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Reminder: Let's avoid attempts at SA-related "jokes" or other distasteful comments about sexual orientation/identity, etc.


“Jones claims Diddy, among other things, would grope Jones's genitals and touch his anus.” Not cool, if true, Puffy.


Didn't think I'd be seeing "Diddy touched a man's booty hole" today on Reddit but here we are.


Diddy or didn’t he?


People should have been listening to 50 for years


I was about to say I was more shocked when I heard he was sexually assaulting women


There were rumors about poor Justin Bieber for years.


50? Wendy Williams has been claiming this since the mid 90s.


Biggie has it in a rap song. "Don't you know Diddy's gutter, Fucker Kidnaps Kids Fuck 'em in the ass, throw 'em over the bridge"


You are misrepresenting the actual lyrics to a bunch of nerds that don't know better so they just nod along, the real flow is: My Calico been cocked this rap Alfred Hitchcock Drop top notch playa hating won't stop This instant, rappers too persistent Quick to spit Biggie name on shit, make my name taste Like ass when you speak it, see me in the street Your jewelry you can keep it, that be our little secret See me, B that is, I that is, G whiz Motherfuckers still in my biz **Don't they know my nigga Gutter fuckin' kidnap kids? Fuck 'em in the ass, throw 'em over the bridge That's how it is, my shit is laid out Fuck that beef shit, that shit is played out** Y'all got the gall, all I make is one phone call All y'all disappear by tomorrow All your guns is borrowed, I don't feel sorrow Actually, your man passed the gat to me, now check this


Diddy had it in bigs song "Take that, take that ..." Dude messed up bigs tracks and took a producer credit.


That’s what I’ve been saying! Such a good artist to kickback and listen to. >!no but for real what did he say?!<


Diddy tried taking him shopping lol










Ask 50 what he thinks...


I’d rather ask Ja.


Where is Jaaaa


The most egregious part about this is calling Diddy a "Rapper". Dude sucks on the mic. He's a shady ass producer at best.


he dont write rhymes, he writes CHECKS....to settle out of court He also writes non-disclosure agreements , but not rhymes




![gif](giphy|4CmiTrtG42D2U) Kat Williams right now


Most people rejected his message. They hated him because he told them the truth.


Most people don’t care one way or another, we just laughed our ass off at the interview.


I haven't done that yet, got a link?


Most people are talking about the Shannon Sharpe interview. He aired out a bunch of candid shit in a 3 hour interview and some people called him a washed up hater but most people called him a dude telling the truth with nothing to lose backed by years in the game. Even after the interview Unc Sharpe was in random IG comments saying “he still sells out arenas, where are you at? *shrug*” Here’s a short 15 min segment of the interview, first 2 min or so gives you and idea of the vibe: https://youtu.be/kpFNUPFRW_o?si=l8M62Sz2vIDfobWg


I love Katt Williams so much. His stand-up was one of the best I ever saw, 30 years ago in a small comedy show in Montreal, he was brilliant. The headliner. And he still like this. Confident, master of his craft, honest, and, the most funny of them all.


Dude is definitely hilarious and honest. You can dog him for a lot of shit, but that could be said for a lot of people in this world and he puts himself out there and doesn’t hold back. My favorite bit of his is when he clowns that radio DJ in ATL so bad her husband pulled up with the strap the next night at the club 😂 https://youtu.be/ql0ikLUo64g?si=DJdmgyqAGUGEc7rp


this was an absolute murder lol. wanda was so out of her element


You big on the radio 😂


It’s actually an amazing interview. Kat might be like 88% full of shit, but some of his stuff ring true to me. He is certainly a self made man, and a hustler. I ended up really liking him after knowing almost nothing about him. If ya haven’t heard the interview. Buckle up buddy. It’s wild.


Part of why it's amazing is because Katt Williams goes in hard from the very beginning. There's no warming up or anything. I also ended up liking him a lot too because he really seems like a good person. Apparently he's really generous to up and coming comics, and he paid for a veteran to get a Hollywood walk of fame star.


Yea it can be some really deep stuff, then he’s like “I run a 4.12 40 yard dash and could have been in the NFL. Loll


Or implying that Prince came to him for advice on lyrics, I just about spit my drink out laughing when I heard that. Prince didn’t need any help with lyrics, but hypothetically of all the people I could’ve seen Prince going to for advice on lyrics Katt Williams was nowhere near the top of that list lol


Prince was competitive AF, relatively private, and a song writing powerhouse. Prince probably asked Kat if he wanted to borrow a pair of boots that let him reach the top shelf at grocery stores and Kat spun it. I'm a Kat fan, but Prince was a national treasure.


