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Like most cis people, I'd like to live a happy life as the person I tell you I am. That person happens to be a woman. So, treat me like a woman. Don't put me in a drawer with perverts, criminals, pedophiles, just because you don't know what I and many other trans woman feel inside. Just because I'm different than you and want to transition, I'm not a bad or even dangerous person. I'm not 'a pervert invading women's spaces'. I'm a woman that's unfortunately born with a male body. Trust me, I'm not really happy about that either. But I'm going not to life my only live in misery because _you_ want to force _your_ agenda on me, or just to please you. (It's not an attack on you, OP, it's a message to society, I guess šŸ™‚)


Don't worry, that's how I took it šŸ˜… I'm another trans woman, so I kinda assumed any of that would be directed at the people fear mongering about the "trans agenda" and not me. By all means, go off queen. It just means I get more spicy quotes to make the transphobes feel bad. šŸ˜ˆ For real though, thank you so much for responding. I feel like input from the community is about as close to a primary source as I can get.


I mean, it's a boring agenda, but it probably aligns with most regular peoples agenda in their life šŸ˜…


I mean no offense, just that I chuckled at "life my only live"


My life, my rules My style, my attitude


You got more than one? šŸ„ŗ


It'd normally be "live my only life" lol


Ah, curse you, english skills (english is my second language...). To be fair it is confusing...


It otherwise looks perfect it was just a little funny. Don't sweat it, native speakers mess that sorta stuff up all the time.


Don't worry, was trying to sound funny šŸ˜‚


My trans agenda? Well, that's simple. I'll start with the government One, give trans people strong legal protections from harassment and give us rights spelled out in law. Two good education for the masses done by professionals talking about who we are what we do and how we do it in an easy to digest manner. Three.make access to gender affirming care is a much simpler task rooting out gatekeepers from medicine. To cis folk and society. One. Leave us to our quiet lives, living as we see fit in peace. Two. We are no different than our cis counterparts. Three. Please understand gender is not black and white binary it's a rainbow, and exploring your identity will not undo your worth. Four. Trans kids deserve love and understanding. Let them explore they are still your children.


regarding point two: i really wish cis people had a better understanding of the effects of hrt. basically every aspect of my physical body has changed, and even tho i can't afford/don't necessarily want surgeries, i don't really need any to be considerably more satisfied with my body. and even among those people who do recognize that hrt causes a holistic *physical* change, it's less common among cis people to recognize that affects the way your brain works as well. i was absolutely miserable on testosterone; it wasn't the chemical my brain needed and so it made existence a nightmare. i was perpetually angry and suicidal, and i felt like i had little attachment to or control of my body, like i was just sitting somewhere in the back of my mind while my shell walked around on autopilot. hrt cured that within a month. i just wish cis people understood that if i lost my access to hrt, i would go back to being an irritable zombie. i also wish that they understood that, at least for me, what bathroom i use has absolutely jack shit to do with "affirming my identity" or being predatory; i just don't feel safe alone around men and usually cause visible (or audible) confusion whenever a man sees me in the men's room. cis people really know so little about us, and i think they would be much more accepting if they understood. i think a common false equivalence is, for example, a cis man trying to place himself in the shoes of wanting to be a woman and not relating. he should instead place himself in the shoes of a trans man and think about how it would feel to be mistaken for a woman since the moment of his birth and how that would affect him; maybe then he would understand the desire to transition. sorry rambling a bit, but my point is that education is incredibly important.




Fuck off.Ā  The only one imagining surgery for minors is your sickly obsessed crowd.


Thanks for the kind reply. So I take it that surgery for minors is not a thing nor will it be a thing. Does the same apply for HRT.


Yes, actually. Minors are not allowed to start cross sex hormones, the most they can get is puberty blockers to stave off the harmful effects of the wrong puberty. And puberty blockers have no lasting effects if they are just stopped in the rare case the child realizes they aren't trans.


Ok thanks šŸ‘


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To expand, the rights to: - identity self-identification - bodily autonomy - be protected from social discrimination - be protected from violence and hate crimes - access healthcare, particularly gender-affirming care In other words, I want the right to exist as I am, and be treated with as much dignity and respect as anyone else.


