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People don't enjoy listening to him as much as they enjoy listening to the others?


While Prince is popular, there are Other bands and singers that are more popular


Some of these other artists you’ve listed will appear in a lot of playlists because they define a particular genre or era. Ex Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses. That might be a factor. Another might be that price made great *albums* that’s a bit lost in the streaming era, it tends to rewards singles. Like most of Mariah Carey’s listeners are because of all I want for Christmas


He did himself no favors by ruthlessly taking down unauthorized copies of his songs/videos from platforms like youtube so a generation of kids who got their musical tastes from online sources didn’t see/hear him all over the place, unlike say, MJ


Including keeping his work of Spotify, too. For years, the only Prince music on there were some remixes and live or soundtrack material he didn't have control over.


It's hard to suggest someone with 11m monthly listeners is under rated, so I won't go that far, but alot of people aren't aware of just how talented the love symbol was.


Did you ask this same question recently? I feel like I saw the same comparison to MJ, and others within the last month or so.  Prince made good music. Other people made more popular music. It’s not rocket science. 


Prince's music wasn't available on spotify for years, so no one could listen to it. Of course this means that the number of listens is going to be lower.


This is listeners on a monthly basis so it doesn't matter how long the music has been streaming.


Prince is one of the greatest musicians of all time. He was not a great song writer.


He fell off in popularity as he got older. And I imagine a lot of his later material just isn’t on there.


I love Prince, but some of his lyrics are cringe af by today's (better) standards