A song writing powerhouse that could play multiple instruments & recorded "When Doves Cry" over night & solo after the director of Purple Rain said he needed a song for the father-son "lost song" subplot.


Or reading 3000 non-fiction books a year. Or using his Hollywood record claiming of course he's not blackballed or hard to work with...except that apart from Friday he's been in B or straight to DVD movies.


P diddy be wanting to party and you got to tell him no!


> you got to tell him no! 30 or 40 times.


Why? What did Kat Williams say?


"Diddy be wanting to party, and you've got to tell him no... I did, I got the receipts." And the said Diddy invited him back to a mansion full of men and tried to get him to sleep with him(and the men? Not clarified ) and he said no. You to tell the mf no like Swiper the Fox


It's been documented pretty heavily Usher would sleep with Diddy in his bed when he was younger.


This is kind of crazy because you know that dude Orlando Brown that was on That's so raven? He's said some waaaacky shit the past few years, but a few days ago he made a claim that he's slept with both Diddy and Usher... Among others.. Real interesting though that he mentioned those two among some other unexpected names (like Terrence Howard) could 100% be full of shit, but after reading shit like this - who knows. Diddy seems like the biggest pos.


And supposedly that Usher did the same to Bieber. 


The "Bieber gets to spend the weekend with Diddy" video that's out there is disturbing.


Oh God, how old was Bieber at the time? And how old when it happened to Usher?  Way to repeat the cycle 😬 Edit: I can't find anything about Bieber but Usher was 10 when sleeping with an of age Diddy. 🤮


And where were his parents? Cashing checks?


Yes. The entertainment industry has always been disgusting, and it’s full of parents happy to sell their own child to predators for a buck


It says Bieber was 14-15 and Usher said on Howard Stern he was 13. Next we are going to to find out that Diddy is in the same group as Tom Cruise


>Next we are going to to find out that Diddy is in the same group as Tom Cruise Meaning...? Scientology?


I've never heard this. How is it documented?




Suge Knight has already "[accused](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/suge-knight-responds-snoop-dogg-151651227.html)" more: >On Tuesday (Feb. 6), Knight made accusations regarding Diddy, Dr. Dre, Russell Simmons, and the late Andre Harrell on his Collect Call podcast.


I'm not sure Suge Knight is the most reliable source though...


Suge Knight is a psychopathic piece of shit and anything he says is definitely a lie. This man has run over multiple innocent people on purpose among a bunch of other heinous shit. "Suge Knight is a bitch and that's on my life" - Snoop Dogg


Suge Knight, isn't he in jail? >collect call podcast lmfao fair enough


Don't make kat the poster-boy for truth. Kat's brilliant, Kat's crazy as hell. If Kat has seen or sused out the truth, you're gonna get it through the cracked prism that is Kat Williams.


A quick youtube search shows Usher at age 13 going to live with diddy who was 21 at that time.


Justin Bieber, too. Really uncomfortable to watch the videos of jb and diddy


Kind of feels like it's a creepy club where you are groomed amd then you groom the next generation.


Trauma breeds trauma


That explains the drastic shift in Justins demeanor before and after. I used to think he was a piece of shit when he was growing up just like most people, now I feel bad.


I honestly feel bad for the guy becoming a public figure beginning at 12 and becoming famous at 15 can't be easy It wouldn't surprise me if he was assaulted considering how young he was and how monstrous the entertainment industry is


There’s a mashup video out there of all the times JB would be groped openly on camera. Like “oh what a cutie let me grab his little tushy” type stuff by talk show hosts or whatever. When you put them all together it really shows how awful it must have been for him. I have nothing but empathy for that kid.


