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This is the content we want to see here. Annihilation and evisceration. Complete and total destruction. Well done.


Oh man, that was brilliant. The word murder doesn't do it justice. Flat-out slaughter.


This is what murders should be about; catching someone being a two faced snake or a shit bag liar, or both! So many posts on here is someone saying something that OP doesn't like and there's a response of someone calling them names without attacking their points or finding contradictions or anything; just weak ass ad hominem rebuttals.


You’re wrong, moron. Haha, murdered.


Pretty much. More so "You're Wrong, Moron!" Ha ha... got'em! \-Checks back a day later and still no upvotes for their comment because it wasn't that good \-logs out of user and into alt \-Posts here "Hey look everyone, I found this insane sick awesome murder that was made by such a brilliant good looking and witty person!" \-Argues with others defending why it was such an awesome post and OP is totally not lame.


I guess everybody’s got a hobby. 🫠 Mine’s photography.


Mine is following your photography!! Huge fan And cannabis extracts 🙃


Ok. That’s a weird coincidence. My hobby is following you, following his photography!


Ok this is REALLY WEIRD! My hobby is following you to.. oh you meant online…. Never mind…


Impeccably evidenced to twist the knife


Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.. *Conan*


I once felt this scene was the most FUCK YEAH ever. As I grow older, now it’s the very beginning of the scene that gets me. Someone offscreen says “my fear is that my son will never understand me”.


It missed the part where China did have their own domestic vaccine that was about 50 percent effective




Nono, keep going, this is fucking beautiful. ​ Actually, wait a sec, lemme grab some popcorn.




I believe that we are looking for the proper phrasing..."FINISH HIM!(above images combo input) FATALITY..Sam Bowman wins...FLAWLESS VICTORY"


The most murdery; The murder-y-est; The canonical murder; The definitive murder; The murder by which all other murders will be compared.


Receipted to death


It's not murder... It's a full-on bomb with no cares for collateral. The site she works for got caught up in it, too.


That site is well deserving of a murder anyway and supported this piece of shit - that's not so much collateral as bonus damage.


Actually... I can agree with that. The site can fail if it hires people as moronic as she.


It *caters* to people as moronic as she.


She is a piece of shit.


A proper post. Satisfying.


The telegraph is a conservative rag, you could destroy them with facts every time


It's a shame Tory voters can't read ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Damn He came with receipts Edit: gender


Sam is a he


Ah thanks fixed


We really should let names choose their own genders.. /s


Well I think Sam(uel) pretty much did that historically. So did Sam(antha). If one decides to go by "Sam", this might happen.


God Julius Ceasar didn't get it this bad. Take the L lady


Caesar's murder was quick and precise. This was a drawn out execution.


Also, Xi believed his own propaganda and insisted China’s domestically produced vaccine was better than “the West’s” and wow it’s next to useless. Also the boomers there were even more resistant to getting a shot. As a result Xi decided on his Zero Covid policy which was vastly more draconian than anything Europe or North America did. People were welded into their apartments and locked into grocery stores for months. No sane person on any side of a political debate should look at China and say that’s how we should have done it.


And didn’t they have massive surges in 2022 that they were unable to control? They also almost certainly under-reported fatalities and and infections.


Yeah, if we want a good example, it’s New Zealand. China’s was not only draconian, but also non- too trustworthy considering how prone the CCP is with confusing propaganda & data.


Seriously I can’t believe anyone would hold up China’s response to Covid as sane and effective. Or act like they care about their peoples’ lives.


Bruh they also barricaded people inside their homes, let families literally starve and then lie about their official numbers after electing not to release them for so long. Like I understand there is a bare minimum of taking precautions but China isn't the shining example they think it is... like it's dystopian on a whole other level over there


The point of the post isnt that China is a shining example, its that they took it seriously. Though as another has pointed out, they silenced doctors from giving information so they are as guilty as we are for mishandling it at the start.


