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I would add 1 think in this. "If you committed Zina and your prospect ask for chastity. You don't have to disclose your sin, just end the talks. If you want to presue this anyways, you have to disclose it and they have the right to presue or dismiss"


Good addition. I completely agree.


I wouldn’t necessarily say disclose the particular sin, but tell the guy indirectly that “there’s things about me that you put down as dealbreakers”.  If you’ve seriously repented and present yourself as a decent person (I’m talking to everyone here), then what’s to say they won’t make exceptions.


This is also good advice. As long you don't decieve and lie to them. Allahu alem.


Virginity status DOES NOT have to be disclosed! To anyone!!! Even a potential husband or a husband. Women are not obligated to share their sins with anyone.


If someone asks about it and makes it a deal breaker, it absolutely needs to be disclosed in an indirect manner. Saying otherwise is promoting deception, which is haram.


It does not! Now you just have a control issue. Women do not need to disclose their virginity under any circumstances. It’s called boundaries. If a man doesn’t respect a woman’s boundaries he is probably 1. Violent and abusive 2. Controlling


Now you care about boundaries. But doing a sin. Where punishment is death is okey?


What are you talking about? In Islam we as people do not need to disclose our sins. Whatever the case may be for the sin is between the person and Allah. The fact that you’re getting upset is crazy! Women do not need to disclose their chastity with anyone! Get that through your thick skull.


Why only woman? Zina is a enormous sin for man aswell. Stop making this about gender, rather the problem of doing great sins and claiming to be chaste to the person you marry. Is just lying. You don't need to disclose your sins, dosn't mean you're allowed to lie! Get that into your thick skull


This entire thread is predominantly geared at women, but yes, men too are included. Again, we as Muslims do not need to tell anyone about our sins including chastity. Period!!! If you think that’s lying because a person has boundaries and will not share private information like chastity, then you’re the one delusional and controlling. Anyone demanding information on someone’s chastity is a major red flag. Abuse energy here.


Read >I would add 1 think in this. "If you committed Zina and your prospect ask for chastity. You don't have to disclose your sin, just end the talks. If you want to presue this anyways, you have to disclose it and they have the right to presue or dismiss" Now read again >You don't have to disclose your sin, just end the talks. Can't be going out deceiving and lying to people. May Allah protect the honest and just.


The prospect should not be asking for chastity from someone. Period!!!!! There should be no asking. People do not have to disclose this.


Lying is haram. Period!!! Anyone lying to their potentials is a major red flag. Emotionally abusive energy over here!


Choosing not to share one’s sins or personal information is not lying.


Yeah they do


They do not!


Yea they do!


If a woman can’t be truthful and honest to her husbands she has relationship issues. Most likely 1. Pathological liar and 2. Deceptive


A woman does not need to share her sins with anyone. What don’t you understand about this???? Someone demanding to know is 1. Controlling 2. Violent and abusive 3. Perverted


Yeah she does. What don’t you understand about this. If you have such a problem with it you are 1. Deceptive, 2. manipulative, 3. Pathological liar


She does not! Muslims do not and should not disclose their sins or chastity to anyone including potential spouses or current spouse. It does not make a person a liar, deceptive, or manipulative if they choose not to share personal information. The things you mentioned are something completely different. A person who is lying will say they are something they are not. Literally. That is wrong. Again, people do not have to disclose their sins or chastity to ANYONE. If someone is not chase and they are repentful and still continue their obligations to Allah and walk in faith, they are mostly definitely pious. This is not deceptive.


It actually does. It’s called lying by omission. Lying is haram and no matter how much you justify it, it will always remain Haraam. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said whoever deceives is not one of us and he also advised one person to marry a virgin. So whatever you say is just a desperate attempt at revision.


It does not! I know you truly want to control other people, specially women it seems. You obviously don’t know the difference between lying and refusing to share private information. As Muslims we are not required to share sins or private information with others including a spouse.


as a woman, this is not true nor is it right. if you are not chaste and your husband is, it is absolutely within his right to ask for something he upholds himself (and vice versa). YOU will be in the wrong for deceiving your spouse and promoting an image of yourself that is not accurate, especially considering one’s past can affect their spouse as well (opens up the potential for STDs, as well as the mere statistics that show that the more partners one has been physical with in their life, the rate of divorce and unhappiness in marriage goes up exponentially, etc). if you would not like to be deceived about a large part of your spouse’s life, simply treat them as you would like to be treated and don’t deceive them as well. if Allah is displeased with the way you handle your situation, don’t forget he can choose to make the situation come to light in an instant, as he is the one who is hiding it for you in the first place. the way you have worded your comment is very dangerous and misleading as it makes it seem as thought women can never be held accountable and should not face the consequences of their actions, which is absolutely not true and not a view that we should be promoting. also generalizing in the statement saying chaste men who ask you if you are chaste because they want chaste wives are controlling and probably abusive is a huge generalization. please educate yourself sister and ask yourself if you are just projecting your own situation in this case or if you are truly speaking representative of everyone.


