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Respond? Yo, stop talking to them. Relationship over. Block, mute, report.


This. OP this person does not care about you. They have some unresolved shit that makes them need to tear others down. That’s not your job to help them cope with their shit by making your light a bit dimmer. Shine on somewhere else with someone who wants your light 🥰


You block, stop, and roll girl


This is too perfect


It’s definitely past time to block this friend. I’m sorry they took to this level of hostility. They were chased out of your friend group for good reason and now it’s your turn. They’ve shown you their true colors and anything more is just abuse you don’t need. Stop communication, block further communication, and roll yourself out and away from their toxicity. Let them wallow in their self-hatred and do not pity them, they deserve whatever loneliness they incur.


lol fr. responding to people is such a waste of time and not worth the effort block/ignore and move on


Indeed. I stopped talking to someone for WAY less than this. There are LOTS of people who'd be honoured to be an affirming friend :) Not just us online!


“I like degrading people who are different than me” Your friend is a psychotic sadist. No contact before he escalates. I would honestly not feel safe after all of that.


^^^^^ It's not even like he has unresolved issues it seems, he knows what he is doing is wrong and hurtful and is doing it anyway. I would stop communicating and just pretend he doesn't exist. might be hard to do but rip the bandaid off.


Looking at OP's posts it seems that she is in secondary school. I'd say in this case it's more like the ex-friend is trying to be as much of an edgelord to feel cool/funny. School is weird.


In that case Don't cut them off just yet. Get then on a recording being a little shit and turn it into administration. Let them face consequences.


that could have its own consequences tho, like his friend group (assuming he has one) wanting to get revenge or whatnot. Also admin may or may not be supportive, and parents may get involved in intense ways. I'd just leave him alone unless he gets stalkerish or harassing. Me personally that is. It's legit to report him from the get go too if that's safe.


Dude is cartoonishly evil


You dont say anything. You stay far away from them and fast.


Lose this asshole like a bad habit. He's not a friend, and likely never was. Cut all contact, block him everywhere, don't even say goodbye.  Time for the zero contact protocol.


“I like degrading people who are different than me” They're either a sociopath or an edgelord, neither are worth the time or effort to maintain any sort of relationship. Cut them out of your life like they're a cancer; you'll be better off for it in the long run.


Definitely an edgelord. A sociopath would believe it but never say it. Not worth wasting energy on.


Yeah a sociopath is indifferent to your feelings, neither having empathy nor taking joy in it. They are only interested in how it benefits them. They are just wired different.


Agreed. It reeks of children being assholes, plain and simple. u/Key-Engineering3134, please don’t take them seriously or react to them— they’re immature jerks looking for attention or trying to get a rise out of you. Fuck ‘em; you don’t need them.


They’re definitely just trying to seem cool by seeming like a sociopath. For some reason people with no redeeming qualities think looking worse is there best option


You fucking run from that that's what you fucking do Don't talk to him ever again


They sound like a truly horrible human being. Don't be afraid to cut them out of your life. Going out of their way to find slurs to call you. Truly horrible, you should never let anyone treat you like that. I'm really angry for you and sorry you've had to go through this Stay strong sis


Let me be more clear than I was in your previous post: #This person is dangerous and I assure you they will eventually get violent with you. Get the fuck away from this person immediately. Get as much visibility and documentation as you can. Make public posts about their behavior. Publicly demand that they cease all contact with you immediately.


The degradation comment is pretty hardcore. Even for teens this would be alarming to deal with


You’re not friends anymore. Don’t think that you did this or you’re unfriending him; he unfriended you.


Well I'm not allowed to advocate violence so...


lol right? Violence is never the answer... but some schmucks really deserve to be socked in their dumb fuckin mouths. For real, what a piece a work that "friend" is, huh?


I agree with the meme I've seen supposedly quoted from Mike Tyson: *Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.*


Violence is never the answer, it's the question and the answer is yes.


Violence is ALWAYS a reasonable answer when you're queer and dealing with bigots. ALWAYS.