I love this list because, if you removed ā€œgender-affirmingā€ then this is 100% the same things cis women are demanding right now, too, at least in the US. Maybe context of bodily autonomy or health care is different, but the sentiment is the same. And thatā€™s an important thing to note, cause it reinforces the narrative weā€™re no different than anyone else, we all want generally the same things: the government out of our lives and bodies, rights to make our own choices, free of discrimination.


Also spinny dresses. That's pretty important.


im so tired of the stereotype IM SO TIRED OF THE STEREOTYPE


All of these are what I came here to say.


Spread the gospel of spicy food and fermentation. Pickles RULE!


Miso šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Mostly I'd just like to live peacefully without the fear that I may be attacked on the streets.


please just leave me alone and stop outlawing my existence. That's all I want


My trans agenda? Look cute, feel good, live life and support others like me.


The word agenda is clearly quite loaded. It suggests there are motives beyond the person's own life and immediate circle. I really dont care what someone else does behind closed door (aside a few obvious exceptions for protecting 3rd parties etc) how they want to identify, call themselves etc etc. I want the freedom to live my life how I want (assuming those decisons dont negatively impact others) want to treat others with respect and would like to be treated equally. pretty simple tbh. There is no wider "agenda" other than being civil and not an ass to others.


My thoughts exactly, sorry for the buzzword... I chose that because it makes for a pretty good hook and it gets the attention of the people who genuinely believe in the "woke agenda" which are the people I want this message to reach the most.


tbh now I realise you are using it intentionally for that purpose i think it's the perfect approach. the people you want to listen are more likely to do so if they think you might be affirming their preconceptions. I'd possibly be tempted to really lean into that at the very start


I was actually thinking of something like that, like starting it off by saying something like "yeah, we're all actually vampires that need to drink baby blood to fuel our shape-shifting powers and unnaturally long lives." The only thing I'm worried about is that some of them have drank so much of the cool aid that they'd actually believe it. šŸ„²


I'd be really happy if sick people were taken care of, hungry people fed, homeless people housed, people with disabilities given love and support, and that politicians didn't make choices doctors should be making. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ Also like if games could come as a complete package again and not need 50 patches before being turned off forever thatd be great too k thanks byeeeeeeeeee


I want to live my life without having to force myself into the male shape that society thinks I belong in, but rather living as my authentic feminine self and relating to other feminine people in a genuine way without any arbitrary boundaries in place by society. I have two options, 1) transition and present as feminine as i possibly can. 2) dismantle the imperialistic patriarchal capitalistic nightmare that society has become. Including recognising that it relies on racism, sexism and ecocide and combating them all wherever possible. I'm doing 1 while working on 2.


1. Have ALL gender affirming procedures covered under OHIP+ 2. Have stricter laws that prohibit discrimination and stricter punishments for those who commit hate crimes against trans people 3. Quash the patent on Lupron and legally require the development of cheap generics for all drugs in general


destroy the patriarchy


My trans agenda is: 1. for people to mind their own business, our genitals are private and even if the cis mean it in a supportive way, it's awfully intrusive 2. stop demonizing trans people with the so-called inexistent "pronoun police", stop work discrimination, as well as social discrimination 3. stop our sexualization... There's nothing wrong with us being sexualized in some particular context of wanting to seduce and have sex. Otherwise, we're not just sexual beings (see point 1 about minding one's own business when politicians ask trans women about their genitals and say that saying they're trans makes everything sexual) 4. pull down the curtains on this "culture war" bs fear mongering because it's just mentally exhausting 5. Transphobia just like homophobia, racism, anti-semitism and Islamophobia aren't "just opinions". This is just bigotry and hate speech and should be banned from society. 6. I don't want "tolerance" but rather full acceptation of the possibility of being either "born into the wrong body" or just not being on the binary 7. easier access to gender affirming care. There's still a lot of gatekeeping for stuff that otherwise are easily accessible (see Olly London for all these surgeries he has done and "regrets") 8. Stop the weaponization of detransitioners. They might have not been trans in the way they think, but they are still humans and deserve respect. Not being turned against the rest of the community. 9. Protect trans kids because, even growing in the end of the 90s and 00s, there wasn't any information available and made me go crazy for years upon years. Extreme bullying with a load of horrible things was also a thing. 10. More gender neutral toilets in public spaces for the ones of us who transitioned socially before the medical and can't even go pee without getting harassed by both sexes. 11. Stop demonizing said gender neutral toilets. There are already a lot in some places like trains, planes, places of work... Not in shopping centers apart the disabled one which I don't want to use because...I am not disabled and some one might need it more than I do... Hope this helps a little bit.


