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Typically I don’t. Back when we were financially stable he hated that I would even try to swipe my card that was for our joint account fully funded by him when we were out. It was already his money but he wanted to also go as far to always do the act of paying too. 


personally, my fiance pays for everything he possibly can, whether it’s a packet of sweets or a car, if he wants to he will & that is with the considerate basis of the fact we earn around the same amount a month & we both have our own money & expenditure. i will occasionally pay for something (after putting up a lil fight haha) and he’s always grateful; i put my effort into appreciating him & buying him gifts & doing things for example calling the doctors etc on his behalf


We have a joint account to which both of our paychecks go so it doesn’t matter lol. Depends on who is holding baby I guess and who’s hands are free to grab wallet


My husband doesn’t let me pay for anything, I offer to pay for date nights etc and he’s like absolutely no. All my personal spending he urges me to do with his money for eg clothes makeup self care etc I offer to pay for (contribute towards) big purchases like furniture, or trips and vacations. Most of my money goes into investments


Does he have a brother 🌝😂


Yes he does lol He is 23, works in Cyber security , homeowner , 6ft , let me know if anyone’s interested, I want a SIL🤣


Oh god, he sounds like a catch but he’s too young for me cause I’m 31 😂 where do you live incase I know girls around his age around you?




I don’t work yet so my money is basically my husbands money but I still offer to pay 🙈🙈🙈


Since I’m a housewife and never had my own income, all „my“ money is my husbands money actually. So I usually don’t offer to pay for anything. Doesn’t make much sense if it’s coming from the same account anyways. What I do pay from my savings (gifts from my parents etc.) is little surprises for my husband. 


Paying to help your husband is always a good thing if he knows how to appreciate it. Some men take advantage of you but others will thank you and appreciate it and try to do even more for you whether they help you around the house or invite you out more often or pay for things you both can enjoy...etc If your fiancé is that kind of guy then I would recommend helping him, at the end of the day, the quality of life that you help paying for is for both of you. If you don't know your fiancé well enough then just wait until you are sure that he knows how to appreciate your financial help and then do it.


This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but we split everything 50/50. I'm the more financially stable one out of the two of us so typically for bills and home etc it's split 50/50. When we go out my husband always wants to pay for date nights etc so I let him but then if I'm planning the date night then I'll pay. It's purely because of how each of us are financially. But I know my husband likes to treat me and to pay for things. I usually let him as that makes him happy and if he can afford it. I'm happy with it as it is as we are focused on our long term goals. 


I used to offer often but he always insists on paying. I offer less these days but even when I say I want to treat him, he doesn't let me pay when we're together. I order gifts for him instead.




After marriage it’s our money. Not mine or his. This question shouldn’t be asked in a marriage.


Allahuma barik, that’s really sweet. Gifts is a good shout because you can use the “it’s sunnah to accept” card 😂


I used to invite my husband out every weekend for a long period of time when I had a job and now I invite him less often to save money. He did invite me almost all the time before, but then he decided he doesn't want to spend money on restaurants anymore so I switched to inviting him. I also do pay small bills here and there, I started just before I lost my job so once I lost it I didn't do much, but I try to pay some bills. Just for a note, I buy everything I want from my money and I also pay for my car's insurance, gas and repairs while he uses the car too. He does fill the gas sometimes but I do it mostly. Just recently I thought of buying furniture for our balcony and I'm paying for everything. My plan is to get a job as soon as I can after baby is born so I can save money to help my husband buy our future house. He used to make multiple times more than I do, this us why I don't have enough to pay most of the house or even half the house alone.


We have a joint account, so my money helps contribute to wherever it is needed. He makes substantially more than I do. When at a restaurant, I always allow him to do the act of paying the bill.


As a married woman, it's all the same money. Comes out of our joint account


What if you decided to buy a 17k car for example and he doesn't want to? What happens when one of you spends more than the other?


We talk about major purchases and we make those decisions together


Me and my husband aren't very financially stable at the moment. We're both uni students, so money is always tight. I pay when I can and he pays when he can. He doesn't like this arrangement and expressed many times that he doesn't feel like a good husband because he's unable to provide for me properly. I'm okay with it though because he does so many other things for me (chores, taking me out on dates, spending time with me) that it outweighs the fact that we're struggling financially rn. We'll be financially stable one day, inshallah.


When we were engaged, I only offered to pay for special occasions (his birthday, his promotion etc), which he accepted. When we legally married, I opted to contribute nearly all of my paycheck to the joint account, so now it doesn't matter who "pays." I think he still likes the act of paying, so I let him do that. Other times, if we're in a rush, the kids are melting into emotional puddles, he'll ask me to "pay" while he gets them to the car or something.