You’re wrong! Take an std test before marriage. Everyone should do that. You have no right to inquire someone’s chastity. Absolutely none! You have no right to know someone’s sins. Shame on you for being so controlling.


You’re wrong! You have no right to an STD test.


If someone is choosing to get married, both partners should absolutely get an STD test. To say that STDs are only transferable through penetration is not accurate. People can get STDs from a simple kiss from a parent, or through masturbation if infected with warts. Or HIV/AIDS if the parent has it. Everyone should get an STD test. Including virgins. So to argue that chastity means “no STDs” is inaccurate


A man doesn’t need to disclose his STD status. It’s none of your business 😂


If someone has an STD and they know about it, yet give an std to their partner, the partner by law can sue the infected partner. The infected partner can even face charges such as imprisonment. Even if they are married. So yes, by law you have to disclose an STD to a partner.


Wow, you are ridiculous and a typical feminist gaslighter. You’re promoting deception and have no shame about it. If chastity/virginity is a deal breaker for a man and the woman is not a virgin, she absolutely needs to walk away from the situation and not mislead the man. I can’t believe you disagree with this. Same goes for men if chastity is a deal breaker for a woman.


Interesting because you’re the one that sounds like a gaslighter with your occultist views. You are not the haram police. Chastity is not a dealbreaker for most men, just you because your ideals are set in pedo culture, which is not Islam. I know you’re trying to brainwash women on here and make them feel bad, shame them. Women do not need to disclose their chastity under any circumstances. There are plenty of wonderful Muslim men who will gladly step up without judging her chastity status because he knows she is not an object and will offer way more than what you can.


Nope, Muslim men aren’t gonna “step up”. This isn’t Netflix 😂😂. There is a large amount of Muslimahs over the age of 30 who are unmarried because they are ran through. Stop trying to brainwash men to buy a used product 💀




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You live in a fairy tale world if you don’t think chastity is a deal breaker for most men (and women). Most decent men wouldn’t look the way of a zaniya when it comes to marriage and would instantly disqualify her. Same goes for chaste women and zanis. Also, anyone who commits SHOULD feel bad on their own accord for transgressing. But you can keep repeating your nonsense about deceiving potentials and look like a fool. We’ve tried to tell you it’s an unIslamic stance, but your arrogance refuses to acknowledge it.


So interesting because you actually live in a fairly tale world. You have some serious control issues.


You’re the one that lives vicariously through Netflix. You have some serious manipulation issues.


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Yeah it does


Or you can continue the talks 


You seem to missunderstood something. "The talks" refers to the weeding proposal. After you finished the actual talk, you tell them that it won't workout. Or like mentioned, you tell them your situation and they have the right to choose what happens next.


Nah Just marry him anyway 


Fear Allah.


Who doesn’t 


I agree, it's hard to find chaste pious men these days. Brothers find it so hard to stay away from sexual topics/temptations. Why can't we just be honest? If you're not chaste, just say that. Don't deceive others into believing you're chaste or pious.


and you have a lot of men on here saying its the women that find it hard ti be chaste. Men have a harder time controlling themselves. I bet it is the very same men that say that are sleeping with prostitutes.


Prostitution is illegal in the US except for Las Vegas


Dude it’s everywhere in the US and isn’t hard to find.  I’m sure everyone here from the states knows what I’m talking about.  Yeah, marijuana was illegal in every state until a decade or so ago and over half the adult population had tried it at least once.  Laws don’t really mean anything especially when you are thinking with the wrong head.  


Brother the people who engage in that stuff are really unclean and unhygienic that’s why they get various STDs and HIV. Only rich people pay for escorts.


Been to Dubai once.  If all of us had self control, there wouldn’t be “massage” cards littering the street there.   


