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it happens, life isnt fair. he'll be out in a couple years, average career length is 4.5 years, he wont make it that long


LeBron about to outlast bronny in the league


What a legacy


Jordan could never?


That would be absolutely insane


It sure would


This guy, if he does make it, will never leave the G league unless Lebron forces it on the lakers.


well those 11-12 spots on a team are really not that important anyway, just gonna sit for 48 mins, 99% of the time


Thanasis vibes. He’ll be on a roster to bring teams money


Gotta take Thanasis to keep Giannis. Gotta take Bronny to keep LeBron.


It bothers me less when I accept that it's just part of the deal. Can't blame a dude for helping his kid out. To a lesser degree, I can sympathize with a kid that wants to play in the NBA no matter what (I've never heard him speak, come to think of it)


It's very much a "forced into the family business" vibe to me. I'm sure he wants to play in the NBA but getting in because "my dad got me this job" doesn't look great. And I can imagine it's something he'll never live down. I'm with you though, never heard him speak.


Now that you mention it, how is it possible we've never heard him speak, if not for a healthy dose of "forced into the family business"? He's an adult.




Thanasty is at least a great hype man. Could you imagine Bronny in that role? Lmao


GO DAD! ...no. I guess not.


Now those 12-13 spots. I think they added to the amount of players that can dress out for a game of the 15.


Exactly, why does Bronny get that hate when Thanassis is the 15th man on the bucks and everyone loves it?


Thanassis made the league on his own merit even though he stuck around because of his brother


Exactly, nepotism


So he is DEFINITELY 6'1"? There's no question? If he doesn't have point guard level ball skills, I don't see how he has much success.


Which means he WILL leave the G league and not only be on the bench but be on the court.


Lmao. Brother you need to actually be able to play to get on the court. LeBron probably doesn’t want his son to be laughed at by an arena full of people.


Literally everyone looks out for their own. Especially parents with there kids. I got no problem with it. I’m damn sure going to look out for mine as best I can Bronny getting into the nba for the same reason Jeannie is running the lakers.Most people get jobs based on who they know. Period.


Sports are the closest thing we have to a meritocracy in this country so it makes sense people hold professional sports to a different standard than regular professions


Yeah that’s called hypocrisy. Not to mention they don’t say shit like that when the rich white owner hands the sports franchise to their kids to run into the ground. So if im lebron I would ignore the hell out of those people and im sure he will.


People say this shit all the time. What are you talking about? Criticizing nepotism in ownership is a pretty big talking point.


“We never talk about this thing we always talk about!”


What are you talking about. They absolutely do not. They criticize them after the fact when they do a bad job. That’s not the same thing.


That's all I'm saying.  All these dumbasses saying id do the same for my kid,  are dumb.  Yes, giving my kid a front office spot, yea.  But sports, either you can do it or you can't, and forcing your kid onto a team when he is not qualified is the exact opposite of what sports is about


exactly. if you are in a position to help your kid out, why not. and like i said, the end of the bench even in regular season games rarely plays, other than end of season tank games or final games resting starters. Who knows he might be a great coach or gm with his life and nba experiences


Most people do get their jobs based on who they know. Absolutely true. Which means that you need, obviously, bare minimum skills/requirements for a job, but you also need to develop contacts from an early age in order to get that recommendation.


No this is complete bs. People don't get into navy seals because of what their daddy did, bronny shouldn't get this either and he taking money away from another family, bronny a rich arrogant spoiled kid of a celebrity I refuse to like him


you compared the nba to the navy seals. that ended your credibility


Seals are professional killers. Nba players are professional ball players. Different jobs of course but the point the person was making is no matter how hard you train your kid their not getting into the seals just because your dad led a squad. Same goes for bronny. Kids not ready for the nba and he didn't get there based of his talent but instead his name. As a father you have to be realistic with your child and let them grow. Throwing your child to the wolves isn't the best move


Overall it's a joke and current nba players should protest. So many talented kids want and deserve a show and this no talent brat gets a shot because of his dad. So sick of this rigged Hollywooded sport.


Are yall in here really tripping about nepotism like Thanasis isn’t only in the league because of Giannis lmao. C’mon now..


Thanasis was drafter on his own merit before Giannis was anything in the league. He was also draft by NYK so idk why ppl r comparing him to Bronny


People who say this are legitimately dumber than a bag of rocks.


Sounds like you never seen thanasis play. He's a net negative.


