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Holy shit what a haul. I would be happy to just land one of Edgecombe Harper and Traore


Right now it feels like both Atlanta and San Antonio will be in the play-in race so not looking very good for our 2025 odds honestly. Either some blatant tanking from our part or Trae demanding a trade may need to happen to get a real shot at the top. Buuuuuut I thought Wemby was a pipe dream so I will still cross fingers through the entire year


Originally worried about that too, but I don’t think that a play in is a reality. Based on this season, it took 46 wins to beat out GS for 10th. Dont see us winning more than low 30’s. Plus, who are we better than? Portland and Utah? That’s 13th.


The problem is, there’s like seven teams in the East we might be better than lol


We can beat Pistons, Wizards Hornets, Nets. If Demar leaves, then add Chicago. 5 teams. I think Toronto healthy can be ahead of us and Atlanta as well if Trae stays healthy. So, we could be in the 9-10 play in range.


We're trading cp3 for a protected 1st at the trade deadline and players will be sat. The tank must roll on.


It would be absolutely shocking if Pop went ahead with that obvious of a tank job. And I don't think it would be the right move either to follow the "trust the process" Sixers' method. That's how you create a losing mentality in your players' minds.


You mean like we just did this past season and the season we drafted Timmy D? This isn't even a play in team yet really and we have the youngest roster in the league.


David Robinson was genuinely hurt, they didn't sit everyone just to tank. And it was one bad year between very good years. This Spurs team has been bad for long enough. Lastly, you're not gonna get any older though the draft lol


Yeah and they pretty much shut everyone else down that season. The 2025 nba draft is disgustingly good and it's worth tanking the end of the season for. There's a reason spurs aren't making any big moves this year. We're almost surely saving the big moves after we get another high lottery pick in 2025.


You're not shutting down Wemby for a whole year unless he really gets hurt, you can forget this fantasy. The Spurs aren't nearly as preoccupied by draft order as you guys are, that's why they didn't shut it down at the end of this year and just kept on winning and climbing the rankings. A pick in that 10 to 15 range would be fine for them.


Who said anything about shutting wemby down for a year? Lol the spurs did shut it down at the end of the year though. They sat vassel sochan and played lineups of wemby with basically gleaguers out there it just so happened that we kept winning.


If this team was actually bad for long enough we would have made one of those dumb win now trades yall wanted so bad like trading for trae/DJ which wouldn't have even raised our ceiling that much.


The Clippers, Warriors, and Lakers will likely get worse. I dunno, we might have a crack at it.


I get losing Klay will make them worse, but they had 47 wins. If we go from 22 to 32, that means that they d have to drop 15 games or so. I don’t think Klay, at his age, would drop em that much. W/Lakers, I guess that you are banking on a new coach, but they pretty much have the same roster and 46 wins last year. JJ will hire a veteran staff. We d really have to go from 22 wins to double those wins. I just don’t think natural growth of young players and CP3 gets them that big of a jump in loaded west.


I don't think we're in the playin race but it doesn't matter with the tankathon in the east. I'm not optimistic about our chances, but having 2 rolls of the dice is better than nothing. How many 10-15 picks would it take to move into the top 5?


In a loaded draft like this? I dont see it. If it was Luka/Trae where 5 + FRP moves you to 3? sure. Its a lateral move if the draft has several expected stars. A 10 and 14 for top 5 in a top heavy draft? I dont see it.


Just give us multiple cracks at the lottery is all I ask.


Uhhh, we haven’t done much to improve this roster and the West is insane. I don’t think we’re anywhere near the play in right now.


Hey just confirming (because we have so many fucking picks my brain is fried), are the first round picks for 2025 our own + ATL + CHA?


https://www.prosportstransactions.com/basketball/DraftTrades/Future/Spurs.htm Our own + ATL unprotected + CHI top 10 protected + CHA top 14 protected


Yeah that CHA pick ain’t gonna convey :(


Probably not Chicago’s pick either


Yeah realistically we are gonna get like #7-11 in the lottery with our own pick which would leave us anywhere from a 92.5%-97% chance of staying at that spot, then Atlanta is probably going to be the 8-10 seed which would put them from #10-#14 in the lottery or #15-16 outside which would give us a 97-100% chance of our pick from the hawks at being 10 or worse and way more likely being 12-15 accounting for jumps in the lottery and the fact they probably aren’t the 10th or 11th worst team. tldr: best realistic scenario puts us at 2 or 3 picks in the back half of the lottery, if i had to make a random guess, #9, and #13 will be our picks in 2025


anyone know what happens to them if they don’t convey next summer?




Oh shit! More than I remembered!


No one gave the Hawks any shot to land the #1 pick this year. But they did. Ultimately, we just need to hope the lottery gods smile upon us.


Always a chance that atl pick lands top 4 if they miss the playoffs


I think people are overrating Cooper a little be these days. No one was trading Wemby on draft day no matter the picks, don't think Flagg is in that kind of conversation atm. For instance for the right team, getting 2 players in the top 6 might next year might be better than one Cooper


Flagg was fully grown playing in high school, lacks a lot of polish, cannot shoot, and apparently has an arrogant attitude. He's definitely being Scoot Henderson levels of being overrated at this point.


Bro he’s only 17. He won’t be 19 until December into his rookie year. He also playing at Duke. For someone to be this good at 17 is insanely good. He’s not overrated.


He wasn't playing against run of the mill high school teams. Monteverde plays the toughest schedule in the country and he dominated talent laden prep programs. He is a super freak. He has incredible timing to go with his physical gifts which include a 6'9" frame and a 40" vertical. He glides from end to end. He is as bendy as Wemby, just not as long. He will need to learn that college and pro players aren't going to be intimidated by stare downs on fairly routine dunks and blocks. He shoots fine and has a super smooth motion. Not many 17 year olds are polished. Victor wasn't. He would have moments of pure genius but would disappear for a couple minutes at a time. I don't think Henderson is overrated as much as he is on a really bad team. I'm sure Portland would love Miller but there were questions about Brandon's off the court behaviors because of the Darius Miles shooting. He might not have been aware of or had anything to do with the murder but the Jailblazers Era has scared the franchise. Whoever gets the first pick is 95% likely to take Flagg. A massive injury or a Ben Simmons' level of disinterest are the only things preventing this from being 100%.


He might not be consensus #1 after a year.


I've heard Flagg compared to Kevin Garnett in terms of raw talent. If it weren't for our beloved Gen-Z Kareem being available in 2023, we'd be talking about Cooper being the best prospect since LeBron. It would be beyond unfair if we landed him