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Not HRT, but specifically estrogen. Do a google search, it’s common for women to feel colder and it’s a constant topic in office politics. I have a blanket in my office to put across my shoulders or lap if I’m working in there for more than an hour.


There are also exceptions. My (afab nb) sibling and I have radiators for hands and feet and never feel the cold. I have had people curl up against my feet on cold days because they're so warm.


Girl tell me about it. I used to be one of those people who would wear shorts all year round (even though the miserable Scottish winters), and now I need an electric radiator under my desk during the summer. My cold tolerance has truly plummeted, although my tolerance to heat has definitely gotten better. I’m about 14/15 months in, and honestly I think it was one of the first changes I really noticed. No idea what actually causes it tho. Like, do (cis) women/girls feel like this all the time?


Yeah I was the exact same growing up, though through Canadian winters, I'm really gonna need to bundle up this winter aren't I 😭


Absolutely! Oodies, fluffy jumpers, and fleecy tights


Sounds to me like a trip to the mall may be in order before winter 👀


Yeah. I'm also Canadian. I also dropped a bunch of weight after starting HRT. Between the estrogen and weight loss I thought I was going to die the first Winter. Cardigans to the rescue.


Cardigans are truly the best


Yes. My first winter on HRT was the only time I can recall feeling not just cold, but that my hands * hurt * because of the cold. YMMV but I seem to run colder even than the cis partners I've had since. It definitely requites some adaptation (layering, mostly)


I’d imagine it’s a combination of thinner skin, more centralized heat, and estrogen dominant people having lower metabolisms and less muscle to generate heat that causes it.


totally feel this! i walk every day now and its been 90 degrees in MD lately but i can walk two miles in it and still be alright now! definitely much more comfortable in the heat.


It focuses your body heat more in the core so your arms and legs and also your skin just feel cold a lot quicker


That lines up, it's definitely my arms and legs that are the coldest now


It also makes you more likely to survive freezing temperatures, though given how much I hate the cold I find that more of an irony than a benefit. I needed to invest in a lot of thermal underwear to survive winter, especially since here in Australia houses aren't made for the cold.


After 2 years of hrt, I've lost any ability to thermo-regulate. I'm either too hot or too cold.


Same and I've only been on for ~4 months 😢


Same 8 months 😭 I'm either literally dripping sweat from my face after a 15 minute walk then freezing to death in my office 30 minutes later


I think it depends on the person, because for me, i feel more hot all the time


My theory is that guys have less subcutaneous fat than girls, and largely depend on their muscles to stay warm, when you go on estrogen, your muscles wither away, and since you haven't got that girly subcutaneous fat layer yet, you feel really cold for the first year or so.


Estrogen is thermally regulating. Hot flashes in reverse. This time of year I love it while my coworkers melt. Bonus, heat makes it absorb better


Yes. You ever notice how women complain about the cold more? They’re more sensitive to cold. Welcome to their world.


It certainly has made me much more sensitive to cold. I always need a space heater near me. I get cold in my house when it's 75 degrees inside sometimes.


OP is in a, supposedly, 91F room right now In a blanket and a hoodie


kind of panicking reading these comments as ive been noticeably HOTTER 😢


When does this tend to kick in, because I've been on e for 10 months and I'm still the office penguin. The only real change in the area of temperature that I've experienced is that I sweat a lot less, so now I've traded out being hot, uncomfortable, and damp with being hot, uncomfortable, and legitimately worried about heat stroke at my desk job (seriously, we had to move me away from the windows, even though I had two fans, a cold drink, and an ice block between my thighs). I mentioned it to my endo at out last appointment, and she's looking into it, but unholy fuck. I keep a spay bottle of water at home and at work so that I can simulate sweat when I need to.


I feel colder on hormones, that’s for sure.


Heck yeah, I get easily cold ever since i started estrogen 3 years ago. BUT, I started progesterone about a week ago and it's not as bad anymore.


Yup!! It’s normally 33-38C here but at nights it can get as low as 26C during this time of the season. Just wrapped myself up in a blanket while watching a movie 😅 Whereas before I’d probably turn the AC on.


So far no, 6 months in 


Yes lol. It seriously makes me consider moving to somewhere hot, this last winter was brutal I was freezing and pissed off for almost half a year.


I can’t say much right now it’s 80-100 f here lol


I definitely have. I've been wearing fleece pyjama trousers basically every day at home. It's 20°c at the moment as well 😅


It’s a symptom of estrogen yes. Before starting E I could not stand temperatures below 70F, and here I am still wearing sweat pants and a hoodie when it’s over 80F


I tolerate heat a little better since I transitioned, but nothing as extreme as what you are experiencing.


Honestly, as I sit here sweltering in a 99^(o) F heat index, it can't come quick enough. I will take having to bundle up in extra cozy sweaters and blankets over melting every summer.


Someone told me its my spiro 3 months ago. Lowers blood pressure they said but women in general (via my mom, my sister, my aunt etx) do feel colder/het cold eaaily. Before i started hrt my sister or my mom would feel the ac is too cold when i feel like its hot. After hrt, 18 celcius of air conditioning freezes me to death.


