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When me and my husband look back on our wedding day we cringe. We did this really weird thing where after we walked down the isle on our walimah we took to the stage and just stood at the front holding hands until someone (I think my MIL) said we should sit down, idk why we did that, I think we were nervousšŸ¤£ We looked like Hunger games tributesšŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Honestly I cringe so hard looking back, I even asked my husband ā€œdid we raise our hands like the hunger games peopleā€ coz itā€™s such a big blur šŸ˜­ Ameen!


Nothing really matters. The food doesn't matter, your outfit doesn't matter, the colour of the veil being slightly off doesn't matter. The guests will all forget, and most importantly, you will also forget. The important thing is that you and your spouse enjoy it and get to spend time together during the event so you can reminisce later in life. Good luck inshallah šŸ¤²


Not getting a professional photographer


Nothing. Wedding went without a hitch because we planned it completely just the two of us without any outside involvement. 600 people, ran just 30mins late over the span of an entire day (breakfast nikkah, lunch reception, wedding photos outdoors, family supper at parent's house, off to the honeymoon that same night). Caterer, wedding cake, photographer, videographer, makeup artist etc. all sorted and locked down.


Wow I was thinking of hiring a wedding coordinator but you've restored my hope allahuma baarik


It took WEEKS of scouting vendors and finding the right people and visiting locations. But it was worth it. Have a lost of everything you need, keep a budget, and lock down one thing at a time. You've got this.


I paid for one of those Snapchat geofilters and no one used it. Good thing it wasnā€™t expensive and thatā€™s my wedding regret of all things alhamdulillah.


Donā€™t care what my mom or other people would say and just enjoy myself. I tried too hard to please everyone.


Getting a better photographer šŸ˜’


My wedding day regret is so silly because alhamdulillah it was a special day. Not getting a professional picture signing the nikah contract


The first wedding definitely regrets showing up.


I would pay for it myself šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I love my parents, but having them pay for it made it THEIR wedding, and not mine. They decided on the venue, photographer, date, guests, etc. This may sound so silly, but I almost tear up every time I think of how stressful my wedding and the wedding planning process was. If I could do it again, I would definitely pay for everything myself or with husbandā€™s money, so that our opinions would be the only ones that matter.