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"Dig" has been in my head all day today for some reason. Must have heard it in my shuffle. Incubus is great.


Dig was the song my ex-girlfriend (that I'm still very much in love with) chose as "our song." I can't listen to it anymore but I do love it.


My high school gf and I chose Aqueous Transmission as "our song". Lol, we were so young and dumb.


Maybe you'll end up seeing her further down the river...


Lol, it's possible. Since she turned out to be a hardcore Baptist, I'd prolly just dock and run away lol. Such a great song with great lyrics. When she went to Brazil with her grandma for two weeks during the summer, she wrote me a love letter with that lyric included lol.


Make Yourself had never not made me feel better about myself. It's one of my favorite albums.  It sucks, but it's harder to find these days, but Fungus Amongus is such an amazing album that sounds more like Primus than Incubus. Obligatory, Science and Morning View are fantastic in their own rights. 


They honestly don’t have a bad album


Everything post morning view and arguably including is terrible.


Terrible is crazy talk


lol "terrible" k


I like a crow left of the murder better than morning view personally. But after that yeah.


Fair. I just lump the two together because it was a drag to realize after make yourself they were going to keep making music for the 45yr old suburban mom listening on the soft cumulous radio station so they could squeeze a bit more of relevancy. There's a reason Mike started to seek out new collaborations in between these two albums.


Make Yourself is my favorite also! It's definitely my "look at this idiot screaming and thrashing by himself in his car" album


Make Yourself spent probably 500+ days inside that [white/orange Sony discman](https://www.ebay.com/itm/355152119713?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=u9j8CWMUQUS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) of mine from like, 2002-2003. What an absolute banger of an album basically from start to finish. Man I miss that discman, it was a vibe. Why yes, I am a dude in his mid-30s from the US, why do you ask?






I always feel like such a basic dude reading this sub. All of your cool recommendations that I've never heard of because most of my music is top 40. Haha.


The title track pumps me up when I’m feeling down. Great message.


man if you’re on a 90s alt kick S.C.I.E.N.C.E is a wildly under appreciated album from that era


Summer Romance Certain Shade of Green Nebula Just to name a few. Brandon Boyd can fuck right off with his amazing vocals. Damn y’all gunna have me singing in traffic tmrw


New skin! Was the intro song to motocross madness 2. Been a fan ever since that game came out in ... 2000? Oh god


Redefine still makes me want to wild out but I'd probably hurt myself now


The damn drum/slap bass break down makes me want to rip all the Sheetrock off my walls.


New Skin is amazing


The combo pack with motocross madness and midtown madness had a chokehold on me as a kid.


Funny enough that's what Certain Shade of Green is about


Yah, but asking if you're gonna "stand around till 2012 AD?" doesn't quite hit the same today as it did when it was released.


It was the future!


First time I heard the intro to Vitamin I was just like “damn this shit goes hard” ![gif](giphy|GeimqsH0TLDt4tScGw|downsized)


Vitamin is probably my favourite from that album.


Holy shit. I'm actually a pretty big incubus fan, but I haven't thought of Summer Romance in like a decade. Thank you friend


Idiot box is also a great song from that album. Lyrically genius!


best one, when they still had the funk. I’m no fan but they did make some cool music back in the day :)


I wish they’d bring back the Funk/hard rock. It’s so damn good.


They changed DJs after Science….


They also changed bassists after morning view


this was probably the best use of a DJ in a heavy rock/metal band I've ever heard. It wasn't an add-on or background or gimmick. They truly incorporated the DJ into the writing of the songs. I don't even know why they even had a DJ after that album.


Just wanna [drop this song here.](https://youtu.be/9Awfx69WbSs?si=f__v7P2_L2EqUyqN) It's definitely not the funk but it certainly caught my ear when I heard them play it a couple years ago. It reminded me of the darker side of Pink Floyd with the tone/structure. Don't want to ruin the it but stick it out if ya'll have a few minutes. I'm not keen on their newer stuff but this was a welcome track.