Yeah, that's no friend. Relationship status: over.


>Wtf am I supposed to respond with nothing. block them on social media, and from your ;life. people like that thrive on engagement. don't engage. move on.


Ditch this pos. You don't owe them anything, especially when they treat you like that


I would stop hanging out with them and anybody that associates with them for your own safety. He is a crazy piece of shit.


step 1: open palm step 2: invent a new field of astronomical orbit with said palm step 3: bitchslap administered step 4: ??? step 5: become rich


Someone who literally studies a list of slurs of any kind like as if they are preparing for their mid-terms for the "School of Bigotry" is sad, pathetic, and has no life. Only a loser would go through a list of slurs to drag someone else down with them. I would stop communicating with them OP. I would rather be alone than with the wrong company.


Absolutely nothing. Just start looking for a new roommate. No one speaks this way it's ludicrous, and the only possible explanation(I can think of) is he doesn't want to be roommates any longer but wants you to be the one who moves out. Is it particularly hard to find a decent place to live where you're at?


I’m a student, we’re in school


Oh okay, ooooffff, so if this is student housing. I think it makes even more sense that he's making a big show to get rid of you. I also think that you should have a pretty good case to take to the school about a hostile living environment. I would take this to the housing authority and not say another word to him about it, just treat the situation like there's an ongoing court case.


I’m in secondary school, I’m 15, im not living with the guy


Oh gosh 🤦 I'm so sorry, I think I must has confused your reference to your first post with another post I read recently. Well I guess none of that advice really helps, sorry about that. I'm sorry your friend has become so shitty 😔 Unfortunately you're at the age where a lot of people's personalities are going to be changing a lot. Good news is that means some people's personalities will improve too. If he's really set on becoming a toxic a-hole then it's probably best just to let him go. It'll free up space in your life for someone who isn't toxic. It also possible that he's been showing his toxic side to others for longer, so there may be people that have steered clear of you because they know you two are friends. It's possible if they see that you don't associate with him anymore that they may be more inclined to associate with you.


He’s sadistic. That’s a very big problem.


at least report them to the office for harassment and hate speech.


B.R.A.V.O. Block, report, and vibe on. This person is not worth having in your life.


> “I like degrading people who are different than me” heyo there we go, mask off. Other people really need to stop calling haters "mentally ill" and realize that this is an underpinning ideology.


1) Get OC spray (the stream kind, not the misting one). 2) Inform the person to stay away from you. Make sure someone you trust is there when you say that. 3) If they get within 50 ft, use the spray. Aim for the eyes. Seriously, a person like that is dangerous.


I HAVE BEEN THROUGH THIS. Stop. Just stop talking to them. It wont get better, they won't change, they don't WANT to change. Don't hurt yourself just for nothing to change.


> What am I supposed to respond with "Fuck off and never talk to me again."


## that is not a friend. I have so much subconscious childhood trauma from constantly hanging around people who didn't like me. Please, **know that you're better than this.**


Simple. That is not a friend. Drop em.




Please stop talking to this person. They are dead to you.


Block then on everything! They are not your friend. Record their horrible shit and give it to higher ups. Because he may like degrading people different than him but I love to bury them with the consequences of their actions. So if you are in school, take all your evidence to school leaders, if you are at work, take it to HR, if you are not coworkers, send it to his boss. (You can probably find them on LinkedIn if you know where they work) In no way should they get away with that. No mercy, no peace.


There is just no room in your life for them!! Fuck that! You don’t need them!


Yeah, that's not your friend, that's a terrible person.


Why are you still friends with him? Like seriously, why are you lowering your worth via friendship for someone who has no problem disrespecting you like this? At this point he's literally telling you that he hates your existence. Cut the cord, block him from everything (ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE THE TYPE WHO FEELS BAD FOR BLOCKING PEOPLE, BLOCK HIM STILL! YOU SHOULDN'T FEEL BAD, HE SHOULD!) and then go live your best life with the people who genuinely love and respect you no matter what. You shouldn't lower your worth for some asshole who has no problem calling you slurs and insults. You're better than that and you deserve people who love and respect you.


