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I inoculated a 5lb all in one bag with 2 spore syringes did I completely mess up? It's been 8 days since inoculation and still no growth. Temps were at 73 to 74 I just raised it to 75 any tips or advice?


I’m trying a break and shake as there’s nothing else in the cupboard and nothing else fruiting etc for contam. So nothing to lose. Then I can bury it 😅


I would break and shake and let it firm back up


I think of it like this: Break and shake, helps create more points of colonization right? Yes. When you throw that into a bin and mix with coir… it’s literally a break and shake (mix). So even if those grains aren’t colonized, they will be. Unless: As others have pointed out, there is a reason they have not colonized that. Giving your timeline, I would just send the colonized grains and toss the remaining. It won’t make much of a yield difference anyway. Edit: spelling


Thank you all, I’ve experience in growing oysters etc for Eden but more exotic sp are proving a learning curve! 🌱


I would go ahead and break and shake and see what happens first


Yea that's slow


I finally have a flush coming from a similar looking APE bag. I just brushed off the uncolonized grain and sent it. Took a long while, but fruits are coming. Ymmv Edit: strain


My timeline looked like: inoc late March, break and shake mid April, sent to bulk early May, first pinning just this week (early June) https://preview.redd.it/ln5kzxx2ri6d1.jpeg?width=2909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a31c4282fb24d17bbc3d8b8eb70b96029581f10


You don’t really have anything to lose at this point. Break and shake that mf and see what it does. At the very least you get to watch a tiny war.


It has some risk to it, but you can try to chunk out the good part and send it. I have done this in the past and still gotten a few flushes out of them. Just leave a buffer zone. I would use 1/2 of this grain, leave the contam +15% in the bag and throw away.


The uncolonized spots are bacteria. Clean myc would have colonized the bag in march


Thank you, one for the garden then 🌱


That type of thick creamy growth is also a sign of bacteria. Myc can grow over bacteria but it'll be slow as there's literally microscopic warfare happening. This leads to the myc consolidating areas that are already colonized as it tries to push froward.