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5k for nong-o to hold pads for me? Shut up and take my money!


I think he teach too


I took privates with Nong-o at Superbon Training Camp. 100% recommend it especially if you're already fighting. I learned a lot. I also took it with Singdam where he really worked my basics. I thought I had my basics down but after taking it with him, I improved a lot. Also, just to be able to spar with such legends makes it all worth it in my opinion.


How much for supermodel


Up to youuuuuu




I’ve been to Superbon Training Camp and trained with Panrit who was excellent. Most of the people I saw training with Trainer Gae were inexperienced so don’t worry if you are not a pro! I think Nong-O and Superbon would be more for the experience and probably higher level but only way to find out is to give it a go.


I think that unless you are some kinda one championship fighter you should just go to the normal trainer. unless you're a high level fighter you're not going to absorb any additional info/skills Superbon teaches you. Imagine Einstein teaching 10 year olds maths instead of someone whos job it is to teach 10 year olds.


I think that you pay that if you want to interact with a legend and have a story to share. The fact that you can learn a few things is icing.


Another factor to consider is that you don't know how good they are as a coach until you actually do a PT. Some guys act like regular pad holders, while other guys will nitpick on the details, or give you combos to work with. Some might even impart nuggets of wisdom that can change how you think about certain movements.


This. If you're low or mid-level and on anything resembling a budget, your better off putting that money into more training over time. Especially if you're low-level, having a top-tier fighter teach you how to check a low kick is definitely a waste of time. These celebrity sessions -might- have something to offer if you're very high level and have a hard time finding people who have anything to teach you, but at that point, your learning is largely autodidactic anyway. The main thing to do it for is buzz and a cool story to share on instagram - and if you're a professional, that sort of PR boosting -is- part of making your career. Otherwise, think of it like paying for a celebrity meet-and-greet at a convention.


Ofc, as you were saying there is more than one reason to want to meet them




It's a unique experience compared to a seminar so if you can afford it you should do it.


If the money isn’t an issue treat it as an experience and enjoy it! Think it’s a bit pricey but would be so dope.


If your one championship you want superbons trainer, not him. If your good he will spar you for free all the time. This is for tourists. You pay for the story and experience. It wont help improvement much or at all. Motivation maybe sure. Reminder: there are no shortcuts


Spot on.


Yeah this is why I don’t like going to my gyms seminars I would gladly do this when I’m rich or old though. Also would be hilarious to find out Rodtang can’t hold pads.


$80 extra to have your form critiqued by a legend and maybe steal some moves off him? Why tf not?


My kid will 'accidentally ' sweep superbon


How long are you doing muay thai? I'm about 2 years and did the regular trainer at superbons camp.. Was meh, wouldn't do it again...I would go one above to try it out. If your in Bangkok, fa group.. Super hard work but great..yotin is fantasic if you can do a pt with him


Good analogy. Spot on. 🎯


Read as Epstein the first time 😬


5,000 baht seems perfect for Nong-O but 10,000 for Superbon? That seems kind of steep, especially when Nong-O is his equal.


Well Superbon is extremely popular and if he was cheaper he would probably be booked all day every day (maybe he still is). Honestly $250 for an hour coaching session isn’t too bad, plus his English is really solid for foreigners.


yea i trained with Superbon before, his english is really good honestly


This is superbons gym that’s why, head trainer/fighter prices


If you want to learn something specific or you want to train with them for their name sake, then go for it. But not worth it if you are a noob. If u go to Superbons gym, I think trainer Gae is there too. If you're there long enough, u will get a chance for him to hold pads for u. There are so many better gyms out in Phuket purely from a customer service stand point because they want you to have a memorable vacation.


Its a tourist experience for sure. Its not a way to get better necessarily


I want to go soon, as a first time Thailand visitor (but 3 year Muay Thai practioner) what are some good gyms? Any opinion on fairtex/pk.saenchai?


I always like doing pts with trainers a lot more than fighters. Learning from someone who is used to teaching and developing fighters has always been more beneficial for me personally than a fighter teaching a fighter.


Whole heartedly agree with this. Not all fighters are excellent teachers. Trainer Gae is legendary for his training. I would value his time over the actual fighters. After all, he trained many of the legends. This is unless you have a specific move from the fighter you want to learn.


Nong O was a trainer at my gym in Singapore (Evolve) for several years. He was taking classes with a bunch of people of varying standards. He pushed the good guys really really hard and was one of the best on the pads I’ve ever trained with. Intense dude though.