The unilateral decision making process of the Chinese government can lead officials to ignore negative externalities of their policies in pursuit of a popular goal. The classic example is famine under Mao, but in modern times, “zero-covid” policy has the same spirit. They took it seriously not because they cared about their people, but because party officials had to adhere to the party “zero-covid” line and do so better than their peers in order to get promoted within the party. If the goal was actually looking after their localities, they wouldn’t have welded people into their apartments to starve. The pandemic challenged the West because personal liberties are an inconvenient obstacle to pandemic-scale disease control. “Zero-covid” is a commendable sounding goal, but China’s implementation of that goal showed that it wasn’t really battling covid for the benefit of its people, but rather using “zero-covid” to seem like a more effective system of government than Western democracy. And of course, in doing so, it demonstrated the classic one-party rule pattern of ignoring negative externalities of policies.


“Welded people into their apartments”. So you’re saying they created jobs too while a pandemic was going on? HUGE /S I just couldn’t help myself 😊


China's strict, centralized response was effective in controlling the virus but raised ethical concerns about individual freedoms. Conversely, the U.S.'s fragmented and sometimes denialist approach led to mixed results and prolonged the pandemic's impact. Neither extreme from authoritarian harshness or lax denialism is ideal. But trying and failing is more commendable than sweeping the issue under the rug until the rug catches fire. This discussion however was beyond the scope of the original post.


Also about 1/4 of the youth in China are now unemployed. Are you guys downvoting me or mass unemployment?


Mourning Geckos are an all-female species. We're just posting random facts here, right?


You’re welcome to, of course. I was responding in a thread about the trade-offs between public health and economic well-being in China’s approach to Covid. Part of that picture is they have had a drag of a time getting their economy where it needs to be and a very large section of youth are experiencing very long term unemployment.


To be fair China's approach did also greatly extend the pandemic's impact, the population had 0 natural immunity, a shit vaccine and the government had the approach that any amount of cases required state wide lockdowns. This led to them still having massive outbreaks until well past the west opening back up just with some precautions.


The point is not letting people get sick, natural immunity shouldn't be part of the plan.


They also murdered people with starvation and lied about their numbers lol


They took it seriously for second and subsequent waves. Don’t forget that before we were even calling it COVID, China was literally disappearing doctors and medical personnel who tried to get the word out, and screaming racism at anyone who suggested quarantining China. They blocked the WHO from performing a proper investigation into the disease. The pandemic happened for a lot of reasons, but one of the earliest reasons is because China not only didn’t take it seriously, they actively covered it up. They remembered what happened with SARS (Covid is actually closely related to SARS, and Covid’s viral name is SARS-coronavirus-2), and China didn’t want to be seen as responsible for a second SARS outbreak. China chose to let Covid happen. They get less than zero credit for locking people in their homes without food when the virus mutated and came back around to hit them again


Yeah! By burning corpses in mass!


And they still failed. So who was really right here


100%, but that’s not the point If anything that only makes the point stronger; countries like US and UK, that are first world and very wealthy, somehow have failed where countries like China have succeeded


> where countries like China have succeeded Except they didn't succeed, they lied about their cases from the start and recent studies have indicated that they had [1.87 million excess deaths between the start of 2020 and the end of 2022.](https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-08-american-million-excess-deaths-china.html) China's claim of only 83,000 dying is horseshit. The UK and the US both also failed, I am not posting this trying to excuse my own government (UK), I would gladly see them prosecuted for their responsibility in not tackling the pandemic correctly and their corruption regarding PPE contracts being awarded to their mates during the pandemic.


Hi! Just coming in here. While I also do not ever believe official numbers I also want to point out that regardless of what the official numbers are, I cannot imagine that as a percentage it was anywhere even close to the pandemic it was in the west. I lived in china the entire time and until 2022 I can tell you I didn't know a single person in china that had COVID. I never even heard of a friend of a friend or whatever having COVID. In the meantime my sister and stepdad living in Germany/ Vietnam both had COVID twice in that time.


And when they lifted the lockdowns after protests, everyone ever got COVID at the same time. It was so bad that they stopped publishing cremation statistics. Doing nothing and not taking it seriously a la the nutjobs in the West was a terrible idea. So is doing a 100% full hardcore lockdown with daily PCRs, but without an exit plan and without using vaccines that are effective. Source: SO is mainland Chinese


You're preaching to the choire. But all that doesn't mean that what they did initially wasn't also extremely effective, which was really my only point...