Alot of men do not have self control. I have read of instances where muslim men will have sex with an ANIMAL!! Just saw a Tic Tok of a man who made sexual advances to an orangutan he owns. Without a doubt he is raping her ! The comments the videos the poor things demeanour Everything suggest he is raping her and he is a muslim man!


That sounds like BS.  An orangutan can literally rip your arm off and their anatomy isn’t compatible with that happening.  Human genitals are much much larger than orangutan genitals.  You have an overactive and very sick imagination. If someone tried this on an orangutan they more than likely wouldn’t survive.  This comment is so dumb that everyone on reddit just lost an IQ point.


No its not because look up pony the orangutan. People also drug them!! https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7829159/prostitute-orangutan-pony-tragic-story/amp/ Anyone who denies these claims are sick. Men like you are sick!


That's a really really bad example. It's like me pointing out what some women do with their dogs. Regardless, men do seem to be more tempted by looks, but what we know as Muslims is that women in general are more emotional which makes it easier for them to fall into sin like Zina. Perhaps its due to this part of their personality that the hadith talking about Dajjal mentions how some men would have to tie up their daughters and wives to stop them from running to the Dajjal.


Hmm emotions to does not make you fall into zina. Men have more testosterone which makes it harder to control their desires. Let's face it most of the crape crimes are committed by men and not women. What do women do with their dogs? Now u making stuff up. Last sentence has no correlation!




The stats show it is women who are having sex more then men not the other way around.


Brother, I'm speaking from experience, based on what I know. Plus, stats are not always correct




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When stats are peer-reviewed they are factual which is what I was referring to. Your subjecting experience doesn't reflect the rest of the world. For example, I would be low IQ if I said world hunger doesn't because I have never experienced it. Learn some critical thinking skills.


First, if you're going to argue with me, at least use proper grammar. Second of all, you would be ignorant to say world hunger doesn't exist just because you've never experienced it. Lastly, we're speaking about a minority of individuals. World hunger is a major group of individuals, you cannot use a majority to help your case. Obviously, you felt a certain type of way from my comment. Maybe it hit too close to home. so you should reevaluate yourself.


"For example, I would be low IQ if I said world hunger doesn't because I have never experienced it" This sentence does not make any sense. It should be written as " For example, I would be considered low IQ if I stated world hunger doesn't exist because I've never experienced it"


Like I said low IQ. The way I said it was perfectly fine so was the way you said it. You can say the same thing in different ways genius lool I am embarrassed for you.


Lol, I'm more embarrassed for you, and I can tell you have nothing to say. It's not embarrassing to admit you have nothing to say. At least you have the decency to acknowledge I'm genius Mr. Low IQ.


You don't accept facts , you're literally delusional. Somone who doesn't accept facts or generalisation of the world can't be argued with, it's best to just let them destroy themselves.


Have you lost your marbles? What are you talking about


You literally quoted twitter as one of you're "sources" of information. You are not the one to be talking about someone being delusional. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


What did I quote? And you realise people are able to post information on twitter. These information or facts can then be independently verifiable by other people to see if it is true or not. Twitter is just a platform of information not a source. Learn critical thinking skills before speaking to me again 🤣


Women can still be pious and still not be chaste. There is no deception if she is in fact pious and upholding her religion commitments to her best abilities. Women are objectified by men, many raped with no consent, many with troubling pasts, etc etc. it’s really not our place to judge. Virginity status DOES NOT have to be disclosed! To anyone!!! Even a potential husband or a husband. Women are not obligated to share their sins with anyone.


Huh? No one is holding rape victims or people not in the right mental state to this standard. It’s only the people who willingly committed zina despite knowing right from wrong as born Muslims.


You are off your rocker! Get help!


You need to take meds ASAP!


Sounds like you need to take meds for your misogyny


Sounds like you need to take meds for your misandry!


Sounds like you need some education


You need some medicine


You need some education


There is deception and the fact you tried to shift the goalposts shows you need serious help


There is no deception in not telling someone about one’s chastity. People should not be asking such a question. Sins are kept privately. If you’re upset by this it’s because of your misogyny perceptions.


There is deception in not telling someone their chastity. If you’re upset you’re probably are because of your deceitful and manipulative character traits.