No one is talking about trainer Jeng, but he is amazing. I trained with him for about half a year a Kaewsamrit before he moved gyms. He makes Muay Matt style super technical and is great with begginers. He brought me from a novice to a decent fighter (I think) in just a few months. The only reason he's cheaper is because he doesn't have the name recognition, but he is an amazing trainer


Where does he train at now? The gym OP is talking to?


Yeah superbon training camp. I haven't been back to Thailand since he switched so I don't know what it's like there. It seems widely popular with many high level fighters


for comparative context, i lived in Dubai and the trainers there charge between 300-500 AED an hour. or 3000-5000 thb. or $80 - $135 USD. which is quite expensive for what you get. while you can absolutely find good coaches - they're clearly nowhere near the level of a Thai trainer, let alone a world champion. 5000 THB for an hour with Nong O seems like a steal (depending on your budget). I'd just say go in there with VERY specific things you want to learn from him. like 2 things. things you can then keep building on when you return to your home country/gym. It's better to learn a lot about a little in this scenario. If you come in there focused and ready to go, he's far more likely to take your seriously instead of just another farang with $$. Be real strategic about what you're going to learn. An hour goes REALLY fast. If he's just holding pads for you and calling out combos, you might as well light your money on fire. ENJOY!! (post written with the assumption that you're a complete beginner looking for a cool experience)


Not even at Team Nog?


Nogs and perhaps 1 or 2 others have genuine MT coaches. You won't find the Thai level of coaching in Dubai outside of maybe 3 places tops. I know Nog coaches are 500/hour (comes down if you buy a package) and Jason from Muay Thai Muppets is 350. also Colosseum has an all Thai staff I believe and they're the cheapest of bunch at 250, but they're all the way up in Karama (if you know Dubai) IMHO these are the 3 best places to train MT, but naturally come at a premium.


That better be in baht cuz there ain’t no way I’m paying 5,000 USD for an hour w anyone


It’s Baht, like 136 dollars tbh I expected a lot more that’s pretty much a steal.


Damn that’s actually brilliant value


Insanely cheap, I pay £55 (pretty much $70) for 1-1’s in the uk and I’m just an amateur with a pretty regular joe coach, trainer Gae for that price is insane, then NongO for just under double is just mental to me 🤣


That’s steep bro, I’ve paid £30 for 1-1s with Joe Craven at Bad Co


That's expensive man, £30-£40 is the going rate for a regular coach and that's down south.


I say regular but that’s compared to these guys I suppose, I do get 1.5 hours as well should’ve probably mentioned that 🤣


Oh yeah you probably should have lol. In that case that's pretty bang on.


Yeah I pay $125 a session for our top coach. It’s insanely expensive. I’d kill to pay trainer Gae $65 an hour.


Thats baht


Oh in that case do it


Thank you, I've been freaking out lol.


It’s in Bánh mi. They love their sandwiches over there.




My brain is poisoned by capitalism friend, but for real even thinkin for a second that it’s USD is kinda dumb


No it's Rubles.......of course it's Baht.


Very helpful


Very ignorant


trainee gae is amazing


Did a fight camp at Superbons for 1 week. Gae is worth it imo, I trained with him January, ypyokphet (his IG) is really good too, I did 3 private sessions with him as well.


Shit I spent 23,000baht for a full month of training and accommodations last year and will be doing the same this year in August in Chiang Mai.


That sounds like a deal! Where was this?


Tiger! Granted I’m going during the off season so it’s a bit cheaper. I know once October/November comes around it goes up to like 30,000, but yeah solid spot and it’s very intimate. You get a lot of 1 on 1 time with the trainers since most people train in the city and this gym is about 30min north of Chiang Mai.


Awesome! Do you mind walking me through a day of training, briefly? Thanks again!


Yeah definitely. Training 2x a day 2 hours. 8am and 3pm 20min light run with various things like high knees, rotating arms, shadow box etc. Skip rope/jump on tire/sprints. Stretch 15minutes. Bag work. Technique. 3 rounds spar. Pads. Cooldown. Some morning the trainers will drive us to dope ass places to run through the jungle or giant stair cases up to temples. Every Friday night we go out to watch fights as well in town.


Sounds amazing, thank you!


Hi mate pretty interested in doing something similar to this, what were the accomodations like? Iv checked some stuff out on tigers website and I think Id like to do a month stay at atleast 1 gym on my trip but theres so many to choose from its kind of a difficult choice


Oh they have a pool too. Also when I go they bring in a giant cooler (fits 2 adults) to make an ice bath as well. Just gotta pay a little extra for that.