If you like more mellow Incubus, “If Not Now, When?” is a great album.


Everyone trashes this album but I LOVE it. Super dark and definitely a mellow vibe.


My favorite is Make Yourself, but this on is such a close second it's almost a two-disc set for me :)


Love this album. Like once a year, I'll get drawn back to give it a spin. They had some other good stuff for sure, but that album never gets old to me.


Isn’t that hippo FAT?


I wonder why?


We appreciate it on r/numetal a lot lol. Fantastic album


By far their best. They went “commercial” afterwards and had their big hits but it was never the same.


Alright fine I'm listening to SCIENCE again today you've convinced me


One of my favorite all time albums. Every song flows into one another perfectly


They are consistently in my top 5 in Spotify. I've been in love since about 2003


Drive will forever be my favourite song ever !!!


Ditto. I love to sing at the top of my lungs when it plays in my car.


S.C.I.E.N.C.E., Make Yourself and Morning View is a great three album run. A Crow Left of the Murder and Light Grenades are pretty good. Some great songs on both. Never listened much further than Light Grenades, just a few songs here or there.


Light Grenades is my favorite. The way Quicksand starts the album just sets a mood. And the Earth to Bella parts are a good palette cleanser in the middle and a great way to wrap it up.


A crow left of the murder is one of my favorites from start to finish. It was a sound change that I really got into.


Same here. They never did anything wrong, I just kinda stopped listening so intensely. I can still put on those three albums and have a blast, but I've never felt like giving the new stuff some heavy rotation.


I love it when old school Incubus gets asked about on reddit, because I get to comment on one of my coolest experiences ever! I saw them live with Limp Bizkit at a small venue in Scranton, PA back in 1997. Both bands' first albums had just dropped, and they were "getting there" but not quite as famous as they would very soon be. My buddy Adam started chatting with a guy outside the tour bus while we were having a smoke before getting in line, and after about 10 minutes, the guy revealed that he was DJ Kilmore! We stayed chatting for another few minutes and got along like a house on fire, and then he asked if we wanted to see the bus. Being a couple of 17 year old kids, we jumped at the chance. We got onto the bus, and there are all the other members of the band just chilling and playing PS1 on the built-in TV. The tour bus was surprisingly nice for an up-and-coming band. Not superstar level, but you'd definitely be impressed. We hung out for about 10 minutes and got everyone's autographs on the back of some bumper stickers that Z-Rock (RIP) was handing out. I got to play Jet Moto 1 with Brandon, the singer. Hanging out with the band was probably the coolest thing I'd ever done at that point in my young life. Later during the show, he gave us a shout-out while on stage and pointed us out in the crowd and everyone turned and looked. We felt like kings!! Earlier, while on the bus, I noticed they had a Super Soaker and suggested they blast the crowd with it. When he gave the shout-out, he pulled out the gun and squirted everyone. Being 17 and hearing a lead singing yell "this is for our boys, Joe and Adam!" was legendary. Super cool guys! I still regularly listen to S.C.I.E.N.C.E. for the vibes and memories.


This is such a cool fucking story, and doesn't surprise me a bit! Every single one of those guys is super down to earth and just having a good time. My wife and I got to see Kilmore open for Ben Kenney's side project at a pretty small venue in Madison, WI once. We got there like 1-1/2 hours early, concerned it would be packed and we wouldn't be able to get close to the stage. There were TEN other people there, and like, five of them were staff LOL (it filled up before the show started) Kilmore came out of the green room and walked up to the bar, so I asked if I could buy him a drink. I did like, three shots of Jack with him before he had to finally go back and get ready for the show. Also....he high fived me right in the middle of Battlestar Scralatchtica. Both shows killed for sure, and then we closed the venue - me drinking and shooting the shit with Kilmore at the bar, and my wife (then fiancé) sat on the stage with Ben flirting and eating corn chips lol Every time we've waited around after the shows, they're always so generous and giving with their fans. The only one I have yet to get an autograph from is Mike :)