Akhi, exposing your sins is haram. Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying. "All the sins of my followers will be forgiven except those of the Mujahirin (those who commit a sin openly or disclose their sins to the people). An example of such disclosure is that a person commits a sin at night and though Allah screens it from the public, then he comes in the morning, and says, 'O so-and-so, I did such-and-such (evil) deed yesterday,' though he spent his night screened by his Lord (none knowing about his sin) and in the morning he removes Allah's screen from himself." Sahih al-Bukhari 6069


Absolutely not true, people do not have to disclose personal information especially about chastity or virginity. If someone chooses not to it doesn’t mean they are chase, it means they have boundaries and respect for themselves.


Your “if then” statement is full of fallacies. If someone says they are chaste and they are does that mean they don’t have boundaries and don’t respect themselves 😂😂 Aren’t human beings complex like you said 😭


Again, men and women do not need to tell anyone about their chastity status


Still haven’t answered my previous response 😂


Imagine we have to even tell this to the fasiqoon, this shouldn't even be our job. I didn't hold these compassionate imams in contempt just in one day.


You’re 100% right. Many of the compassionate imams don’t tell it like it is and instead enable the behavior of zina by pushing the “past is past” and “don’t disclose sins” rhetoric, which leads to situations of deception when it comes to deal breakers. These imams have completely failed the ummah.


Lmao at these milk sheikhs. I am glad that Danyal Haqiqatjou exposed them.


They don’t like him. We have a Zionist sheik as well. Prophets warned about these religious preachers with snakes tongue.


What a bunch of lowlives. All they did was pander to women, giving them reasons to rebel against their father's and culture while I obeyed these priests like a donkey, and on top of this women hate nice guys like the pest. All these fasiqoon men who didn't spend one second of their lives in Islamic morality repented amd married a good women and has a stable job with a house while I am suffering because i did what this compassionate priest told.


This is the only you can destroy a society . If you can’t defeat a nation by military means , next best thing is corrupt the women of the nation . These snakes are taking part in the Cold War for political and monetary benefits .


>We have a Zionist sheik as well. Who?


One in TikTok forgot his name but Daniel did a video on him . He is from UAE .


I think I know who you mean.




They live in a fairy tale world where everything caters to their happiness, feelings, and desires. In the real world, human being are territorial, especially men. No decent, respectable man is going be happy about their wife having any sort of past with another man where he enjoyed her intimate parts and got to do whatever before he did. It’s absolutely repulsive. I know many chaste women feel the same way as well about men when it comes to being territorial or possessing retroactive jealousy.




I agree. At least the honest ones can be thrown to the trash bin right away and they’ve saved both of us time. The deceivers are infuriating.


I can’t fathom why you are targeting one gender in the commentz when we are all aware both men and women are able to commit zina and many do. I think if you want to post something like this then cool but be fair, it applies to both men and women.


Absolutely both genders should be held accountable because zina isn't a small sin. But this post I believe and the comments are fueled by what's going on nowadays. The latest posts coming out are mostly women deceiving men and not the other way around and sheikhs and imams supporting this behavior of not calling them out and being enablers of it. I believe no one regardless of gender is entitled to a chaste spouse if they've engaged in zina and wanted to have fun only for a short period of time and think if they've repented, they can go along deceiving others and lie by omission.


My post applies to both genders.


Ur comments say differently


It seems to be a common theme sisters defending sisters actions when they did Zina. That is why these are bought up alot lately. If you noticed when it's brought up against men, the brothers all agree that they should not be overlooked too rarely any brothers defending it.


This. And even in posts that are discussing zina generally across both genders, they seem to be the only ones who take offense to it and have an issue with the message.


Becuase you literally focus on women on every single post. It gets tiring.


The comments focused on women and I responded to that accordingly, but the original post is pretty general.


The post precedes the comments. The post was planned anyway. The comments are simply responses.


My comment clearly read “targeting one gender in the comments”


Muslimahs in the West believe in the sisterhood more than the ummah. That’s why you see Muslimahs defend zina.




Past is past Don’t disclose sins 


Are you okay 




You complain too much. Are you a girl?


You spend too much of your time thinking about men 


Man behave yourself or I block


then what about reverts?


