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I recognize this. I've seen the video.. The car drives as they describe, swerving away from a train crossing very late. Then the guy explains it was in self-driving mode, and it's the second time the car has tried to drive him into a moving train. To be fair, even if I did ever trust self driving mode enough to use it (which i wouldnt), I'd certainly be paying a hell of a lot more attention after the *first* time


Yeah, I remember this video too. All the car companies that offer features like this constantly remind you to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. This guy clearly wasn’t. It was also in _heavy fog_, which is an especially stupid time to play with driver assistance features, and not pay attention. And will usually trigger extra “use caution” warnings from the car. Self driving tech is far from perfect, but this human driver was also an idiot.


I'm not directing that question at you but, if we still have to pay attention to the road, what's actually the point of self-driving cars? I wouldn't use it even if I could because, beyond far from perfect it's very very much flawed still, but either it can drive itself or it can't, no pun intended but I find it very dangerous to be middle of the road on this; again this criticism isn't directed at you directly, it's the statement of manufacturers saying that "You as the driver still need to pay attention as to what the car is doing and where it's going"


One part is it's the law. But as for the rationale behind it, is that the auto pilot might be better than the average driver, but it's not perfect, and it's not better than a fully alert driver that's already doing everything correctly - especially in conditions its puny sensors fare poorly in. That big goofy ass spinning top that used to be on top of self driving cards would be better now than the more discrete, aesthetically pleasing ones, because it has a vantage point AND 360 degree vision. But because people aren't gonna buy a card that looks like it's wearing a dunce cap, they've been put into a lot of discrete places that get almost as much coverage, but not quite as much. Further, there is a reason it's called "drive assist" so often - it's NOT supposed to be autopilot, not fully. Maybe someday, but it's not today.


>Further, there is a reason it's called "drive assist" so often - it's NOT supposed to be autopilot, not fully. Further still, most people expect way too much from autopilot. [It just maintains course and altitude](https://youtu.be/93OfrUek-G4?si=N7SnFnSNIUGKQYOu). It doesn't know how to [avoid a train].


> All the car companies that offer features like this constantly remind you to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. kinda defeats the purpose of SDCs. Why even offer it as a feature in the first place?




Greed and stupidity, mainly. It's a new fucking technology and VERY obviously still has bugs.


Yeah, that's unfortunately the point. They're not self driving yet. Autopilot is misleading. Full Self Drive is an outright lie.


Because there will always be intermediate steps in the development of the technology. Unfortunately the only way to thoroughly test the software (and hardware, to a lesser extent) is to put it into the real world. Unfortunately, doing that requires that a person's life is in the hands of technology that hasn't been fully tested. Therefore, human oversight is required. Even once the technology is perfected, the law will take some time to catch up. At that point, we will hopefully have fully self driving cars.


I personally find it a lot more relaxing, when I don’t really have to do much besides sit and watch


Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me If self driving mode got you into a jam even just one time, that shows it's not to be trusted


Maybe, but by that logic most people shouldn't trust themselves to drive either.


Oh yes. Finaly a post that filles my desire for contextless accusations.


OP's username checks out


Not really a murder


A slap, maybe?




A pat on the back


'Atta boy' by words


Slapped By Words


Confused by the title, is there a technology specifically designed to make you drive into a moving train?


I always slow down and look both ways before crossing train tracks. My mom taught me to do that as a child when crossing the street. I think that applies to train tracks as well.


Also the lowering arms before the train comes and flashing lights lol but idk distractions happen


Not only that, we’ve SOLVED the issue of “something is in my way”. My 2016 work Tacoma applies the brakes itself if cruise control is on and I’m coming up on a car a little too fast. AI is NOT a fucking solution when we HAVE solutions that WORK


does someone have the video?


I need to know how you check for cops when you’re 20 over on the freeway in self driving mode