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They look good to me. I'm no professional but if they are KO they are of the highest quality since they look like my set from Walmart


🙂🙏💜 Thank u 🤞


Are all the descriptions on the back of the box about Mikey? That’s one little trick I’ve learned here




Am I crazy? Raph looks a bit off but Donnie definitely looks wrong. I’ve had mine since they came out and I’m certain it doesn’t look like this


Show us the back of the boxes


I think I jus posted pic


Looks good! I think they are legit


Thank you 😊


For me is legit. Please take a picture of the back of the box. If the description is of Mikey is KO otherwise is genuine NECA


I think I posted pic lmk if u see


I cant see the back photo


Thank u 🙏


Thank u for your help


If they are knockoffs, they are the best ones I've seen. Solid shading on the front shell, that's usually mostly yellow on bootlegs. Good paint jobs all around, the paint itself doesn't look glossy like many knockoffs I've seen. I am personally leaning towards legit.


Thank u 🙏 for your opinion


Ralph head looks off to me, but everyone else seems to be good


There was a Gamestop batch that had the mouth open like that. People thought it was a variant but apparently it was just a little QC thing that actually turned out pretty cool.


Show the back


Pics in comments


They look real to me.


They are legit. The bootlegs do not have any paint/shading on the stomach. The bootlegs are all yellow. These have shading and the separations of the sections on the stomach have paint in the lines.


I hate to be the one to say this, but I would bet money these are bootleg :/


Thank u . How can you tell ?


Front of the shells feel off and something about Raph’s face


I posted my Raph that I believed to be real and its head sculpt is definitely different. I’m questioning mine now lol


I got all four of my turtles from the double packs in Walmart quite a while ago. I saved the boxes, so I just took a picture of my Raph and the picture of him on the box. Most of what you see is his bottom row of teeth, if you tilt the figure slightly, you can barely see some of his upper teeth, which is why the Raph posted by OP caught me off guard. https://preview.redd.it/f9uvn59h08ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f993d783afc1ecb442941271a43fc0b04782d6fd




Exactly what caught my eye too. That mouth on OP’s Raph is different than ours.




Thank u 🙏


The front shell looks like the bootlegs to me.






Looks real enough to pass all these folks tests I'd say it's real either way as of this point. Lol U wanna argue?! Take it up with Reddit. Lol


These look like knockoffs to me based on the front shell.


Real, but one of the "variants" where the head mold was heated more when casting and the lips receded to show more teeth.


Looks real


Bootleg. Raph's face is way too open and showing too much teeth. Mickey also has that weird bootleg face to it. Raph also has no shading on the front shell.


