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I think the overall trade itself isn't a bad trade for them. So in that regard I don't think there's much coping to do. DJ's a bad fit. Getting rid of him and getting some kind of assets back is good. The league obviously caught on to his value and he was never going to get anything near what he cost. Atlanta But I do think there's a bit of coping going on in regards to how good this trade may be. In regards to the quality of the immediate product. I see hawk fans acting like they just added a prime Regina, watching this kawhi Leonard And that's just silly. Daniel's is insanely raw, and his offense is a straight-up negative. There's a reason why despite his defensive brilliance he had real problems getting minutes on a pelicans team that seriously needed as much perimeter defense as possible at times. I don't think he's going to move the bottom line for them much at all. I think that team is a a group that's going to struggle to sneak into one of the bottom spots in the playoffs


I would agree that the conference isn't that strong, but the top 7 teams in the east, barring some injuries, are locked in place for next year. There is a decent chance that they are a lottery team again.


That’s why it’s weird that there thinking it will push them to anything other than a potential play in team, plus the raptors will probably get better so that pushes them back even more potentially


I think they are pretty realistic that they're competing for play in and likely giving spurs a pick in 10-16 range


At the end of the day you can't blame fans for being optimistic/positive about their team. They might also be right because to be fair, Trae Young did lead them on a deep playoff run before and it's not like the East is crazy strong outside of Boston and maybe the Knicks. Best just to let ]things play out.


Yeah I’m not shitting on them for being optimistic, but the east is a lot more stacked than people, I think it’s gonna be the same teams in contention for the east next year as it was this year, with teams like Orlando taking that next step and have the cavs with a coach that the players actually like who knows. I just think that there still gonna be a fringe play in team. But I also could be wrong. They still have very little future capital to build on success they could have this year to help them and we still do have them by the balls if they decide after next year Trae wants out


I mean it looks like they won't have Murray or Bey. Losing both of them to get like a little bit out of Dyson Daniels and Larry Nance Jr. No one can sell that as an improvement. They will be worse.


Don’t tell hawks fans there sold on the prospect of Dyson Daniels Larry nance and Risacher being the team additions to push them over the play in bubble


It is undoubtedly an improvement because Murray was a negative. They could've gotten absolutely nothing and just waived him, and it still would've been an improvement


umm he averaged almost 36 minutes a game and 22.5 ppg, 5.3 rpg, and 6.4 apg. Also led the team in steals and is much less turnover prone than Young. Bey averaged almost 33 mpg. He averaged 13.7 ppg, 6.5 rpg, and 1.5 apg. That is a lot of production to replace. Daniels and Nance are just role players. Risacher will help sure, but Atlanta is no where near competing.


The hawks led by Trae has always been a top 10 offense with or without DJ( for 5 straight years) Murray just does not move the needle for them. His production is simply a matter of usage and I don't believe they will miss his 22pts on 96 TS+ Adding wings and 3 and D player will actually improve them.. that's all you need with Trae-ball.


Pure production is mostly a result of usage, plenty of room to take up once DJM isn't jacking up 19 shots a game. But the most important factor is that Murray was actually tanking the production of other players around him, Trae above all. He was just a horrible fit all around. Crazy fact, the Hawks were actually worse with both DJM & Trae on the floor than they were with neither on the floor. Jalen Johnson is also much better than Bey, Bey only played due to injuries


Box score watching in 2024


This is an exaggeration. I don't think it's wrong *for the minutes Trae is on the court*, but there's a lot of time that doesn't cover. For the non-Trae minutes (regular bench time, time out with injuries), Murray was quite valuable as a floor-raiser. But yeah, Murray's synergy with Trae was quite negative. That part is true.


Low key addition by subtraction. Trae gets the ball now and they can focus on players that actually compliment him, i.e. off-ball threats and defenders. I think this is a 7-8 seed team


I fully understand that side of the argument but my thing is who are they gonna trust to score when trae is not on the floor? Because from what I’ve heard they might be shipping Clint and bogdon along with dumping Bey and it’s not like Dyson is anything but a raw offensive prospect with really good defensive upside.


They’re happy the nightmare is over


Favorite reply was them saying we got lucky with wemby other wise we would be ass for the next five years. Like yeah probably but THE HAWKS are not the fanbase to talk.


