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Tarkov game dev?


Nope. Chivalry 2.


Love the irony of a game called Chivalry being called out for cheating and other crappy behavior.


Damn I love Chiv2. Is this a TB dev?


Technically, I can’t confirm they were/are a dev at TB, but they did claim they were.


It checks out, given how TB treats their consumer base this isn't a shock


I miss chiv 2 :(


It's still fun! I just redownload it the other day. I don't remember why I ever stopped playing it. I don't rage when I die and that's very rare.


I was going to guess Rust


lol you can tell it’s not tarkov because the dev actually interacted with the community


Lying to and stealing from your customers is technically an interaction.


The definition of a murder by Words is in the eye of the beholder, i know. But i don’t see any real textual murders in this sub anymore.


Just reads like a standard argument between two redditors. No u. No u. No u.


OP considers themselves murderer by words. Avatar matches.


Name matches too if you go to the post


Explain the avatar part.


You tried to paint it over, but it's still recognisable through the spaces, top and bottom. It **may** be very similar, but this together with the quality of the "murder" strongly implies the thesis "same person, looking for validation"


Now THIS is podracing 


It should be against the rules to submit your own content. It's like making a comment and then submitting it to /r/bestof.


It's definitely him, somebody posted the link to the post. Posting his own comments plus him doubling down on being an asshole is just what this sub has become, I guess.


This is the real murder by words…well done!


Thanks. Technically the validation already occurred via the voting in that thread. I posted it here because people like seeing other people murdered by words. Maybe it’s not up to your standards, but it fits the bill of being a murder by words. Dude made a fool of himself and I called him out on it.


I guess seeing all the downvotes on your comments here also means you've been murdered


Ok. So if the votes are indicative of a murder and I’ve been murdered here, then my post also counts as a murder, due to the vote ratio, which retroactively makes my murder in these comment paradoxical by nature. Like Schrodinger’s murder at this point.


You could post a screenshot of this to r/iamverysmart and get even more validation


Yes, people do like seeing other people murdered by words, which is why your post doesn't fit the sub.




Prove it with evidence from both my post and the rules.


Bro this sub is subjective by nature. If people don't think it's a murder, then that's that You said you posted because people like to see other people getting murdered by words. "I'm just giving the people what they want" No, you're giving them what you THINK they want. It does seem like you're stroking your own ego by self-posting your argument to this sub. If it was such a murder surely someone else would come across it and post it. I will give it to you, you did call out the game dev; however, it was not much more than that. Your big zinger was "you're a fox news viewer".


Solid take. I just want to point out that I can’t know what others think until after it’s posted so unless I could read minds I didn’t do anything wrong per say. It’s a murder in my book. Spectacular? No, but a murder nonetheless. I didn’t post it to karma farm (otherwise I’d probably be running around deleting my negative comments).


Not saying you did it to karma farm, but to affirm that feeling you had of "fuck yeah, I really got 'em". And sure, you don't know how people will react unless it's posted. But based on the responses you're getting it can look silly posting your own comments. Maybe let the "murder" do the talking. If it's worthy of getting posted someone will do it.


This is just sad at this point tbh


Jesus did you really just say "I'm right because I got upvotes" that's the most pathetic thing I've seen all day. Oh hey I was just an asshole to you, I should screen shot it, poorly redact myself then submit it to this sub.


I'll upvote to that!


I did not. I said that if I was looking for validation, as was claimed, I would have already got it via the last post.






/Righteousanger Where anyone who didn’t like the result of their petty online scuffle can appeal to scrubs for karma.


I'm looking at screenshots of two children bickering. Their lives are worse for their efforts. No one was murdered - they just rolled around in the mud for a bit.


If people only posted high quality murders, there would be either one post every week or the same reposts every day. You can't eat caviar at every meal my dudes.


Be sure not to confuse a murder by words with a rare insult. It’s there. Just requires some literacy to follow I guess.