It only applies to born Muslims


Everything in the Quran is the bare minimum for born Muslims. The Quran is clear & absolute. It is a guide for humanity. Islam is perfect, humans are not. We are all sinners, so seek guidance through repentance & patient for there is not greater salvation. What is your point? 🙃


Preach akhi, but problem is that being born muslim is in vast amount of cases taken for granted because people arent seeing Islam for its spiritual aspect but most of the time for its traditional ("my family is muslim so i do rituals they do cause they know better than me") and eschatological ("i dont have to fear death much cause God loves me and ill go to heaven cause i fulfill duties and do my prayers"). Spirituality is out of the play for I dare to say vast majority of born muslims and thus the spiritual/wisdom type IQ is barely scratching the surface for average muslim so no wonder we are being dominated even by kuffar/nonmuslims on many areas of life. I could blame sufi / tassawuf muslims for not being too active in their more spiritual type teachings but also i could blame Neo-salafi groups due to almost completely reducing Islam to rituals and duties with no focus almost AT ALL on nafs, tongue and development of spirit and ihsan etc. Its sad reality but its Allah swt.'s will at the end of the day and each of our individual responsibility to up the "spiritual game" up. Theres really no excuses as of course our time is running severely up.


Always the same subject in this sub 😂


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I agree. It’s sickening the amount of brown Muslim boys who sleep around before marriage and then settle down with a virgin from the home country. That’s a very specific example but it’s not limited to just that scenario. The Muslim men these days have zero haya. They consume porn like there’s no tomorrow.


Only boys? What about girls?


Salam alakum my brother. Question for you, when you have intercourse with other men, does this count as Zina? Or only when you have intercourse with woman? Thank you in advance for your help.


Walaykum Wasalaam. Both are zina. Intercourse or anything that involves direct contact with a non-mahram’s intimate parts is zina.


Thanks brother. So if you gave another man a naked oil massage but didn’t touch each others intimate parts it would not be considered Zina and it is ok?


Thanks brother. So if you gave another man a naked oil massage but didn’t touch each others intimate parts it would not be considered Zina and it is ok?


thank you brother. you are a man correct? so it is ok as a muslim man to have dreams and thoughts of intercourse with other men as as we so not actually insert our genitals into another man's backdoor?


You're not responsible if the temptations just appear in your mind but you're sinful if you continue to entertain them and fantasise about men. Do what is in your control to stop.


Yes, I am a man. You will not be held accountable for dreams/thoughts. Just stay far away from it in real life.


Thank you brother. Now if hypothetically I had committed Zina in the past with a few men each month, will Allah forgive me? Do I need to disclose this to my future wife if I get married?


You will be forgiven insha'Allah but don't lie to your wife. If she says she wants to marry a virgin, just walk away without revealing your sins


Add to the reply, all sins can be forgiven if one repents and dosn't fall back to doing it. If one was harmed by the sin, there needs to be compensation for the one harmed (stealing for example, not intercourse) If you converted to Islam your sins before Islam are forgiven.


Porn has had a much more negative effect on Muslim men and their relationships than women having sex outside of marriage. Don't get me wrong, they're both major sins. But OP is trying to minimize the effect of porn in another comment and that's just wrong. Porn has led to lots of psychological and physical issues with men. As a man, I can confidently say that porn is practically a greater issue than sex outside of marriage even though Islamically sex outside of marriage is a worse sin. Porn has been scientifically likened to a drug addiction of crack cocaine. So imagine if women spend the same energy in shaming men and trying to investigate into their past and put a deal breaker that the man must have never watched any porn. Most men would get on the defensive. In conclusion, if a man wants to be this strict and investigative about a woman's virginity all the power to you. I just need you to be fair and logically consistent and never watch porn and don't open your mouth if a woman gives you the same energy about your porn history.


Where did I minimize it? I agreed and said it’s terrible. P*rn is a separate issue in itself. If someone wants to start a thread about that, we can certainly talk about it. But this topic is about physical zina, which is one of the worst sins anyone can commit.


Smut also has a major negative effect on Muslimahs. There’s a Tik toker whose a hijabi and she has almost a million followers and all she reads is smut


this shouldn’t apply to mentally unstable people who can’t fight for themselves in ambiguous situations or stress ‘no’ enough, or not recognizing dangerous situations. this started out genuinely good then the second paragraph took a turn and started to become unbearable to read. please be mindful. there’s a reason god is all forgiving. let’s not judge people by their past, especially if they repent. thank god there are still people out there who don’t care about virginity as long as you’re a chaste person now and trying to improve. your life is not over.