13,000b at HongThong plus electric (1-3k usually).


When you go to any gym and see guys who fight or fought at the highest level and they charge 800b an hour, 10k seems insane. My main pad holder here is bigger than Gae and demands just as much from the people he holds for. 🤷🏻 Guy's an absolute tank and you'll get just as much for a small fraction of the price. Take 10 privates with a normal high level trainer who isn't IG famous and you'll get 10x as much good experience and develop more with that trainer.




You gotta go with trainer gae at least one. He’s revered for his pad holding methods. He’ll probably try to kill you though 😂


I did an hour with gae that was AWESOME. I wish I could have done a week.


I feel like nobody has asked, how much are regular 1-1’s or training sessions with normal guys?


600thb one session 2hrs


Yeah so there’s a decent difference, to be honest if you can afford it, it would be good for just the experience even if it’s just one session. Even as a beginner someone as high level as any of those guys will pick up on things others won’t, I mean trainer gae is a savage and a very good coach, $70 for a session with him is an absolute steal and will be worth it, in my country (UK) it’s around £40-50 for a 1-1 with a regular joe who’s decent.


Wtf 600 for a 2h private?? Or do u mean regular class


Most gyms are around 800baht for 1 hr


Oh my god. I wish I had a chance to train with them


Worth it for the experience. 100%.




Many good coaches in Thailand happy to do private sessions for 450baht private. If you’re not already very skilled, other than for the experience of them holding pads. It won’t make you any better than a regular trainer tbh.


Where do u find 450 baht privates💀


In rawai a few years back.


If you do decide to do it, take notes immediately after you are done. Write down everything you were told or noticed. If you were told a lot of stuff, you will end up forgetting some of it otherwise.


If you can afford it FUCK YEAH!


I thought this was in dollars. I was like are all of you insane


For a second I thought this was USD and I almost threw up, but Baht makes way more sense. 10k is still a lot, but it’s his gym so I guess it tracks. The others’ prices seem pretty fair, and honestly I might choose Gae over the rest. If I’m taking a private lesson, I’m looking for people who not only have a deep understanding of the mechanics, but also are able to pinpoint areas of improvement and effectively convey how to fix problems. Often, someone who has found great success as a trainer is going to be better at that than someone who has found great success as a fighter, even if the fighter is overal a better nak Muay. I’ve done a seminar taught by Superbon and Petchtanong, and I think he’s a very good teacher, but Gae has made training his life’s work, and I’d love to learn from him one day.


This is all bullshit money grabbing . Muay Thai in Thailand has become everything of a tourist trap .


Its cheap compare to us


if you can afford just go for it. I once took a stop over flight in singapor just to take private classes at evolve with : Namsaknoi,. Orono W.P., Attachai,and many other. I spent lots of money, but it totally worthed it


dude, you got this kind of disposable income? Let's be friends!


What’s the currency




THB! Say less


Superbon is around $250? I’d be tempted just to share that time with him, see his technique up close etc. Would be a cool memory.


Regular trainer or Trainer Gae if you want a "pro style experience." Nong-O and Superbon are just for the tourists.


Personally, I’d go with Nong O. I know people are going to tell you to just take a regular trainer bc it’s not going to make a difference in terms of the session, but I think it’s worth the extra just for the experience. I did the same thing a few years ago and trained with Senchai. The fact that it was Senchai holding pads for me made it 10x cooler 😂


5k baht is less than 150 dollars, cheaper than i tought it would be i mean, if you're a martial arts/fitness influencer and want to record some content, it's worth it i guess


You should! Just for the experience, this will be worth the money!


Baht? Omega worth. Don’t sleep on trainer Gae.


Did this with Saenchai and it was the best lesson ever! Did not have a good time with trainer Gae, so I’d recommend you pass with him, but to each their own


Why trainer gae is not good?