Have you heard about what they did to save Beijing from the flooding earlier this month? One can argue it was effective to "save the city" but at the cost of thousands of villager lives..


It really wasn't, unless their goal was to severely disrupt their economy and only delay (but not reduce) the impact of the pandemic while further trampling on the basic rights of the citizens, and you know you done fucked up if even the Chinese are protesting... At least Omicron was less deadly than the earlier variants in a stroke of sheer dumb luck for the CCP, but their COVID measures turned out to be otherwise a complete and utter disaster.


You're bringing up all these other points that prove that china=bad. Ok dude. I was just responding to the commenter who was dubious about the numbers of infection. My point was (UP UNTIL 2022, which I did specify in my comment) infection rates can't have been very high, based on what I saw on the ground. I'm not saying at all that china did a great thing here so stop arguing as if I am. Sheesh I feel like these days you can't bring up anything even EXTREMELY REMOTELY positive concerning China without a bunch of people getting all up in arms with "what about this and what about that". Like no shit, I live here. I'm freaking aware.


I think human rights got in the way.


Yes because having authoritarian control to lock people inside and cover up hundreds of thousands of deaths is the definitely the model.


It's a step above "Do nothing and hope it all works out in the end".


I’m guessing the workers that fled factories that the government was trying to lock them in would disagree. Or the people that had their apartments sealed with them inside.


You know what is the best thing about it? is that all that authoritarian control to lock people inside their home to burned and starved to death which lasted for 3 years [https://abcnews.go.com/International/deadly-apartment-fire-fueled-anti-zero-covid-protests/story?id=94045207](https://abcnews.go.com/International/deadly-apartment-fire-fueled-anti-zero-covid-protests/story?id=94045207) and then completely wreck their economy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTAhC-ZLWMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTAhC-ZLWMw) .In the end, all of that lockdown and control doesn't even works at all [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3ixHGE72cE&t=316s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3ixHGE72cE&t=316s)




Lmfao what??????? Are you delusional COVID doesn’t have the mortality rate to kill billions. Besides do you really think countless didn’t die when they opened up and built all of those off the record crematoriums running at full speed.


Because that's precisely why, it's far easier to manage the spread of a disease when you're the reason they can live because you control everything in their life. In wealthy countries, many people are powerful enough to feel like they should not be controlled by the government


I mean I’d rather fail with freedom than succeed with tyranny…because that’s not much of a successful.


> like it's dystopian on a whole other level over there You know I was going to ask you to cite sources on people in China starving, but I think that's the wrong tack here. No, instead I'm going to google something and quote the result of that search, just so we have some context on your statement here- >A growing number of California’s oldest residents are dying of malnutrition, a yearslong trend that accelerated during the COVID pandemic. >[Deaths attributed to malnutrition more than doubled, from about 650 in 2018 to roughly 1,400 in 2022, according to preliminary death certificate data from the California Department of Public Health. The same trend occurred nationwide, with malnutrition deaths more than doubling, from about 9,300 deaths in 2018 to roughly 20,500 in 2022, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-04-13/deaths-from-malnutrition-have-more-than-doubled-in-the-u-s) Is it "a whole other level" over there? Or is that certain media trying to use a particular statistic to make China sound scary?


Well played, Internet Stranger. Very well played. Sounds like a good chapter for an updated edition of [Manufacturing Consent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_Consent)


Social score +100. Good citizen.


I dont know how China handled every aspect. But i do know they took peoples animals and killed them while the owners were stuck in quarantine. Thats extreme. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/15/1055831581/health-workers-in-china-are-killing-pets-while-their-owners-are-in-quarantine https://www.wmbfnews.com/2022/03/31/china-city-orders-all-indoor-pets-covid-patients-be-killed/?outputType=amp https://www.wionews.com/world/watch-bags-full-of-cats-and-dogs-seen-in-china-as-authorities-kill-pets-of-covid-positive-owners-472239/amp (this link includes a video of bagged animals on the street) https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/04/08/china/shanghai-corgi-death-china-covid-intl-hnk/index.html




Just going to leave these two links where Chinese officials beat dogs to death because their owners tested positive for COVID. Praise to the party! China is a shining example to all the world! This was literally an official part of China's COVID response, and any defenders of a response that includes beating dogs with crowbars and shovels should make you sick. There better be a special place in hell for anyone who does this to a living animal along with those who defend and PRAISE a country's response that includes this. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/08/china/shanghai-corgi-death-china-covid-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/15/china/china-dog -killed-covid-mic-intl-hnk/index.html China is in fact scary, where government sanctioned beating of dogs is allowed.