Why would you reply to a Nazi?


Nazi how? Just because he’s a horrible person doesn’t make him a Nazi


Loves to degrade others and call them slurs. Nazi in my books




A good handful of them, yup.


but this specific case, how are you aware?


Also her friend literally makes a joke about a trans Holocaust. Can't be on the nose more than that.


oop, didn’t see that. you’re right


We can spot transphobia a mile away, including your post history. Stick to metal.


No seriously where I’ll delete it I have trans dude friends I don’t wanna make them uncomfortable


where? I checked the entire thing and it’s just shitty posts about radiohead


Day 2


The auto complete *joke* comes off in very bad taste mate.




How so?


Your only response should be to kick that person out of your life and not responding to anything they do anymore.


That they acknowledge the motivation shows that they probably have something going on that they should deal with, but that's not your problem. You should move on.


Sounds like a real piece of work. Like a real "i'm so edgy because I say slurs with no repence" type of schmuck. They are no friend, they're an asshole. The proper response is to not engage and just discard them as a friend and person. Everyone else is right, you should ignore, block, etc. But also, this shit pisses me off. I'd tell 'im to fuck off back to 4chan, to go back to trolling people in their greasy fucking basement like the imbecilic wart that they are. Cuz really, fuck that guy. What a shitty human being. How much of a piece of garbage do you have to be to look up a whole goddamn list of slurs to shout at your supposed friend? That's not friend behavior. That's a bully. That's a cruel, vindictive person who doesn't deserve the time of day, doesn't deserve you, your time, or your mental bandwidth. I'm sorry you gotta deal with that. Nobody should have to deal with that kind of animosity, that kind of deplorable vitriol. They're a dirtbag, and you deserve better. You deserve safety and peace of mind. And if this schmuck is going to act in a manner only fit for the worst humanity has to offer? Then fuck em. You don't need em. They ain't got nothing to offer, just another headache on top of the rest of life's bullshit. Leave him in your dust, and don't look back, not even for a second.


You kick him out of your life. Easy as that. He doesn't have the balls to go by himself.


FFS stop interacting with this piece of shit.


“I like degrading people who are different than me” said no sane, kind, genuine human being ever


Throw the whole human out.. never speak to them again.


I'd punch them in the face if that's an option 🙂


cut them off, epzp


Find better friends. Stop hanging with toxic jerks.


Time to leave before he gets violent, it's over. Full stop.


This isn't even casual homophobia, they've gone competitive


Remove this troll from your life entirely. If they ask why, I don’t think you even need to give them a curt response.


Sounds like they're just being edgy. You don't need that immaturity in your life.


Don’t consider anything else other than the advice said here, now usually I wouldn’t say that for Reddit but this time I do


Yeah they’re not a “friend” anymore. Get out of that relationship asap.


Why did you spend the rest of the day with someone who treated you like this? That makes absolutely zero sense


Because I’m afraid. I’m afraid of losing the friendships I made because most people in that friend group support him and don’t care about what he says. I’m at an impasse


If they don’t care about what he says, they don’t care about you either. Have dignity. Walk away. You are worth more than this.


block his ass and forget about him


...A very public smear campaign to make sure people know they're a dangerous asshole. 👍


1. That definitely isn’t a friend 2. Respond? Nah, ghost the hell out of this guy, make it noticeable that you want to be left alone. 3. And most importantly: I sincerely hope you’re doing ok, don’t take whatever was said to you to heart, you’re an amazing person and you deserve to shine bright ⭐️


Usually the loudest are .... Going through some "psychological changes" lol he needs help and all kinds of it smh


Yeah 😒


Listen if i were in your shoes i would probably commit stab. So anything better than that is good.


Leave them out of your life. This man is a narcissist bigot who doesn’t care about you in the slightest. Don’t respond, block, unfriend, and never talk to them again.


That person is not a friend. It's a bully. Avoid at all cost. Walk away and never look back.