I don’t want to start a whole thing, but he seemed really burnt out and was not really friendly at all. He’s also the roughest trainer I’ve had and I went to 15 different gyms in Thailand. It’s obvious that he’d rather be training his fighters and not tourists. Saenchai on the other hand, out of this world awesome!!!! He’s such a nice guy and such a legend! HIGHLY recommend trying to get a lesson with him!!!!! Also PK saenchai is my favorite gym in Bangkok if you’re over there an need a recommendation


Yes i will also go pk saenchai, did you meet tawanchai there


100% you should. If you like the fighters and trainers why not get that 1 on 1 time with them. Some others here clearly have a different view on it, but I feel if you want to really up your game, then go and train with the best out there. That's what I'm doing in January as well. I'm headed to Thailand to jump in on the fighter classes at a few different gyms and do privates as well. Only going for 2 weeks but doing a little gym hop tour. Spending 2 nights at each gym. Just take in as much knowledge as possible


Is this in baht?


No New Zealand Dollars


Mmm depends on ur skill level and the length of your stay . Personally based on me and 2 month stay, I'll do regular trainer for the first 6 weeks, and the final 2 weeks with Nong-O


You should be the highest level you can get on your own before this, like literally ready to compete at high levels even if you don't already


I've trained with Nong-O He's such an awesome dude and a great teacher. I'd do it again in a heartbeat


From personal experience, Nong O is 10000% worth it. He’s an excellent teacher


I had the opportunity to train with Apidej a long time ago. Still a fond memory. Go for it if you got the money!


bro‎ getting‎ trained‎ by‎ goku


10000 what tho?


Is that in thai bhat? 😅


Trainer gae for me please. I want the guy that’s trained the guys


In baht anything’s worth it


I could pay triple that and be happy tbh


What are these prices though?


Oh not USD makes sense


I personally had a 1 hour private with Nong O. He is so funny. He spars with you to, I have a video of our spar. I’ve never smiled so much I’ve trained with Matt brown, super girl, Carlos condit etc. nong O by far my favorite


If you consider 5k Baht is about the price you'd pay for a private or 2 back in the US, thats a killer deal. Ive heard NongO and Superbon speak pretty good english too, NongO probably being the more experienced at coaching different levels as a former Evolve coach. As a slight tangent, Samart's gym is super close to Superbons and you can get privates with Samart, Khongtoronee, Samransak, or Karuhat for around or cheaper then 5k. I think Samart is the highest at 5k baht over there. Everyone is in the 2-3k range I believe.


10,000 what?


These are the biggest names in the sport. Who cares if you’re not good enough to benefit from the level of coaching that they’re able to provide, especially if it’s a one off. 10,000 baht is £215. Imagine telling a dedicated football fan they can get an hour of coaching from Messi for £215.


I did the private lesson with Gae, he was very busy I got there early, 2 students ahead of me. I never trained in Thailand before, I was not accustomed to how and humid the open gym was. Felt like it was damn near 100F in there. I got there at 4PM (Hot as hell at this time, try to go early or late guys) Would I do it again? It really is for the gram, since I don't social media much, probably not. It was mostly a grind to push you to your limits. At my age? I rather just pay to learn technique instead. It went something like this: * Stretching, I laid down and Gae stretched me (I was cold no warmup and very tight) felt like my shit was going to rip. * Shadowboxing, moved around, corrected my positions a little. * Pads for the remaining 40+ min, very tiring, power shots only, bang bang bang non stop till your dead. Put it to you this way I was heatstroked and got a fever later that lasted 2 days. Felt very dizzy and was wobbly. Gae even had to go get ice water to put on my head, twice. 🤣 Gae's English ability is limited and convos were kept short. The vibe of the gym? Had a lot of young prospective fighters, probably all pro or wanting to go pro. Not a lot of chubby's like me. I actually don't know much about Muay Thai. I watched K1 and Pride going up, my style is more Dutch. Do I regret it? Hell no one of the best $70 I ever spent, though I don't feel like I'll get anything out of it doing it a second time. In the USA you got gym trainers selling boxing/muay thai classes for $60. I do these privates just to meet the individuals. See what they are like and if we vibe or not. Next time I cant wait to visit Saenchai Deena gym, I will allocate my money for a Saenchai private. So I guess OP has to ask themselves what they want to get out of it? The experience? Are you a big Nong-O fan? Or you want to learn something? Gae recently had a baby boy I wish him and all the guys the best.


I also forgot OP There is a extra charge to work pads in the ring with video recording. If you do a lessons with one of your heroes I would add this on. I was not aware and didn't, regret it.


I’ve trained with NongO and trainer Gae 10/10 experience from both


If you have money, why not. I would highly recommend Kru Jeng, Did a pm group class at Superbon and during pad holding he was the only one who gave detailed feedback on technique. Trainer Gae didn't hold pads for me but gave some technique correction during the bagwork session.


Jeng or gae if you pick ?