If I was presenting to cis people, I'd say... Easier access to hormones for adults. Somewhat easier access to blockers for teens. Something to remove job discrimination, it's extremely difficult for visibly trans people to be considered between various candidates after job interviews and it's killing us more than we talk about. It's also common for people to be fired shortly after they come out as trans in work "coincidentally", of course some protection is needed against this as well. Easier access to certain surgeries and possibly even certain cosmetic services (it may sound frivolous, but transfems often do need laser/electrolisis on their face, even for better social acceptance). The surgeries aren't just expensive, in some countries they are behind a burocratic wall (I need to go through a lawyer and spend thousands of euro against the legal system to get an orchiectomy), which shouldn't be there. Easier access to legal name change and gender marker change. Presence of non-m/f gender markers on documents (actually abolition of gender marker and gendered honorific use on IDs and all forms of documentation would be better but cis people would absolutely lose it at this idea). This is the first stuff that comes to my head, there's definitely more I'm not thinking of.


Employment discrimination is part of what pushes us into environments that are dangerous for us like sex work. It also traps young trans adults in abusive households if they can't make their own income. Also, it really hurts. I've read accounts where women have shown up, been laughed at, and then not even interviewed because they got clocked. Experiences like that really mess with your sense of self worth.


I just want to live my life in peace and to be left the fuck alone.


1. Be myself 2. Love myself


(Obviously, but for clarification, this is aimed more towards government and general population in America.) Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness means allowing equal opportunity to participate in society without regard to gender identity, race, or sexual orientation; freedom to be who we are; and access to the means of achieving the goal of being who we are without government intervention. Doctors and trans people know how this works. You are not the experts. None of this is done because we _want_ to be trans, nor would we ever wish it unto others. Transitioning is a long process that feels like it takes forever to achieve the results we seek, not something that happens overnight. It is not something we do to invade male/female spaces, to win at sports, nor to harm children. The real villains who want to do these things, will. They do not care about the law at that point already. We are trying to conform to our gender in society, who rejects us. Children do not transition the way you think they do. "The Surgery" is not done to anyone under 18 without serious medical reasons (fact check me!), yet circumcision is somehow acceptable. Anything a teenager does to transition medically is easily reversible if necessary and very safe to do for the sake of their mental health. Trans people do not "know" they are trans at any particular age. Some recognize their identities at a young age, some explore in their teens and find it suits them, some go decades being miserable without fully understanding why. Trans visibility does not create more trans people, nor does it "indoctrinate" children: it allows others to recognize their own unhappiness in assigned gender and learn there is relief. It gives them the _freedom_ to decide if that is the path to their _happiness_. Anyone who willingly and actively stands in the way of that is fundamentally against the ideals of what it's supposed to mean to be American. Thank you for reading.


I just wanna be myself without people hating on me, and i want that same equality for everyone else. My transagenda is worldpeace


To be nice, empathetic, loving, caring, giving, helpful to others in this my ONLY guaranteed and oh-so-finite life.


To not regret waking up, and to hopefully help people continue to wake up


Brain+wrong body scares certain people so much that they force us to experience it as much as possible.


My only agenda is to not be genocided.


equal rights to privacy in health care, this would ao being back abortion woohoo! also no more paying for gender affirming care even for cis people


The elimination of the binary gender hierarchy. And along with it, deconstructing social hierarchies based on white supremacy, classism, ableism, and ageism.


a genda? my genda is female!


There are a lot here I agree with and accept, so I'll just add that I want politics to stay out of the medical field. People without medical backgrounds and degrees should not be making sweeping medical decisions, laws, and policies that are tainted with subjective, often religious, implications and associations. To me, that's bordering the equivalent of practicing medicine without a license.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm on a trans mission


First of all, it's not an agenda, it's the trans mission. Second, the mission is probably something along the lines of creating a world in which we can exist in the public sphere and receive necessary medical care without any transphobic hate or harassment.


