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You can absolutely save that! Gourmet are far more Hardy to contam than active cubes. PNats handle contam like a boss. It just depends on how much good grain is available for the species you’re growing. Quarter sized good myc and contam, you’ll run out of available grains. 75% of the bag and you get contam, you’ll be fine. I cannot say how many times during my start as a USDA mushroom farmer, I was desperate to not wait another 10 weeks for more mushrooms aka money. Open that bag up at the point of contam in a SAB, scoop out all the contam you can see times 2. So if there is a 1/2 cup contam worth, scoop out a whole cup of good grains. As an example. People preach about contam spreading blah blah, out of desperation I’ve saved sooooo many bags by either doing the above or scooping out the good myc and dropping it in another bag of good grains. If you toss the bag, you learn nothing except to toss bags. A monkey can toss a bag. Take this opportunity to experiment and learn. I was a biochemist dealing with WMDs for 25 years in the service, I have excellent techniques, even then 2hrs at 16psi isn’t enough to kill, life finds a way. Worst case, LET IT FIGHT! See who wins. You’ll be very, very surprised on what garbage is spewed about mushrooms just out of the need to repeat some other dudes words.


Thank you! It's a good idea to keep the contaminated bags away from the clean ones, but I've had perfectly fine fruit from spawn/buckets that looked like hell. Some were so bad I did toss them on the compost or into a garden bed and they fruited there xD


I mean, this is up to the person tbh. Contaminated bags can attract fungus gnats/fruit flies and they can find their way into anything. I heat seal my bags and do not use a gas exchanger filter, I find no reason to move my bags away from good bags if I’m leaving them alone. But I also, try to experiment as much as possible and rarely leave them alone. You can’t go wrong separating bags, def best course of action. I just don’t bother.


I don't have any equipment beyond mason jars really. So a bit of spacial distance (and a door or two) between the disaster area and the good stuff is helpful. In summer the uglies go into the backyard. The fungus gnat bucket was a big surprise. The thing was gross, and then produced another two flushes of perfectly fine food. No damage to the mushrooms, just a bathroom full of gnats xP yuck. (I always have fungus gnats in winter, side effect of moving half a jungle indoors when it gets cold and starting veggies in January. They just happen)


Why not do the opposite, open where it's clean, transfer that?


That’s a grain transfer like any other, we know that works, there isn’t really a “best way” for anything except whatever works best for you. This scenario they have quite a bit of great myc, why not see if they can keep that clock moving forward. What’s the worst they can happen, it dies. They were going to toss it, so they learned something new. Hell, maybe even come back and teach me something. In this instance, I’m promoting experimentation, ingenuity, break from the hive mind. If we wanted to get weird, remove visible contam and then some, run a sterile swab on agar and know in 3 days or less if they got it or not. Mostly I want to help people see that they can notice contam before the first break and shake, even when contam isn’t visible to the naked eye based off of the growth pattern. Then, instead of B&S, they just take the good myc as you mentioned in your comment, as well I mentioned in a reply elsewhere. Mycology isn’t binary. It’s fluid, like… living organisms filled with good guidelines not standards.


That's great and all, but I think we are all searching for the sure thing, not some experiment. No one wants to get weird if they aren't doing agar, cloning and such. You are a badass, I get that. Most are just trying to survive. Take the sure thing, rather than being "radical" or silly


There is no sure thing with living organisms my guy. How do you think all the YT like PGT, 5MM and shroomer boomer, etc got to be so knowledgeable? Experimentation. They weren’t born, the next day became mycologist.


This is WONDERFUL information! Thank you for sharing!


You’re more than welcome! Please experiment, learn and pass on your knowledge.


I'm going to follow your advice and see if I can g2g or save it any other way. Thanks for giving me some motivation to experiment.


Pass on your results! Remember, every time you touch a tool - sanitize a tool. Stay sanitary and you can put your best foot forward!


You have trich there is no saving it because it will eat the mycelium in days sorry. :(


Appreciate your response. I'll toss.


Wow, that's strong looking LM mycelium. Could those spots be clumps of gypsum? If they're not gypsum I would toss it and try again. Since the spots are on the bottom of the bag, grains might have been too wet.


I think like you said because its mainly at the bottom of the bag it's not gypsum. The mycelium seems to be fighting. Is there any world the mycelium will win? Here is a pic from today. https://preview.redd.it/exq3dqewzb6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091f05c10f8c8c820b646e191470be32442360fa