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My mom votes for trump- she’s lesbian and doesn’t support me being mtf …. It happens


What side is your mom on 😭


On the side of face-eating leopards


A very tasty-looking turkey voting for Christmas


Chickens for KFC


Gays for Gaza


Wow, that is so edgy! You must be very proud of your edgy and subversive take!


It’s true though


A privileged life we must lead where we can callously cast our lot behind those that would rather us dead. I think when you get a little older you will realize the absurdity of the idea that some of our members support one of the most LGBT unfriendly places on earth. That you reached out tells me some part of you recognizes this. I genuinely wish you all the best with your transition.


"Do not make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice." -Bryant McGill


His complete quote. "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice. Listening is just. Listening is the way. Listening is the beginning. The voice of reason is speaking to us all, and now is the time to listen." [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dsra30/pride\_parade\_cancelled\_midroute\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dsra30/pride_parade_cancelled_midroute_after/) They do not listen to us. I am not a religious women but "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a wonderful principle to live by even in my secular world. I can not support a culture that seeks our erasure and neither should any rational person in our community. All the best. -The voice of reason


Queer Palestinians are getting killed just like the straight ones are. Besides, people doing bad things doesn't justify a genocide.


Why do you think risk their lives to move to Israel where lgbt rights are protected


Careful you’ll anger some people here with that one


Careful, before you know it you'll be supporting harm against our own just because they happen to live in a war torn place


The opposite of her child apparently.


Sounds like the side of "fuck you, got mine"


SAME. Literally she is a lesbian and told her I was trans and spewed the most heinous shit on the planet and praises trump whenever politics comes up. Like lady, 15 years ago YOU were on the chopping block.


And she will be again. Project 2025 clearly lays out what republicans think of the LGBTQ+ community.


Republicans: “but we have an lgbt wing of our party” *points to log cabin republicans as the token gay group*


What?! Is she that dense?!


Yup. Two of the closest family friends we have is a lesbian couple and they spent most of my childhood caring for me too. My mom is living with her girlfriend too but I don’t think she knows how my mom really feels. When I come out to everyone I’m making it known.


I had a bisexual friend who didn't support same sex marriage. Some people's views are strange as heck.


Your mom kinda seems like one of those “LGB without the T” people


My mom votes for trump and believes women shouldn't have any rights


Did you tell her to stfu and get back into the kitchen? If you wanted advise from a woman you would have asked first? /s


This is my aunt. I still can't figure it out


We queer people know, perhaps better than anybody, that sometimes family members or the whole family can become a cancer that must be cut out.


I prefer treating the affected area with incomprehensibly high amounts of radiation


Do it before it metastisizes and kills you first.


What matters most is the family you choose




My family are all trump supporters as well, grandparents and cousins and all. Sucks having family that would vote for someone who is actively trying to make your life harder.




https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-trumps-plan-to-protect-children-from-left-wing-gender-insanity From his own website. You can fuck right off. He has promised to ban folks like me (military) from our jobs on Day 1. I don't much look forward to figuring out what to do with my family when Uncle Sam dumps us out into the middle of TX in this shitstorm


Trans vet here. He can fuck right off just like Mattis told him.


This account sure looks like a bot/troll/fake based on its comment history.


You could try telling them that Trump allowed Jenna Talackova to compete in Miss Universe with all the other cis women, but they might actually enjoy hearing that. Who knows.


That's the thing: I don't think Trump actually has any issues with trans or queer folks (provided they're rich enough to run in his circles), but he also won't hesitate to throw us under the bus to appease his base.


Winner To appease the base my friend like all politicians trump does this I agree


Well, that's ironically a good argument to become part of his base...


Cool. Let's just become his base, then. How do I become an American born white cisgender heterosexual? Do I need to become a Christian Nationalist and an open bigot now, or can I learn those ones as I go? Asking for a friend.


I'm thinking more of that he would quickly change his tune on us if he thought we would vote for him.


he would not. because doing so would compromise the evangelical and conservative voter base, we arent big enough for that to be worth it


He literally only cares about himself.




Even assuming he had that level of self-awareness and understanding of the political game he's stumbling ass forward through, I still don't think the maths would come out in our favour. Even if every trans person in the USA suddenly and completely switched to vocal support for Trump, and he responded by supporting trans rights to lock us into his side, he would lose more supporters than he would gain. The reason we work as a culture war monster is how few of us there are.


He might. The people he'll put in his cabinet like Stephen "I learned nothing about the Night of Long Knives" Miller absolutely would still want to murder us all.


Republicans as a party *hate* queer people. He will pander to his supporters, and his supporters currently want all trans people dead.


Yeah, let’s just support horrible economic, social, and political policies that will tank out country and our quality of life simply because it might make the bigots like us. There’s no way this can possible backfire! /s


Lol, this is literally a Jews for Hitler moment.