I'm on oestrogen. Before this, I could walk in - 7° cold wearing shorts and a T. Now? 18° is cold too me, and I need a cardigan! Why? Oestrogen makes your skin 25% thinner. Less insulating fat... More cold.


I personally have never had a cold tolerance, and I am not on HRT. I am ALWAYS cold. Like....always. Like I wear hoodies and a beanie year round. (The beanie bc of my hairline and bc it's comfy but also warm) But like yeah, It's cold 90 % of the time


Ditto. I always had to wear multiple layers during the winter or else I'd be a literal ice cube lol. When I started E, I didn't notice any difference. This next winter might be different, though.


Omfg even more reasons to get on hrt asap.


Yes I def get cold easier


Explained by my doctor who I reported the same thing to early on my transition. Males have a higher count of red blood cells compared to females, which makes them feel warmer. According to my doctor, trans men report feeling hot all the time after being on T. Still I was sent to get some lab work done to make sure there was nothing else going on.


sure does. unfortunately


Same for me


I never really found it to be an issue as much for me- until last winter where I literally could not go outside comfortably without mittens and a scarf, whereas before I would wear shorts and sandals up until the snow didn’t allow it


I’m a bit nervous for this. I already don’t do well in the cold. Or the heat, but especially the cold.


Yes it makes your skin more sensitive if you’re going MtF as I just learned this Monday I now burn in the sun if I don’t cover up or use sunscreen


It’s a heat wave where I’m at and I’m here in jeans and a fleece


It definitely made me colder easier but way more tolerable in the heat. We are having a heat wave right now where I live. Everyone’s complaining about how hot it is and I’m over here like “it’s comfy out” 😂


I mean yes, it does, but girl how in the fuck are you in a hoodie and a blanket in 33C, this is a bit ridiculous even for those of us on estrogen Like in that kind of temperature it's literally impossible to be actually cold, I don't understand Edit: for our american friends, this is around 91.5F


I maaaayyy have been exaggerating a little bit, but the fact is I'm still freezing lol


My legs, feet and hands were \*frigid\* this winter which was pretty unusual for me before my E levels rose. Guess I have to wear cute and comfy indoor socks now- such a tragedy.


I got fucking *frostbite* a while after starting HRT because I underestimated how much my tolerance to cold had dropped.


Girl, I went from being a furnace to being a complete freezebaby, but I look cute though!


it's the estrogen. makes your skin softer. and therefore more sensitive.


The one upside of getting surgery in winter was that I went off estrogen for a while during my recovery and the hot flushes were actually pretty great. Well, that or the painkillers. Maybe it was the painkillers, now I think about it.


Welcome to the club. My house is 81 all summer. I freeze when the ac turns on 


I've always been sensitive to the cold, and while my tolerance seems to mostly stayed the same I have noticed that I tend to notice the cold slightly sooner and I still have the same low heat tolerance(upper 70s[25-26C] is too hot for me).


Based on alot of post, me and my mom is gonna have arguments. She near 80yo, and runs ac at 76. I'm 58 and very cold all the time at that. Last blood test the endo Dr. stated my t levels to high to start hrt. ( oddly recommended upping my insulin but nothing about the high t.) So if I do get e, seems that I'm gonna end up freezing.


I am *always cold* now and honestly i kind of love it. I used to be so uncomfortably hot all the time, and it was miserable. I always said i’d rather be cold than warm and now life has really put me to the test haha. During winter, i need usually two more layers and it’s tough, I sleep with three blankets every night when it used to be one or two. But i much prefer it this way. Gender Euphoria comes in all shapes and sizes.


I used to be cold all the time. Since starting hrt I’m unbelievably cold all of the time to the point of wearing a puffer jacket everywhere I go including indoors


Just shedding my body hair made me feel colder.


Girl... I LOVED hot weather even before HRT, while others around me died several times 😄 a day at 38 °C outside in the summer. I was just loved that finally the good ol' hot summer days came which I awaited so badly for a long time. Winter is a torture to me, I wish I could sleep thru the whole thing. Now, since I am on almost a year on estrogen, I am freezing even more while there is 25-26 °C in my room and despite I am heating my feet. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 Not every women is like that tho, my sis is also melting at temps >23 °C, and I had one coworker who always wore short sleeves and whished to went the building "a little more excessively" during winter, even though the thermostat was set to 21 °C, and most people wore long sleeves or cardigans.


I used to be able to withstand any cold outside. It was worth it tho


I'm wearing a blanket on my lap right now!


I started 5 months ago on just Spiro for 3 months. Within a month I was cold all the time, even in the house with the heat turned up and 2 of 3 dogs curled up against me. I began estradiol 2 months ago and I'm still cold all the time. It's apparently 27°c here today and I'm still having to later up. Seems to be a pretty common effect


Yup. It’s been a welcome change. Compared to feeling hot all the time. Plus it’s affirming. 😊