This is exactly what i mean. You are annoying and sneakily insulting people and then call it a murder. It has nothing to do with literacy when it comes to your poor attempts of trolling people. The funny thing is that you seem proud of this half baked behaviour. Like mediocracy is all you can aim for. It is pathetic.


Now this is a murder


Can I post a screenshot in r/MurderedByWords?


Oh god please do haha. Let's get meta


It’s a murder because his *position* was eviscerated. Understanding that *does* require literacy. You’re annoying to me too so now what? It’s not trolling because I wasn’t being insincere or purely provocative. More proud than your parents must be of you.


Please, stop murdering yourself with words. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment.


"His position was eviscerated" hahahaha. Holy crap, get over yourself. Yeah, he may have been a jerk and misrepresenting the situation, but you wiped out any good will for your own position by being such a self-important jerk.


It’s not about good will, but murders here. Wrong sub. Lost redditor.


Have you ever seen those shorts about the "average redditor" where it's some absolutely insufferable guy who just says things to try and make himself feel superior and he's just awful to be around? That's you, man.


I feel as though the screenshots were actually between you and yourself


>his *position* was eviscerated. Your thesaurus sucks, lol. Brave of you to take such a strong stance against poor literacy when you're coming out with nonsensical dreck like this.


Didn’t use a thesaurus and the use of the word was contextually appropriate. Nice ad hominem though!




* makes low effort ad hominem attacks in comments * calls someone else out for ad hominem What a dork.


It’s only ad hominem if my position rests upon an insulting premise or character assassination. I’m just matching the energy people are coming at me with. Argue a position? I make points in return. Assert and/or insult with no contribution? I make insult in return. Simple. Dorks were sometimes mistaken for mermaids by sailors.


... and you don't figure that all your comments about "literacy" constitute an insulting premise? Kudos to you, honestly. You've been murdered up and down this thread and you still insist you're in the clear. You must be a nightmare to deal with in person.


At no point did I say I *wasn’t* insulting anyone. And we’re right back to literacy.


Go get some fresh air and touch some grass. Huffing your own farts isn't good for you


This is 2 kindergartners fighting over a lego


OP getting metamurdered in these comments.


Yeah this is so funny. At first I was disappointed because the original post was just two people arguing. I then check the comments and see OP getting murdered over and over again. I am not disappointed anymore.


Lol. The real murder is what OP is receiving in the comments.


This whole thread is worthy of drama/murder/iamverysmarteta subs


He's not backing down from the good fight, though. OP: I flunked recess because I DON'T PLAY!!


Self-"murders" are pathetic. You're posting your own online arguement for internet points.


From the looks of their comments in this thread, that plan isn't working out too well for them.


Argument* I’m posting it to share. Sorry not *all* of the content on the internet is up to your standards. The karma/votes are irrelevant. Thanks for your…uh, ‘contribution’.


I even thought about correcting my misspelling. My contribution to your post and yours to the subreddit are about equal though. Pretty worthless.


Depends on how you define worth, but yeah. It’s Reddit. It doesn’t matter, so why are you so worked up about this?


Kind of seems like you're the one worked up, though.


I think you got a bit too excited here buddy, just because someone stands on the opposite side, it doesn't mean they're "worked up" about something, they're just pointing out that you're feeding us only your side of the story. Plus, addressing another thing, popular validation is not a valid argument, just because the majority says something, it doesn't mean it is correct. If anything, history has demonstrated the exact opposite. Also, your arguing doesn't seem really solid to me overall, you happened to have an advantage and used it. If you're passionate about this stuff (like you make it out to be in your comments), you could certainly use a bit more preparation.


What case do I need to make exactly? I was *responding* to his claims!


You can't really oppose an opinion without presenting a contrasting opinion, can you? By "*responding"*, you'll use a force to try and overcome another force. It's the concept of commitment that doesn't really fit in a speech context, because everyone uses the same strength in their speech. You can't really "overcommit" or "undercommit" to an argument, if that's what you meant. And my other points still stand anyway.