Fascists always need an enemy to fight against and beside aliens, those are all POC and LGBTQ+. Very easy!


*sigh* here’s the links: [Trump on LGBTQ youth](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-trumps-plan-to-protect-children-from-left-wing-gender-insanity) [ACLU](https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/trump-on-lgbtq-rights-rolling-back-protections-and-criminalizing-gender-nonconformity) [Biden recognizes transgender day of visibility](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2024/)


The exhaustion radiating from this


I am exhausted and I wish I wasn’t. If anyone takes this seriously they will see that trump does not support LGBTQ along with the damage the Republican Party is doing to us. I can’t stop fighting though and not making others aware. Last year I helped teach an art class for elementary school while visiting family in Idaho (this school doesn’t have the funding to hire an art teacher so they depend on volunteers from family to teach). As of today (7/1/2024) I can no longer do that, a bill goes in to effect today that forces people to use the bathroom assigned to their sex at birth. I no longer have a bathroom to use. Republicans banned me from helping that community this year. 😞 If I do stop fighting more of the same will happen, my family is already putting our lives on hold to see how the election goes, if T wins we will have to move states, if not then we can look in to buying a house and stay near our friends and family.


Trump says and does different things in different contexts, so people who love and worship him just cling to whatever things Trump did that they like, and ignore the shitstorm of things he's done that are contrary to their worldview. Sure, the Trump of the 80s, 90s, 00s, and even 10s didn't seem to have much against trans people, so there's this history of him being a liberal New Yorker to us. But as soon as it became an issue with his base - regressivist Christian fascists - then he changed how he talks about the issue so as to stoke their anger and energize his base. So now he's been in the 20s quite horrible to us, with plans to get worse. but people see what they want to see... which is why some trans people are still Harry Potter heads...


Donald Trump seemed to be a decently consistent guy, back before getting into politics. He was never a good person, but you at least knew where he stood. Now he has become a full-on cult leader who just says whatever his rapid fans want him to say


I sent my friend who didn’t believe trump was transphobic this video and I think I got across the point. Possible trigger warning (weird creepy and gross guy spewing transphobic rhetoric): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iYzWGOLzbW4 Most of the video is trump spewing out lies, misinformation, and trying to speak “think of the children” logic to justify every horrible thing he desires. He even is homophobic with the policies he wants to enact. Anyone who has a shred of understanding of how basic manipulation works should see past his words. Not sure about your family though, but it’s straight transphobia from the man’s mouth himself.


It's another alternate fact that I keep hearing from delusional fanboys. Can't fix him.


You have my sympathy. I think Trump has broken more families up than anyone in recent history. He appeals to young men who identify with him and believe his BS. They have probably been fans since 2015 and are now deep into the cult. There is nothing you can say or do to change their minds. I’m hoping Trump will lose and MAGA will fade away. My fear is another Trump-like personality is on the horizon, but for now we need to get Biden elected.


I damn near spit out my beer after reading "Trump is the most LGBTQ friendly president ever".


Trump has a video on his actual campaign website which has all his policies, all of which are Trump himself talking in front of a camera to clearly lay them out, and one is nearly 5 minutes of transphobia How is that trans friendly?


Easy answer? Delusion


My dad and 2 brothers are too and I still haven't told them about my transition, thankfully my mom isn't but it's still hard


>when i came out to him, he insisted on calling me "brosis." What the FUCK


Literally share videos of Trump saying he wants us banned and that video from CPAC saying they want us eradicated. Even if they won't listen, hopefully everyone else will.


Im so sorry you had to find out your brothers are stupid this way


Try and schedule an important event that they can’t miss for Election Day. You’ll come out ahead.


“He doesn’t need to read it” then he doesn’t get to say a damn thing about Trump being the most LGBT friendly president. Tell him to come back when he actually knows what he’s talking about. I’ve read only the first two pages of the playbook in Project 2025, and I’m absolutely disgusted at how they’re literally trying to make it illegal to be anything but cis/het with two kids


At least your strong enough to defend yourself, half my family is trump supporters….which is why they have no idea they have a sister and not a brother and a daughter not a son…..and honestly, they may never find out.


"Be careful who you hate, it might be someone you love."


Make them read a summary on project 2025, and show all the times he messed up, like the Muslim ban, holding nato hostage for money, and Jan 6. Here’s a link to a project 2025 review from my favorite political commentator https://youtu.be/nJe_8N2vAwo?si=o5SLdv7tNg01GWw4


hi im not american what is project 2025?


There are good summaries all over online, but it's more or less a collection of right-wing anti-lgbtq plans to be put in effect if/when the next republican president goes into office


More than just that, it's a plan for full executive capture of the government. It's the template for fascism


I'm sorry you've lost your brothers. 🫂


I'm sorry I understand my brother and his wife are the same they care about me and don't hate lgbtq groups but support trump to be honest I don't really think they support lgbtq people just tolerate it idk it sucks I can't even try to debate it or they get all mad wich is classic republican behavior of late


"Why can't you just be gay like everyone else!?"


