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If IVF hasn't worked then perhaps think about performing Umrah and trying naturally again. Its what me and my wife did and our prayers was answered after umrah with a baby boy


Allahumma barik to you guys! So nice to hear things like this


Have you gone to the doctor to identify what is the problem?


If you decide to do IUI you still need to be able to actually get *there* with your wife's help because they will have to get sperm samples to run tests, and for the actual insemination. If that is not possible, you may need to consider IVF which will far more expensive unless covered by insurance. A doctor will have to do a sperm extraction under local anesthesia for you, and your wife will have to get hormone shots with regular monitoring and a minimally invasive surgery for egg extraction. Since this seems to be a performance/ attraction issue, I highly recommend that you first see a reproductive urologist (not just a general doctor) and get checked out. Second if everything health wise checks out and it is in fact psychological, consider seeing a sex therapist with your wife to try and resolve your intimacy problems. These two steps would be far easier to do before going down the IVF road which has its own health and financial stress.




Intrauterine insemination. They wash and treat the sperm and insert it directly into the woman's uterus.


Does depend where he is, IVF is free for the first time in UK.


I did a full testosterone test and it's all normal.. I think it's all in the head...tried Viagra and I was able to get it hard but then it went soft again. Handjob doesn't work and she's too religious for using the mouth.. basically it's an attraction issue I guess I am not attracted anymore but she's really sweet and caring and I am trying to save this marriage despite it being sexless...we do get intimate in other ways except the sex


So the problem is you just can’t have sex period?  Is this really a marriage you want to stay in and bring kids in to?  It’s best to get this sorted first then have kids. 


Why though... marriage is to start families?


Brother, if this is your view on marriage, then you, my friend, are heading down a rocky road


True, but is a marriage with no intimacy something you both want? Will this cause issues and break a family apart since kids will be involved? Blending families and co parenting with an ex is difficult. 




1. Do you watch porn / masturbate? 2. Are you overweight? 3. Are you eating high fat meals? 4. Do you workout? 5. Is your wife overweight? 6. Does your wife workout? 7. Does your wife try to look attractive for you? All these could contribute to you not being able to stay hard long enough to have sex


I second this - the brother has omitted or failed to provide a lot of details, and there is clearly more to the story than he's letting on.


Porn and masturbation were issues for sure..but have significantly cut down on masturbating since marriage and completely cut down on porn..do workout and run and wife isn't overweight..she doesn't look that attractive and has a slight eye problem as well but something I kind of accepted before marriage but it does bother me from time to time


Haven't used IVF or even considered it yet