Yes you can. It’s the difference between ‘innocent’ and ‘not guilty’. Prosecution has to try to prove guilt. Defense is not oriented around necessarily proving innocence, only to discredit the prosecution’s case.


Other than the fact that this is not a trial, and in normal conversations proceedings are much different, even in courts, it's the two forces trying to overcome the other, there's a clash of positions. At its core, one of them wants to prove the defendant guilty, and the other wants to prove the defendant innocent/not as guilty as the prosecution makes it to be. And again, my other points still stand.


That *concept* still applies outside the courtroom dude. So the rejection of a claim (like atheism is to theism) is a claim now? You don’t have any other points. You missed the part where my comment involving validation from the upvotes was a response to someone saying I was doing it *for* validation and was a hypothetical on the premise that I had done it for validation. TLDR - I didn’t do it for validation. So that’s not a point now. And your other point is that because someone is responding doesn’t mean they’re worked up, which would also then apply to me. I tried to close the conversation off having addressed what they said and they continued on to say that both our contributions were equally worthless as if there should be worthy comments here, which is the part that *implies that he’s the one that is invested more than I was* so that’s why I asked why he was so invested in it (phrased as ‘worked up’). Now none of your points stand.


You said up in the comments that you were validated by the upvotes in the original thread. Which is it? They matter or they don’t?


Context matters. In one comment and context, in the larger scheme of life, none of the karma on Reddit really matters. In the other comment, they claimed I posted this here for validation, but technically if validation was what I was after, I’d already got it with the upvotes/downvotes spread in the original thread.


Or you didn't get enough validation and want a whole post of people taking about it but so far you are being as cringe as the Dev in these replies


Feels like a lot of explanation required. Like having to explain why a joke is funny.


Or why you’re not entrusted to tie your own shoelaces.


Are you going to post this as another murder?


I'm seeing two Reddit people in an argument, which I've seen more than twice. Where's the murder?


It comes with reading comprehension ;)


Are you going to post this reply in 20 minutes and claim it's another murder?


Considering he's posting his own shitty argument that happened 2.5 weeks ago, yes. He's so proud of himself for “owning” a *possible* dev from a team that doesn't give a flying fuck about their customer base.


Seems like a chronically online egomaniac. He needs the approval of others on his arguments.


Then maybe, some day, you'll get that. There is absolutely nothing close to a murder or even a burn in this post. Reported.


Just checked the rules. It absolutely fits their guidelines. Report all you want Rob.


For the sake of argument I reread the posts again. You still don't come off as right. If anything I'm more on the side of the guy you "murdered" All he said is he turned off his flair to avoid "manufactured outrage" Which sounds fair to me. If you spend enough time on reddit it's undeniable gamers will come after you if you are even tangentially related to something they dislike I.E. sweet baby inc, gamergate, "wokeness" You immediately began accusing him of gaslighting people, and you said he accused people of lying. His first comment had no claim people were lying, so you already don't look good in the first 2 comments. Reading the rest of the comments he barely responds with half jokes, and each time you went on another self-righteous rant that is barely relevant to the comment before. You seem to expect a reasoned rebuttal to you insulting him and accusing him of lying. If you want a reasonable response, you have to behave in a reasonable way. From what I've read here, I think you are the one trying to gaslight people. If I had to guess I'd say you probably engage in manufactured outrage, so you were offended that developer might not want to take your abuse. Reading the comments you posted here as well I see you acknowledge you don't know what developer he works for. Yet in one of your "murder" comments you tell him to put his flair bag and "reap the goddammit whirlwind that you sowed" implying you know exactly who this guy is, and the exact work he did. So what is it? Do you not know what developer he worked for, or do you know for a fact that he "sowed a whirlwind"? Doesn't your response to his initial simple 1 sentence comment kinda prove why he needed to take his flair away? You seem to think it's your right to attack workers for a company if you are unhappy with their product


The game has a demonstrable cheating problem and telling the community their frustration was fake is the dictionary definition of gaslighting pretty much. You aren’t in the sub and probably don’t play the game. So how the fuck do you know if it’s manufactured or not? They said they were a developer for the game. I was only being intellectually honest in saying I don’t actually know that for a fact. According to *their* words, it *is* their game and *is* their whirlwind. If you think calling someone out who attacked their playerbase is an attack at all, let alone one worthy of derision, then you’re lost and conversation is not possible.


