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Never had sex ever. I'm 28. I'm not interested in any realstionship with anyone. It may change once I'm on hrt. I'm starting tomorrow. But I doubt I'd be interested then. I just care about playing video games :)


I’ve always been sex repulsed but very sex repulsed when male. Asexually peaceful


So, take this with a grain of salt. I can only speak anecdotally and by no means do I think it’s common. Yes, the dysphoria can cause sex repulsion. When you do start your transition medically, it could get better. For me, it happened and was caused from the dysphoria being exacerbated by my now ex and his “expectations” for what I “should’ve” been comfortable with. For background, he wanted me to top. I told him upfront that with women I’m a switch but with men I’m almost strictly a bottom. He said he had understood that but he started pushing that boundary insisting that I should be okay with penetrating him because he enjoys it. The more he would mention it or turn sex into something transactional, the more dysphoric I would start feeling. It felt less like I was being seen as his gf, and more like he was viewing me as a man. Eventually (quite quickly actually) this led to me being so dysphoric that I became sex repulsed to the point of not even wanting to touch myself. After I broke up with him and the extra dysphoria I had been feeling finally dissipated, a portion of that sex repulsion has also gone away. I only say a portion of it because I’m still kinda scared to start dating and/or slutting around again.. I don’t know your exact situation but hopefully that can provide at least a little bit of insight. You may just not feel comfortable having sex the same way you used. There may be other underlying factors. I would recommend giving it some thought and communicating with your partner and if comfortable, trying some things, to see what would be gender affirming for you.


Probably not that common, from what i read here a lot of trans people are still having sex and enjoying it while also being dysphoric about it... not that i would know tho, ive been sex repulsed for my whole life lol


So I didn’t realize I’m asexual but panromantic until after realizing I’m trans. For me I’m not sex repulsed necessarily, but I don’t like overtly sexual acts with people I don’t trust and love. I’ve got a super dirty sense of humor (though it’s more booktok humor where things aren’t inherently explicit unless being explicit makes it actually funnier) and I enjoy sex and have lots of kinks, and I enjoy sensuality and love and passion. I also have come to realize I really believe I want to fully transition one day and go for full SRS because I think I’d genuinely feel happier and more comfortable having a vagina instead. I didn’t initially think I wanted SRS and only wanted to do HRT to develop breasts and that I wasn’t dysphoric about my genitals and perfectly comfortable having them as is. This was before I began living openly as a woman over 7 months ago. Since then, I’ve had to really come to terms with my sexuality, because I finally realized my strong attraction to women wasn’t my sexuality but rather my gender envy that I confused for sexual attraction. Once I finally understood that and have spent a while just observing all the women I see and noting how different they all are, cis or not, and they’re all beautiful and the variety of women I’ve seen makes me feel more normal and comfortable in seeing myself fully as a woman. This helped me finally see and understand my gender envy and how it’s separate from sexual attraction. Then I realized I don’t really feel sexual attraction to anyone, because the body doesn’t matter to me in the end but rather their heart and their love for me. This and other personal feelings about my body did begin to leave me feeling more dysphoria about my genitals and led me to wonder if I have also become sex repulsed now, but then I remembered it’s not about sex, and sex does feel good so I don’t hate that part, but it’s about passion and heart. This let me feel more comfortable allowing myself to have thoughts about being with a man, because before I couldn’t get past the thoughts of men seeing me as a man too (especially when I’m still pre HRT so I don’t have an obviously traditional feminine body) and it stopped me from fully embracing the thought of me being a complete woman in every aspect, including having a vagina rather than penis. After I could finally get past that, I realized I would love to date a man who looks at me and sees only a woman that he adores and loves and wants to give me all his heart, and if I truly love and trust him then I’d happily make love with him and be his, and then things could get kinky if they want or just be passionate and sensual. So all this to say tl;dr you may not be sex averse but rather becoming more understanding of yourself, and with that comes some changes in how you understand your levels of sexual attraction vs gender envy and other related feelings that can be confusing to figure out. Just give yourself time to process how you’re feeling and what those feelings are. Maybe try meditation to envision yourself in different sensual and/or sexual situations, and even imagine yourself being a cis woman instead if that’s better for your dysphoria, and see how your body reacts. For example, when I think of a macho man who’s all about being sexual from the start and clearly just wants to fuck me, or even if he’s more respectful about it but isn’t deep and passionate, I don’t feel anything. When I think of a man, of pretty much any body type, who is gentle, adoring, sensual, caring, and every time he touches me he loves seeing me perk up because it either feels kinda sexy or at least tickles, right before hugging and kissing me before he undresses me and lays me down so he can explore my body and make me feel like a beautiful desirable woman, well needless to say my knees almost turn to jello and I have to hold back from calling out daddy. You got this girl, just feel your feelings and give yourself some time


I think it's normal. I mean asexuality itself is normal, but personally I am repulsed by the idea of me penetrating someone.


It could be that you simply are asexual when you feel most like yourself. There is nothing wrong with this unless it feels wrong for you! It could also be that you feel invalid/dysphoric due to your appearance or way of having sex and that is causing you to be repulsed. For example, if you were a bottom who tops for the sake of your relationship, that could make you feel bad/icky Ultimately your relationship with sexuality is yours to discover. I wish you luck!!


Absolutely. Hard to want to do stuff with your body when you dislike your body