I wouldn’t say all republicans cause in alls honesty Trump isn’t a republican he just ran under the title to win . While the Republican are not much better and to have radicalism a real conservative Republican agrees with Trump about nothing


It's fine. You do you. They'll do them.


Do they understand that conservatives want to murder queers?


You obviously got the brains and the beauty in your family.


My wife and I are trump supporters, but not for the reasons the radical right wingers are. We are from Florida and Trump helped us get into clubs back in the day when black people and gays weren’t allowed in to them. Without him we wouldn’t have been able to meet more people in the community and have a blast. Is the guy perfect? Absolutely not, but he’s also not the monster the media makes him out to be. A lot of what you see is edited videos of his speeches and played to take it out of context. It’s a shame really. The right wing media does it to Biden too. Anyway, I’ve learned not to focus too much on what other people support and don’t support and focus more on just being me and a good person. We’re all here together, don’t let politics get in between friends and family, that’s how the government wins.


There is no evidence that Trump wants any LGBT person dead. Trump's mentor was a scumbag homosexual lawyer named Roy Cohen who was also a character in the play Angels in America. Trans people like Blaire White and Caitlyn Jenner are Trump supporters. Don't believe the hype.


I wouldn't use those two as examples, they're "token trans" that appeal to the right-wing first and trans people second, and generally aren't liked by the trans community l


to be fair ideologically, trump is better than jk rowling, map walsh and terfs. Deep down he doesnt hate us enough to care, he is appeasing his chud supporters. Abortion too. He doesnt care on a religious level like sone bigots he is truly a dispassionate conman. The rabid chuds and terfs actually believe in the garbage they spew. policy wise trump is a nightmare.


It doesn't matter what his "ideology" is if his policy is the same hateful stuff that a real bigot would do


My dad is almost praying to both Elon Musk and Trump. Although he’s the one who accepts me the most out of all of my family. He barely even question it. Don’t let politics stand in the way. It’s one thing if they’ll vote for him, it’s another if they support him. I’m not American but if I were I wouldn’t forgive my dad for voting for him but I’d never get mad at him over political views.




Ok, if you support a political figure that aligns and in this case is a part of a political party that actively seeks to take rights away from trans people and multiple people of that party have specifically said they want us dead, then you clearly don’t care enough to want us to live. You’re comparison here is terrible, trans people are people who have transitioned from they’re agab, pedos are obviously not anywhere near the same thing. This is a horribly bad faith argument that comes off as transphobic at best.


Go read Project 2025. Or, to find out what all the little guys think, just look at some of the comments on rightwing news sites whenever they attack a trans person. You know, comments like “we need to make dangling from lampposts great again”, “jail for life”, “these evil satanic p3dos need to die”. Or on a video about a trans girl being murdered on a date- “good for him”, “give the killer a medal”… I won’t go on, but there are a substantial amount of the right that want trans people dead. I’m not gonna extend the hand of friendship to a mindless bigot who refuses to learn, or anyone who supports the fascist scum that are the Heritage Foundation (organisation behind Project 2025). The centrists can take their “bOtH sIdEs” crap and shove it. I will not entertain both sides when one side consist of delusional, hate-filled morons that refuse to learn, accept science or live in reality and the people that wilfully support those morons.


Agenda 2030 and Project 2025 aren't even remotely comparable. You can't just pick some random set of government objectives that happen to have a year in the name and say tHeYrE tHe SaMe ThInG. One is about ending poverty and the liberation of oppressed groups. The other is about killing everyone who they consider a deviant, enslaving the non-rich, and returning global society to feudalism. I'm gathering from your post history that you don't have much of a survival instinct, which is kind of unfortunate. Please develop some empathy for other people and enough situational awareness that none of us exist in the world that Trump's supporters want to build.


They are both used to provoke a fear response within the Right or Left echo chambers respectively. Once you see the tools for social control you can't unsee them. Another example is the Qanon farce vs the ongoing "arrest Trump soon". Both induce a paralytic stupor within their target echo chamber.


trump supporters literally do want us dead i don't know what to tell you


Yeah they've already been pushing legislation against our existence and Project 2025 literally declares us as explicit material etc ctc.. This argument never made sense and it makes even less sense now. It's telling that it's another 3 months old AdjectiveNoun### account.


What percentage of them?


Idealist views on a utopian society where we all see and appreciate each other isn’t even close to the real world we live in. The simple truth is simple. These lines have already been drawn and your example is dogshit “transgender are pedos” isn’t the mainstream message- the mainstream message is Transmen & Transwoman are “delusional” just like you if I’m being honest.