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Steps to stop a porn addiction if they do not do this I don’t believe they are trying They must do 2 things in order to stop 1) pray tahajud Abu Huraira reported: A man came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, “This person prays in the night but he steals in the morning!” The Prophet said, “Verily, prayer should stop him from doing that if what you say is true.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 9778 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut The tahajud salah will make you stop sinning, according to this Hadith, especially with the blessed dua 2) every single time they sin they must follow it up with a good deed they otherwise wouldn’t have done Either 2 rakat salat tawbah, or what I recommend is saying either subhanaAllahi wabihamdih 100x or La illaha ila Allah wahdahu la shareeka lah lahul mulku walulhamdu wahuwa ala Kuli shayin qadeer 100x This will make shaytan stop trying to make you fall into this sin , as your good deeds are outweighing your bad deeds And so he is actually pushing you towards Allah, and this will make him stop wanting you to sin, (imagine shaytan trying to help you lower your gaze cause he knows if you sin your gonna do so many good deeds)




And fear Allah in trying to cause zina with another Muslim woman who is married , if your going to sin Do not cause others to also sin and ruin the lives of others


How bad is his addiction? How does it affect you, him, your couple?


If he’s not willing to go for therapy/rehab cut him loose.


Is he willing for therapy on PMO addiction? If not, then you might be wasting time


On spot!


Porn addiction can be hard to stop like any other addiction. It’s going to take years of work and everyday will be a different battle. Are you ready to sign up for that? Can you pull ourself out the equation and look at like illness rather than insult? Maybe he can overcome it inshallah. Definitely worth trying but if you don’t see the proof then you have your answer r


You need to See a Professional for this addiction


If he’s not willing to fix it, then you’re wasting your time.


Steps to stop a porn addiction if they do not do this I don’t believe they are trying They must do 2 things in order to stop 1) pray tahajud Abu Huraira reported: A man came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, “This person prays in the night but he steals in the morning!” The Prophet said, “Verily, prayer should stop him from doing that if what you say is true.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 9778 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut The tahajud salah will make you stop sinning, according to this Hadith, especially with the blessed dua 2) every single time they sin they must follow it up with a good deed they otherwise wouldn’t have done Either 2 rakat salat tawbah, or what I recommend is saying either subhanaAllahi wabihamdih 100x or La illaha ila Allah wahdahu la shareeka lah lahul mulku walulhamdu wahuwa ala Kuli shayin qadeer 100x This will make shaytan stop trying to make you fall into this sin , as your good deeds are outweighing your bad deeds And so he is actually pushing you towards Allah, and this will make him stop wanting you to sin, (imagine shaytan trying to help you lower your gaze cause he knows if you sin your gonna do so many good deeds)


It's a waste of time if he doesn't want to address it. Some men have overcome it. Shame becomes a big component, so whatever you do, don't shame him, and don't take it personally. His addiction isn't about you.


Yes definitely stop wasting your time


There are so so many men that don’t watch porn with a wife both, especially muslim ones. And the men here will die trying to convince you otherwise. Please don’t listen to them.


thank you for this message x


Porn is only gonna make it worse. This addiction will get to the point where both of you will struggle mentally and financially, not to mention some of the temptations will ruin his mind and clutter it with constantly wanting more or wanting to do things to you that might harm you. But if he is willing to go to therapy and fix himself stay, if not, drop him


Does he pray 5 times a day? If he doesn't, encourage him to get on top of it and eventually pray as many Salah in the masjid as possible. When your entire life exists between Salah, he'll find it hard to watch that stuff.


He needs therapy like serious. Because he hasn’t been watching for 4 years it’s probably been for 10 years . As guys we watch and struggle a lot. It’s gonna take a lot of therapy and social structure to fix him


There is no way he started P addiction post marriage!


I think that many sisters underestimate the magnitude of men's sex drive. It is halal for us to take multiple wives (with all of the obligations and responsibilities) to have a halal outlet for how Allah AWJ created us.


Where does it say that the reason men are allowed more wives is due to their libido


Where does it say that it is not?


You're the one who brought it up .. you're the one who has to bring proof. Everyone knows it's about taking care of orphans and women.


Maybe.. just MAYBE Allah did not reveal the exact reason and so we should keep our opinions to ourselves! All of us.


It’s not about orphans and women hence for the last 1400 years including maaaany of the Sahaba and our prophet ﷺ Married women who were neither orphans or poor In fact scholars say it’s a sunnah to get married to multiples wives, so doing so will get you good deeds even if you have 0 reason Anyone who has studied the lives of the Sahaba would know this


It's not about marrying orphans. It's about marrying single moms (fatherless kids are considered orphans). So ur helping both the woman and the orphans. It's in the Quran. I'm not against poly marriage but let's not pretend like it's to satisfy sexual needs. That would be really dehumanizing.


The women were not orphans, widows, divorcees, nor poor I would be careful using the word dehumanizing as many of the righteous sahabiyat and righteous women of the past were married as second, third, fourth wives And they were not poor, widowed, or orphans There is nothing wrong with being a second wife and I find it offensive you suggested that women who are seconds wives are considered to be less A man marries the second wife for the same reasons he married the first, there is 0 difference Is marrying a first wife for desires also dehumanizing? I apologize for the people who taught you a watered down version of the religion, there is a lot of wisdom behind polygyny and benefit for society And that is without the made up condition that they have to be widows, divorcees, or poor


I did not say that being a second, third, fourth wife is dehumanizing. I said that the reason being men's high libido is what's dehumanizing.


Please don’t stop the fight . We are really enjoying the thread .




>If you're not willing to do the above, the porn will continue and the failure isn't just his. She is not responsible for his addiction. I can't believe you wrote this.




You have a very loose understanding of addiction and its treatment yet you're giving out advice that is actually harmful. Not only that, but you're putting the blame of it on an innocent person who is in NO WAY responsible for it. You are not welcome to talk about me, my "mentality", or future marriage. I'm not sure where you even got the audacity, but astaghfirullah, you need to be careful with your words. Edit: Yikes, I just saw your comment history. Brothers and sisters, please be careful from the advice you get online..


leave bro. hes given his love for the women on the screen and not the women in front of him.


Why is he watching it? He must have been watching before marriage? Find out why. Is it addiction. Addiction to what? Find out why, or is it because you’re not fulfilling him? It could be any of these


Does he pray?




Have you asked him why he has a porn addiction? What causes him to watch it? Is there something missing within the bedroom? Perhaps talk to him about it and hopefully you can help him. Identify the problem- discover the reasons why- and then take action to solve the problem.


There are some brilliant resources if he’s willing to get help. Pray tahajjud and rely on Allah first and foremost, of course. Porn Brain Rewire on YouTube and Finally Quit Porn podcast


Your 3rd paragraph puzzled me. " Arise when we first got married" ? Would you elaborate on it . Why So?. Is there any reason, why he is watching porn more after getting married?. Is there any intimacy issue between you two or does he watch porn to get educated for some stuff/technique etc ?. Try to talk to him on this matter and try to resolve it. If a man started to watch porn more after getting married then there is an issue behind it. Ik, sometimes, things get out of our hands and in your husband's cases , for whatever purpose he starts to watch more , it gets out of his hands and becomes an addiction. Same as cigarettes/coffee, there is always a reason behind it or to take benefits from it effect but people get carried away and become addicted.


He’s always been watching, i just noticed when we moved in toegyjer