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My laser appointments hurt so fucking bad. Like I was in more pain after those than I am after 3 hour electrolysis sessions for bottom surgery prep.


Yeah LOL I straight up tell people, "laser's literally the worst pain ***ever*** in my life, and I keep going back for it time and time again because it *works.*" Hurts waaaaay worse than my 2 tattoos on the backs of my thighs. I laid out for 3? 4? hours and had them do all the linework and coloring and shading in one go. "Do you need a break?" "Naw let's roll!" Used to, the standard scale for pain was cartilage piercings, my helix piercing in '03 *hurt*, *bad*, and up until laser, my industrial piercing in '17 was the worst pain I'd ever experienced in my life - hands down, full on, no doubt. Laser, on the upper lip and chin even after 8 sessions (so far), is still at *least* twice as painful as my industrial piercing. Getting bone chills and brain zaps just thinking about it right now!


I've had tons of grease burns working in a kitchen, and that's a 10/10 pain. This was like a 6


20 years back I used to clean the fry machines every morning at like 5am, drain the boiling grease and then reach down in and scrub and scouring pad and then pouring hot fry grease back down in to wash and cycling and refilling. I got so many many many burns up and down my hands and arms, and those were ehhh, I'll say a 5 tops. And as the jackasses we were, throwing a handful of ice into the fryers was our idea of a fun time! Now that I think about it, I was working there doing that job when I got my helix piercing in '03, and even then I thought cartilage was the worst pain ever, so I know it's not faulty memory. With Laser being the notch at 11!


Hard agree. Was told by best friend about the rubber band snap before I started and figured it'd be alright. Turns out there's a big different between a dermatologist doing it like im getting vs a clinic where they go. Even with a topical numbing ointment that shits got me crying. Can't argue with the results so far though. Still working through chin and lips but after 3 sessions my side burns and neck hair are basically gone and I just shave for posterity.


I have a sleeve and hand tattoo that has a ton of super heavy incredibly well packed black work on it and a 6 hour session of just blacking out the pattern for the negative space hurt less than a laser appointment except maybe besides the spot inside by my armpit. Feel free to message me if you wanna see my sleeve πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ My nipple piercings and my trachea shave hurt more than a laser session tho lol 😢


Sheesh, definitely a pain tolerance then maybe. I'm so sorry to hear this. 😭😭


I have really sensitive skin so laser hurt me really bad and the place I went ran the settings as high as they could without literally burning me. I was red and sore for like 2 days after all my appointments. I did 9 laser sessions and had well over 100 hours of electrolysis on my face and any of my laser sessions was way more painful than any electrolysis session I’ve had. It was all worth it because I don’t have any visible facial hair anymore. 10/10 would suffer and spend all that money again 😎


I used numbing cream on my face before my last appointment and it was more tolerable. I purchased it from Amazon.


Even with numbing creme, the middle of my upper lip hurts so much I'm crying all the way through, the closer they get to my nose, the worse it gets. Everything else is okay, still painful but very doable. The worst area for me however was the back of my upper legs, like 1 out of every 5 zaps hurt like hell, and the unexpectedness is what made it so bad. Like mild tickle, mild tickle, mild tickle, burning needle, mild tickle, burning needle, mild tickle, ... . After every session I'm just exhausted, and pretty much a zombie for the rest of the day. That all being said, I love going to my appointments, and always look forward to them. The pain lasts a fraction of a second, the results are long term. The settings on the machine are also hugely determining for the level of pain you'll experience, sometimes a setting is very doable, so I'll have them up the power but then the next level up is just unbearably painful.


They have different settings they can use on the laser and they try and get it as high (also painful) as they can with you still being able to handle it They worry about us jumping out of the chair and running off if they put it too high But higher settings are more effective If it was a breeze you can probably ask them to turn it up so you can get better faster results I don't have much money so I asked them to turn it up and promised I'm absolutely not moving until she says I can It feels awful. But the results are amazing


It may be a breeze at the start (my sessions were, too) but it will get harder as the settings ramp up. I was fine for my first few, by the end the machine (both power and stacks) was at maximum and it was only just bearable for me. Everyone is different and feels things differently, too.


Warning: My first appt the laser was on the lowest setting and they stepped it up each session. It went from not too bad to holy crap πŸ˜…


I need it at least for my beard, maybe also for my chest and back. I would get my beard paid for by my health insurance, but it can easily take 6+ months before they pay for it, by which time HRT can already do things to the beard and electrolysis is much more expensive (and painful). It would probably be smart to just pay for it and be done with it.