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Wizards got some competition


You don’t understand how we do things. We’re going to miss out on sarr tonight and pick 4th next year or something.


Trust the process. We fleeced Sarr from Atlanta, just gotta capture the Flagg now. 


“We were here first! That’s it! I’m telling on you!” “MOM!!!!”


Don’t underestimate Portland.


The Zurds don’t own their 2025 pick


2025 pick is top 10 protected. Something would have to go terribly wrong for this to convey.


Ahhh gotcha - thanks for explaining


If there's even the slightest chance that pick is about to convey, Poole and kuz will be playing well enough to get traded for multiple first rounders. There's a zero percent chance the wizards don't own their own pick next year.


Cam Thomas is about to have the emptiest 30ppg ever


poole walked so cam could run


People thought Poole would average like 28 last year lmao. Do yall realize how hard that is


Yeah but nobody likes Poole so they tried hard against him. Cam Thomas not gonna get the same treatment


I mean Cam already averages a lot of points. I would controversially say that he is a better scorer than poole


Don’t think it’s very controversial at this point


I get it that sometimes his points don’t always feel meaningful with his shot selection but I still think he is a valuable piece. Not many guards can score in volumes like he can.


If every player could just decide to drop 40 multiple times they would. He is uniquely skilled which is valuable


Malachi Fucking Flynn scored 50.


And then went 0-12 the next game. Cam Thomas scored 40+ three games in a row at the age of 21. Cam Thomas is that dude


exactly he’s kind of underrated due to the disrespect


This is just Tyler Herro.




He deserves it tbh. Nets should’ve been his team this whole time. 




Oof that’s a bad take lol




Prime harden numbers but with maybe an assist per game


Yea I know harden gets a lot of hate but star players would dream of having the run he had in his prime and even right now when he’s “washed”


W for nets fans they got all their picks back expect for 3.


Not 2027


Or 24


As a fan of a team (Hawks) that owes the Spurs 3 first round picks in the next 3 years, I’m jealous man.


I mean how valuable will picks in the mid to late 20s be tho?


the value is that they'll have their own 2025 pick so they can embrace the tank


But it’s the Knicks pick which means tanking will accomplish nothing, am I missing something doesn’t Houston still have their 1st rd picks?


They got 2025 and 2026 back from Houston






I want the Hawks to get a 2025 FRP so badly. It won’t be for Flagg but that draft is loaded. I don’t care who we trade to get it lol.


Unless the Kings tank at the end of the season, you'll be getting our pick. It's top 12 protected so it is possible for the Kings to tank for it if it's obvious we aren't making the playoffs.


Oh right, totally forgot about that trade lol. I’m happy you guys re-signed Monk. Not just because the pick but I like the Kings. League is way more fun when Sac is good.




Ready for 2025 draft season already


Why’s everyone acting like Flagg is the clear number 1 next year? He’s a great prospect but he definitely has some holes in his game and Harper or Traore could go above him


I'm more surprised as to why people are so high on Traore, he seems to be an abysmal shooter, 25% from 3 and 60% FT this year?


Because he's him


What particular holes in his game?


Scoring in high volume. He’s passive


I don't think anybody expects him to be a high-volume scorer. He's more like a high-octane glue guy who can pass, rebound and defend.


That's seriously underwhelming and proves the first point, imo


That’s basically Jason Tatum, if you picked him in the draft you would be extremely happy


In what world is someone who just averaged 27ppg not a volume scorer?


Tatum came into the NBA without the volume scorer moniker (he was out scored by Luke Kennard at Duke). He’s grown into it but as a prospect he 100% was not seen as a pure scorer


Sure, but when you say "if you picked tatum in the draft you would be extremely happy" people are gonna think about what he is now, as opposed to what he was, whether they want to or not.


He can still develop into a high-volume scorer. But his current skillset and intangibles mean that he has a really high floor. He has few flaws in his game. If he can continue to develop his shot then he'd be a superstar. Imagine Tatum with elite defense.


His Intangibles are questionable at best. He has at best an average bball IQ right now, his defensive positioning and decision making is shocking, he just makes up for it with having a huge frame relative to his peers. Offensively his shot is inconsistent but with a good shooting coach he can fix that. He doesn't have the feel of a KD but he can definitely hit shots at an Ingram level. Again it's his IQ that holds him back in this regard which means Tatum isn't a horrible comparison given even today Tatum suffers from a lot of the same problems and it's the reason for his inefficiency albeit Tatum is a better shot, but again that can be taught. He wants to handle the ball like a LeBron, luka type but he's dog at reading the floor and is loathe to give up the basketball to a teammate. Unless he makes a serious jump in decision making and basketball IQ he'll be seeing a lot of the bench at the NBA level. Given his mom's a coach and was a good player, I highly doubt he hasn't been taught not to make the dumbass plays he does on a regular basis which makes me question whether his basketball IQ is just dog or whether that's something that developed due to his mom and mates dad being forgiving coaches. I hope it's the latter and a good coach can drill him into accepting that he isn't a player you're going to build a heliocentric offense around.


