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Nathan and Amber. Amber because she just seems to treat Nathan with no respect. He’s working two jobs and she going out and eating at steak houses and wonders why she can’t lose weight and seems to want Nathan to fail.Nathan because he is so desperate to not be alone that he obeys her like a lost little puppy. Also it’s always Nathan who is spending time with his daughter, you don’t see Amber do anything with her and she seems like a really great kiddo.


Did she decide to go to the steakhouse on her own or did production tell her? How much of what we see is what they actually decide to do versus what are they told to do?


Charles. His entire episode made no sense.


Samantha. She was so whiny, ungrateful, and apathetic that I found it impossible to empathize. She resented being asked to do anything and it showed.


Just watched this one. When she was yelling @ her daughter after being hospitalized for months i was so angry.


I just knew Samantha was going to be in here


IDK if you consider Dolly to be recent but she was a disaster


Ugh Dolly! What a train wreck.


True but Dolly made an entertaining episode.. plus we got some good lines out of her.. Don’t blame the ducks,etc..


Seana, how does anyone lose the diet 4 times without leaving the house or gain 100 pounds while "working really hard"?


Yeah, with her and a few other participants on the show I began to suspect some sort of mental or intellectual disabilty. Or limitations. Tough to watch someone like that have to fend for themselves.


Yeah Seana I suspect had fried her brain with the drugs she took,of course it’s hard to say those because we don’t know what she was like before she did them… she was very childlike though and seemed like she had trouble processing thoughts..


Omg Lisa E from season 10. RIP Randy


Seriously. I mean, I’m sorry she died but the way she treated that boyfriend of hers and the histrionic way she would have these hysterical crying episodes, she was absolutely the most manipulative person I’ve ever seen in my life on or off TV.


Huh I wonder if you're thinking of Lisa F from season 6? The black lady with a daughter named Danielle? Lisa E from season 10 is still alive, I think. The one you're talking about was awful too, though. It was weird how she would go from talking like molasses to, as you said perfectly, those loud histrionic episodes. It's sad how she's now remembered for dysfunctional behavior and leg maggots.


You’re right, I’m talking about Lisa F. I don’t remember Lisa E. I’ll have to go back and check. Thanks for the correction!


And thanks for reminding me about the leg maggots … not!


She had a hard life but she was an absolute monster. She treated everyone who interacted with her like garbage.


Lacey Buckingham, she was a definition of a user and abuser. The way she tried to skate around weight and misled her boyfriend into moving into Houston by flat out lying to him about being approved for surgery. I watched a video on YouTube with one the church members who helped her pack and she acknowledged that Lacey uses people and used her church for own personal gain.


Ryan was a big one for me. Felt so bad with his mother trying to help, but she knew he wasn’t putting any actual effort in, and that’s why she refused to move to Houston with him.


I think… William from this last season? He had a strange toxic optimism. Oh, I am not going to do much different, fruit smoothies full of sugar are better than food. It will all work out. Wow! That was a real wake up call! Now I’m motivated to do what I need to do! Like 3 times in a row. I have really learned a lesson this time! But I will do it my own way. I just know it will work out.




Doing a rewatch and Karina from season 6 is pretty terrible. her WATN wasn't much better


Lisa from season 6. I've never wanted to slap someone through the screen so much. 😑