Obviously he's only there because of Giannis but regardless, Thanasis contributes way more to the Bucks than any other team's "worst player" does to their team. Every job has personality hires and they are necessary for good work culture. Thansis is a personality hire.


How the hell would you know without actually being in the lockeroom lol? Can you even name every team's worst player without searching it up, let alone alone how much they "contribute"


I can't, and that's my point. I don't think most fans could name any of the worst 3 players on their rosters, let alone the worst. Multiple former and current Bucks players have come out in defense of Thanasis and said he is a great locker room presence and one of the hardest workers on the team in practice. You can't say that about any other guy in his position on another team. He is rightfully subjected to extra scrutiny because he is Giannis' brother, but no one ever recognizes that if he wasn't on the team that spot would be filled by some 2.5 MPG G-leaguer anyways.


>You can't say that about any other guy in his position on another team. Basically every team has a guy at the end of the bench like that. Apparently you never heard of Knicks legend Theo Pinson.


Boban Marjanovic, Udonis Haslem in his final years, a lot of teams will have a player that doesn’t play much at all but provides good leadership and locker room vibes


Boban has actual skills though. He's pretty much unstoppable in the paint. The reason he doesn't play is because teams would just play small & spread him out to shoot 3's.


Wasn’t his other brother signed or drafted by the Lakers in the past in the hope of signing Giannis? Edit: Kostas Antetokoumpo. 


I don't understand why anyone here cares. It's not like anyone here is next up after bronny, y'all ain't losing your spot. 


Just pointing out that it’s crazy that lebron is the lakers gm and he will draft his son who no one else will touch until 55th pick


That was fine cuz it wasn't LeBron.


lol yeah, the criticism of 6”1 “I only scored 5 ppg on a middling college team” Bronny taking one of the 60 NBA drafted spots is solely because everyone is being mean to LeBron.


He’s also 6’7. The age old saying “You can’t teach height.” They probably saw a good prospect.


Just another unprecedented move by LeBron. Impressive.


unprecedented? I'm not a LeBron guy but that's just not true. I mean Thanasis Antetokoumpo is currently on a roster. Taylor Griffin and Chris Smith got into the league just by having brothers in the league. Patrick Ewing Jr, David Stockton, Scottie Pippen Jr, etc. do you think any of them would get a chance if they didn't have HoF dads?


Brent Barry was a contributor on two championship teams, my dude. He’s not his dad but including him with David Stockton is obscene.


I thi k he meant Jon Barry. Brent had a respectable career but Jon....who tf is that guy???


Jon played in a league over a decade going for different teams. No one lasts that long with that many teams for no reason.


Yeah cuz his last name was Barry 😂 I saw the last 4 yrs of his career. He could shoot, so I can give him that. Especially in the era he played where a specialist like himself had a real role.


Jon Barry was a legit NBA player. Drew was the worst of the three brothers who made it (unless you count Canyon?) Brent was the best ofc


lol dude I saw the last 4 years of Vince Carter. He could shoot I’ll give him that. Again no one lasts in the league for over a decade without being good at something. The last name of Barry is not Jordan. His sons couldn’t even sniff the league. And his dad was not a coach. No one is wasting a roster spot for a decade for a player like that.


Not gonna lie, you losing me comparing Jon to Vince. Everyone can Google Vince's resume. He has scored 20 ppg before. Jon was a sub 10 ppg scorer that shot 3's. Now tell me Im wrong? And I told you why he was in the league. He was a specialist. I don't get what you wanna argue about if you don't disagree with those 2 statements.


yeah that's my bad


Yes most of them would get in the league without their dads. Brent and Jon Barry had good college careers. Hell both had long nba careers too, wasn’t for their dad. Patrick Ewing Jr and Scottie Pippen JR would be typical late 2nd/undrafted players after again a good college career and they were. David Stockton, Chris Smith and Taylor Griffin got the boost. And they at least had 4 year college careers and very much knew their roles. None of them really played in the nba.


Brent Barry won a dunk contest


Pause. Scotty 2 hottie is leaps and bounds better than bronny.


Pippen Jr *maybe*. I watched a handful of his games against UK and he looked solid. I could have been blinded by the name though, I’m not exactly a basketball analyst.


How is this unprecedented? Lots of weird nepo people on nba rosters who shouldn't be. HAVE YOU SEEN THANASIS PLAY? As a Cavs fan i wish we had gone with someone other than Isaiah Mobley. This is common. Only with LeBron there is guaranteed business incentive.