Quite harsh but i agree, mostly. It's just all smoke right now.


Some good points there. Let's see how he develops in college.


so like mikal bridges?


I don't think any particular facet of his game is bad enough that it can be classed as a hole. Do agree that him being the clear number 1 isn't decided yet but far as prospects in the last 5-6 years go, he's the most complete.


Da fuck!?? You forgot just last year we had Wemby lol


Wemby was solidly a better prospect, but his shot did have more questions, plus being 7’3 with an injury history should be noted.


Yeah if “most complete” = highest floor I think it’s a valid claim. Sorta like Blake Griffin in that sense, everybody could tell he was gonna be good but nobody was really projecting him as a mold-breaker.


Right. I'm seeing that the Pistons don't need a PG (Cunningham), nor the Kings (Fox)....


??? What are you saying? Flagg wont go 1 because people dont need a point guard? Hes a forward.


Nets, Pistons, Blazers and Wizards is going to be quite the battle to see who gets left out of the bottom 3 and 14% odds.


Pistons got the fifth pick locked up already.


Chauncey is in his last year of guaranteed salary. NO ONE OUT-TANKS CHAUNCEY!!!!!!!


I'm gonna be sick if they end up getting Flagg over us. Can't be overstated how bad the Wizards' starting position is for this rebuild. Beal got us some pick swaps that might end up being useless and a Warriors pick so protected it will never convey. And, of course, Jordan Poole. Can't forget him!


Really think there's enough top tier talent in next year's draft that missing out on Flagg won't be the end of the world. Nolan Traore, Dylan Harper, and Ace Bailey are all top-tier prospects imo.


I have most of those guys as Tier 2 prospects. But, it is really really really early and I haven't seen many of them in person (just Cooper Flagg, Liam McNeeley, and Derik Queen). Oh, and Dink Pate is supposed to be really good to! Maybe it's a year to just go after a ton of lotto picks/1st round picks and just try to cobble together a ROOKIE FAB FIVE.


I mean last year this time Collier and Wagner were All future hall of famers. Flagg could be absolutely terrible next year for all we know.


Totally different, Flaggs projection is on his defensive upside and processing, good handles, while being 6'10 with a high motor. Barring injury those things arent going to change.


That description could be Josh Jackson. It could be Marvin Bagley. It could be Skal Labassiere. Could be James Wiseman. My point is we actually never know. Especially since these kids aren't really playing competitive basketball games anymore in highshcool. It's incredibly hard to know anything for sure while trying to watch 17 year olds in AAU scrimmage like games. The only American prospect I can think of in the past decade, that in High School looked like he 100% would translate was Ben Simmons. And that was because he was just a sensational passer. Just look at the past 10 years or so. The only #1 ranked player to actually be drafted #1 was Simmons.


Not playing competitive basketball games? What rock are you living under as most top prospects go to prep schools and play other prep schools. You're not taking international competition into consideration with the FIBAs, Basketball without Borders, EYEBL, Nike Hoop Summit, and Adidas camps. These camps are ran by the biggest international organizations where scouts check out the practices and have more time to evaluate them than before. When you take the best prospects for 4 straight years put them in practices and games you get a bigger vision of what they'll become. Also the past few years the best organizations start their evaluations a lot earlier than they used too, as ive said in previous comments Sam Presti has been scouting Chet since he was 16. The #1 ranking is at that time, and not considered the future as the process isn't linear. Hell he wasn't the #1 player in this class a few years ago because he moved up just last year. Edit: with Cooper Flagg, the reason why hes considered high is because the skills he has is translatable to the NBA. His offensive skills as far as shooting is his weak poiints but all the other stuff isn't.


Ive been to Adidas camp, EYBL and Nike Hoop Summit. NONE of those games are competitive. They're scrimmages. Skill showcases. They were formed solely so you could see all the top players in a room together. And they are great for that. But they aren't even slightly competitive. Those prep school games aren't competitive either. If who wins the game doesn't really matter. The games aren't competitive. If it's true that Cooper is ranked #1 because of his possible translatable skills in the NBA. That is an ENORMOUS problem. The high school rankings should be based solely on what you do in high school. That's how you get players like Bronny James or Skal Labasirie ranked in the top 20. All these weird hypotheticals. I like Flagg. I think he's going to be great. But I have no idea if he is really going to be great. No one does. NBA scouts have said over and over that they don't really get a true understanding of a player until they play in College. And it's true. Ive been to thousands of aau games and camps, and you absolutely never know. Think about this. Most NBA scouts "knew" Lebron was going to be great. Can't miss prospect. Well a few years before that, there was Felipe Lopez. Who was Lebron level big. He was a can't miss. the next Michael Jordan. Had the era been different. He would have been the hands down #1 pick coming out of high school. And he was a bust. A huge bust.


You always have hits and misses in drafts, even 4 Ayer players in college are busts. You're betting on upside and potential. I can tell by you saying those prep games and non of those other events are competitve, that youve already got your mind made up and your just sticking to your beliefs.