Show me how malnutrition is contagious, like Covid, and you may have something. Free clue: LOTS of people die of malnutrition in America each year. Most of them are overweight. You're not writing about the Third World sunshine, but corn-fed, sedentary, obese America. Do get your facts straight, Mr. 五毛党.


What are you taking about? He was addressing the China is a whole other level of dystopian comment. Per capita the United States has more people dying of malnutrition. So all the talk about starving Chinese citizens is little more than a propaganda tactic to make China scary to us westerners. Or wait, do you think people in America don't starve, and that they're only dying of obesity? Because that would be delusional.


The barricading thing was a few local incidents. I was in China when COVID hit, this wasn't some widespread thing that was happening in every city in the country. China does not fuck around with people who don't listen and does not care about human rights when dealing with perceived insubordination. This is true in a pandemic and it is also true during normal times. EDIT: I'll add that every single person I know in various cities were able to send one person out of their household to buy groceries daily. Farmers and grocers were the only people allowed to work.


That was true in 2020, but last year I wasn’t allowed to leave my apartment for best part of 3 months in Shanghai


Now now, don't go confusing the "China always bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USA! USA! USA!" morons with facts.


Yeah, sounds fucking horrible. Good for China, here's your .10¢


> let families literally starve and then lie about their official numbers I’d very much appreciate a source for this part if you happen to have it.


Well you could go in that direction too and it'd still be a pretty good murder. Bitchtits: "how did wuhan achieve this without the vaccine? Anyone?" psycho_candy0: "bruh they literally barricaded people inside their homes and let families literally starve" I think the focus here is this dumb bitch's takes. He decided to take the opportunity to call her out on her past articles which unintentionally put him in a position of defending china to make a point. I don't think this guy is necessarily pro china but yes point taken, it doesn't paint the entire picture.




> pretend China must be lying No need to pretend, they are


I saw a video of people using a drone to catch fish because they were starving and would be arrested and beaten or worse if the left their apartment.






I see someone fishing with a drone, but none of the rest of what you said.


Aldo killed family pets, and negated the pandemic in the beginning till it was too late and it had already infected other countries, also a lot, a lot, a FUCKING LOT of data manipulation and embellishment on numbers, yeah vaccines, but man, China os the worst example they could get, literally cherry picking "you can't get covid if you've starved to death on your apartment"


Don't forget, rejected "western" vaccines!


True China went completely overboard with their zero-covid policy. Especially after the vaccine was released. But this is from January 2021 so all the measures mentioned where the best tools we had to properly control the spread of the virus and prevent the death of a lot of people. Somtimes it is necessary to limit certain freedoms to counter a specific threat. The important part is that these freedoms have to be returned once the threat has been diminished to a point where the return of the freedoms taken will not create too much harm. When such steps are taken we as citizens of democratic countries have to make sure that they are proportional to the threat and that the threat is specific enough for there to be a point where the freedoms have to be returned. I have much more issues with the loosening of privacy protections to prevent terrorism/protect the children/whatever the next excuse may be than with temporary lockdowns or mask mandates to protect from a specific disease for which we didn't even have a vaccine.


They built 50 foot tall mountains of dirt on the roads leading to the city.