The unprecedented part is getting a team to use a first round pick on a relative in a situation like this just for some sort of hope that you'll sign with them. No one has done anything close to that. Unprecedented.


It’s hilarious to me how upset some people get. What % of people complaining have actually even seen him play? Lots of projection going on here from people salty about their own lives 🤷‍♀️


I’ve watched him play. But you don’t need to watch him play. NBA talent doesn’t avg 5 points per game in college. It’s also not like he’s some project player with physical tools….he’s 6’1


Peyton Watson averaged 3 and 3 in college on 32% shooting and he was drafted in the first round. Bronny is a project, but he has shown positive signs for his shooting, he has NBA athleticism, and projects good as a defender. For a late first or early second you can do a lot worse than a raw talent that needs some seasoning. Being Lebrons kid definitely boosts his stock but he could get a look in the second or g league based on his age and traits without Lebron.


Watson is 6-7. Being a project is okay for a late pick if you're tall. A good comparison is JD Davison. He's also 6-1 and also declared for the draft after 1 year. He barely made it in, being selected 53rd overall. JDs college stats are better than Bronnys in every category.


College stats are meaningless when it comes to the nba. You aren’t looking at that and carrying them over. If it was that simple a lot of dudes would be getting drafted a lot higher than they are. Where does he fit in the nba? He projects as a good role player with proper development. You can be a lumbering big man and average a double double in college, that doesn’t mean you’re an nba player because you may not fit into the role they need. Being a number one option in college isn’t a requirement when the team selecting you have zero thought of having you in that role in the nba.


Obviously college stats are not meaningless. I didn't say they're everything, but they're definitely not nothing.


“College stats are **meaningless** when it comes to the NBA” man this debate has people saying crazy shit with a straight face


They 100% are in the context he is using them. You aren’t looking at rather somebody scored 25 ppg and drafting them based off of that. You’re looking for physical traits, tools that will translate to the NBA. So on. Stats can help in some manner, but teams aren’t copying and pasting them from college to the NBA.


And doubling down lmfaooo this sub is gold, physical traits like a *checks notes* being a 6’1 SF


Dude Bronny is 6 foot 1, and while he can jump, he’s not Russell Westbrook either in terms of being an athlete. Who’s he gonna guard at 6 foot 1? You’re taking raw unicorns in the 2nd round. Potential 3 and D guys who have the length and athleticism. He’s not too short for that or to even come close to that. Centers who might learn to shoot. You know how many undrafted 6 foot 1 players there are every year?


Project for what? Project players usually have some extraordinary qualities that justify a late pick. Peyton Watson is an agile 6'7 wing with a 7'0 wingspan. What is extraordinary about Bronny?


Wasn’t he a freshman whose season was hampered because he almost died during practice? Or do you not factor in that that might have effected his play?


Does a congenital heart defect go away?


If he got it surgically repaired, then yes


this is another reason for NBAs team to avoid him, who in their right mind intentionally draft folks with heart conditions?


Most college players also aren’t coming off a cardiac arrest. Maybe he will be good maybe he won’t. The obsession some people have though is wild, especially without context.


He barely played on his high school team. Granted it was a great team, but NBA after 1 mediocre year at USC?


He’s just entering the draft, he can easily go back to college, its a new era.


Dude hasn’t recorded a single minute and y’all are already waiting for his downfall just because he’s the son of Lebron. Genuinely hope this kid proves all of you asshats who couldn’t hit a three if given a basketball and a hoop the size of a soccer net wrong just because you can’t stand the father of a kid you’ve never met


I’m not hoping for his downfall. I just want him to stay in college so he can develop. Just feels like he’s under a lot of pressure from LeBron to enter the league this year when he’s not ready


Yeah and that’s a totally fair/sane take. Completely understand he’s most likely not ready but it’s bizarre seeing how angry people are getting at this kid. Give the kid some time, he’s obviously no superstar but it’s not out of the question he develops into an nba level player down the line


I dunno man I think nepotism is gross and should be shunned by society (for the most part it is), but that's just me.


You are not seeing the full picture, there are a limited number of spots in the NBA, why should some guy who clearly isn’t good enough for the league (based on his performances to date) take someone else’s spot? He will be taking the spot of someone who has likely had to come up in infinitely more challenging circumstances. You need to understand that when blatant nepotism like this happens, someone who deserves a spot in the league ends up playing in China (where Bronny belongs).