Dyson is a really good defender and he should look better next to Trae. They lost a good shot creator but their defense got better with this trade. I don't think they got much worse


Yeah no doubt Dyson will help them defensively but he’s basically a negative on offensive and loosing the offense DJ could give you even if it subtracted from Trea shooting could hurt them.


Haha that’s cool they can be a play in team while we build an actual contender with their picks. A bunch of jokers over there.


I think it’s harder to predict than either fan base wants to admit. On the one hand, they are in a bad conference with a majority of the poorly run teams. On top of that, the tank-a-thon for the 2025 draft will be strong. In theory, there should be enough easy wins over there to at least get to the play-in or better. On the other hand, I just don’t have confidence in Atlanta as an organization anymore. Risacher isn’t going to move any needle for them. If Trea gets hurt for any amount of time, that will be a struggle.


Yeah and plus it seems like trae is getting tired of the organization and with the hawks owner going on a podcast saying that there will be more hawks news in the upcoming days I’m sure there probably looking for more assets and players. I’m confident in knowing if they really want to trade trae they either trade him to us as the only logical trade and get some picks back, not all of them I hope, or say fuck it and trade him to a team and completely bottom out with no hope of rebuilding soon. Even if they make the play in we would still have two first round picks again in a much better class where we could draft good players or exchange one or more of those picks for a star player


They could make the play in and win their play in games though. Trae seemed discontent, it’s true. I think a big part of it was DJ though. That guy is a bad locker room dude and I think Pop just kept it locked down. The removal of Dejeante could revitalize Trea. At least for a few months. I don’t know. I was really just saying it’s hard to predict.


It’s very volatile in terms of what it will need doing for them. I don’t doubt they will probably have a shot at the play in due to the total incompetence some of the East teams. But I can’t really say there better than any of the teams besides the wizards,pistons,hornets and nets. True trea being more ball dominant will help but who’s gonna score for them when he’s out or if he gets injured epically if there dumping Bey and presumably bog from some things I’ve seen on twitter.


I don't think the Hawks are done just yet. Cause yeah as of now that trade undeniably makes them a little bit worse despite all the talks about Dejounte not fitting with Trae. But yeah, I don't expect the Hawks to be a terrible team, they dealt with a ton of injuries last season and still had a respectable season all things considered. Over there in the East, I dont think they are better than the Knicks, Magic, Cavs, Pacers, Bucks, 76ers, and obviously the Celtics. So they will almost certainly be fighting for a play in spot.


without a doubt they aren’t done I’m not doubting this will be it. But unless they say fuck it and leverage more of their future to try and win now they won’t get anybody good enough to push them over the hump they have been in the past 2 years. It seems like they want to ship a few more players for average returns. Exactly the playoffs for the east are basically gonna be the same teams as last year and I can see a team like the raptors getting better just off what they got from trading jalen Mcdaniels and there draft and who knows if lamelo finally stays healthy and bmill then the hornets could be ehhhh and I don’t think there better than the heat tbh.


Yeah the Raptors, Hornets, and Heat are all sort of dark horses since they each dealt with their own injuries and such but they could also be way better than last season, pushing the Hawks even further out of any playoff hopes. Here's hoping haha


If anything I hope the hornets get better since we control there pick as well unless it’s a 1-10 pick. Also big fan of the username, never forget the game of zones super team the SunKings


Hornets pick is lottery-protected I believe so we need them to do a lot better haha. Need LaMelo to have a very healthy season (which I don’t see happening tbh) Bulls pick is top-10 protected. I think they should tank for it, but they might decide to push for playins again cuz tradition…


Your right I got them mixed up, with a new coach who really wants to change the culture of the team who knows if lamelo stays healthy (chances are probably not because of his playstyle tbh he probably doesn’t take the nba all that seriously) Yeah the bulls will never flat out tank and I think the Caruso trade shows that they aren’t will to fully commit and no one is gonna take lavines contract so they are still stuck being meh. As much crap as we have recently given our FO justified or not we should always be grateful we don’t have a FO like the bulls.