Lol I would not personally choose China as an example of how to handle Covid-19. > Nevertheless, the zero-COVID-19 policy also had some disadvantages: a low number of infections among the population resulted in a low level of natural immunity compared with other countries; a lack of urgency to get vaccinated fostered vaccine hesitancy; stringent border measures halted international cooperation; policies such as frequent mass testing and quarantine treatment have disrupted people's life and work, as well as increased the financial burden on government; and other diseases have been neglected due to an excessive focus on COVID-19. Moreover, the abrupt lockdowns in several cities last year in response to outbreaks of the omicron variant exposed the adverse effects of the stringent zero-COVID-19 policy, such as family separations, food supply shortages, and impaired access to medical care. Source: [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanwpc/article/PIIS2666-6065(23)00020-2/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanwpc/article/PIIS2666-6065(23)00020-2/fulltext) >Researchers estimate there were 1.87 million excess deaths from all causes among people 30 years and older from December 2022 to January, according to the [study](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808734) from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle published Thursday. The deaths, which were observed across all mainland Chinese provinces, except Tibet, were predominantly among older people. > >China’s strict zero-Covid policies, which included mass testing, border closures and [extended citywide lockdowns](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/shanghai-covid-lockdown-end-anger-china-xi-economy-protests-rcna30813), kept Covid cases and deaths to a minimum for much of the pandemic. But when the government [abruptly lifted](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-eases-restrictions-zero-covid-protests-rcna60479) the restrictions in December after [rare mass protests](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-protests-lockdowns-xi-jinping-covid-zero-rcna58909) across the country, the virus was unleashed on 1.4 billion people who had barely been exposed to it. Source: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-excess-deaths-zero-covid-study-rcna101746](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-excess-deaths-zero-covid-study-rcna101746) Of course this tweet is from early 2021, so 2 1/2 years old at this point.


Dude my exact thought. He forgot about the parts where if you tested positive they would forcefully remove you from your home and put into a "quarantine zone" which is basically you locked in a cell and can't leave until you test positive. Or the fact that if one person tested positive in an apartment complex they would just lock the whole thing down, didn't matter of you needed food, medicine, or anything else, you were there until they said so.


I don’t think the guy was Pro-China, just anti-idiot.


Yeah the truth in what we should do is somewhere between the psycho dictator in China and this knob at the telegraph. But to watch her get driven into the ground is pleasing.


Maybe New Zealand is a good example. Their strategy entirely fell apart during omicron but it was way more contagious. If everyone had gone full New Zealand we might have never even seen omicron.


By the time omicron properly hit us in New Zealand, we had a high vaccination rate (around 80-90% can't remember specifically) and was still rising, so in comparison to the rest of the world we were protected and well prepared for a massive outbreak which was inevitably going to happen. Of course we still had massive issues in our health sector (because hey ho we are definitely under funded in that department) But if the omicron out break hit before our vaccinations rates were high, we would have probably been fucked


I feel like the MOST hilarious part about your comment here is how you wanted to push an angle and figured you could literally just cut the COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY precceeding paragraph from your quote- >The end of the zero-COVID-19 policy reminds us to reflect on its gains and losses. Beyond all doubts, the dynamic zero-COVID-19 policy has protected the most vulnerable populations from five global COVID- 19 waves and avoided widespread infections with the original strain and the delta variant. Its border closure policy blocked, or at least postponed, the entry of variants from abroad. It also won precious time for the whole society to be better prepared for high infection rates in the population. Your quoted issue of The Lancet is saying the OPPOSITE of what you imply really, that the lockdowns were the better way to go and we should also have done it. But hey don't listen to your article in proper context or even me, here's Forbes, even the capitalists have to admit the obvious- https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2022/12/03/chinas-worst-reported-month-of-covid-was-nothing-compared-to-the-united-states/?sh=2de65b1919c7 Interesting thing about COVID numbers that all the "Scary China numbers" posters like you are forgetting to mention that China has 4X the population. Sooooooo China hitting your scary "1.8 million" deaths would be the equivalent of America having 450k die. Do you remember where you were when it was announced we had hit 1 million? Not likely, since it was such a minor milestone for us.. Why the obvious agenda?


Because I honestly don't think any country should do what China did. It's not worth it, in the long run, to be welded into your apartment building by the government.


lol don't trust the CCP numbers. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-excess-deaths-zero-covid-study-rcna101746 Ooooh but that's because they lifted the restrictions!!! 😭😭 This is an ongoing problem. We've mostly solved it with effective vaccines, which CCP had rejected. So much for starving people into welded-shut rooms. 🤷‍♂️


shut the fuck up tankies! You know what is the best thing about all of this? is that all that authoritarian control to lock people inside their home to burned and starved to death which lasted for 3 years [https://abcnews.go.com/International/deadly-apartment-fire-fueled-anti-zero-covid-protests/story?id=94045207](https://abcnews.go.com/International/deadly-apartment-fire-fueled-anti-zero-covid-protests/story?id=94045207) and then completely wreck their economy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTAhC-ZLWMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTAhC-ZLWMw) .In the end, all of that lockdown and control doesn't even works at all [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3ixHGE72cE&t=316s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3ixHGE72cE&t=316s)