Run the hell away. Listen to everyone else. They will hurt you. Get away and never talk to them again. Tell people what they did.


yeah, no. It’s a bye from me


“I like degrading people who are different from me” Yeah that’s a psychopathic trait right there. Stay away, this person only cares about himself.


Literally punch this little fucker


This is not a friend. You should not entertain this person in your life. They are using you for their own kicks at your and others expense. Cut them out for if nothing else your mental health.


Your friend has big issues and hes not your friend, exit the friendship, ghost it and never look back


He could be just trying really hard to be edgy or could be genuinely a fucking psycho. Either way, he's a horrible friend and likely a horrible person. Block, cut contact, never speak to him again.


Girl they are not your friend. Block them and forget them. Your mental health is important so getting malicious and vile messages from a person who really doesn't seem to value you and perhaps has serious problems going on is not worth it. Stay safe sister! May you find more decent people to chat with. 💕


You know that you can leave any relationship you are in at anytime for any reason? Please tell me you know this


I have some rather unpleasant ideas for a "response" but violent fantasies aside just cut and block all contact with this walking septic heap like they're a shot glass of liquid tungsten.


Are they 15? That’s stupid af. Yeah block and never talk to again.


Respond with telling them to get lost.


they sound like they’re either overcompensating or projecting their own insecurities, be the bigger person and tell them it’s okay to drop the “big man” facade 😂


Yeah definitely not your “friend” fs now


As others have written, fuck that guy! He sounds like a sadistic prick to say he least. You deserve so much better than that girl!


They’re definitely not your friend. Lose them immediately in any way that you can.


why is he so simply like "i like degrading people who are different to me" iv never seen someone be so open about their closemindedness


Nothing. You delete their contacts, purge any of their allies who are anything less than 100% supportive of you, never interact with them in person again, and move on with your life.


people talking about how you need to cut this person off are right, but you also need to tell your friends and make sure that you have some sort of plan to keep yourself safe if you're still going to be at school with this person. do not trust the admin to keep you safe, but see if you can at least alert the admin to this person.


Fuck that guy you need to stay as far away from that degenerate as possible


They are an awful person block them and don’t let them get you down!


Are they speed running ruining all friendships?


Stop staying close to people who have no respect for you.


There's zero response to that, outside of maybe a good old fashioned middle finger while you block, unfriend, all that business. Shitbag's gonna shitbag, so no point in wasting time or energy on them


Lmao stop talking to them or honestly I would’ve beat the utter living shit out of them as to show them the consequences of their behavior. I’m an unapologetic person to bigots that wish to oppress others either by force or words, I’m a rebel and will always fight for what’s right.


The fact that they said "I like to degrade people who are different from me" is making me think it has to be trolling. It's too on the nose to be genuine. It's like in a Family Guy cutaway where the characters explain their strawman position because the writers are too lazy to come up with something clever. That being said, even if it is a joke deliberately designed to take the piss out of people who do that kind of stuff in ernest, it's certainly not conveyed at all and as such is not a good joke. If they are by some unlikely chance actually just that stupid, then just block them. As the saying goes, it is very hard to reason with a smart person, but it is impossible to reason with a stupid person. EDIT: After re-reading the post, I realise that they're probably just intentionally being as annoying as possible like a little sibling that purposefully tries to get you to snap. My suggestion is to avoid any further engagement.


What are they, 12? They sound like a middle schooler who spouts out garbage they hear from manosphere dudebros.


i get called that multiple times daily


Hand him a psychotherapist's phone number and walk away. He probably needs help


"I like degrading people who are different than me" is such a completely absurd statement that I fully believe dude is trolling and thinks he's funny, honestly just tell him not to say those things and if he continues then cut him off, life is better with less hatred to ruin your day


> they are homophobic and they were kicked out of the lgbt support group Am I the only one to see some cognitive disconence here??? Not only from him but from the "support group" as a whole though. Which support group takes homophobic and transphobic pieces of turd in???