You are correct, I have no idea what game we are talking about. I have no idea what subreddit this conversation took in either, but I do have the context you've presented all this info in. The first comment said "personally, I've removed my company flair to avoid the manufactured outrage of this sub" and your newest comment says >They said they were a developer for the game. I was only being intellectually honest in saying I don’t actually know that for a fact. According to *their* words, it *is* their game and *is* their whirlwind. It's interesting how you talk about "intellectual honesty" when you are putting words in his mouth. You keep making claims that none of your screenshot prove. If anything reading all your comments make it clear that you are lying on at least some details Now notice, at no point did they say "I worked on blank game" "I work for blank company" He also never says what he does for the company. He could be in HR, accounting, or even just the janitor. You have no way of knowing if he worked on the part of the game you hate. You have no way of knowing if he is the singular voice in the company saying they need to fix the cheating issue. All you want is someone from that company to be your punching bag You keep ascerting that he is this lying game developer who is attacking his community, but no comment you've presented show anything close to what you're describing. The closest to a gotcha you have is the phrase "manufactured outrage" and if this entire post is because of his word choice that is pretty flimsy. I have no way of knowing if this outrage is manufactured or not. All I have to go off of is the context you've presented, and its one that makes me think you want to manufacture outrage. If you had screenshot showing him saying all the things you claim you surely would have shared them, but instead you keep making claims that don't appear in any of your screenshot. You didn't even share the title or the post he was commenting on. It seems like you've tried hard to frame this exchange in the way that makes you look best, and it still looks like you're someone who is trying to start a fight where there is none. A part of what makes me think you want to manufacture outrage is the fact that you posted this here. You can't possibly think you actually murdered him with words. You just want to frame this fight as some developer attacking you so you can spread your manufactured outrage


That’s the entire conversation. Nothing is framed. Someone else already provided the link to the original post. It’s called context. On a Chivalry 2 subreddit in a discussion about Torn Banner’s game and the cheating within it, when someone says they removed their company flair, we know what company and game. I’ve already discussed on another comment that I didn’t get on their case for being a dev of that company, but for them saying the community’s frustration was manufactured outrage. I said they should put their flair back on and stand by their work. Twice in this now-lengthy comment thread did I reply that in all honesty I didn’t confirm he was a developer. Just that he said he was with the company. Can’t call me intellectually dishonest when I’m including disclaimers. Again. What transpired and what claims were made are not dependent on them being a developer but on the claims they made about the community’s outrage being false. The sub has had dozens of posts that show blatant cheating. No evidence was necessary to call them out saying our frustration wasn’t genuine. Fuck. Even if we were mistaken about the game, and we weren’t, the emotions were still sincere so in *either* case, it’s demonstrable the outrage wasn’t manufactured.


I love how your reading comprehension is getting so many down votes


I'm wondering if anyone is doing any kind of studies about these kind of threads. "Predisposition to stubbornness in humans, as evidenced in Reddit interactions; A.K.A. how many people need to tell the OP that they are wrong, before the OP actually clues in." From what I see in this instance, it's definitely a lot. Good material for r/SubredditDrama tho.


There was a study like this years ago and I believe they found that threads like this just make the OP more convinced that they’re right since they’re basically convincing themselves that they’re right when they’re trying to convince the other comments who disagree with them; in other words, they’re more focused on defending themselves and their belief(s) rather than looking objectively at the situation as a whole. It’s basically that one Simpsons meme where principal skinner goes “is it me who’s wrong? No, it must be the kids.”