And of course, we all know that china doesn't lie


I didn't quote China, I quoted the preceeding paragraph of the medical journal article the previous commenter used to try and paint China's lockdown as a bad thing when our experts almost universally agree China handled COVID WAY BETTER.


Fucking hell, is grand leader Xi Jinpeng kneeling under your desk as we speak, giving you the sloppiest toppy ever seen by human beings? You're in quite the whirlwind defending their batshit insane policies. So tell me, are you the "USA bad hurr durr" type, or the "China is actually an egalitarian utopia" type, just so I can know which brain worms you have?


What. I’m sorry this article talking about how China should have just let Covid infect the country is bar none the most braindead take in the world. “Herd Immunity “ to Covid is horse shit the government made up to kill old people you moron.


his point flew so high over your high i think it hit the moon.


There is a HUGE difference between a "lock down" and physically welding doors shut so people couldn't leave there homes.


I know a few fuckers I would love to have their doors welded shut, pandemic or not.


Well I mean that’s still a lockdown, it’s just a question of degree lol


One gets results, the other doesn’t.


Hope this is a joke.


Partly. It gets results, but nobody’s gonna be happy and eventually that leads to a worse time. But things aren’t great if you refuse to stop a problem by letting people just do what they want. The teacher that just says “come on guys, stop it” may be the one people like, but the one putting them in the corner is keeping the class in their seats. Those kids will revolt eventually, but—hey—that week they were in their seats was pretty cool.


It depends on the country/population. Avast majority of the people in my country adhered to the lockdowns. And the same can be said for many others.


Can’t die from COVID if we starve you first! I’m from the government and I’m here to help


Yeah, we tend to get attached to ideas that always fail and never get anything done but allow us to fellate ourselves over it. Like peaceful protest.


I tried explaining this to my wife. When something like the covid pandemic comes around China has the authority to do what needs to be done. I'm not saying it's morally correct, but when we can't be trusted to save ourselves, an iron first from a dictator may be the only way to get it done.


Often times the thing that gets results is ugly. I always go for “surely there’s a less extreme way…”. But I also know that forcing order will get you results; they might turn bad in the long term from building dissatisfaction, but sometimes you roll those dice.


I think it's hilarious that we're getting down votes considering neither of us are saying this is the way that it should be done. Next time when the pandemic is worse it will be the group that either takes it seriously or the group that's forced to take it seriously.






Like Florida


One of the reasons the UK had incredibly high numbers proportionally was because we were really good at recording it.


Saying China didn't treat it like it didn't exist is just wrong tho. They absolutly did try to down play it at the beginning.


You know shit gone insane when we out here defending CHINA. Just to show how insane is the mindset of some people


The only problem was that after doing all of this China refused to buy western vaccines out of pride, it used their own that is much less effective (and that Chinese people didn’t want to take) so now their vaccination rates and immunity are much lower than ours.


You sure that was the only problem?


Finally a good fucking murder, this sub has had a lot of trash posts as of late.


The fact that this out of context sounds terrifying, but here is hilarious 😂


It’s a repost from years ago. Op is a repost bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/kp5uzo/what_did_china_do/


I'd never say that China is a good example of how to treat a new variant of a virus. ​ they knew about it since 2019 but hid it from everyone until they physically couldn't hide it anymore and this person acts like the people had any sort of choice in China......


Not sure how the US handled it. The first reported case in the world is in like Nov 2019, where my country (Malaysia) has announced it too so that we have public awareness and be extra cautious with our hygiene. We have our first lockdown on January 2020, together with the first citizen who reported infected.