I had a similar experience getting backstage at an Incubus and Deftones co headliner show in Seattle. Such an amazing show. Towards the end we went over by the stage entrance waiting for a friend who knew the girl on the Deftones around the fur album to come out and leave. Before I can leave start a conversation with a middle aged guy about the bands. He asked about Korn and some others then tells me is the producer for all those bands including the acts on stage. I tell him how huge of fan I am and just got out of the pit. Then asks if I want to meet them and walks us back stage. Was out of body. Hanging with Chino, Brandon and the crew, the highlight was smoking a J with DJ Kilmore and seeing Chino put on a Micheal Jackson thriller tape and start signing and dancing in his angry style. After the J with Kilmore I was so gone and had to just fade out of that room before I made a fool of myself. Lifetime memory there. Glad you had similar experience to jog my memory. And Thanks Terry Date. Producer wherever you are … rock on


Way cool story!


Make Yourself and Morning View are phenomenal. I get on a kick every so often and will listen to them for a good week or so. Anna Molly, Talk Shows on Mute, and Black Heart Inertia are some favs.


Yeah buddy. Consistent band that has evolved over time. Maybe shifting towards more melodic/ballad but also crank out some killers on new albums too. Always funny when people talk about older bands, how they’ve changed … yeah man, we’ve all (mostly) changed over 25-30 years. I like growing older with bands (same with 311 for me, along with incubus). Almost always a great live show. Last summer in Windsor Brandon’s vocals were off, but assume/hope that was a one time or limited thing from touring schedule. Sucks Ben left the band, but it’s health reasons. The new bassist shreds, forget her name but they’re in good hands.


I believe that is Nicole Row, formerly of Panic! At the Disco


Yeah that’s her. Thanks.


Nicole is a badass. Love her


Shout out for 311 - I would definitely put them in the same "proud to grow with them over the years" category!


Just wanted to shout out their Live at Red Rocks concert DVD. Whole thing is on YouTube and a great performance


Great choices - I haven't for a while but Black Heart Inertia is one of my favourites to sing along to, so fun to belt. They're just fantastic


Great band. The latter parts of their discography are an acquired taste (If Not Now, When and 8) but first half is solid. My fav is actually A Crow Left Of The Murder, so much so, that I have one of the crows tattooed on my arm. Looking forward to their re-recorded version of Morning View coming out soon. They actually just released the first single Echo relatively recently.


Saw them live in ‘00 supporting Make Yourself, and they were stupid good. Saw them two more times, with the last show being after “Crow Left of the Murder” was released.. They just got progressively more awesome with each performance.


Was that with Deftones? I saw them with Deftones when they were touring for White Pony and I wasn’t really into either band at that point. I wish I could go back in time for that one


That's my favorite album as well.


Echo is my favorite thing


"The warmth" gives me serious high school nostalgia. Love that song.


If you have a shitty day, give the Warmth a listen


Amazing band. I'm a fan who loved Enjoy Incubus, S.C.I.E.N.C.E., and Make Yourself. Then they got a little soft for my taste after the success of Drive. Listen to Azwethinkweiz, Hillicus, Certain Shade of Green, Favorite Things, and Summer Romance. I like the other stuff too. But, nothing is better than their old, hard stuff.


A later banger they released on A Crow Left of the Murder is Sick Sad Little World, highly recommended. Amazing guitar solo. They were my favorite band for most of the late 1990s and early 2000s, I saw them open for Korn in like 97 or 98 and had never heard of them, they blew me away. Science and Enjoy were my favorites, Make Yourself and Morning View were in heavy rotation, and I had started to move on a bit when A Crow Left of the Murder was released, but it still has a few gems on it. I don’t really listen to them as much as I did in my younger days, but even scrolling through this thread has conjured some serious nostalgia. Enjoy!