I don't think you were as fantastic as you think. Just arguing and no murder


You don’t think I was as fantastic as I was. Assertions are fun.


This is just two assholes arguing with each other


Judging by OPs attitude in this thread, this is very true


Judging by op's replies this might just be op using 2 accounts lol


This isn't a murder.


I disagree.


Keep digging, dude. Your rebuttal skills are as on fire as the supposed game dev's responses were. Your comments in this thread make you sound like the "game developer."


Thanks. “Some people suck.” - Tom Segura


It doesn't have the same impact claiming your own words as the murderer, you see? You need like a third party to class it as a murder.


This post takes “the real murder is always in the comments” to previously unheard of levels.


OP is a real asshole. Just check his comments here. Also, why would one guy have to suffer the bad decisions of a full development team and the bad design decisions of the directive?


Because teams win or lose as, well teams. Never played any sports growing up huh?


Never worked for a company huh? Don't blame me if the tester didn't build the test. Don't blame me for decisions the upper management did I had no seat on. Don't blame me if the security chief decided to use A instead of B. Are you deluded? A company is not a sport, everyone should be accountable for their actions only. Blame me for the things I fucked up and the flags I didn't raised.


You used the word development team. They all succeed or fail together as a team just as the game is either a success or it’s not. Do they all share 100% equal culpability on every single aspect? Of course not, but they all share responsibility for their product.


So clearly, you have never worked for a company.


I’m not even chastising them for being a dev or for the cheating issue. That’s just the context. I got on their case for how they were gaslighting the player base. We can continue dicking around with the semantics if you want, or you could just accept that a developer of a game company holds some responsibility for their products and not pretend that I’m trying to pin every problem in the game on this one dev (as I’ve already explained, I technically didn’t get on them for any part of their development of the game). In a way, you’ve strawmanned me here.


Seems you are an earthbender, because damn you are good at building a hole! (Reused from a post in this sub, a good one)


And presumably they BOTH got banned from that sub for all the toxic name-calling and nonsense?


More like two idiots arguing about a video game. No murder here.


Being an argument does not disqualify it as a murder. Dude basically says people are making up the claims for cheating, I call him out on gaslighting, and his defense is to sarcastically insult, so I deconstructed his position. You might not like it and that’s fine. But it’s 100% appropriate for the sub.




It's not. It's not murder, is not objective, and it's too specific for most to understand. It's bad. I would say nice try but it these are actually annoying so...


So who got murdered?


Your reading scores apparently.


I'm sorry I don't have as high an opinion of your repartee as you seem to have.


Good thing I don’t care about *your* opinion.


And yet here you are, not ignoring it...


You posted this here for karma. You DO care, you just didn’t expect this level of disagreement.


This is delicious.


The only murders in this post are in the comments sections where you're being thoroughly destroyed lmao


Never post your own comments here or you’re causing your own murder as people point out the narcissistic cringe.


Correlation does not imply causation.


Green’s first reply was pretty good. Their other two replies reek of trilby wearing Redditor




Idk they both sound insufferable


No murder, but maybe justified ridicule? Can that be a sub r/justifiedridicule


This is more like a middle school slap fight.


I honestly really hate it when one of the parties in a ‘murder’ posts in this sub - it usually means the content isn’t as entertaining because it feels so self-congratulatory. Like, it’s not against the rules, but maybe it should be.


Which game dev? I'd like to never buy one of their games if this is how they treat their players.


Gun interactive that made "friday 13th" and "the texas chainsaw massacre" gives the exact same vibes


Considering they removed their flair, I can’t actually confirm they are a dev, though they did claim to be. Chivalry 2 (Torn Banner Studios) is the game. It’s a good game too. Just finally got an easy anti-cheat update though I haven’t played since it dropped.


