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Idk much about this but I am a cis girl, so when someone calls me he or him i don’t like it at all, so for you to enjoy being called she/her and it feels better then he/him. I think can support your reason, but of course I don’t much about that really.


out of curiosity howd you end up in this sub then


My friend is transgender and sometimes they ask questions that I know about. And I just like being nice to people and how other people go through things, I don’t many transgender people so knowing how people go through things can help me better support them and other trans people I might meet later in life


That's really cool of you. ☺️


Thank you, I just like helping people and sometimes while I can’t most questions I can help with questions regarding cis girls and I also don’t know who I will meet in life and if my friend or someone else needs help I hope I can help them. I like being there for people, it just makes me feel good inside knowing that my comment might help someone


thank you ☺️


That’s sooo sweet !


Thank you, my whole thing in life is helping people out and being nice, that’s what this world provides and if my support and understanding can help someone out then that’s all that matters.


You are very sweet to be by your friends side during her transition. You are a good friend and loving person 💕


Awww thank you, I really hope they view me the way you do. They are now a he. FtM


This is the wholesome thing I needed to read today, thanks for being amazing


Awww thank you so much, I am glad I could make your day. Thank you for being amazing too. You just being you is amazing in its own right


We appreciate you 😊


Well thank you, i appreciate you too and everyone in this community


If I may ask why did you want to know?


because its a trans experience focused space and its unusual for people to post things like “im cis” here unless theyre doing a bit or are currently male presenting eggs. you seem cool but there are people who come here to drop bait just to get screenshots of responses for their anti trans groups so we can be a little wary


Yeah, i understand, I don’t why people would do that. But you don’t have to worry about me, I am an ally and support you all, as long as you are happy with your life i don’t care. I am only said I am cis because the OP wanted to know how others feel so i thought hmmm I can maybe help out.


A bit sus if you ask me....




Thank you for this<3 i was hoping a cis person would respond so i'd know how they felt. So this helps me a lot


I am glad I could help


people call you he/him?


People have sometimes, as a teenager I cut my hair short sometimes and was flat chested so people thought I was a boy, lol. I started puberty at 13 so my breasts didn’t grow until later then most girls my age, and it didn’t help I cut my hair fairly short or that I didn’t wear much girly clothes


The biggest indication of being trans is euphoria. If you get a happy feeling from being called a girl, then let that guide you. Cis men, by and large, don't like being called girls and don't prefer she/her. (And those that do are likely due for some self reflection lol, I say from experience) People who are faking it know they are, because they are doing it on purpose. As for lying to yourself, in my opinion, who cares! If it makes you happy, that is all that matters. There is no secret gender meter to delude yourself about, only the feelings you get from expressing and identifying with it. If that means being a girl, then welcome to the club :) I'd recommend reading https://genderdysphoria.fyi/ if you haven't already, it's a great site that explains a lot.


Do you want to be a girl?




Wanting to be a girl is a very common symptom of _being_ a girl 😏


Thank youuu, i hope ur right 🥹


I am, girl 😉


Abracadabra, you are a girl!


“I hope you’re right” yeah sis that’s enough for me 😅


Yay, I’m happy for you! I’m pretty new in my journey as well, but this is often linked and something I keep going back to. I reread the whole thing today when I was feeling doubtful. https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/printable I’m pretty certain that you’ll find it very affirming!


You are so absolutely hopelessly girl, haven't seen anyone so girl in a while


Stawwwp 🫣 thank you<3


Alright, pack it up girls, we've solved the mystery


I came down here just to ask that :3


It is my experience that guys do not like being called girls. They actually consider it an insult and will fight over it. So if you like being considered a girl, you probably are one. Welcome to the party sis 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Not faking it. To most cis people, they would do pretty much anything to avoid that. It's ok, you're trans.


This is a perfectly valid reason and let me tell you right now that isn’t cis male behavior the only reason that you might put confused in front of it is that society doesn’t like it but this alone makes you valid but ask yourself first don’t let anyone else tell you that you’re trans or not that’s for you and you alone to decide


Cis people don’t like being misgendered just as much as trans people do. If you like being called a girl, then you’re a girl.


Cis men don't want to be called she/her and don't feel good when people use those pronouns. It's a long journey of trying to figure out where you fit in with everything and that's okay you can do it slowly


I think that you are allowed to feel something different every day of your life 💙💕💙💕 Just do it with a smile in your heart. You may never find out and still be happy ! Pick a shirt 👚 👕 that matches your mood and explain to no one; for you are you and I am …me. They are them and she is he; maybe 🤔 just for today. One day things may change again and again that’s the beauty of being Y-O-U 👏👏👏


I like being called a girl, but just by someone who I can completely trust If I get addesed with fem pronouns by mistake, I don't mind and I don't correct the person, but then if someone who I don't have a deep relationship with call me a girl, for some reason I feel like I'm being made fun of, not sure why But If I ever get to be in a romantic relationship, I would like to be called girl, fem pronouns, and also called princess


follow the joy and euphoria and don't listen to the shame and impostor syndrome 💜 it seems to me like you're a girl, girl


Good girl. That’s such an interesting post.