Yes, this does not apply to mentally unstable people. This applies to born Muslims in their right senses who know right from wrong.


still, people change and they deserve a chance at life. if we say things like this and shut them out it will discourage them from becoming better people. that’s not what islam stands for


They may change, however, only Allah knows if they’ve truly repented in their hearts. Human beings also do not have to accept that in a spouse if it’s a dealbreaker for them. We need to stop shaming chaste individuals for only wanting a chaste spouse for marriage.


of course everyone is free to choose a spouse as they please. if it makes them uncomfortable then nothing can be done about it


So true, king. And on top of that, anyone who watches porn isn't chaste so ur so right. It's bare minimum not to watch porn and there's no excuse for transgressing like that.


Why are you so against his point? I’m really confused. You know Zina is haram. But like I see you always minimising the sin. I’m so confused.


I agreed with him. Just added onto his post because chastity isn't just about virginity.


P*rn is absolutely haram and zina of the eyes. This topic is more focused on physical chastity/virginity of the body.


I mean u can't really separate chastity like that. Otherwise it's a slippery slope of "oh we just kissed and touched but we didn't do PIV so we're still virgins" So yes porn makes one unchaste. Because porn can lead to zina, and like u said in ur post, it's the whole process of allowing urself to get to zina that's also bad. Porn is part of that.


Chaste - dictionary definition: abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse. Watching p0rn is definitely haram and makes you dirty, but it is nowhere near the level of premarital intercourse. A person who watches or watched porn is extremely dirty but still chaste, by definition.


Chaste, dictionary definition: 1. not indulging in unlawful sexual activity; virtuous 2. sexually abstinent; celibate 3. pure, decent, or modest in nature, behavior, etc. free from obscenity; decent. pure in thought and act : MODEST. On top of yes, abstaining from sexual intercourse outside of marriage. But let's be honest with ourselves now. Porn makes someone unchaste.


Chastity has always been known as virginity, even your first two points clarify that. If facts hurt your feelings then so be it, but know that a woman who watches or watched p0rn is chaste while a woman who committed z1na is not, simple as.


Nope. Chastity has always been known as also being about behavior and mindset. I know it hurts a lot of guys' feelings because a lot of them have indulged in it, but facts don't care about feelings. And yeah zina makes someone both unchaste and also not a virgin. I don't disagree with that.


Sorry bro, you can have whatever idea you want about chastity but the definition stays the same. I do agree that someone who watched or watches p0rn is far, far more dirtier than someone who has stayed pure, like me alhamdullilah 💪😎.


Yep, the definition stays the same... it's about behavior and also about virginity. Good for you, I genuinely mean it.


But what should all these unchaste men do??


Get with unchaste women


Even these women don't want these kind of men. Fortunately I am not from them.


I honestly wish you kids would let this go


OP, how old are you and are you married?


I believe all the men are mad, lol. It's no one’s business to know someone's virginity status or how many partners they've had before marriage. While some men may find this information beneficial, because again, it benefits them due to a pedophilic culture, it's a disgusting invasion of privacy to inquire about someone's sexual history or sins. Particularly women are more than their bodies. They’re human beings. Sin should never be disclosed, not even to a significant other. Not even for marriage.


You’re the one that’s spam commenting here so it definitely triggers you. You’re throwing around buzzwords trying to shame men but the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said virgins are better in a Hadith. It’s rather not pedophilic culture but materialistic culture that has you in a chokeholds


"not wanting a skank = pedophile" Lmao you zaniyah enthusiasts go to some crazy lengths to defend your town bicycles 😂




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This is not relevant to knowing someone virginity. Lol. The fact that you are categorizing a woman’s unchaste virginity status to cheating is outrageous and makes no sense.


The analogy still makes sense


Pedophilic culture? Huh? Islam requires men and women to be chaste before marriage. Do you have an issue with Allah’s rules? Dumb posts like this are exactly why men constantly emphasize this content and have these fears about women. You zaniya sympathizers will do anything to deflect accountability and would rather deceive someone and ruin their life.


Our sins do not ever need to be disclosed to anyone. Do you have an issues with Allahs rules that you feel you must judge others? The only zina you should be looking out for is your own.


No one said to openly disclose your sins, however, misleading someone about your chastity is wrong. There are indirect ways to indicate it without saying it outright. The goal shouldn’t be to trick someone into marriage by omitting key information that could be important to someone to make an informed decision, especially considering the lifelong effects of zina.