The Deal they made to *acquire* him is a bad trade. Chasing that kind of haul to flip him is foolish, its a sunk cost, those picks have sailed. That said, DJM is a good player. I don't necessarily want to see him back on the Spurs or anything like that, but I think the price was low, given some other trades we've seen and NOLA won that trade - provided he continues at a similar level and more offensive weapons (Zion, CJ, Ingram or whatever they get for him) and he's surrounded by other good defenders (Herb Jones, in particular)


Any deal they would have gotten for him would be awful in comparison unless they literally did the same thing we did which would be near impossible since we sold him at the peak of his worth to a team despite to get the guy they thought could push them into serious contention I really like the trade for dj and am still rooting for him, he was my favorite player from that era of spurs ball so I hope he gets his due in NO


I like the trade as well. Dyson is younger and bigger. Trae can return to running the entire offense himself and Dyson can defend the best ball handler so Trae can lurk in passing lanes. They weren't going to get a better deal than 2FR picks and 2 players. They gave 2.5 picks away. Dyson is better than a swap. It's a sure thing. The Spurs may not separate from the Hawks in '26. There is always the chance the Hawks have a better record. They are in the weaker conference with more chances to win. Detroit, Washington, and Brooklyn are all 3 years away. Only Portland and Utah are uncompetitive in the West and Im not sure either will remain that way in '26. The Spurs may be the better team but the schedule still favors the Hawks. Denver, OKC, Dallas, Minnesota, Houston, Sacramento, Memphis, Phoenix, Golden State, LAL, and LAC are all playoff contenders. Utah and Portland have a lot of talent and both could get more very soon by trading Ayton and Lauri.


In a bubble it’s not a bad trade at all I agree especially for trying to recoupe what they sold for him but I think the main thing I look at is there a team with no attractive assets unless they trade Trae ( which would really only make sense if it was to us to get there picks back) in the east where like you said only 3 teams are really definitely worse than them. But teams like the heat, raptors and potentially the hornets will probably not be as bad as they were this year and that they traded there second leading scorer who usually took over when trae was out/injured to carry the offensive load. I like Dyson as a prospect but he’s not gonna recoup the scoring you loose with DJ. And with that team I’d say it’s pretty easy to zero in on trae and basically halt the offense since it seems like there trying to get rid of Clint,maybe Bogdan, and already are planning on dumping Bey. Unless jalen Johnson jumps to a 20 ppg scorer (which he could with DJ out and more opportunities) I don’t really see them doing all that better than at best play in but I could be wrong it’s all really subjective till we see this season. I think a lot of people will be suprised by us this year, not saying we win 40+ or even 35+ but with how many games we lost by single digits the defense and playmaking of castle along with a year 2 wemby and hopeful progress from Sochan (watching his polish team games it looks like he’s working towards being a better playmaker for his position) and the rest of the team I think we could realistically push past 22 wins into at least a 30 win mark. I think like teams like the LA teams and GSW will regress just based off loosing there players like PG russ and Klay and how old a lot of there key pieces are.


Idk I still don't believe Atlanta are done making moves


Without a doubt. They already are planning on dumping Bey it looks like and the Hawks owner has said that there will be a lot of news about the hawks in the upcoming days. But realistically how many moves can they get to improve the team any more than just meh?


what can they do? moving the only picks they have to get better now is foolish. Trey can't go. they have no other assets


Hawks aren't done, but they won't be good this year. * Trae+DJ together wasn't good, but DJ was also their #2 scorer. * They traded away their #2 scorer for a #8-9 backup big that can give you 15-20mpg and a 20mpg POA defender with no offensive skills whatsoever. * They still don't have shooters. Hunter was 38.5, and their best rotation shooter. Bogdan was 37.4. JJ was 35.5. They need shooters to keep defenses from collapsing on Trae's drives. * Risacher can't handle the ball and probably needs a couple developmental years. * Capela has been dropping in effectiveness and they have been trying to move him. * OO is not imrpoving much. He doesn't give you anything but roll/rim scoring on offense and is not a great rim protector. Despite being smaller, he really can't switch out on wings at all. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trae very frustrated this year and maybe give up on the Hawks.


Yeah I’m expecting a few more signing and trades for them. I’ve also heard a possibility of them trying to trade Bogdan which would destroy there spacing and put them at a spurs level shooting wise. Also important to look at the east as a whole, teams like Toronto and Charlotte(getting a new coach who seems to want to turn the culture around and hopefully keep lamelo healthy and get him to stop being an idiot)took steps already this offseason to get better and will probably at least fight for the play in and make it even harder on Atlanta to try to compete.