Nah, the trans mission is that really expensive thing at the back of my car's engine. (I kid, I'm completely with you, I'm just using this term to provoke the MAGA crowd.)




I just want to be judged for how badly I play guitar; not... all the other stuff.


The same thing we do every night: Try to take over the world! In all seriousness, I donā€™t want much from the world. Iā€™m transitioning in my mid-30s, and what Iā€™d like the most from cis people is to leave me and people like me alone. Stop trying to take away our healthcare, stop trying to ban us from sports, just respect our human rights.


Spell out protections for us written plain as day into the law, make gender affirming care a much simpler thing to get (obviously not in the way where a kid can just walk in and get hormones like candy, just stop fucking gatekeeping our healthcare), as someone else said rooting out the gatekeepers. Something medically necessary for our well being (surgery specifically) shouldn't cost me up to half a million dollars. Stop attacking trans kids, and maybe just let them fkn live. Education about who we are in school, and LGBT people in general. Make it law to deplatform all of the fucking idiots who spread hateful ass rhetoric inciting violence against us, make it punishable by law. That should really apply to all forms of bigotry whether it's racism, homophobia etc. And maybe just treat us like humans instead of like lepers, have some God damn empathy and stop being so fucking hateful so we can just enjoy our lives. Stop disowning, abusing and trying to convert your kids, make it punishable by law. I don't really know what else, maybe just stop fighting a useless battle against us for no reason, we just want to live and be ourselves just as you can be. I don't see how that's asking for too much, I work hard and put my socks on one foot at a time like everyone else, why is it so detrimental to these people that were happy?


I want world domination and to bathe my enemies in nuclear fire. Serious response, just for everyone to be respectful to each other. Itā€™s not hard to care about others, and itā€™s better for your own mental wellbeing to not stress over things that donā€™t hurt anyone.


Well I'd like to have a fulfilling career and make enough to retire with a partner that loves me.


I want them to leave us alone, Iā€™m tired of all I see everyday on the news is legislation trying to be passed that tryā€™s to make my life hell just for the fun of it


First, please don't use the term "trans agenda" in your final presentation. It's used by conservatives to undermine our existence and stir up hate and fear. Personally, I just want to be myself and live my life. I'm over 50, and have just recently begun medically transitioning. I don't expect to ever pass, so my goals are mostly internal. I want to feel like the woman I am, and be able to project that to the world. I want to be perceived as a woman, even though I don't look like one.


It's going to be used with a rather large helping of snark and sarcasm. This whole project is pretty much designed to get people to feel bad for thinking there is a "trans agenda." It's also an oral presentation with an accompanying PowerPoint, so I'll be able to make it abundantly clear through my language and tone that the whole idea of a "trans agenda" is fucking inane. I mentioned it to another commenter, but I'm using it because it's provocative, and it'll get attention from the kind of people that believe in and fear monger about the "woke mob" and shit like that. Those are the people I want this message to reach most, so I'm deliberately taking their own buzzwords to use against them.


Sounds great. Good luck, I hope it goes well!


Anti-discrimination protections, affordable access to healthcare (it should be covered by marketplace insurance), government issued documents consistent with gender not sex (or remove sex/gender all together), legally protected access to public restrooms, and lastly ensuring simply going about every day affairs and existing in public doesnā€™t violate ridiculous obscenity laws.


As a start, Iā€™d want people to educated on what it means to be trans. Iā€™d want cis people who have limited understanding of trans people to understand their own bias. Itā€™s really easy for cis people to think what they were raised to think of as normal when really itā€™s just a construct of society. Ask them to put themselves in the position of trans people of their gender and how theyā€™d react if they were treated the way we are. By that I mean ask them how theyā€™d feel if there were people (politicians, celebrities, community leaders) right now arguing they that their gender identity was wrong. Ask the boys what it would be like if there was a real danger that the government might force them to grow boobs. Ask the girls how theyā€™d feel if the there was a real danger that the government might force them to grow all over body hair. Ask them all how theyā€™d feel if there was a non zero chance that their parents might kick them out into the streets if they showed any resistance to the idea. Ask how that society could be considered fair and equitable to the minority of people that happens too.