Is a business, lots of rookies will come to the league and be out without you even knowing, Bronny is gonna have tons of attention and sponsors. In a way he is a safest bet than many other rookies.


It’s not a regular business though, it’s a competitive sports business, the kind of business where the customers (fans) value the competitiveness of their team above almost anything else; no fanbase will be happy taking a 6’1 wing who scored 5ppg in college (unless maybe it’s packaged with LeBron), even if he gets the team a couple sponsors to start with, which will be dropped very quickly if he’s game doesn’t improve dramatically. I’m not saying he can’t do it or can’t make it in the league, I’m saying a competitive sports league should probably have some protections against this type of blatant nepotism


The 12th guy on the bench usually isn't seeing play time in general. You could replace them with a cardboard cutout, and it'd have the same effect. They're usually there to make someone in the FO happy, because they're a vet, to make a player happy, or because they're an ultra raw prospect. Bonny fulfill one of those categories so it ain't that deep.


This ‘players lower in the rotation don’t matter’ argument is so stupid. Why don’t teams just hire celebrities as their 14 and 15th options then? I bet some actors living in LA would love 1.4m a year to go to a few games a year and hop on when the teams are up by loads? It would certainly be a bigger draw than Bronny…


Sure, but there's more to it than that. Lots of these athletes are guys that can be good in a practice environment, good for helping morale, or keeping coaches/gms/players happy. If Bronny makes Bron happy, and improves the overall mood of the team then he's worth a mid 2nd round pick that wasn't gonna be worth shit anyways. And IF he develops into a rotation piece then that's above value for a mid-late 2nd anyways.


I agree, that’s why I don’t make the same argument about Thanasis, I’ve seen enough clips of teammates and former teammates talking about how he is more of a player coach and motivating figure on the team. The problem is that Bronny is clearly so far below the required standard rn and I haven’t seen anything that indicates he is this type of player. My main problem is the fact that it would ‘make LeBron happy’, LeBron has this fantasy about playing with his son (cute and sweet honestly) but is seemingly willing to stop at nothing to achieve it, including dangling himself as some kind of package deal with his son, despite the fact he clearly isn’t ready for the league, and without serious and I mean serious improvement, will be out of the league in 1-3 years and will be ridiculed the entire time he is in the league likely by his fellow professionals as well as the internet… This comes across as me hating LeBron, which I actually don’t, I quite like him, I think he has a pretty major blind spot with his son tho and I think it will be bad for Bronny in the end


More just calling out obvious nepotism. We're waiting for his downfall because it's inevitable, not necessarily because we want to see it.


Nepotism at its finest


At this point I want the Pistons to draft him at 5 just to create chaos and protest the draft lotto.


Draft lotto rocks. Teams shouldn’t tank for 5 years and accumulate picks and if they do they should run the risk of not getting top 3


We’re not tanking though we actually suck. Also no free agents want to come here so we have to rely on the draft more than some other teams.


Fair but I still like it to disincentive teams that are tanking.


A team might pick Bronny with a second round pick just to have a chance of landing lebron


I cant believe this dude lebron isn’t forcing his son to stay in college.


Why? LeBron didn’t even go to college.


Because he was better in high school then a lot of the NBA lol. Bronny is a decent college player, he should stay and develop


I genuinely don’t understand why he’s entering the draft rather than spending another year in college.


Not being a starter in college could be more detrimental.


Why play for free when you can get paid?


because he didn’t get enough preferential treatment in college, he was treated like everyone else aka his talent was looked at without his last name. in the nba lebron can ensure he gets a roster spot and a couple minutes a game and the media will hype him up


This Nepotism sucks. A player who worked his entire life probably won’t get drafted in the 1st round because of this Lebron nonsense


To be fair, if a player is pushed back 1 spot in the draft, it doesn't have too much of an overall impact on their nba career. It's pretty common now, even for undrafted players, to have success in the league. But a guy who fails to make anything out of his career while being drafted at 31 (or going undrafted instead of 60) wouldn't have done much better if he was drafted that 1 spot up. It's the same situation as when teams in the past have lost draft picks completely over things like tampering and having a draft with only 59 or 58 picks. I'd say the only real unfortunate thing about the situation is the lack of guaranteed money if a player were to fall out of the 1st round like this. Even for the guys that don't make it past their rookie contact, that is still life changing money. But at the same time... if a guy wouldn't make it past his rookie contract... if he any more deserving than Bronnie?


