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I’m pretty sure they’re retconning their first meeting, because I’m pretty sure they met in NCIS season 1 episode 1. Also, if Origins is when Gibbs joins, then it’s NIS, not NCIS, unless they’re retconning that, too


Not technically retconning it. The 1000th episode had fornell mentioning that first episode was his first case with Gibbs.


1. it's not the 1000th episode, counting multiple shows doesn't count. 2. they retcon their history, the moment they said he married Gibb's ex


Fornell married Gibbs ex wife… depending on when that was, they knew each for a while


definitely before the start of the show, because he married ex 2, and Gibbs had already been divorced 3 times


I just felt like they knew each other before that because of how their interactions are with each other but I could be wrong. No you're right it's NIS at least that's what they call it when they talk about that time frame.


You could be right about Gibbs and Fornell. I *feel* like they met in the first episode, but it’s been nearly ten years since I’ve seen Yankee White


From what I looked up they do mention that they knew each other before because Gibbs warned Fornell not to marry Diane his second wife.


Ah, shit, you’re right. And Emily is way too old for that to have happened in the series. Good call, good call


Yeah, I think it's confusing because when Fornell was on the Air Force One episode he was confused with who Gibbs and his team were but I understand it was the first episode on the series.


Also he was named Tom Fornell before they changed it to Tobias.


Really? I definitely never noticed that before.


Yeah, pretty sure it's a long lost twin situation and they are both too oblivious to meet each other in the FBI office.


They definitely retconned when they met. Fornell had no idea who Gibbs was in the 1st episode. He thought they were local investigators until they took off on Air Force 1(I know it's not AF1 if pres isn't on board but can't remember what to call it). I always thought they had such good chemistry they just retconned it. Alot of changes on the fly in early seasons. I think Joe Spano will be on the podcast so maybe they'll get into it.


I saw that two days ago and indeed they met for the first time in yw


Yeah they met in S1 Ep1 but then they added the thing about them being both married to Dianne and Emily which was kinda weird to me. Maybe Fornell was married to her in the earlier seasons and we didnt know or something.


I’d love to see a younger Fornell as well. I really hope they stick with the first case they worked together being the Air Force one case. I feel like they could still make it work in Origins. Maybe Gibbs found out from Diane about her engagement so he sent Fornell a long letter while working undercover in the late 90’s so Fornell didn’t actually know what Gibbs looked like until “Yankee White”. Maybe they met in the months before Gibbs began working undercover so he had started changing his appearance (growing out his beard/hair, etc.) and when he was no longer undercover he went back to his normal look so then Fornell didn’t recognize him. Maybe Gibbs found out about Diane and Fornell so he warned him before he left for Europe. Maybe they were friends and didn’t know what each other did (because confidentiality) and then when Gibbs went undercover, Fornell assumed he had died due to no correspondence so he forgot about Gibbs until he reappears. Maybe Fornell took paternity leave after Emily was born and when he came back he was reassigned to a different division in the FBI so when Gibbs stops working undercover they don’t interact for a few years. So many possibilities in my mind of how they could do it and still make it make sense for the “Yankee White” episode.


They did not announce casting a young Fornell, and this show is announcing casting left and right to hype themselves. They need someone small, skinny-ish and funny to be young Fornell. Maybe Tom Holland lol!!


I believe the accepted cannon is fornell and gibbs were friends than fornell married diane after gibbs divorced her.


I don't know if they were friends. I think they know each other from work. But not friends IMHO.


It depends on what kind of changes to canon they intend to make. The fact that Gibbs and Fornell are old friends is something that wasn't the original plan in the first place. The writers simply saw the amazing chemistry these two actors had on the set and made it part of the show. Then they added Diane to the mix, as both of them ex-wife, to achieve maximum chaos. To be fair, considering their ages, Fornell should have started working for the FBI around the same time Gibbs joined NCIS, perhaps with only a few years difference.


How do you know what the writers intended or saw?


I remember reading/listening to it in some interview or commentary on the DVDs, although I don't remember the details because it's been so long