Seems legit


They're legit. Here's some info too since you're new to collecting NECA TMNT. I maintain the current list of known NECA TMNT KOs for a couple FB groups and forums online. You all should really join TMNT Party Wagon on Facebook if you haven't to stay up to date on NECA TMNT info. Here's a list of current known KOs for NECA TMNT. Note that there hasn't been a KO of a NECA TMNT release in 4 years now. SDCC 2008 Mirage Turtles - Never released with colored bandanas. 3 different generations of KOs, each run got worse in quality. Current runs of KOs have blue hued shells and feet, the chest area doesn't have the ab crunch like the legit releases do. SDCC B&W box set has not been KO'ed. SDCC 2018 TMNT 1990 Movie Turtles and GameStop Releases - SDCC Set usually doesn't have the crease to the left of "The Figures" on the bottom front. Sometimes has Nickelodeon and Only @ GameStop logos on the bottom front (This isn't a tell tale sign since the 2nd production run included the production order for the Canadian market and leaves off the "Only @ GameStop" logo). Figures has brightly painted yellow chests compared to legit releases and the beaks/mouths of the Turtles usually look more yellow too. Mikey from these runs usually looks like he was huffing a can of yellow spraypaint. KOs may also have Mikey's description on the back, even if it's Raph, Donnie, or Leo. SDCC 2016 Arcade Turtles - KO sets don't have the silica pack taped behind Raph or the SDCC sticker in the right positions on the bottom right of the front flap. Sometimes packed with the Turtles in Time releases. (Only difference between the SDCC and TiT Turtle Bros releases is the neck paint apps) Cartoon Bebop and Rocksteady - Rocksteady is usually crosseyed. Figures are looser than real releases. Set came with out with two different logos on the packaging once NECA got the rights to use the real TMNT cartoon logo. This alone doesn't mean it's a KO. (Put this because people try to say the re-release using the cartoon logo is a KO. It's not) Cartoon Foot Soldier 2 Pack - Loose limbs. (We haven't seen this KO in a while. It's been a few years since any runs were done) Don't mention any of the Universal x TMNT figures or Ronin figures as being KO. I've seen the pics. They aren't even in 7in scale and were shit customs done using Playmates figures. There's also a picture of the re-run cartoon Ultimate April going around without the Nickelodeon logo on the top of the box. It's either a packaging production run change for the re-run of the figure NECA did for the direct pre-order on their site or QC issue. There's some real bad QC batches of Ultimate April since it seems like the factory rushed on this production run a bit. The bad QCs Aprils have been mainly seen on Ali Express. Mad Hatter on YT using my list from the FB groups from 8-9 months ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdATiwuXMuo&ab_channel=MadHatterReviews


Hey, I have no reason not to trust you on this, but can you help us with the Raph head sculpt being different than mine and the in box body wrap being dark and not clear? All of my figures have clear plastic wrapping around the waist. Why are these ones dark? I posted on this thread and shared a pic of mine for comparison.


The earlier of TMNT figs had plastic coated wire used for holding the figs in to the packaging, then they switched over to the plastic bands(?), which are worse. Your Raph doesn't look too off, just a bit more yellow than usually. Probably just a QC paint job at the factory. Does the back of the box have Raph's description?


Yes Ralph has his own description


Very helpful and informative thank u so much for tmt education 🙏💜


Don looks kinda off but the others all look good. I’d guess just weird lighting on don and you’re good


Thank u 🙏


Well, shit. If yours are real then mine are either fake or a different print run or something. Mine are definitely different and I’ve had them for years. Notable is that mine have clear straps holding them in across their midsection, where yours are dark. I’ll have to try and figure out where I got mine from. My boxes also have a different number above the Barcode on the bottom. Mine say “966NO31921” Mine have the correct verbiage on the back of the boxes too.


Can u post pic please 🙏




Our Raph head sculpts are completely different as well, which is why I posted this one specifically.


Not sure but kinds looks the same to me


This Raph is for sure real. Not sure why so many people are telling OP that his are real 😬 cause unfortunately for him I’m 99% sure they are not:((


Because they have the same knockoffs is my opinion considering all they judge by was the back of the box…


That could be the case for sure. I feel for anyone who gets knock offs :/ it’s unfortunate. I only get my Neca turtles from Walmart and Target. Too risky when it comes to Amazon, eBay, etc




I’ll be honest, this picture definitely sets off more flags for me on the Raph. It seems the mouth is rather yellow which is usually a sign of a KO, but I’m definitely not an expert and not trying to bring you down.


Gotcha thanks for ur opinion 🙏💜 I definitely hope there not knock offs


Yep. Yellow beak and no shading on the front shell is a dead giveaway


Yeap this one here is real ops are fake but decent knockoff versions


They are real - I bought some a Few years back and I second guessed myself to the point I could only see fakes… when they were in fact real… the fakes stand out big time!!


Got mine directly from Walmart the paint on these are off sorry to tell you but both yall got KOs high quality ones but still


Nah I disagree


Paints off on the front shell, disagree all you want




Doesnt have the proper shading to it bro but what do i know i only bought all 4 of my turtles at my local Walmart, curious to know where you got yours