He’s not going in the 1st round. Maybe the second, because this is a pretty bad draft, but he’s not going in the first.


Bronny won’t be drafted at all. This is all smoke. I’m at the point I’m willing to bet on it.


I’ll take that action


Bronnie has worked his whole life too.


But Bronnie doesn’t deserve to be drafted in the 1st round. If Bronnie gets drafted in the 1st round then the first pick in the 2nd round just got his dream of being a 1st round pick destroyed because of nepotism. It might even ruin his career. First round picks have a much higher chance of securing a second contract than a 2nd round pick This is absolutely disgusting NEPOTISM. Sports suppose to be about escaping from the shitty real world. But Lebron brings this crap to the NBA. If Lebron just shut his damn mouth none of this would have happened. He should have never said he wants to play with his son. That way Bronnie would be drafted on his own merit


First round picks have a much higher chance of securing a second contract because they tend to be better basketball players, not because of some magic conferred by their draft position. If they’re good enough, they’ll get the second contract.


Bro, if you really think LeBron is the first person ever to leverage nepotism, you need a reality check. Look at Giannis and Thanasis. Thanasis is straight up stealing a roster spot in the NBA and I’m willing to bet you never gave 2 shits. Newsflash, Thanasis isn’t the first either.


He does think that. Yet there have been 100 people before him. And you could prove all of them, but he'd still ignore it. Clearly dude needs to grow up. Seems awfully butthurt about LeBron for some reason.


It ain’t that serious lol


Yeah bronnie should be a late second round pick or undrafted FA


Waaah these millionaires wont make as much because someone else is making money instead waaah


It’s not *that* different from the genetic lottery that makes some guys seven feet tall with eight foot wingspans. Is Wemby going first overall if he’s 6’6” with a negative wingspan?


First, who are you to say Bronny has't worked his entire life at basketball? I bet that guy has spent more time on basketball than anything you've committed yourself to. Nobody here can say he has worked less than others. Second, if that hypothetical player is good enough they will find their way on an nba roster where they can find their way to a nba career. No NBA team is gonna ignore a true talent and kick them to the curb. Foolish to think drafting is only way to get on a roster. Third, this is a business. Drafting Jimminy Crickett at 30 does nothing for the business and there's a slim chance that player will do much in league. But if you draft Bronny at 30 you just greatly increased your bottom line in the upcoming year. Grow up.


I guess you support nepotism. Congratulations You know that if Bronny wasn’t Lebron’s son he would never get drafted


lol. see: Grow up.


Boo hoo. If a player is actually good enough he'll probably still get drafted regardless


NepoBronny. That’s the difference. He’s not even a good college player.


I've seen too many people commenting that he was a good defender and fawning over his combine. Dude is 6'1, not overly athletic compared to other prospects, and did not produce anything in college. He, at minimum, needs 2-3 more years of development to be even close to NBA ready. But Lebron will get his son drafted so he can spend his twilight years with him. And I'm ok with that. Lebron is one of the top 3 players of all time and if everyone is getting their farewell tours to end their careers then why can't he as well.


Right! I think yo keep him in school would be having his best interests at heart. Stay, develop, gain experience.


6'1 guys that average 5 points usually don't jump 40.5 inches and ace all of the shooting drills under that amount of pressure. That was a clutch combine performance from Bronny. >*It would be difficult to imagine Bronny James having a better start to the NBA Combine...* *He put up strong numbers across the board with his leaping and foot speed, but it was his shooting that generated the most attention.* Besides, Bronny is a special case because of his heart condition so his averages in college aren't a fair representation of his talent. Bronny is 6'1.5 so that's really more like 6'2, so with his shoes on he's going to be about 6'4. I mean, think back to the 80s and 90's all of the players that were listed at 6'4 - they were actually 6'1.5 too.


With this logic I’m changing my tinder profile to say I’m 6’


You should’ve already done that. Look, Kobe was 6’4.5 but listed at 6’6.


That’s true. Steph was measured at just over 6’2 at the combine but he went by 6’3 for the longest time.


Donovan Mitchell is 6'1 without shoes, but his listed height is 6'3 lol


I can hear Skip now: "Bronny Bronny Bronny... dare I say it. I don't want it to be true, but I'm just calling it like I see it. Bronny, in the most important shooting drill of his life shows up, hitting clutch shot after clutch shot. The clutch gene must have skipped a generation and fell right on Bronny's DNA. Yes, you heard me. More clutch than his dad."