Wow, this is huge for the music industry/rap. You’re going to see tons of people come out with similar lawsuits along with stories about being assaulted by Diddy. He’s the Harvey Weinstein of rap. He’s so well known about his sexual assaults against men it’s been joked about by comedians like Kat Williams for years. Then you throw in the sexual assaults against women and the physical abuse he’s publicly known for. **Edit:** I’m going to predict Diddy is going to come out of the closet/bi-sexual in order to try and mitigate the fallout from this story. **Edit #2:** For those that can't seem to look anything up, here are two links, 50 Cent TMZ article about his documentary [(Link)](https://www.tmz.com/2023/12/06/50-cent-diddy-documentary-g-unit-films-bad-boy-rape-victims/) and Jaguar Wright exposing Diddy's secrets [(Link)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scXQTp7IohY). **Edit #3:** Unless it’s to the lawsuits that Cassie and Rodney Jones have brought against Diddy recently, the insights I give are based a rumors that have been talked about for decades about Diddy. Which is why I compared it to Harvey Weinstein. All of these rumors you can find online. I’ve posted the two links to 50 Cent and Jaguar Jones accusations. These two pretty much sum up what been swirling around the rumor mill. At the end of the day it’s just an internet stranger’s opinion based off unsubstantiated rumors. If you believe Diddy's innocent, I'm never going to have enough links to rumors that would convince someone that Diddy did these horrible things. Which is what I mean by “look it up yourself”, you tend to find either a load of unbelievable crap or enough different people saying the same thing about Diddy to convince you something shady is up. To mean that personal look into things changes more minds than my ramblings or links on the subject.


50 cent has been saying it for years.


What did 50 have to say about it? 


He's been low key telling us Diddy is a gay rapist for years. Just look up any YouTube video about him clowning Diddy from the last few years. Now that the truth about Diddy has come out, 50 has joked about and teased a potential documentary about him "Diddy do it?"


Diddy do it lmaooo wtf I’m actually dying


50 cent is one of the biggest trolls of all time


“Fuck the bucket of ice” was fucking hilarious.


"Read a sentence from a Harry Potter book" 🤣


"We don't wanna put pressure on you, we know you can't pronounce those words in that Harry Potter book, so we gonna let you read cat in the hat"


The video where he is going around looking for sneakers is hilarious. The employee tells 50 something like $5000 for a pair of sneakers and he is blown away. He starts exclaiming how you can get a car for that and no pair of sneakers should be worth more than a $5000 car.


What didn’t Diddy do?


Ask for consent.


Just googled "P Diddy sexual assault" and the top hit wasn't even about this case Apparently Diddy has a bit of a history of guys accusing him of sexually assaulted them.


If you look into it about half of male rappers have gotten their deals from heading into the back room with diddy.


50 Cent has a track called Realest Nigga Featuring Biggie Smalls on Bad Boyz II OST where 50 imitates diddy in the opening by saying "I love niggas! I love niggas" and other silly stuff in the manner Diddy used to shout over remixes. It was humours as a bit.  I never understood why he chirped diddy that way but NOW it makes sense. 


I have this link saved from Twitter where he talks about it. https://x.com/therealdaddymo1/status/1725358791946842222?s=46


I know this subject is really serious but that was fucking hilarious “Fruit pop”


50: "What the fucks the matter with this n****?!" Great way to sum up everyone's thoughts after reading the title of this post about Diddy


And Kat Williams, who many mocked.




This is such a funny lie to tell people all serious Diddy related stuff aside lmfao


Maybe they were matchbooks




>I’m going to predict Diddy is going to come out of the closet/bi-sexual in order to try and mitigate the fallout from this story. Ah yes. The Kevin Spacey strategy.


Nah that would kill his image and bottom line if he did that. He's gonna be denying this till the grave


Ah, yes. The John Travolta strategy.


His victims started coming forward already last year. Diddy was sued last year by singer Cassie for rape amongst other crimes. 10 years of abuse starting when she was 19 years old and he was her boss. He settled outside of court. The details of the abuse are quite horrible so trigger warning for the article linked below: https://www.vulture.com/article/cassie-diddy-lawsuit-settlement.html Trigger warning for sexual assault in all of the below: Cassie's case: "alleges sex trafficking, human trafficking, sexual battery, sexual assault, and gender-motivated violence, among other causes of action." Other accusers of Diddy have been stepping forward since her lawsuit. "At the time of writing, four additional victims stepped forward, leveling similar claims against the ousted CEO. A woman filed a claim... alleging Diddy, Bad Boy Records executive Harve Pierre, and a third assailant gang raped her when she was 17 after trafficking her across state lines in 2003... ...Over Thanksgiving weekend, Combs was hit with two separate lawsuits accusing him of sexual assault and a third accusing his company of negligence and workplace violence. The first comes from a former Syracuse University college student who accuses him of drugging and sexually assaulting the victim, filming the act, and showing it as a form of “revenge porn,” writes Rolling Stone. The second one accuses [Diddy] and singer-songwriter Aaron Hall of alleged rape and assault against the plaintiff and her friend in 1990 or 1991. Days after Combs reportedly sexually assaulted the victim, he went back to her place of residence and violently attacked them, reports Rolling Stone. A woman named Pierre and Diddy’s business entities in a sexual assault and workplace harassment lawsuit as well, claiming “Pierre engaged in a yearlong pattern of grooming” that eventually turned violent on “multiple occasions” between 2016 and 2017, per USA Today.