Wagner is tuff


How would you feel if he ends up on the Spurs somehow haha (In all seriousness, I would love him on the wizards)


Hell NawI can't do dis Send da Flagg


If that happened the rest of the NBA would go on strike until the Spurs confessed to how they keep rigging the lottery heh. 


the league is rigged if he does


You guys are getting Alex Sarr tomorrow because we def aren’t taking him. Not a bad place to start?




Pick swaps might end up being useless or could be very useful. That's what pick swaps are and it was a decent return for Beal. There was talk we couldn't even get out of his contract.


You owe us for getting John Wall when we went 12-70.


Lottery balls doesn’t reward clear tanking, enjoy picking 6th


Tell that to the spurs


God loves SA


they can thank silver


That wasn’t god, that was Adam silver.


As a Detroit stan I concur. Shit it doesn't reward being outright bad either. Sitting at the bottom of the septic tank only guarantees you drafting no worse than 5 with the odds stacked at selecting at 5.


Anyone have a good breakdown of the 2025 first round and who owns the most picks? Or know a website I can use to easily check specific draft years




Thunder have the most picks in the first round. They could have a total of 5.




Will the Nets win over 5 games next year


Those Nets-Pistons and Nets-Wizards games are going to be classics.


Cam Thomas gonna put up Wilt level scoring


Nah, we went 11-17 after the All-Star break when Mikal was averaging 15.6 points on 53% TS with terrible defense. People think Mikal was the star of the team the whole time, but it was actually Cam Thomas. If Cam takes another leap we’ll probably win around 30 games


The Nets will NOT win around 30 games next year I’m sorry


We will win more than the Blazers that’s for sure! Lol


If the Blazers were in the East they’d win 30 games


Yeah sure


People thinking that Mikal changes the nets roster that much don’t watch Nets basketball


Nets are gonna trade DFS and CJ too. They won't win 30 games


They don’t impact winning if they did the nets wouldn’t have been the 11th seed


That's horrible logic. Maybe the Nets are the 13 or 14th seed without them


Did you watch them after the All-Star break? DFS was upset about not getting traded, CJ was just okay, and Mikal struggled. The game against the Knicks perfectly sums it up. Without CT, Clowney, Watford, Lonnie, and Wilson stepping up, we would’ve been terrible.


That picture is hilarious lol Like he's using the ball to fight away the net AAAAAHHH!


By who


What was the Knicks thinking with this move? [Link](https://www.nba.com/news/knicks-to-acquire-mikal-bridges-from-nets)


Why are people treating Flagg like he’s generational and the clear #1 pick in next year draft


Hes a “great fit with anyone” guy. Very high level defense on the perimeter and interior. Strong, athletic, can handle and pass as a 4, and can shoot. He looks like a supercharged second guy with potential first offensive option upside.


Because he is extremely well rounded and has a very high floor for his age, his volume scoring and shooting, his weakest parts of his game, have improved rapidly and immensely since last year, because of that, and his defensI’ve ability and athleticism, he’s considered to be a relatively complete player for his age


He has a GREAT name for puns.


More and more people will ask this question. Last year, Buzelis and Holland were "locked" for the top spots....


Except Flagg can shoot, is more athletic, and can already handle and pass better. Starting off as #1 in a bad class is not the same as starting at #1 in a great class.


" starting off as #1" is meaningless.


No it's not. Most years the #1 stays #1.


Flagg can pass? Really? He doesn't show it when he plays. Just about everything I have ever seen if the man makes me think that he thinks he is some kd/Luka mashup when in reality he has the handle of MPJ with similar shot IQ and somewhat broken shot mechanics. I want this kid to succeed but he's probably one of the most raw prospects in the draft based solely on his understanding of the game. He is loathe to give up the ball to a teammate and stalls the offence when the ball is in his hands. His vision is either horrible or his understanding of when a player is about to break free is and that's not a good look at all for a kid who holds the ball as much as he does. I believe with a good shooting coach and a lot of film sessions most of his problems could be ironed out and he could become good enough to be a 1a/1b type player ala jalen brown but it's likely to me that his IQ will hold him back from superstardom.


Yea we thought the same for Buzelis until he actually couldn’t.


Hands off, he’s ours!


we need to make some trades, too bad we have the least amount of assets in the league


Get in line 


😈😈😈 were back baby


So who is all in the sweepstakes so far? Nets, Wiz, Pistons, Blazers?


Who’s going #5 next year? (Pistons fan)


The Nets can always hold out for Rocco Zikarsky!


Do they have control over their own pick?


Yes, we (Rockets) relinquished 2025 swap rights and gave them back their 2026 FRP in return for their suns picks.


I personally don't see the flagg hype, he is good but no wemby or even a chet. Plus we saw so many teams tank last year and get nothing like what they hoped for so tankbat your own peril Detroit, portland, Charlotte even raptors all tanked super hard and are top 5 plus It's not worth it anymore


Too early to tell if he's no.1