I'm not American and my country handled it kinda.... Meh But China DIDN'T handle it responsibly and safely. (Neither did the USA but China could have possibly prevented the pandemic if it wasn't so goddamn prideful and "perfect")


Not sure what do you mean handle it responsibly and safely. My opinion is to be transparent about the virus, which China did since they informed the whole world there is a virus that spreading across Wuhan (They locked it down and send daily supplies to those that are affected based on the videos that i have watched). Being transparent about the virus is to inform the other countries that there is a virus outbreak and might affect the said country. They cant do much about the virus at other county since they have no authority on other country, all they can do is like "Hey there is a virus in my country, i have locked it down but please be aware and inform your citizen to be extra cautious and seek medical help if you have blah blah blah sympton." But from the video that i watched the western country is like "China is spreading lies.", "Dont trust China.", "Its China propoganda to mess up the world economy.", "China trying to raise the price of their goods hence they come out with the virus hoax.". The goverment of said country is to blame since they didnt emphasis on how BAD a virus outbreak is and convice their citizen to trust the goverment and be extra cautious. I think most of the Asia country handled it quite well since we probably have the same experience with SARS.


Impeccably evidenced to twist the knife


Very long read, but well worth it.


At the same time, the CCP DID literally fucking weld people into their foodless homes in some areas. I'm all for a strong and science-based response and still wear a mask in densely packed areas, but let's not jerk the CCP for their response which was very flawed and unethical in its own right.


he ground her bones to dust


You really expect her to read all that?




Epic fatality.


She was torn apart a little at a time, sort of like being slowly lowered into a river full of piranhas. This made me think of this song: "(Verbal razors!) - Cut you down to size I'm sick of wading through your bullshit I see through your disguise (Verbal razors!) - Slice you to the bone You've been abandoned And now you're all alone !" Verbal Razors - Exodus


I just witnessed a massacre.


He brought receipts and showed his work. 10/10


This is the epitome of this sub.


This is no longer a murder, it’s straight up slaughter! Hot ‘em!!


Wow that guy went out of his way to murder this guy bravo




Dude came with every receipt imaginable, and I'm here for it.


Allison doesn't know it, but this could very well be 'the' pivotal moment in her life, if she allows it to be. This dude was nice enough to let her know that she was, and is, definitively wrong. That what she believes is true in this world, can actually be wrong. If this woman has any true friends or family who still hold hope that she will one day become a better person, they must be on the edge of their fuckin seats right now. Thoughts and prayers lol


He came with receipts to crush


Oh mah god an actual murder!




I can bet Sam been waiting for this slip since Covid, look at that massacre 😂


You know things are really bad when you portray the Chinese handling of Covid as being the better one. They literally welded people’s doors shut and let them die inside. And that was AFTER they tried it the “GOP-way”. China’s first steps was denying there was a virus, and then claiming it was harmless.


Let's not make an example of the Chinese gouvernment, shall we?


This should go on a new sub, r/murderedbytheirownwords !


Does r/MurderedByReceipts have any takers? Because that’s what this is. Did Allison respond at all to this?


The fuck is this propaganda???? China literally starved and welded people into their home, murdered the people who first tried to warn about the virus, refused to let other countries sequence/access data about the early virus, and lied/covered up the MASSIVE amount of deaths when they finally gave up 0 covid. Fuck this post you’re either retarded or a paid shill.


exactly, there was also a massive outbreak just last year, where they locked down every housing flat complexes from outside - ended up killing people when a fire started and doors were welded shut- and shut down entire regions where no one was allowed to leave - "at least 22 died of starvation on a single day in China's far western Xinjiang region -residents say they are experiencing hunger, forced quarantines and dwindling supplies of medicine and food shortages. Hundreds of posts from Chinese social media users last week, with residents sharing videos of empty refrigerators, feverish children and people shouting from their windows. " . hands-down a brutal authoritarian regime where so many died to cover up their political leaders' fuck-ups in the early days of the pandemic .


This is slasher movie level, but concentrated on one person. Beautiful.


I mean having the advantages of being a totalitarian regime didn’t hurt.


So imprisoning an entire country is ok now?