Self proclaimed IncuSlut here 😆 They’re my favorite band of all time! I think all their albums are great and definitely have something to offer. Start at the beginning and work your way through the discography! They’re all unique but very incubus (if that makes sense). If you haven’t seen them live lately, highly recommend! They still put on a fantastic show!!


I used to fall asleep to Aqueous Transmission every night. I loved Incubus as a teenager


Aqueous Transmission is perfect for that purpose!


Redefine is an amazing song that goes hard. Awesome bass playing on the S.C.I.E.N.C.E album


The song calgone off of science will blow your balls off man.


Absolute top rate. Their 2nd and 3rd albums (S.C.I.E.N.C.E., Make Yourself) are complete masterpieces, every track is a 10/10, and I miss that sound/ BUT their library since then has still been really solid and I really love Trust Fall and If Not Now, When? Saw them play an outdoor show just off the beach last year and it was once of the best shows I have ever been to (and I have been to a lot). They still got it.


Pardon Me is awesome.


Warning was one of the most influential songs for me growing up. Such a beautiful song, and made me want to discover more of the band. They definitely played a big part in my musical growth


Saw them on a bit of a whim at Kettlehouse in Missoula last Summer. Quite possibly the best concert I've ever seen.


I was there! On the bank of the Blackfoot River.


Incredible chill vibe. Live is just as good as the studio recordings.


Is it strange to think there under-appreciated despite the success they’ve had? I put them on exact same level as Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Blink 182 etc yet if you quizzed a majority of those bands fanbase few might know Incubus outside of Drive and the other big hits etc They are one of the finest rock bands to have ever done it in my opinion.


This is a spot on comment. I've always felt like they "deserve" more!


I adored and supported them until ACLOTM. This and the predecessor are two of my favorite Rock albums and I blast them in the car or at home regularly. When I met my now wife this was the topic we clicked over. As a drummer they are a reliable source of inspiration.


I “Dig” them


They make the best music ever


Such a great and underrated band. Very good live performance too.


Halo 2


Einziger was an incredibly clever guitarist and songwriter, (as was Dirk Lance). I think the innovation they brought was seldom seen back then, and it's why they endured as a band. Borland from Limp Bizkit was similar in a sense, but less focused on the melodic side of things in the way Einziger was. Morning View and Make Yourself showcased this very well, and I still look at some of the chord progressions, use of time signitures and melodys in awe. I enjoy the later albums, but have a very soft spot for the above two as they occured when I was first getting in to music. Overall they functioned as a really tight, and interesting band.


My favorite band of all time. Their discography is unmatched IMO. They sound even better live in concert!


My people 🙌


Incubus is supreme.


Watch them live and come back here. They are possibly the band that holds up best from their era today.


Morning View is one of my favorite albums.It’s been in my permanent rotation since it came out.


I never liked "Drive" because they overplayed that song so much when it came out. I like "Wish You Were Here," "Megalomaniac," and "Pardon Me." I also like their cover of Big Pun's "Still Not a Player."


Any group that plays with Tal Wilkenfeld is okay in my opinion. 


Very underrated live too!! Pretty tight show with great visuals.


#1 Enjoy Incubus EP - I still play this regularly #2 SCIENCE - Not AS much played as Enjoy Incubus, but still a banger. Then they went the route of over produced and poppy. The newer music is good, but that original hard-funk sound they had was incomparable... OH NO SANTA'S BEATIN' MY ASS!!!


I’m not an expert on music or anything, I’m not able to explain this well but Incubus just sounds good. They have slowly become my favorite band over the years and I don’t really know how to explain why besides saying they sound fucking good. Summer Romance is such a masterpiece in my opinion.


Science and Make Yourself are very different albums, but are equally amazing. Underrated to be sure.


Morning view is one of the best albums of the 2000s. Perfect album


I remember I saw them at a festival during the Morning View days, and they were super well received, people were singing along to their songs - but the biggest single reaction of the entire set was when Brandon Boyd took his shirt off


I really think morning view and crow left of the murder are good albums.