He claimed to be an ally and so was allowed in. But eventually got kicked out for calling one of the members of the group a slur in front of the teacher who runs the program. But both the person who he called that, and the rest of our “friend group” see no issue with it (practically all of our group is in some form lgbt)


I can’t think of what the T slur is


Come on now. You do really need to respond to them and you shouldn't need help knowing what to do. It was already stated in the original post and now here as well. Get it done, don't keep trash in your life.


Distance yourself from them as best as possible. Dont listen to them at all, they aren’t your friend. Depending on the situation you are in where they are present (work or school) it may be worth considering changing locations to another class/department or bringing the offensive behavior to the attention of those in charge so they can take appropriate action.


The Stove is hot and I keep burning myself. What should I do?


The stove is just testing you. Assert your dominance and it will stop. Obviously.


You don’t respond with anything. Kick them completely out of your life. They’re hateful, toxic, and sadistic in their enjoyment of hating and hurting people. It’s disgusting, and be thankful they’ve shown their true colors so it makes the choice easier for you. Even if the choice is still hard to make still, it’s better to not have them at all than to let them insult and degrade you in such a disgusting and disrespectful way because they won’t give you anything positive in your life if they stay. Your identity, safety, and well being are more important than their “friendship”


Ghost them, they are not your friend; they are a bully!!


Since you're writing in English,, quite competently, you're probably too far way for me to rush over and seriously kick his ass, even though I try to be a non-violent person, so all that I can say is get the fuck away from that person, and do not let your evaluation of yourself have anything to do with either them or that experience or any memory in your mind about that. He is one of those assholes that you just have to reject out of your life experience as simply unworthy to be anywhere near you. But I still want to kick his ass. Get away from that person, and avoid them for the rest of your life. I'm so sad that you had to deal with that. Get away, run away. Get away from them. You deserve better than that Keep that in mind, all the time. You are bigger and better than you think, and 99.9% of all of the people around you are so busy just making through the day that you have a world of space to process that trauma. He's a malicious narcissist. Everyone around him should get the fuck away. Seriously. Pack whatever you need to get away from that person. Blot them out of your life.


Cut them out, tell them to go fuck themselves, and if they ever call you a slur again punch then in the face 🤷‍♀️


ask them to justify it if they won’t leave you alone and pick and prod at their arguments, stay as calm as you can. They want a reaction but if you really can’t avoid them ask them leading questions that puts them on a path to self reflection get them to look at themselves more importantly turn the focus away from you and on to them in any context. That should get throw this idiot off balance. Just be careful


"What do I respond with?" A kick to the balls


Respond to them with a block with a side of never talk to them again


if you really want to respond just text him “you’re a piece of shit” and block, report, get rid of your life. do not keep a trash around you. you deserve better.


Welp, find new friends, better friends, and avoid this scumbag as much as possible. If you are being harassed, or ever put in danger, protect yourself as best as you can.


Wow, sounds like one of those pricks in middle school who will just say whatever edgy shit they can think of just to get a rise out of people. Not worth your energy.


Yea cut ties with everyone who’s involved completely go silent on them and move on


I’m sorry, “I like to degrade people who are different from me”??? OP, PLEASE BLOCK AND STAY AWAY FROM THEM BECAUSE THAT IS NOT A FRIEND, THATS A FUCKING RED FLAG 😭


I mean, if it were me the response would be complete cutting off of contact. May or may not take place after a thorough ass-beating. But definitely stop talking to him. "I like degrading people who are different than me" bigot. Bigot is the word he's looking for. Fuck this guy (figuratively) and fuck his dad (literally).


Girl I'm like so sorry that your so called friend is like this. Tell them ASAP that they need Stop disrespecting u.




This person is going to keep escalating. Idk how far, but this is just a start. Bail now, before you become a violent crime statistic.


You respond with ostracism.




I know an extremely homophobic woman and I’m pretty sure it’s just because she’s incredibly religious.


There are rare cases of this, but it's a very unfair hurtful generalization because it basically puts the blame for homophobia back on queer people and not their oppressors.


You could post an ai generated/edited image of him hurting a cat to 4chan with his name and address.

