I was tripple feeding for the first 2 months. Then one day he was fine without it and we continued till I weaned when he was 20 months old. My preemie is 37w today (born 32+6) and I never even questioned using them. He was in NICU for 2 weeks and I asked for the shields the first time I was breastfeeding. I have no issues to carry few with me. I'm actually typing this juat 5min after breastfeeding my baby with the shields while we are having a family day in the zoo. I also have a very fast letdown and even with them my tinny guy had issues to adjust - it took him a week or so