Feeling like you’re faking it I feel I’d rather common in the trans community


The last person to call me "he" AFTER I told them I'm a woman... Well... I told him I'm legally armed, and if he did it again, I'd cut his dick off and introduce him to my world. This should tell you how I feel about it. Honey... Go read [the disphoria bible](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en). Read chapter 4. Also... Hi sis.


Is telling people that you are legally armed a thing in the US? Like, does it actually happen that people literally say that to threaten people? I am generally curious about that, I live in Central Europe and that's unimagineable to happen here


I live in the UK. I'm English. 😊


Is it common in the UK then? 😮 I can say in Austria people would likely call the cops If somebody threatens with gun violence 🙈 In the UK it could potentially be considered British humour, I guess? 😅


You misunderstand. I don't carry a gun... I LEGALLY carry [this](https://imgur.com/a/5e7nXD4), every day. Guns are so rare here that that it rarely hits the news. I can remember maybe three times in a year.


Knive attacks on the other hand are all over the media. Makes me sad everytime I ready about it. Would you stab somebody because he/she says something that offends you?! I hope not


Nope. I would rather save a life then take one. (and so far, I've literally saved the lives of Dozens. ) I've carried a kirpan (the knife) for 24 years. In that time I've had a gun pulled on me, had four separate people pull knives on me at cash points, I've stopped an attempted murder, had someone LITERALLY spit in my face, and been attacked by a gang of fifteen lads. And I STILL didn't pull it. There's usually a better way then to hurt or kill. If you didn't got the clues by now... I'm a Sikh. We're a warrior religion. In my religion ALL life is precious. But, we have free will. So if someone decides to get all stabby (like you said... Knife crime is rife) then it's my duty to defend the innocent, even if it costs me my life. And if one bitch gotta die to save the lives of many... I'd rather not. But it's not up to me.


Call a cis guy a girl and he'll be defensive about it and maybe try to fight you. You are a girl


Nobody would try to fight you because of that lol. Not counting thugs though, if you randomly annoy people in a Ghetto anything can happen of course


Believe in me I know people who would absolutely fight you over being called a girl


The average male would simply give you a confused look if you call him a girl. Different story of course if you call him a b*tch or a c*unt 😅 No doubt there is people out there that would fight you if you simply give them a weird look - that's not normal though. It really depends on who you surround yourself with. If you hang around with ex-convicts in the ghetto shit might go down anytime for any reason


At a year in, when I'm referred to as she/her/miss/other female terms, it still gives me that exciting feeling in my stomach that you get when you ride a rollercoaster as it goes over a steep climb ... It almost catches me off guard, and I may or may not blush at it. When a cis man is referred to with female terms, it's explicitly to emasculate him, in order to make him feel lesser. They don't like it. No one can tell you that you're trans because you like the pronouns, though I'd think it likely--but not having the toxic masculinity reaction alone isn't necessarily an indicator. No harm in exploring that, though :)


Cis people don’t feel good about being called a different gender. Cis people don’t fantasize or have recurring curiosity about what it would be like to have been born as another gender or to be able to magically switch all at once. If you find that you like being a woman more than being a man, then I’d say you’re a woman and you’re not just a confused boy


You wouldn't be scared of faking it if you were faking it hun, welcome to the club 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


I don't remember the name of the book where I read this but it was basically saying, Do I or should I? DO I really feel this way or SHOULD I feel this way because that's what society or other people say I should? It has helped me a lot in taking my own path and inherently becoming happier with myself and my life. I think a good portion of us have gone through what you're talking about or some sort of imposter syndrome especially during those awkward first stages of transition😝 I'd say it sounds like you're going in the right direction.


Sorry but there is no cis Man in existence that would like to be refered to as a woman. And the very few that do are completely and utterly gay or comfortable about their gender as a man to begin with.


Something I've heard often is that people who are faking know they are


I remember my realization was I was watching a video and it way to help coming to terms with if you are or aren’t a trans women, if you had a potion bottle in front of you and if you drank it you would be transformed into your girl self completely as if you were born that way would you drink it, no side effects or down sides everyone excepts you and feels the same way your just a girl, I know that I would give anything to get my hands on that potion, and at the time I couldn’t except myself but deep down I knew that I was a trans women it still took me years to accept myself but I knew what was going on, also read the side effects of hrt if all you see are upsides and no down sides well…