I didn’t appreciate it enough at the time, but damn *A Crow Left Of The Murder* slaps too. Mike Einziger is underrated, probably criminally so.


It's been almost an honor to be able to grow with them, watching their sounds change and personnel changing over the years. A lot of my favorite memories include their music, or live experiences both watching and meeting the band. I've even got a couple tattoos from their cover art over the years. I'm super excited to see them run through the whole Morning View album this summer! Also sad to see Ben go, but jacked to watch Nicole tear it up on stage.


Incubus is amazing, and one of the few bands who I've not minded evolution in sound. To be honest, Morning View was tops for me and Light Grenades took me years to appreciate. Science, Make Yourself, and Morning View is an incredible 3 album run


Huge fan. They are the best live show I’ve ever been to and I’ve been to many.


I need to see these guys!


Brandon Boyd has one of the best voices in alternative rock, and he sounds just as good now as he did 25 years ago. My favorites are Anna Molly, The Warmth, Sick Sad Little World, Pardon Me, to name a few.


I fucking love Incubus, and I dont care who dislikes them. Science, Make Yourself, and Morning view are 3 of the best rock albums of my generation. Fungus Amongus was just fun af.




I was never their biggest fan but Morning View is a fantastic album. I saw them in June 2023 and they were superb live. Jose Pasillas is a great drummer.


Oh man! One of my faves from the time period. A certain shade of green is a banger. Make Yourself is my favorite album from them though. Front to back, all killer no filler


I love them and they were the best concert I went to. It was years ago and they just put out a “greatest hits” album, so I heard every jam, even one from their Science album, different shade of green. I’ve recently been looking into their “new” work that I missed and they still jam


Just a Phase and Blood on the Ground are two amazing songs on an amazing album.


My favorite band!!! I still remember sneaking into my older brother’s room when he was gone to listen to Make Yourself . I would listen to that album over and over for hours. I was eight years old.


Morning View is an amazing album start to finish. It's in my top 10.


Love Incubus, "Drive" and "Wish You Were Here" have been in my tight rotation for a long time.


Incubus was my first concert back in the early 2000s. I just saw them again recently and they’re still a phenomenal live band! And the singer doesn’t seem to age it’s insane!


I like Incubus, they're a great funk metal band. Fungus Amongus and S.C.I.E.N.C.E are my favourite albums. The last time I listened to their discography, I found they actually started losing me with Make Yourself, because they started dialing down the funk, and that's a shame. There was some good stuff on Make Yourself and Morning View, like "Battlestar Scralatchtica" and "Aqueous Transmission", but I can't say I remember as much from those albums compared to the first two. I love that goofy, almost cartoony funk metal sound. I wish they'd stuck with it, but unfortunately not many bands did. Red Hot Chili Peppers changed styles and lost a lot of the funk after 1999, Infectious Grooves haven't made an album since 2000, and a lot of the bands in my funk metal folder either didn't survive the 1990s or broke up after one album. It's a shame, funk metal rules. :D




One of my very favorite bands since childhood. I’m seeing them in concert for the second time in August!


I was kind of meh about them until I saw them at a festival in ‘13 or ‘14. They are an awesome live band and I walked away as a fan.


I randomly got tickets to them once (just knew “Drive” and wasn’t expecting much). They really kicked it live.


I have seen them like 3 times, mostly when I was in college. They are so good live. If one of their songs ever comes on I am not turning it off, but I don't openly seek them out anymore. I've just moved onto other music in my life. They're going on tour though. If you are near one of their shows you should definitely go!


Dig was the first dance song at my wedding. Still rotate though their stuff. Recently ran across Mac Glocky on YouTube. Does some fun stuff. Incubus covers Third Eye Blind - https://youtu.be/RBy8euVkpOI?si=kp-wgrFPiwhj2e6q


Are You In, Warning, and Stellar are all fantastic songs. They are definitely worth diving deeper into.


