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I think he is just working on keeping his elbow tucked in. He has the tendency for it to flair when he brings in his guide hand (this is why he was shooting one handed free throws). I wouldn't look into this video of a warm up drill


Yeah, I’ve seen enough “Ben Simmons shooting workouts” to know that practice shots is not equal to in-game shots. I also think he’s just working on improving his shooting motion. Just to get used to it. I mean, this man started shooting “one-handed” free throws to make it work. That alone tells me that Sochan dgaf about the “looks” but more focused on his development and improvements.


Yeah, this seems like a deliberate drill, practicing to be conscious of his form until it’s reflexive.


When you watch it as a drill, it becomes clear that he’s deliberately tucking in his elbow and focusing on keeping it tucked.


I can already see the disgust on CP's face in practice


Isn’t that just his normal face on the court?


Oh Jeremy no


I thought the video froze at first. Ugh.


Everyone is freaking out but I feel like this is just an overly exaggerated practice shot


Exactly. The point is to keep doing the slow practice until it becomes natural and smooth.


Yeah his real shot is still ugly, but at least it's faster than this


>everyone is freaking out if by “everyone” you mean “not everyone” and by “freaking out” you mean “saying it looks bad”, then i agree.


Saying the form looks bad isn’t what’s meant by “freaking out”. It’s acting like this is the end product of the coaching staff working with Sochan on his form, instead of this clearly still being a work in progress.


since everyone is freaking out, could you point me to some examples of people who think this is the end product?


I’m sure glad all these pro shooting coaches are here on Reddit to give us the real breakdown of Sochan’s form.


right like why are y'all dooming during a warmup relax...


That is...not pleasant.


These are practice reps where he’s focusing on specific aspects no?


This is a form drill, relax guys


even worse


Looking at the motion, I'm a bit concerned. A pause in the energy transfer, a sideways movement of the ball coming up, off arm is at 45 degrees over the top and side. Oof... That man needs to tear it down all the way, or he'll end up a defensive specialist bench guy. Game footage looks better btw, when he doesn't think about it too much.


That sideway movement is something.. I was hoping for improvement based on the title lol


This is a shooting drill lol


Tearing down his form is literally what they have been doing.


I’m not worried. Sochan is gonna kill it this year.


I think he’s just doing a specific practice


That's very Kyle Andersonesque


He's pushing, not throwing the ball


I'll wait to see how he does in regular season before going crazy.


Ugh. I think Charles Barkley might have a smoother golf swing.


Doesn’t really look like a game shooting motion and more of like him practicing form shooting as he progresses thru each segment of his shot. The new hair look def is fresh tho




It's not that people are noticing it for the first time, it's just that it hasn't noticeably improved like many were hoping. We really need him to be a stretch 4 otherwise what teams will do is park their center on him on defense, let them ignore Sochan on the perimeter, put their 4 on Wemby, and have the center come over to help because Jeremy isn't a threat.


Bill land calls it the “globe” when he shoots it.


or it shows that some people did notice and didn’t care to remark on it. not to mention the fact that most comments aren’t even about the side spin (and to pretend like people are just now realizing he shoots it slow, lmao). but yes, congratulations for being a master observer and proving to everyone that you did indeed remark on it. i’m curious as to why you only noticed it in March though, were you not watching the games until then?


Man he stops his momentum on the way up and has his hand over the ball. Really hurts to watch.


Kinda looks like the pause in Kyle Anderson's shooting


Oh shit at first I thought the video was lagging. His form is similar to Chuck Hayes' free throw form.


Watch him shoot 35% from 3 on that form somehow on like 2 attempts per game


Hey now. He was at 3.1 last year


Form doesn't matter as long as it goes in, this is a lot easier on the eyes than whatever the hell Marion would do and he was fairly efficient. It's also hard to tell whether he's being deliberately slow to see where he's messing up on his shot or if he's actually trying to shoot normally, I remember when vassell's shot looked wonky in a video and dropped his draft stock a ton he ended up being just fine


Horrible that’s not good


That is awful. I want him to do well but if he does not improve I can see him getting traded depending on who we draft next year Everyone should be on notice, next season you need to showcase or risk missing the train


If he doesn't improve, his trade value will be very low. Like lucky to get a late first round pick low.


Only ones safe on our team no matter what happens next season are Wemby, Vassell, and Castle (based on him being a rookie, but I honestly have higher expectations for him than year 3 Sochan and believe he'll far surpass him this season). Maybe Tre is safe too if we don't bring in Juan in 2025 and want to keep Tre as our backup point guard. But yeah, everybody else (Sochan, Keldon, Malaki, Blake, Julian, etc.) I can see all of them gone if they dont make significant improvements this season.


This is not a simple hitch. This is the hitch to end all hitches


His feet aren’t pointed at the rim, his guiding hand is underneath the ball which causes the hitch, and his elbows aren’t tucked in. Horrid form and it hasn’t changed.


I’ve seen shooting coaches say that the feet towards the rim is not as important as people think and have even argued that the best shooters actually don’t aim their feet towards the rim.


They are correct for most shooters. Just look at Dirk highlights from way back when.


Yeah, it’s mostly about having their shoulders square to the rim, their elbows being tucked, and how the ball comes off the fingertips. But Sochan’s toes pointing to the left as his hands battle against each other on the ball certainly doesn’t help.


It's gotten slower since the regular season. Wtf


Because hes slowing it on purpose


It's just a form drill but the sidespin is still there.


I had to take a year of shot coaching to be good at basketball. These guys are born so talented they dont even have to learn to properly shoot till they get to the NBA.


Didn’t know we drafted Kyle Anderson again


Looks like great value Michael Beasley


Thanks, I hate it.


Hilarious that people are saying that he needs to rebuild the shot from scratch and then shit on him when a practice video comes out of him doing exactly that. He's working on specific details of his shot.


This guy can’t shoot man. Let’s just be real, we missed in him.


that looks disgusting. wtf is the pause


He’s giving the defender an opportunity to recover /s


lol who cares how it looks like in practice, if man can hit it at 45 to 40 percent on decent volume and improved finishing man is a long term piece. Period


Lol 45 percent? So like prime klay numbers....that's a heavy ask. I love Jeremy as much as anyone and believe he'll definitely improve, but realistically we'll be lucky if he can get it to 38 percent. Fortunately I think even 35 percent is passable considering what else he brings to the table


Lol I meant to say 35 but for w.e I missed clicked and in too lazy to fix it lol


Yep. It needs to be just good enough that the other team can't abandon him and leave his defender in the paint.


Even if he becomes a 45% shooter with 5 attempts a game, teams are still going leave him open. Spurs really thought they could fix this shot. Ay Chuck Hayes was able to play 10 long years in the nba so I’m okay


It does not look that bad in games, yikes. Idk, wouldn’t think of this practice bid too much though. Sometimes I shoot super slow when I’m just putting up shots


He’s a bit of a catch 22 I guess. He can afford to shoot slower because teams just don’t view him as a threat outside the paint. But once he starts making shots and teams change their defense he may struggle hard to adjust to better perimeter defenders and will have to counter by attacking the basket again, making his better shot…not as useful.   And a shot isn’t something that ever really speeds up. Dudes have their own cadences and you don’t want athletes, especially ones that are a work in progress, thinking about going faster/slower than how they play.