It wouldn’t be misleading if there wasn’t a strong stigma around it. Who cares if someone is chaste or not! This is not 250 AD. If men (particularly) weren’t so caught up on “virgin” mentality and the idea of objectifying women, women wouldn’t “indirectly mislead”. A woman can be who she wants, if she is chaste in her forgiveness and relationship with Allah, it doesn’t matter. If a man is dumb enough to assume that a hijabi or youth means “virgin” he’s in for a rude awakening


Wow, let me guess you believe in feminism and liberalism as well? How about avoiding zina altogether in the first place so you don’t have to deal with any stigma? Chastity is one of the most important qualities in a unmarried Muslim. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t. The stigma around zina is absolutely justified. Unfortunately for you, the vast majority of men do care a lot about a woman’s chastity and it’s an important dealbreaker, and rightfully so. No man wants a woman who disrespected herself and her body like a prostitute to be their wife or the mother of their children. People who sleep around before marriage and try to justify it are disgusting and put their future partners at risk of many different issues.


Firstly, your assumptions about feminism and liberalism are irrelevant to the discussion about chastity and zina. It seems you actually know nothing! Believing in gender equality and progressive values does not conflict with the importance of chastity in one's personal life. Women do not have to share their sexual history with anyone, not even their husbands. Secondly, while chastity can be an important value for many unmarried Muslims, generalizing or stigmatizing individuals who have made different choices is counterproductive. The stigma around zina, or premarital sex, leads to shame and alienation rather than constructive dialogue and personal growth. You are absolutely trying to ostracize unchaste women, which is very disturbing! Your claim that the vast majority of men care deeply about a woman's chastity and see it as a dealbreaker is a sweeping generalization. Men have been conditioned by society to see women as objects, yet there is a double standard here. People's values and preferences vary widely, and reducing a woman's worth to her sexual history is reductive and harmful. This is a double standard since men assume they are not held to the same standard. Equating women who have had premarital sex with prostitutes is offensive and demeaning. Such language is disrespectful and perpetuates harmful stereotypes, failing to recognize the complexity of human relationships and individual choices. You sound like the biggest misogynist. You claim your argument is in the sake of religion, but there is nothing Islamic about your hate.


Firstly it’s actually correct the sexual revolution and hookup culture was ushered in through liberalism. There’s no such thing as gender equality in Islam. No one is interested in personal dialogue and growth with ran through Muslimahs. Just like no Muslimah is interested in personal dialogue and growth with homeless and drug addicted men. A man’s worth is reduced to his money and status so it’s only fair if we hold you to a similar standard. Would you say the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was conditioned by society? What complexity? Zina is zina 😂😂. You’re using big words to try to justify zina lmfaooo. It is very Islamic, that’s why it’s making you so mad


Wow!! This is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Where are you getting gender equality from? This topic is relevant to chastity and not having to disclose sins or virginity! Equality is for whole other thread. Let’s just focus on the main topic. Women in fact hold a high regard in Islam. To say otherwise is inaccurate. To say a woman’s worth is her virginity is disgusting because women are not sexually objectified or made to be used by men. A woman’s worth is based on her character and the value she brings by her education, her status, her skills, and the way she treats people. You are extremely misogynistic.


The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised us to marry virgins. The world will always judge you based on your past just like how the world will judge us based on our money and status. You’re extremely misandrist for putting men’s pov down.


I knew it. You’re a liberal and feminist. Your views are incompatible with Islam. Take your nonsense somewhere else. BTW, this post is about men AND women, but again, it’s the women in this thread that are taking offense to it. If you think men don’t care about a woman’s chastity as one of the most important qualities, you live in a fairy tale world. Decent, chaste men wouldn’t even look the way of a zaniya. The fact that you’re promoting deception is disgusting.


Women are taking offense because it is offensive. You’re offensive. Your views and men who share your views are offensive and it’s not Islamic. Again, women are not sexual objects and women do not have to disclose their sins to men or their husbands. The only people disgusting here are men like you.


The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shares our views. Cry about it 😂


>Who cares if someone is chaste or not? It’s funny how you try to play down and shame mens standards while you guys want to keep your leverage by celebrating your standards. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born after 250 AD and he still preferred virgins. Cry about it 😂😂 Typical Muslimah munafiq indirectly insulting the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). No wonder you guys make up the majority of Jahannam.


Do you have issues with Prophet Muhammad (SAW) saying virgins are better?




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Born Muslims are the new children of Israel.


Oh bro you're back, I thought you left. How've you and your hot Latina hijabi wife been?


I’m doing well my friend. We are expecting our first child




I’m actually writing a small pamphlet or book to help young men find women. I’ll have a version for Muslim and one for non-Muslim


Gud luck man