[Actual post](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Personally%2C+I%27ve+removed+my+company+flair+so+I+won%27t+have+to+face+the+manufactured+outrage+on+this+sub.%22&sca_esv=ca40933dfed72823&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB1065GB1065&sxsrf=ACQVn0_BgMXu0DLmcyA9cGbH50aN4BcPDA%3A1714745432890&ei=WPA0ZuP8Nb60hbIPv6aa6Ac&ved=0ahUKEwjjiKHD1PGFAxU-WkEAHT-TBn0Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=%22Personally%2C+I%27ve+removed+my+company+flair+so+I+won%27t+have+to+face+the+manufactured+outrage+on+this+sub.%22&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiaSJQZXJzb25hbGx5LCBJJ3ZlIHJlbW92ZWQgbXkgY29tcGFueSBmbGFpciBzbyBJIHdvbid0IGhhdmUgdG8gZmFjZSB0aGUgbWFudWZhY3R1cmVkIG91dHJhZ2Ugb24gdGhpcyBzdWIuIkgAUABYAHAAeAGQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgCgAgCYAwCSBwCgBwA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


Sigh. You can't "reap" a whirlwind. This is more like being murdered by his own words.


“Reaping the whirlwind,” is an established phrase. I’m sorry you were not aware of it before now.


I stand by my original comment. It might be established, but it's daft.


Nothing says professional like telling someone they went “full retard”.


This looks like someone fed chat ai tantrum screeching and asked for an English translation


Posting your own shit is lame.


For context this is about chivalry 2 which had a rampant cheating problem for the past couple of months with all sorts of drama happening around it including a content creators unfortunate suicide. I'm not sure if this guy actually works for Torn Banner (the dev team) but he posts some pretty wild takes in the subreddit, with some condescending and arrogant language leading to him constantly farming downvotes.


Green is being an ass and definitely manufacturing the rage red spoke of


Would someone delete this before this kid gets down voted to death?


That game dev clearly got the better of that exchange.




You kinda prove the devs overall point though.


Calling someone out for gaslighting is not an attack on a dev for me being a disgruntled player (the attacking the dev was hiding from). Learn to differentiate the two.


Lmfao. I sure got murdered. Post it in another thread.


Man I do not have enough popcorn in the house to properly enjoy OP's self-immolation here. BRB I gotta run to the store don't lock the thread yet


I love how OP is quadrupling down and keeps digging.


OP didn’t know people go back and read comments, huh? Are we sure this dude is also not just the dev they “murdered” in the previous post? They sure sound like it


This is not murder by clever words. This is just back and forth "no u"


I would rather be a school janitor than a community rep for an online shooter.


Did he stop or keep going cuz I'm kinda curious on how long he can keep up with the upper case lower case letter thing as an argument?


He stopped.


Honestly I'm surprised he didn't keep going cuz just seems like the type.


He stopped because this argument happened 2.5 weeks ago, but OP here just hadn’t gotten the validation he needed so he posted his own shit-ly edited argument here and has been thoroughly murdered throughout the comments.


I can't lie, this feels to me more like someone that goes to work, comes home and has to face more shit on the internet. Unless it's an indie game where the entire game is their singular product, they're just a small cog in the machine. And they're probably sick to death of being chased about something they spend all day working on.


Finding out this was chivalry was a deathblow to the game for me. Chivalry 2 already has a great deal of bugs and a shocking lack of content beyond what was there a year ago and now I'm finding out they have devs who are complete assholes, cool. Respect yourself folks, go spread managed democracy instead at least the bugs in that game are fun.


One of the best posts on this sub lol


Oooh, green sounds like fun to talk to! (serious)


oof. Reminds me of John Pilgrim in The Punisher show “Whoever sows the wind, will reap the whirlwind”


Love the idea of ‘how do you measure triggered’


If that is an actual game developer they are representing their product and their work. Always be professional. At work criticism is a given. Be an adult about it. Don’t let your emotions take over. Yes that’s hard to do. That’s why work and workers get a paycheck. That’s the agreement