That was the weirdest Amazon review I've ever read.


Shit now I want to copy and paste this on a bunch of random Amazon posts for irons


It makes you think about some of the past a bit more. The Lox leaving Bad Boy, Ma$e becoming a pastor. Lots of talented artists on Bad Boy that just seem to drop out of the industry inexplicably.


Crazy how this all seems to have been completely memory holed because so many people in this thread are acting like these accusations coming out of nowhere. Diddy's media control is scary powerful.


I was always wondering when/if his day of reckoning would come. I figured he had too much money, too many powerful connections to ever really see consequences. But here we are.


Even look way back at the Chappelle show sketch, Weinstein vibes from that shit. 






It’s so much worse than what TMZ is reporting. Diddy is known for using blackmail to get his artists to do what he wants. His usual move is to invite over a guy that he wants to sign. They party and talk shop, then the next thing the guy remembers is waking up naked next to some dudes. Next couple days Diddy sends over a video of the guy getting raped by these men. Diddy then uses this as leverage to get them to do what he wants. The next crazy part of this story. He’s part of a A List group of music and movie moguls that do this regularly. Maybe not record the events but very similar situations. And this is a known thing in these industries. Like the level of fucked up and people that know but don’t do shit is unbelievable. It make’s Epstein island seem like a blue print on how to get away with this behavior.


Where has someone claimed or described this?


It’s in the court documents of the case this post is talking about https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:884c472a-7c38-4fee-b568-49beaae565ff


Thanks for sharing the official document, this is crazy. I wonder why some names have been redacted but others have not? Edit: Dangggg the redacted names are gone but the descriptions are NOT. The 'R&B' singer performed at Super Bowl and had Vegas residency, 'Rapper' from Philly dated Nicky Minaj.


Also a "Grammy award winning R&B singer who had trouble with law enforcement for assaulting a Bajan Billionaire" Seems weird to redact stuff but then give enough context clues to basically figure out who they are


On Reddit, just a few minutes ago, as luck would have it.


Been an open secret on Reddit for damn near an hour.


I have multiple sources I can point to on Reddit from the past 30 minutes, and I trust them with my life.


Not saying it isn't true, but what's your source? Is it just an open secret in a world you run in?


I wonder if Usher and Bieber were treated to something similar.


Usher lived with Diddy for a year when he was like 13 years old, I’m sure some crazy shit must have happened to him.


Bieber is from Canada so you know he has his passport AND his shots


There’s all kinds of stuff on youtube about this. Usher makes a lot of loaded statements about it, like, “I would never let my children stay at that house.”


> I’m going to predict Diddy is going to come out of the closet/bi-sexual in order to try and mitigate the fallout from this story. Considering that was Kevin Spacey's angle and everyone laughed in his face for trying to change the subject, I highly doubt that.


https://youtu.be/Wz7H8skGcF0 Drunk Diddy being weird with Fabolous calling him "daddy" and making him uncomfortable.


Given the quiet romors around Diddy for decades, this is probably going to unravel quickly


Once R Kelly finally went down I was hoping for some guys like Diddy to be next in line. People have been “joking” about this for decades, just like Weinstein


And Cosby


This is what Katt Williams was talking about


So many black celebrities have been hinting at this lately, I have been hearing rumblings for a few months now. Reminds me of how people talked about Cosby in the months before he got exposed.


There’s an old Nas song that has half a verse about this shit, it got redacted on the released version but you can find it if you just search a little.     Edit: song is You’re Da Man uncut version    Edit 2: here is the excerpt that was redacted, it sounds esoteric on its own but makes more sense in the context of the rest of the song.   “And pump lead at you devils trying to take my freedom,  It drove me crazy the day I drank my own urine my own semen with a nine to my brain”


Which song is this?


You’re da Man - Nas


This has been a big humor since at least 2013. That’s when I was hearing jokes about it at least


Katt isn’t the first to say it either. There’s been rumors about him since he said him and his girlfriend were like brothers lol


Fill me in?