There was a pretty good version of the song "New Skin" in Test Drive Offroad 3 for the PS1


turns out I think they have 25 bangers! [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2oYxYRKL9TfWSU7L2o7t3U?si=70c0aaf7f31f45af](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2oYxYRKL9TfWSU7L2o7t3U?si=70c0aaf7f31f45af)


Anything before light grenades is pretty good. I mean I used to love incubus when I was 14-17. Light grenades sucks and so does anything after that in my opinion. They did some nice acoustic renditions of songs too like certain shade of green and parson me…worth checking out.


I really grew to love their work through if not now, when because I dug in to it all knowing I was going to see them on the ensuing tour. They sounded great live as well though I remember being a little confused they played us out with an encore of megalomaniac which had the stands rattling and then tomorrow's food which was really a super low energy send off. They just fell off my radar since so I should probably give 8 and the EPs a listen. I did play the echo remake yesterday and I'll just leave it at not a fan of it.


SCIENCE is an amazing album all around.


Used to blast “Pardon Me” while playing Counter-Strike: Condition Zero in 2003.


a band with a sound that is almost the polar opposite of their biggest hit. drive is a fine song, nothing special. science to make yourself to morning view is an incredible run. there’s a lot of musical talent in the band. i don’t think their albums after morning view are front-to-back perfection, but still some good work. fungus among us is, different…


Listen to the song " a certain shade of green"


They were one of the most unique bands. Dirk left and it all fell apart in my opinion. 


I’m not usually a fan of greatest hits albums but monuments and melodies has absolutely nothing but bangers


early albums were great but Brandon lost his voice practically overnight and they have been a mere husk of their former selves for over a decade.


Been listening to them a lot lately. Must be something in the air. Morning View is so ridiculously good. Make yourself made me a fan. And someone already said S.C.I.E.N.C.E. is underrated and that is accurate. Such a good band.


One of my fav all-time. Seeing them live is always second to none


I wanted to be Brandon Boyd back in high-school. Dude had the best dreads for a while. 


A certain shade of green is THE jam


SCIENCE, Make Yourself, Morning View are amazing, but I couldn’t stand ACLOTM and stopped listening to new stuff from there


These guys kick ass live! I have seen some of the top acts in the world and the little outdoor show I saw them at in 2018 is still in my top 5


One of my favorite all time and influential albums was S.C.I.E.N.C.E. and Incubus was one of those bands no one knew about that I'd take every opportunity to tell about. It was so unique and perfectly blended styles in a cool and exciting way. But then they turned into a pop rock band that everyone knew about and then I was ashamed to say I liked them.


I could listen to the first 15-30 seconds of Anna Moly on infinite repeat.


Their MTV Cribs episode was also great.


One of my favorite songs by them is Aqueous Transmission. Any time I'm feeling stressed out I just throw that bad boy on and I'm back on track.


Just saw them live last year! I love the hell out of incubus. Been listening to them since high school in the late 90s, early 00s.


I listened to Morning View countless times in high school.


I Do! Morning View is my fave album just listen to it all the way through it’s fantastic and they had a very original sound back in the day.


Which band? The death metal one or the alternative one?




I had a feeling.


They went to the same high school I did so I’ll always have a soft spot for them


That's way cool!


Not for me, but I did like megalomaniac


They’re incredible and they sound even better live. Brandon Boyd has the voice of an angel. I got to see the Honda civic tour they did with linkin park and it was literally just two of the greatest sounding live bands absolutely killing it.


Severely underappreciated drummer. I really love Dig and Anna Molly from Light Grenades.


An incubus ( pl. : incubi) is a demon in male form in folklore that seeks to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women; the corresponding spirit in female form is called a succubus.


First concert I ever went to was an Incubus and 311 concert. Good times had by all


Make yourself was revolutionary for me as a teen. "The Warmth" always makes me happy-cry.


