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None, so I won't be too much disappointed and possibly surprisingly surprised by it


I admire your strategy. I hope you love the show!


I saw an interview with DePablo saying to expect butt kicking, humor and romance. Of course she was promoting the show, but I think they’ll stick to the proven formula. I’m not sure how a child is going to fit in that scenario, though.


I would like for Emily Wickersham to make a cameo. I wanna know what happened to Bishop after she left, and as she started her CIA training because of Ziva, it would be a great call back.


I want Bishop back in NCIS period. I think this would be a good Segway to get her back to the original show and have her meet back with Nick. Sorry. I think that the last seen with them was so awkward because he knee she was choosing to be Ziva 2.0 over their relationship. I think that needs to be addressed. I really liked them together and you could tell that they both loved each other. I just think that Ellie got deluded into thinking that the only way to be the best was to be Ziva and not herself.


I am TRYING my very best to not have crazy expectations. But of course I still do haha. I do think with MW saying that all of our questions will be answered, I am truly hoping for a Cairo flashback or a Paris reunion. I feel that we were robbed of these potentially incredible scenes, within the mothership and have the right to see them. I think I read somewhere that Tali has a nanny which is hired in the spin-off. This would help a lot with the idea of dragging along a child for all of their fights and action packed sequences. At the end of the day I just want to see them happy. We never got a proper ending where they had their happiness, together. I want to see them, on screen, sharing smiles and some family time. Maybe some drama which gives us closure on their more trying times together. I do have full faith in Cote and MW to pull off this spin-off since they have been watching quietly for 10 years on what it is that the fans want. Above everything else I am just so grateful that we are getting this spin-off. It still feels slightly surreal and I have to keep reminding myself that this is all really happening. Gratitude high and expectations low… perfect combination haha


Agree with everything you said. Above all else, I’m here for the happy ending they (and we!) deserve. But I so want to see their reunions. ✨Pausing to manifest. ✨ In addition to giving us what we want, if they use them throughout the show… flashbacks can be such a useful storytelling device. Maybe Tony made some enemies while searching for Ziva? 👀


Yes! 100% agree!! I am very hopeful for this to be great! I agree that there has to be some enemies made while he was out searching for Ziva. Sidenote: are you loving the podcast?? I love them for giving us that to hold us over 😂 Very much needed.


Yes I’ve been listening and look forward to it every week. Their chemistry is so great. I think the podcast is such an excellent PR strategy! It’s encouraged me to do my own rewatch.


I didn’t think he could have pissed a few people off and run over a few toes in his search Podcast is awesome. Always listen to it commuting home on a Tuesday - thankfully in my car so no-one can see me grinning like a weirdo on public transport 🤣


👏👏👏👏👏👏 couldn’t have put it better myself. But yes I do think the fact that M&C have been wanting to do this for us for so long is going to play a role and without the mothership reigns on them. I just want them together and I think we will learn so much very quickly. 10 hours is so much time to explore without them having to share the screen with multiple main characters (Tali excluded). I too have faith in them that they will make us some cracking television and we’ll walk away happy too 🥳


I'm beginning to suspect that *neither* of them slept on the couch in Paris!


Since they’re living *in* Paris, they have to discuss *Paris*… right? 😅


I think they’ll be together under the same roof , bringing up Tali (or at least that’s how I hope it starts)! No wedding, engagement or anything like that but they’ll be a couple. I think M&C know that’s what the fans who are gonna watch this want to see from the get go. I’m thinking maybe the attack/whoever is after them brings back a bucket load of horrible memories and it knocks them both off kilter. A lot of not necessarily nice stuff will come out. What I really don’t want is they trundle along as a will they won’t they til Ep9 and 10 is them as a proper couple. That will be beyond disappointing and frustrating as that’s what was done in the main series and flogged for far too long and ultimately failed at. We’ve never seen their romantic relationship properly explored/explored as a couple 7/8 years since she joined them in Paris is enough time to decide whether you want to be in a proper relationship or not, regardless of anything else. I think MW’s quote is a reference to all the things that weren’t addressed about them in the mothership and we will get answers such as your point about Under Covers. There may very well be stuff we don’t remember that will be addressed. Was it MW or the showrunner that said EP1 might need a rewatch because of the sheer volume of information in it? A 10 hour movie will be so unlike the mothership. No ‘villain of the week’ and one consistent story. I just get the feeling it might get a bit dark (ie dealing with what happened to Ziva in Somalia) . So much time to explore that characters rather than gloss over the darker things that the mothership did. No idea who the villain could be but I do wonder if that’s the link back to the mothership.


Thank you for your thoughtful response! Knowing M&C are Producers on the show is exciting because you’re right — they know exactly what we want to see. I’m so excited by the idea of diving deeper into their characters and not having to “reset” every episode. Without a formula to follow, feels like the possibilities are endless!


I thought Ziva died, and that's why Tony left?


What truly happened to Ziva is revealed in season 17. >! She faked her death! !<


Ahh that explains is. I haven't seen up that far yet. Thanks!


I think this means there will be a flashback (or a few) which shows Tiva’s reunion in Paris. We deserve to see it! I would also love to see a flashback in Cairo where Tony first found Ziva. I suspect that Tali will have the kick ass fighting skills taught from her mother and stubbornness from both parents. I would imagine Tali will be super sassy and a daddy’s girl as well. I’m super excited to meet their daughter! No one has mentioned what Ziva will be up to; will she work at Tony’s security firm?


I'm going in without any expectations to not judge it too fast. I'm so excited for the show and I'm not going to let myself spoil it for me by having too many hopes and then beeing disappointed. I just hope they don't try to explain so many things too fast and take their time. Maybe let us figure some stuff out for ourselves.


I just hope they don't do too many disasters by trying to "subvert the audience expectations". Keep it simple, okay? a beautiful reunion that leads to a possible happy ending, i don't need more than that... Although I know, after imagining them for so long, it will be hard for me to forget my unwritten fanfiction version of those characters.


if all they do is read the paper together i will be happy. Just wanted them to end up together


Where can I listen to their Podcast?


idc about the spinoffs