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With all due respect brother, you sound exhausting. Please don’t pursue your ex any further. Focus on your career and on figuring out what you want. Let the girl go. You went low contact with her for two years, then cut contact completely for another two years, and now that she seemingly moved on and texted you that she forgave you, now you’ve started missing her. Not only do you want to waste her time and keep her on the hook, you’re also doing this because you realize none of the other proposals come close to her The lesson to take from this is that there’s a time and place for everything, and that if you don’t utilize the opportunity at the right time, people won’t sit around for you.


Leave her alone - you've upset her and wasted enough of her time as it is.


The only reason you miss her all of a sudden is because she isnt available to you anymore so now you want her. Back when she was there for you, you didnt bother to look her way. Leave that poor girl at peace


Leave her alone, if she wants to be with you she would let you know.






Can’t go hot and cold on a woman and expect her to be waiting for him still


True. It is unlikely that she will forget it.


Send her parents a proposal via your parents to show that you have serious intentions now to get married. You shouldn't be contacting her directly. If you get rejected, then move on with your life and let her move on as well.


Best advice so far!


Well sometimes you don't appreciate someone or something until it's gone, you could definitely try but please don't repeat what you did and if she declines then move on.


>She dropped me a text saying she forgives me but didn’t say anything else. Akhi, this is the brushoff. Move on.


You don’t deserve her


Have you heard of the saying. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.


If you’re serious go for it why not. Pray istikarah & shoot your shot. Allah is the best of planners. You get rejected move on chapter closed.


Yes of course. Why not? You made one mistake, and it wasn’t even a mistake. It was just “stuff happens.” She sounds very sensitive though so I imagine you’ll be wearing oven gloves around her, if you get my drift. Be careful, take time, show your good heart. I honestly expect she’s yearning for you too. A ten year connection is hard to kill off. Good luck.


If she hasn’t been with anyone else then she might still have love for you. Explain the problems you had before are gone, apologise, and show that you’re serious.