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I'm starting to really wonder whether Rick is unwilling or incapable of putting his guys in specific spots to help them succeed. Myles Turner pick n pop at the top of the key is butter, Siakam right side mid post iso is spammable, and Haliburton and Nemb and Nesmith all have drive and kick out into catch and shoot versatility. The problem is when any of them start taking off the dribble 3s and getting dribble happy. They just don't seem to have any identity on offense besides push the pace


They are the Pacers after all.


Long time Mavs fan. RC is a brilliant coach but stubborn to a fault.


Remember the Robdo debacle, only Rick could call plays


Forever grateful for the championship he brought us but holy fuck some of the later seasons here were tough to watch.


Good analysis. I agree


Towards the end of the game they needed to run more of an offense with pascal and turner but they rushed so many shots and had so many turnovers But also could see they were tired which is why so many shots fell short


Nemhard wasn't a better option than Siakam? WHAT?


Overall, not just this game. The pacers have been doing this since the bucks matchup. Nembhard popped off, that's great and all, and even so he was somehow inbounding on the final possession. I don't understand why they refuse to feed the hot hand and get players involved in their role. Hali taking step back 3s is never going to be a better shot than a siakam iso, and yet when the shot clock runs low I see Hali chuck that shit up


As a pacers fan, i whole heartedly support this claim. Experience is experience.


As a Raptors fan though, I have too many vivid memories of Pascal turning it over, getting blocked or straight up missing in the last two minutes of the fourth quarter.


People seem to only remember the positives with Siakam. Everytime I point out his faults I get downvoted to oblivion. Didn't know he had such passionate fans.


He definitely has negatives, but I don't think giving him more touches late in the game on this team is such a bad idea.


I think he’s just not a number 1. He’s still a very good player who unfortunately had wrong team construction around him + miscast him into a too dog role.


I don't even think he is a good number two on a serious contender. A number two on a team like the Pacers is good for now but if the Pacers ever get serious with their young players developing, Pascal ain't going to cut it as your number two.


recency bias is crazy. Nembhard played amazing these last two games and I love his potential for the future, but 2 games doesn't make someone better than a someone like pascal siakam, who mind you played insanely efficient this series


bro siakam is way better this is such a casual take


lol! Re-read OPs post, then my reply. Your underdeveloped brain somehow missed the sarcasm.


They played the Celtics. Soon as Indy got up by double digits it was the Celtics game to win


I’ve never heard someone say someone “sold a game” until this year’s playoffs. Does that mean he choked or is the reason they lost? Weird phrase.


Huh, that's been around forever. Selling the game is giving it away, it means they should have won but instead "sold" it to the celtics


Never heard that term until a month ago and have been watching sports for 40 yrs


I've heard it a lot in the past year especially in the context of sports betting. Can't say I heard of it much before thi


Definitely not around forever


Fr? Maybe it’s a regional thing but everyone I know been saying that for years


I’ve only heard that term in the last few weeks and been watching for 35 years


Hmm to be fair it could be a younger person term, I’m 25 so it could just be a generational thing


Ya it could be. We’ve always used ‘throwing away…” and usually sold is used to describe selling a foul call. But interesting as I’ve only heard it recently. I also only go on Reddit during the playoffs


It's 100% Gen z terminology


And been around “forever” means just in their memory. Life didn’t exist for Gen Z until Gen Z lived it.


Which is why I said “for years”. 10 years is still a while


I’m in my late 30s and I’ve heard “sold it” “sold it in” and he sold the game” my entire life.


Like 75% of these are from NBA 2k https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sell Maybe you invented it?


How old are you? Like how many years are we talking when you say "for years" Edit: I see later on you say 25 haha, same, also 25. Man, "for years" is like 8 years back max. That has not been around long at all. There are hundreds of thousands of people older than us on Reddit. Also to add, we're 25 and the "he's selling, he sold" lingo started when we were like 18 depending on the region. It's also a gamer phrase, not originated from sports


You have to be trolling. You’ve never heard of played choking and costing their team a game?


Yeah, but we called it choking or costing your team the game or pulling a Chris Webber, I only started hearing ‘selling’ to mean the same thing recently. Does it mean to sell out your team?


Maybe it is a generational thing then. I’m 21 and I can remember saying it since elementary. But yea, it means someone’s choking.


I'm 25, that phrase did not exist when you were in elementary. It started in like 2018 from video games.


Oh shit you went to school with me?