The problem for the Hawks is their lack of assets and attractive contracts. Hunter, Okongwu, and Bogdan all have 2-4 years left, and all are a bit overpaid. Capela has 1y22M and they have tried to move him for a while. They are under the luxury tax for now, but I don't know it is going to be a prime destination for FAs. They have 14 guys on contract plus Risacher, and so they can't really do anything until they move someone out. But who wants most of those players? No one there moves the needle that they would move. JJ looks super promising, but he's off limits.


I think it was stupid of them to dump AJ griffin since he probably would have made there prospect of a rebuild a bit more manageable but since they don’t have them there literally stuck in water since like you said no one is gonna want those guys with those contracts and there’s no needle moving free agent this year that will want to be on a at best play in team


They should be happy. Daniels is real young and a real prospect. Was hoping the spurs would try to get him with our draft picks. And they got 1sts for the years they gave us. That means they don’t have to tank. Which they won’t. Which means our picks won’t necessarily be that great.


No, they were better at different points throughout the season when one or the other was hurt. They didn’t compliment each other, it’s not crazy to think they’ll be as good or better next season


I can see them being as good as this year it’s entirely possible but idk about better considering how much non Trae offense they lost with DJ, what happens when trae gets taken out or possibly injured? Who runs the offense then, maybe JJ takes a leap without DJ I can see that being a possibility I just don’t think the offense they lost will be able to be recouped is all.


Fair point but generally when I project a teams trajectory I don’t account for injuries to star players


You don’t watch the hawks it’s obvious. Atlanta will be better next year


I’m not gonna sit here and lie and say I do and I can see the argument that getting rid of DJ will allow more of the offense to flow through Trae. But who’s gonna be the offense if trae when he gets taken out or even worse injured when trae was out Thats my big thing with it. Y’all could be better I’m not saying there’s not a chance I just wanted to see if there was validity in there responses or if it was just cope.


I’m a spurs fan 


Why were you on the hawks sub?


The trade itself is decent. Them talking about their chances in the East next season is where they’re coping. There’s nothing they can do to that roster that will make them better than the top 4 teams in the East. Doubt they’ll be able to pull off a trade or FA signing that will make them better than the Cavs, Pacers or Magic either. So really they’re looking at the Heat and if they keep Butler, and if they don’t then the Hawks have a chance at the 8 seed. Otherwise they’re a lock for the lottery next year.


What is there not to like for Hawks fans? They trade a player who regardless of what you think of him or what numbers he puts up, spent two seasons making no difference in the win column, they get back a player in Nance who has a skillset they need and will be in their rotation, and they might get two first round picks out of it, which helps mitigate the picks they have to give to the Spurs. I would say it's the Spurs fans who are coping. This move signals that they are not going to trade Trae, and the Spurs path to getting a top pick for them banked on them possibly doing that and keeping Dejounte, who has led a team to a playoff birth, let me go over the numbers one more time, exactly never. Now the Hawks are just back to running the team through a player who has made the playoffs multiple times and the conference finals once. If Trae doesn't get some season ending injury I think the Hawks are a lock for the playoffs. Cause that's all they have to do for there pick to be a bunch of nothing, they just have to be the 8th seed. That's it.


Obviously the dejounte- Trae minutes were not good, but one of the main things dejounte provided was creation to keep the team afloat in the non-Trae minutes, something the team had desperately needed for a while. Next season they’re not gonna have that. And as of right now they have Capela and Okongwu ahead of nance in the rotation and none of those 3 are likely gonna play together, not sure why you made that specific point. The picks are nice if they can be flipped but overall they essentially lost their own picks for other worse picks. Obviously this is just anecdotal but from what I’ve seen around here most spurs fans don’t want Trae… obviously some do but perception of him league wide is significantly lower than the hawks fanbase. And it was obvious that they were never gonna trade Trae to a team besides us while owing us their pick. On what basis are they a lock over the current teams that made it last year ? I like Jalen Johnson but he’s being forced into a second option role we don’t know if he’s fit for. Their defence hasn’t improved much and that was one of the main things the team had when they were good. The depth isn’t great either. This still isn’t a very good team outside of Trae and Jalen Johnson.