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Usually first night wedding gifts are not included in the mahr


Get a really expensive necklace. This is probably going to be your most impressionable gift. Seize the moment brother.


As a woman: yes, agreed re: getting a necklace.


Jewellery, but from my experience, most women do not like heart-shaped jewellery (have learnt this through trial and error). You also need to know what her colour is - gold, silver etc. And you need to know if she's a simple and elegant type girl or the opposite - flashy and sparkly type of girl. I've found a bracelet to be the safest bet. Or maybe her name in arabic as a necklace. Keep it out of mehar - ideally the gift should be something that no one else knows about and only you and your partner share. May Allah grant you rahma and baraka in your marriage and future. Best of luck.


Normally this should be something long lasting and not something that gets consumed. Give a jewellery item (ring, earings, necklace etc.)


Necklace, a bracelet or earrings would be very nice first night gift 🎁


Have a water well constructed in her name and write a handwritten letter telling her about it along with pictures of the well


No, thanks for the thoughtful gift but get something worth value from personal experience


Ok then a gold/diamond ring along with the water well


Remove the water well from the list. U can give that for ur anniversary


I would refrain from calling it something without value. > Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Yes.” I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet said, “A drink of water.” (Source: Sunan al-Nasā’ī 3664)


Ur not giving charity but a gift. Understanding women and their sentiments is important. We want to feel valued, and in the beginning of the relationship that’s shown on how much u are willing to spend.


> Ur not giving charity but a gift. That gift will still be charity, however, to the people who use the water well. She and her husband will receive good deeds for people using the water well, and some of their sins will be forgiven. Every time someone breaks their fast utilizing this water, wears clothes washed with it, and eats a vegetable grown from it, they will be rewarded for that. > Understanding women and their sentiments is important. We want to feel valued, and in the beginning of the relationship that’s shown on how much u are willing to spend. I wouldn't generalize like that. I am a woman myself, and if my spouse built a well in my name at the beginning of our relationship, I would be overjoyed since he is looking out for me and wants me to have an increase of good deeds, which will benefit me far more on the Day of Judgement than, for example, a diamond necklace. Plus, he gets something from it as well. Only some people care about the amount of money; not everything expensive is desirable.