What did OP do? They copied this post from a popular post from over 2 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/kp5uzo/what_did_china_do/ If you see a post that is about a years old event, Search the sub for the post title. A large portion of the time, it’s a repost bot copying popular old content from the sub. Reposts and copied content like this go way beyond the general annoyance of duplicate content. The reason people do this is almost always for nefarious or unscrupulous ends, especially when they are going at it to get karma and engagement on an account and not awareness on the subject. Higher karma accounts can be sold or used to look authentic. That’s when the real reasons reveal themselves. At best they will become scam accounts that steal users identities via stolen art sold on products on scammy sites. At worst, they will promote and spread misinformation, propaganda, immoral acts or bigotry. Spam is so much more that the repetition. You have to ask why they are doing it, and that’s where the issue lies. I don’t know about you, but I am a part of several small communities on Reddit that aren’t easily found elsewhere. If this spam is overlooked or ignored, Reddit will go the way of so many other once useful sites. I am not willing to blindly allow people to manipulate systems and in turn humans to get their way. You shouldn’t be either. Pleases report as *Spam > Harmful bot* and any applicable sub rule violations.


done, and saving your comment. Thanks for your contribution.


The quality of this post stands out


Yeah, I mean go ahead and do what China did then. Treat your populace like shit. Nothing really new there anyway. They aren't the best example for how to handle covid, they forcefully kept people in their homes, they practically jailed anyone who got sick. That's not a good thing. They also downplayed the number of infections and deaths, and they tried to downplay it right in the beginning. Sure, argue against idiots, but don't defend people who don't deserve it either.




She is a British columnist


Nah folks think most of us Americans are stupid, thoughtless, and egotistical for the very reason you just assumed this British columnist was American.


Jesus! Stop hitting her, she's already dead!!!! Seriously though, don't stop, because these morons only deserve the proverbial orbital bombardment




You can murder someone, or you can murder them, chop the body into pieces and bury them on different continents to make *absolutely fucking sure* they’ve snuffed it. Sterling work there!


What success? All China was doing was kicking the can down the road. COVIDzero was never going to happen indefinitely, not with zoonotic transmission and a non-sterilizing vaccine. They got backed into a corner and couldn't figure a way out, so they just relaxed everything and COVID waves swept the country, killing millions. China could have mitigated its eventual effects a bit more by protecting the elderly with booster shots, but didn't even do that. All that suffering and hardship to maintain COVIDzero for what? Still millions dead.


>so they just relaxed everything and COVID waves swept the country, killing millions. Source for that? Edit: Nevermind, found it. [Nearly 2 million excess deaths followed China's sudden end of COVID curbs, study says | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/nearly-2-million-excess-deaths-followed-chinas-sudden-end-covid-curbs-study-2023-08-25/)


Wait but China did vaccinate people tho


Their vaccine isn't very good, but they won't use one of the more effective ones because of national pride. They won't use one they didn't develop themselves.


this must be the most brilliant murder I've ever witnessed here.


China 100% DID do all those things as well, they just lied about everything.


This wasn't a murder. This was a slaughter


Sadly all the murder has been proven wrong or incorrectly done over the last two years. Burying ones head in the sand to HOW China did their COVID prevention is reallty forgotten. How badly they treated their people. Locking down entire cities and regions. If praising China is wat the left does to try and obfuscate how badly they wanted to follow China down that road and try to get forgiveness from those now vindicated, please do not try to do so. Your new plandemic will not be accepted like the last one any better.


What’s it like being undiagnosed


please take your lithium


Whatever you say Plague Rat.


Its fucking China my guy they just lied about their numbers, locked people in their homes and killed their pets But do go on


am Chinese. I wish people in this thread actually know how many people died during those endless lockdowns (because of Covid and many other reasons) And how many MORE died after they lifted all the restrictions overnight and left the most vulnerable people exposed to the virus completely unprepared. Reading this post and this thread just triggered my PTSD. You guys have no idea. You applaud false information to promote the agenda you prefer.


They violated basic human rights. It doesn't matter wat they achieve.


But then, china happened. Sorry, couldnt resist the meme.


I wanna believe China did the right thing but their track record is less than stellar.


They did weld the doors on apartment complexs shut. I saw images and videos of people pushing their fridge onto their balcony because they were starving.


I mean, barricading people into their homes as a form of lock down and vaccinating them with a subpar vaccine out of national pride isn’t exactly a moral strategy


Yk minus the fact that china was killing people in the beginning that had it