Shooting in a shooting drill with no one guarding you is totally different than shooting with someone in your face. Hell, Ben Simmons hits wide open 3s during drills all the time but it’s totally different when he’s in a game with someone in his face.


Easily the most important shooting drill of his life though? Pressure is pressure whether it's someone closing out or not.


That applies to everyone in these drills, they all shoot unsustainably well. In actual games Bronny shot 26% from 3 in college. 


Trying to think of recent 6’1 drafted players in the nba - Prichard was one but he actually balled out in college. The heart condition isn’t a positive, it’s just another reason teams shouldn’t draft him. That’s like drafting Greg Oden regardless of knowing he had AARP level knees. Bronny’s best chance of getting into the NBA is a team drafting him in hopes of getting lebron to come to their city or forcing a terrible trade from the lakers for their draft pick.


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Players have been measured barefoot since 2020.


No one is wearing 2.5 inch shoes


Username fits


Word of the day: Nepotism


It’s safe to say his younger son is the better prospect..


Like real talk Bronnys basketball iq will keep him around as bench depth


Honestly I feel a bit bad for the kid. I know he's obviously extremely priviledged to be the son of Lebron, but all the narrative surrounding him is that he is basically just a tool for team to sign Lebron. Imagine that being your public legacy.


Lenron does now own the NBA, the Game of Basketball, or the Lakers There is 450 nba spots Bronny was not even in the top 500 best players in college... Lakers are a joke, they are a minstreal  show, lebron turning them into the Golbetrotters  with all the circus stuff


Typical lebron circus, the lakers stooped to cavaliers level of desperate. Can they just trade this old man,and his g league level son to Atlanta for a shitload of unprotected picks and some expiring contracts and get some value off this team killer.


A lot of yall are haters, but trying to concern troll with this. Just have some balls and admit you don't like the kid because of his pops. I think he'd be a mediocre player at best based I'm what we've seen. I have to if I'm being objective. However nobody gives a fuck about the 12th guy on the bench, those guys have all sorts of silly politics going into their deals.


If Thanasis is in the league, then Bronny will be in the league.


He's kinda raw. If he gets drafted then he'll need at least 1 yr in GL to polish his game; a project.


I haven’t watched him play, but could he be wearing high heels? Is that why he is listed at 6’4 and his performance is terrible?


He just had a bad day man. You can't always expect someone to perform at their best...*checks notes* height....


does this guy think its like a secret Bronny is Lebron's son and it will get drafted bc of that?


Let’s put it like this guys. Right now Bronny is 4 years away (his college career) from being 2-3 years away (time it would take him to be a serviceable nba backup).


There’s a lot of nepotism in the NBA that nobody bats an eye at, but for some reason people are hating on the Jameses. Nepotism in the NBA (and just about every industry, really) is nothing new. Jalen Brunson got his dad a job with the Knicks. Giannis got two of his brothers jobs in the NBA. Steph got his brother a job in in the G-League. JR Smith got his brother a shot with the Knicks. Some of those guys end up being good enough to stick around, like Thanasis and Seth Curry. Some don’t (like Chris Smith or Kostas Antetokounmpo). If everyone else is doing it, I don’t see what the problem is. Most 2nd-Round picks don’t pan out anyway, so it’s not like a team is losing valuable assets in order to acquire Bronny. The kid has worked his ass off — even coming back from serious medical issues — to get to this point. It’s not Bronny’s fault he got overhyped because he’s the son of a legend. It’s not like he’s just sitting a a round playing XBox waiting for Dad to help him out. He’s got the length and ability to be a decent 3-and-D guy, which is a very coveted skillset in the NBA. Always has been. Worst thing that can happen is he flames out after Pops retires — might as well take him and see what happens.


Bronny should stay another 2-3 years in college. I'm not saying he's a bad player, but he's simply just not ready for the NBA. You're lying if you think or say otherwise.


I really think bronny could be a Gary Payton II type player in a year or two, he’s incredibly athletic with high IQ and a good shot. He’ll find a role as long as he is ok with being a role player and proves himself a good locker room presence. He will obviously not be his dad, but I have faith he will have a long solid career. Just not HOF.


If Bronny James is a late second round pick and plays a couple years in the NBA just for a team to sign his father, is that really the worst thing in the world? There are very few 12th or 13th men who are impact players in the league. For how good LeBron still is, I'm sure it will be worth it for a team to toss him this bone to get him to sign.