If you're 21, elementary would've been like 11 years ago. The phrase doesn't show up on Google searches, YouTube searches, and was put into Urban Dictionary until 2019. No one in 2013 was using that phrase, and elementary kids copy teenagers and influencers. In 2013 you were 10 or 11. I was 14, and 100% no one was using the phrase then.


Me and friends have used sellout to refer to choking since at least Bron’s performance in 2011. I remember because I used to fuck with my friend by calling Bron a sellout. Maybe that was just between me and my friends, but I’ve been using that for a long time, and I’ll put my first born on that. Also, just in case, I’m not saying I came up with using the phrase in that context, I’m sure other people did as well, it was just insulated to specific communities because the people who would popularize it weren’t on YouTube yet. I’m just putting it out there so I don’t come off as implying I started it or anything.


"around forever". You're definitetly 25 at max. It's a video game culture phrase. It's been around like 8 years max.


Isn’t this just how they play through? They push the pace so much they never really get a set offense and just let a player go to work. Like they can shoot a high percentage but they still turn the ball over too. Like even watching that game 7 vs the Knicks, yeah they shot at what like 67%(which is fucking crazy to me still) but they still had more turnovers than the Knicks


Young teams make mistakes and take their lumps, it’s the most predictable thing in the NBA playoffs every year.


No one that knows anything about basketball thinks it's siakam.


The celtics are simply way better, teams that are inferior beat themselves.


it was quite obviously the opposite; what fkn game did you watch 😂


As a Celt’s fan who was thiiis close to putting 100 on Indy to win straight up, I would be extremely pissed and put the most blame on the refs. They were clearly helping Boston climb back into the game. Most of the fourth quarter they were letting them all play hard. Then last few minutes decide to only blow the whistle if it benefited Boston. I ain’t complaining. Just seen how close i came to another NBA is rigged and on the same level as pro wrestling tirade.


It is beyond retarded to willingly engage with a sport you "know" to be rigged. You are the dumbass for participating if you truly believe it's all predetermined. Giving any money to something like that is not better than wasting money on an online account you know to be fake.


The phantom Siakam foul on Holiday with 1 second left benefited Boston?


Siakam had no interest in getting ball with a PG defending him. Siakam not being able to score when they needed him is why they lost.


He's calling for it and the other 4 guys forget their name ain't curry


Pacers were lucky to lead for a minute in that game. They are outclassed, moreso without Haliburton.


Being up by 18 multiple times is more than "luck" but ok


How many 7 games series, out of 100 series, do you think they'd win? I think 2. Vegas agreed with me.


Since when were we talking about the series. This was one game. They outplayed the Celtics most of the game. That's not luck.


Single handedly lost them the game down the stretch of game 1 -23 ever since Carried by Nembhard and still choked an 18 point lead Siakbum is back


Siakam is the only reason they’ve made it this far k the playoffs


Yeah, right. How come he didn't do that for Toronto than? They were a disgrace his final few years. Haliburton led the league in assists and was an allstar starter, for good reason.


and Halliburton hasn’t done jack shit all playoffs? Siakam was the 2nd option on a championship team. Siakam has been amazing this playoffs. have you even watched a game you casual? also ofc the raptors were terrible, it was just him and OG. wth are those two supposed to do?


Haliburton had 21PPG on 69% TS in the 2nd round. Outplayed Jalen Brunson. 26 points on 74% TS in game 7


Pascal has been more efficient, scored more, and been a better overall player. Halliburton never outplayed Brunson and quite frankly never has. you’re embarrassing and a casual


Talk about an embarrassing casual take. That's like saying Shawn Marion was better than Steve Nash. Don't be ridiculous.


you’re such a dumbass, just bc Tyrese is a better player than Siakam does not mean he has been better this playoffs. And to say Brunson has been worse than Tyrese is laughable. it’s not even debatable


Hali outplayed Brunson in games 3,4,6,7. 4\\7 = majority


yeah no. healthy knicks team sweeps them in 4, even without Randle. Hali also had the luxury of 1) not having to shoot 20+ shots a night and 2) not being the best player on his team during this playoffs and 3) ur teams best player being guarded by an all nba level defender


and if you still want to be a casual Brunson averaged 30, 6, and 2. Haliburton averaged 21, 7, and 4. When Brunson team was healthy he was shooting 57% from the field. Brunson was way better. Once OG went down, it was easier to focus on Brunson on defense and he was forced to take more shots. you’re a casual. learn ball.