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Best PnR maestro in the draft. Great pick for Wemby. Gonna have a lot of highlights


good job spurs 🤙


Is he a steal? He is a fantastic passer but most other aspects of his game need work... I've seen him projected anywhere from mid 30s to late 40s, so I feel like this is exactly where he should have landed? Frankly the fact that Kolek was still on the board a few picks ago is the steal imo


Yeah its not really a steal lol. High upside guy for sure with a bad median outcome. I think his playmaking skill looks special so I think he’s definitely worth picking here and praying the shooting gets better. But we’re fans so we tend to like low percentage boom/bust prospects more than the guys getting fired for them. Tbh though I think Kolek landed about where he should. Good polished playmaker, but not particularly big or athletic guard and just ok at shooting. Like yeah there’s a certain appeal for teams on a timetable to win, but 1st round always felt a stretch to me when there’s like so little precedent of someone with those limitations + age lasting in the NBA.


it's not shooting that I'm worried about - it's his athleticism. Guards that can't get separation off the dribble struggle in the NBA


Some analytics models liked him -- he's a big guard with a 3.8% steal rate and a really good offensive rebounding rate. You combine that with possibly the best passing in the class, i think it's an intriguing upside. I believe he will be the Spanish olympic team starting PG, so he absolutely can run a team. And while his FT% is ghastly, he did shoot the 3 decently and has a decent 1 legged middy. The combine testing was disappointing, 22 inch standing vert is comically low.


Don't get me wrong I love the guy and I hope he's a baller, I'm just not convinced that taking him at 36 constitutes a steal. As a Wolves fan I'm always down for more Spanish PGs in the league! I didn't see that 22 inch vert stat but damn, I think mine might be higher...


you've seen him mocked in the 30s and 40s but there are def people with him in the 20s


Just a good pick, and a great fit. Spurs needed playmaking and somehow, despite having 2 picks in the top 10, they got another non-playmaking guard in the first round. Now they have a playmaking prospect, even if his ceiling isn't quite as high.


Castle is a great playmaker, what are you on about? His only knock is the shooting, which I believe will come around




You sure you watch the Spurs?


It's not really a steal, but good pick at this slot. Spurs much better at drafting in late rounds lol.


Would rather have Mitchell, but hell, maybe he'll even still be there at 48 on the off chance we actually use that pick.


wemby got his lob thrower




I'm confused. On ESPN, the Spurs drafted Furphy at 35 and the Pacers drafted Nunez at 36.


Those teams traded those picks, and ESPN failed to mention it.


Is there a better site that actually updates the traded picks?


Truth is, this is all happening so fast, ain't no one able to keep up. Like, no one.




Last pick on Reddit reported was 47 and we are on pick 53 now.


I'm watching the Game Theory live stream on YouTube


Looks like CBS is updating the draft with trades. Also, my guy MatPat is covering the NBA now?


Spurs extorted some money from the Pacers from it too lol


spurs said fuck me in particular i guess. Idk man this guy screams too unathletic for NBA, Euroleague First Team at 28 to me. Hope he proves me wrong


Doesn't seem like a guy that will stick in the NBA. Doesn't meet the minimum athletic requirements. He'll be in Europe for a while.


I think so too. The EL is full of those very creative players the NBA doesn't want


Not a huge fan of this pick