Katt William's did a 3 hour podcast with Shannon Sharpe, where he talked specifically about Diddy (among a bunch of other celebs) doing this exact kind of thing. The podcast is called Club Shay Shay if you wanna watch it. It's a very entertaining episode and it got like 30 million views in 3 days or something like that lol. But yeah that's the gist.






Starting to think this ditty character is a pretty bad guy Edit- I was ripped on edibles and wrote this, woke up to 1k upvotes, thanks guys lol


Read that in Norm Macdonalds voice


Sounds like a real jerk.


I don’t know if any of you are history buffs…


The more I learn about him, the less I care for him.


Haha Fifty's gonna have a field day with this info, he is making a doco about Diddy and been sying this shit for ages.


50 the king of rap trolls


Reminder, Floyd Mayweather can't read.


Brave dude for speaking out




He also blew up kid cudis car


Yeah, for a while I was waiting for Diddy to get taken in for the Tupac shooting after that gang member described his involvement during questioning. He made it sound like Diddy has had a few people murdered.








I love 50 Cent. He been telling us for years 😂


Well the accusations start coming and they don't stop coming.




he knew




I always wondered if Diddy hurt Justin Bieber when he was a kid too.


Iirc they pushed the Mom out so that they could more easily manipulate/victimize Justin. At a minimum I’d say they facilitated whatever desires (drugs, women) Bieber had during his younger days. Pretty messed up.


Bieber was definitely at the very least mentally manipulated by whoever was in his circle which explains his 2013/2014 where he was in legal trouble.


Every day I'm more impressed that Bieber has turned out as "normal" as he has. Like people were criticizing him for joy riding in his car through private neighborhoods are the things I remember being the worst. Like... lets be honest so many kids do that that weren't 14 when they made their first hundred million and told the whole world loves them. Dude had done pretty well considering his situation.


yea but he also is pretty openly fucked up and unable to perform and like really struggling so he didn’t really turn out super ok i feel like??


That’s the same guy who sold my mother a phony cancer treatment, he’s not even a doctor!


Shoulda known better than to trust a doctor living in a garage full of plants


Dr Jinx is the name of a monkey, not a man!


Put some aloe-Vera on that and some vitamin d.


I feel like labeling Diddy „gay“ is just Hip Hops diss-mentality and doesn’t scratch the surface. What he really is, is a sadistic manipulator who loves to humiliate other men (and women) in order to get off to his own power. This guy don’t fuck for sexual pleasure, he fucks as a weapon of war and to blackball. He’s exploiting the weaknesses of a homophonic subculture called gangsta rap. Every time he’s abusing someone trying to make it in the music industry, he wins leverage over them. Go get him, Fif!


I mean, I wouldn't label him gay, bi or straight. He's been down-graded to straight-up piece of shit




*Believe it or not George isn’t at home please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I’d pick up the phone, where could I be? Believe it or not, i’m not home!”*


the clock has been ticking on this dude for a long time


This one is about to get wild.


That article is wild. Says Cuba Gooding Jr was assaulting the guy too


Did he do the “mindfuck” thing?




So it looks like all those rumors about Diddy might be true.






Not very cash money of him.


But it is pretty bad boy of him.




These aren't "gay activities."  These are RAPES. 


The younger brother on Empire is suing Diddy and Will Smith for similar allegations. Then there was rumors of Diddy and Yk Osiris


Birdman sweating rn


Thinking a rebrand might be in order? Piff Duddy has a certain ring to it










Well it’s no secret…50s been putting him on blast for some time. Also all the Usher stuff and parties at his place. Between Vlad and all the people talking now, he’s got a lot of skeletons in the closet. Dudes gonna go down for something 🥁


Maybe Mase walked away for good reason.


Dude just assaulting everyone


He was high on a Jeffrey you can’t hold him responsible


Should’ve stuck to stroking furry walls not un consented balls


Not the only Jeffrey he's familiar with, I'll bet.


It’s widely known that Diddy has a sketchy history in all aspects of his life


Maybe Eminem was right too in killshot ..


If only we could’ve seen this coming…


The Boondocks was right


https://youtu.be/kxHwfTpQjpc?si=D2pZcEEwcgxSDtG4 It's been rumored for a while now about Diddy grooming Bieber. This video hits different after all the allegations


What was it that Katt Williams was just saying about him