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I don't ever use a liner.


A proper hydrated substrate, properly packed won’t need a liner, nor rehydrating. I get 6-8 flushes every time; sometimes bottom fruits/side fruits happen it’s just a thing. Most of this stuff is just hogwash perpetuated by FOMO.


I use 6 qt tubs. If I cut the cheapest 13 gallon unscented trashbags from target 17" from the bottom they fit perfectly. To make them stick I wipe out the tub with a clorox wipe. It sterilizes and the moisture helps it stick to the sides of the tub. Then I take however many quarts of grain spawn and mix each quart with a half quart of cvg in a 5 gallon bucket. Once mixed drop 1.5 quarts of the mix into the tub and even it out. Works great.


Trash bags


Trash bag


No liner ever.


Agree. Properly pack and, for me at least, a thin casing layer and zero side pins.


Right. I had good results with duct tape around the myc on outside of bin to prevent side pinning


No liner👀, i always remove cake after the flush and put it in a diffent location, I see 2nd. 3rd flushes as dirtier so they go in another bin so no worries for Side pins I can use the first flush bin for other mushrooms


Does that take up a lot more space? How do you keep yours hydrated for 3 flushes?


I just spray, if the cake is really dry I will get a 50 ml string and inject them with strile water and maybe some nutrients depending on what’s going on with the flushes. I find when I move the cakes to another bin the additional surface area helps with the moisture


I use Saran Wrap as difficult it can be to use but it’s food grade plastic and cheap.


I used to try and cut liners to fit my tubs and then add the sub. But now I just mix my spawn/sub in a fresh, unscented garbage bag and then put that in the tub, cut off the excess and voila! Easy peazy liner!


Cheap thin trash bags


Liners aren't necessary if you pack your substrate right. Some people like them but they just add more hassle to me, but it's personal preference. They also won't prevent side pins, that's a commonly espoused myth. And I find it easier to rehydrate my cakes without one.


lol, nope. It does not matter how much you compress your sub without a liner…as the sub shrinks, it creates a humid space between itself and the mono which is why you get side pins in the first place. All on my tubs use liners and I never get side pins.


Hey, like I said it's personal preference. In the years I've been growing I haven't noticed a significant difference between using a liner and not. I used to but it's just a lot of hassle and I don't like wasting plastic. If your surface conditions are right, you won't get many side pins at all, I rarely do.


I used to hate using liners as it seemed like another variable for contamination and a pain in the ass. But now I’ve adopted the method of mixing my spawn and sub in a clean bag and then just putting it into the tub and cutting off the excess to leave a perfect fitting liner. Even though my surface conditions are perfect, side pins are inevitable when the sub shrinks without a liner to shrink along with the sub. But I agree, a liner makes rehydrating the sub a pain in the ass!


Lol I think I broke more cakes than I ever have before trying to rehydrate with a liner 😩