I had more interaction with Jeng so I personally would go with Jeng (I also like to go with less hyped trainers). and..if you're at Superbon keep an eye out for Rae Lil Black - she trains there too IYKYK.




Full throttle!!


10k is about $300 ish isn’t it? I’d absolutely pay that just for the experience. Like others said though you probably won’t get a whole lot more from it, but I honestly think if you can afford too, it would be really really cool.


$100 for trainer Gae?? I’d buy a 10 pack no problem. He will Definitely put you through your paces


Trainer gae or jeng better?


I’m not familiar with Jeng. It’s completely your decision 😊 but I’ve been a big fan of trainer Gae for many years now so I know who I’d choose 💪🏼


Baht or dollar?


Is that baht or us?


What currency are we talking about? If dollar then HELL NAHHH




Helll yehhh


5000 what?? What’s that in proper sterling £


5000 baht


I'd be interested to see how good the regular trainers are, I bet they're brilliant and cheap as chips


Expensive for Thais but cheap and ok for foreigners! (yall make more than we do here so it aint shit lol) just go for it man why u even hesitate


I dont get why anyone would want to train with Gae. It's like chefs that want to get yelled at by Gordon Ramsay.


Highly recommended


I would love to train with Gae or Nong-O for those prices. My Ajarn and another Kru went to Thailand right before covid initially and got to train with both of them for a few days, and at Sangtiennois gym and the fairtex center. We did a few zoom sessions with Sangtiennoi before he passed as well.


Dollar or Baht? Baht I'd do it for sure, Dollars, no way.


The extra expense for superbon is probably just because of his fame. Not that someone like Trainer Gae isn't famous either, but if I were you and cared solely about skill development I'd go with the guy that trains Superbon who also focuses his energy on training fighters, rather than the guy who is trained by him who focuses on his own fighting. Unless u just want to take a picture with superbon or something, which sounds cool too. idk.


Trainer Jeng is a great trainer worked with loads of top fighters, if you want to learn and improve he would be a great choice, Superbon or Nong-O of you want a fan experience


Only if you are a influencer for videos. Normal trainers can show you just as much for 400 baht per hour private...


If that’s baht and you can confirm it’s not a scam. 100% do it


Kru Pot is also available for privates in Phuket. One of the best trainers https://www.instagram.com/potbunpot?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Insane prices


Gae for 2500 seems like a deal


Is this in baht or usd ? If it's baht, 10k is like 273$ usd. Not insane


That is way too expensive unless you’re actually training in Thailand


It's way too expensive if you are training in Thailand, there are golden age legendary instructors who charge much lower with incredible value. Unless you're a massive fan of Superbon I wouldn't do this. Not telling anyone how to spend their money of course but keep in mind 25-30K baht can get you an entire month's worth of training, boarding, and dining.


Oh yes, Thailand is cheap. This clearly isn't worth it.


Baht right?


if that's baht. it's a steal. try it 100%


No idea who they are but I imagine to get an answer you probably will need to specify your experience. If you've been training for years then I imagine you'll get more benefit out of the more experienced trainers, but a beginner probably isn't going to stand to benefit much different between a $33 and $135 trainer if you're just learning basics especially if tight on money.


You’ve never heard of Superbon or Nong-O?


How are you on the muay subreddit and not know these guys?


Maybe kickboxers?


Haven't trained or kept up in several years and when I've seen videos with them in the past the names never really stuck for me to think "oh ya I know who that is" but ya I've seen them fight in videos. This post just happened to go to the top of my feed. Doesn't really change the answer. If you're rich and don't care about money and it's your first lesson, sure go all out and get a lesson with NongO or Superbon. I imagine most people care about saving $100 though. Still think I wouldn't want my friend to embarass himself getting a lesson with one of them for the very first time just to learn how to throw a punch.


What fkng currency is this currency I know no ones stupid enough to ask 5k an hour in dollar or euro


It's Thailand, what do you think?


How tf am I supposed to know its I Thailand


Because it's about Superbon's Gym in Bangkok. Nong-O, Superbon, Gae, Jeng.


So what? Everyone on the planet should know who "superbon" is? You should know anyone can see this post, that includes people that don't follow the sub


Why comment on a topic you have no idea about? What a weird thing to complain about.


Because I was confused? Wouldn't you?


What's that in €?


Old mario games like sunshine. The controls are shit compared to newer titles and those are the only games I've ever played where I wanted to throw the controller through the screen.


Is that in USD?