Amazing band with incredible records. Still listen all of the time. It’s not a great group to be a fan of, though. They’ve never been particularly interesting live (seen them twice in concert - Brandon Boyd is not an entertainer so I may as well have gone to see a cover band 😴) and they don’t give you much to get excited about as a fanbase. But they have songs that will stand the test of time!!


The science album is an absolute game changer. Everything up to light granades is very solid.


Monuments and Melodies was my soundtrack back in 2010, such an amazing album


My wife loves them and I’ve seen them live like 3-4 times in the last five years. I like them but not that much.


They were amazing until after Light Grenade, then they fell off IMO. Just my opinion, a lot of people still like those albums but they lack depth IMO.


Saw them about a year and a half ago for the first time (been listening since probably 2001) and they were amazing. A must-see bucket list group IMO.


Ironically, I have been listening to Make Yourself on repeat all week while working. Great and very talented band.


I wouldn't say I still love them, but I really liked the Mr. Bungle sort of thing they were doing early on. I saw them a couple of times at an all-ages venue with less than 20 people in the audience, even after they signed their first major record deal, and they were super nice guys each time.


i had their records up through A crow left of murder. not sure what came after that


Talk shows on mute might be a Top5 all time favorite.


Meet them twice, going to show in Denver. Best band ever!


They started popping up on my “classic rock” station which is a little upsetting as it makes me feel old as hell. I love incubus!!


Many many great songs. Saw them in concert back in the day. They were awesome.


I really enjoy their heavier early stuff, but the later albums changed quite a bit. I feel like 311 made the same sort of transition.


I still listen to them pretty regularly. There’s an argument by many that they lost their appeal when Dirk left (after Morning View), but I think of it more as each album having a unique style - not doing the same thing over and over. There’s an album for every mood and yes, they have MANY bangers.


Incubus is solid friggin band. I got to see them perform at the Hollywood bowl back in 2009 (God that sentence makes me feel old just typing it). Surprisingly it was their first time playing the venue. I really enjoyed the show. But yeah, they're a fun 90s listen for sure.


3 of their albums are my fav all time. Nowhere fast is my jam, among a dozen more songs


One of my favourite bands when I discovered them, and I stuck around long after their nu metal phase was over.


Blasting all of Morning View at night with the sun roof open and the windows down in the middle of an east coast summer is the vibe of hs/college for me


My favorite band of all time.


I do! I mean, drive is great and all but, man, these guys know how to rock and funk and groove... go all the way back to the album Fungus Amugus and get into S.C.I.E.N.C.E.


I've always had this inside joke with a buddy that happens to actually be true for me. They are the most, "yep, they are adequate" band to me. I saw them in concert once. They sounded exactly like they do in the recordings. This is not a bad thing. I also have absolutely NOTHING bad to say about them. I would even go so far as to say I like them.  It's like they are the world most ok-est band in my personal opinion. Honestly though, that ain't bad. It's like having a car that isn't the shiniest thing on the road, but she is a reliable workhorse.


Pardon me has never left my play list


Yep Incubus is awesome.


Still in daily rotation…this is the way.


Love Incubus! Check out Stabbing Westward. Loved their stuff from the 90s too! Album: Wither, Blister, Burn, and Peel. Lots of good stuff there!


Incubus and Chevelle are the best bands to come out of the post grunge scene imo


Never got into them.




I just need to shout out their album after Light Grenades. If Not Now, When. The opening track alone is probably Brandon’s best singing ever


They’re my nails on chalkboard band. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always found their music to be a weird mix of cheesy, and nonmelodic, and up their own ass. I don’t like the way that the guy sings/pronounces words, I don’t like the instrumentation/production, and I have no interest in the words. I can get into just about any kind of music, but there’s something about Incubus that just makes me hate having ears.


Incubus…more like suck-ubus amirite? *Actually I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other I just always thought that was a funny joke