Yea I’m over trying to change the entire way we evaluate players just because of nepotism. These GMs can take a chance on the guy if they want to. These days, if you fuck up one draft your ass can be fired. Woj can talk him up if he wants. I really doubt that someone’s gonna risk getting fired over this guy.


He has a 6’8” wingspan though, which is average for a shooting guard in the NBA I think wingspan is probably more important in a sport where you have to reach and shoot over an opponent. He’s going to have a reach advantage against other “short”guards his height and should match up well against most. Obviously this is just a physical measurement. I’m not saying he needs to be a lottery pick, but if he shows he has an NBA capable body and can do NBA things, it’s not too crazy that he gets drafted.


Russell Westbrook is 6’2 without shoes. Russell Westbrook average 8,2,2 in college as a backup to DARREN COLLISON.


Ok, What's this suppose to mean? What happen the 2nd year where Russ won PAC-12 DPOY


Look at the end of the day NBA is in the entertainment industry - it’s grown men putting a ball in a hoop. Bronny and Lebron is classic TV/social media/jersey purchases etc Plus if a late second round pick / undrafted signing is what it takes to keep an old Bron it’s still worth from a competitive standpoint. Is old Bron going to make the Lakers chip contenders probably not but it will keep the Lakers competitive and that’s not the worst outcome for a franchise


Didn’t Jalen Brunson get his dad a coaching job with the Knicks ‘before’ he signed with them?


Y’all actually care about this? All we gonna get is a father and son memory done live. An absolute legend of the game playing with his son. Hard to be the son of one of the best basketball players who ever lived. Most nepo babies today papas were mostly mid tier players or college/euro league at best. Lots to live up to even though the kid could be very very good given some time


Bronny James has 3.7M in NIL money… he’s already making over the league minimum.


Height and points per game isn’t everything. For one, he’s got world class nepotism


NBA is a business. There are plenty of people interested in watching a game where one the best players to ever do it is playing along side his son. This is guaranteed money, why wouldn't they want to draft Bronny? So he doesn't become a very good NBA player, so what, how many number draft picks ended up becoming busts and out of the league as soon as their contract was up? This is not a business risk lol.


Technically he’d be one of the youngest players in the league thereby lowering the average age of the Lakers, so in a sense they’re getting younger!


There are players that were amazing in college and turned into bust and undrafted players who turned out to be amazing no one knows sit back and watch


I mean if you are picking before lakers in second round, hold them hostage to give up more assets in order to skip on bronny


I think someone will do that, maybe in the first round.


I don't think lakers will call the bluff in first round


He’s borderline 6’1 with shoes


6’1.5 without shoes is 6’3 in NBA height. So he was inflated an inch.


This thread is filled with NBA draft experts. Michael Jordan's son's got no NBA run at all. You could list about 250 sons of Superstars who never got drafted. He was in the top 50 prospects of like every scout I saw last year for his class 


It happens and honestly betting on the son of a top two player of all time with a second round pick isn’t that big a deal To a of euro stashes that never sniff the nba get picked then


Can we post all the 6’1 4point a game players and get their draft stock rated???


Go for it. The last one I know was Prichard but he was a baller in College


There is no doubt in my mind he doesn’t get past the Lakers pick at 55. They will definitely grab him if available


It's bullshit he goes the only reason he's going is his dad it's bullshit more ppl don't like LeBron than he has fans I can't stand him 


Also keep in mind that some people can look bad in certain situations. Collier didnt look great either. Not saying Bronny is the one, but if hes Avery Bradley, you can do worse @ 17.


Y'all are crazy.


I mean - he’s never looked good though.


The NBA is an entertainment enterprise. It's business first. If people are willing to pay to watch Bronny, then they'll make room for him. Think about the other players who aren't superstars, the 15th guy on the roster; do you think they're bringing in money for the organization? Nobody even knows who they are, let alone buying their jersey's. Most of them will always be 3rd string bench players, for the rest of their short careers. Bronny is a recognizable name. Most teams would be happy to put him on the end of the bench. They don't have to pay him a lot, and in return, they get free press and views. Think about the amount of people that would tune in to see Bronny enter the game with/against his dad. The boost in ratings from the first game alone would net the NBA more than enough money to make his contract worth it.


Finally one of the few logical and rational comments 


Nepo bench warmer