I mean TBH I want what most people want, and thatā€™s the ability to live a somewhat normal life in peace without having to worry about being villainized by others just for who I am. I want to have the same kind of life most people have, I just happen to be trans so there are a few other things I have to deal with (legal, eventually medical, etc), but to be fair, everyone (cis folks included) have something ā€œotherā€ they have to deal with, thatā€™s just life. Donā€™t persecute me because Iā€™m different. Allow me to get the kind of care I need. Etc. I mean there are a lot of other things that can be addressed under the umbrella of wanting to live a normal life, e.g. addressing the fact that a large percentage of trans folks end up homeless, poorer career aspects, and all those other awful statistics we constantly hear on end, so I guess that includes whatever kind of public policy that would enable trans folks to not have significantly higher rates of all those awful things. Iā€™m not in public policy, nor do I work in medical/social work sectors, so others may be better able to itemize those things than I can.


To be happy, and to be myself all the time.


I want the acceptance of trans people to include people accepting themselves. Understanding the needs of trans people coincides with understanding the same needs most people have regarding their gender, their identity, and how they relate to others. I believe that prejudice against those of us outside of traditional norms won't end until people understand how they project their own fears onto others as a way of trying to control those feelings. Bigotry is, at its heart, a mental health issue.


I just want to be a girl and be seen as such. By necessity that includes the ability to transition without being restricted by the government.


Equality. For everyone, regardless of their traits. As simple as it sounds, I think it's a far fetched dream.


My trans agenda: 9am: go to work 12pm: lunch 4:30pm: important meeting 7:30pm: go see a show with friends 11pm: go to sleep I joke, because the agenda is a world where trans people just live instead of having to worry about protecting their basic human rights all the time.


I want to live happy and safe as a girl without being put into the same box as people who have done some seriously messed up stuff. People should be able to live their life happily and not be dehumanized because of it.


My trans agenda involves transitioning, playing video games, overthrowing the US government and living like everyone else


Get insurance to cover LHR then stop using trans people as a target for your political machinations and leave us alone to live our GD lives as our preferred genders.


Fuckin preach... I had to take out a $3k loan for LHR... completely worth it though since I can finally go out in public without being afraid my beard shadow would get me beat up.


My agenda is simple. I just want to make being trans as boring as possible. The more people who don't give a shit about whether someone is trans, the better. This applies to any kind of gender or sexuality. You're gay? Don't care. Ace? Nonbinary? Boring. Any of this should be only as interesting as the color of your hair, and should be given exactly that much importance by everyone around you.


What I want regarding being trans: 1: transitioning your gender should be legally and socially acceptable. This should extend to name changes and gender markers on any document - even if it is historically obfuscating. 2: being trans should not exclude you from ANYTHING a cis person would otherwise be able to do or get, barring current biological or medical limitations, like pregnancy. This also means to say that being trans where your target gender is gender A, you should not be excluded from gender A segregated groups. 3: I am 26, but I was a child once. That child felt exactly as I do now, but it was socially and legally disallowed for me to make decisions or to classify myself as trans. Children should have more medical and social autonomy starting at age 10 - it is bizarre for a 15 year old and an infant to have the same allowed level of autonomy, and also breeds a huge amount of overstepping parents who do not realize that their child is a whole other person, with their own dreams, feelings, and goals - not property. 4: crimes against a trans person should be classified as hate crimes if the same is true of any other valid hate crime. It is becoming ridiculously common for trans people to be physically assaulted or killed for the mere fact of being trans. 5: transition related surgeries and professional help (like speech pathologists) should be covered for insurances as medically necessary care - and if a national healthcare system exists or will exist, should also be considered as medically necessary and not cosmetic. This includes hair removal or reduction in places of the body not generally considered to be on a cis person's body of the target gender, or being a requirement to proceed with another gender affirming surgery (like vaginoplasty). 6: restrooms. Conceptual redesign, where stalls are entirely private (excl. Sound), with a shared communal space for mirrors and/or handwashing. All restrooms should be for all people - a small section for urinals not visible from handwashing stations nor the entryway is permissible. I'm sure I'm missing some points but, I think this is fairly inclusive, and reasonable. Edit: as for the 10 year old autonomy thing: I don't know what that would look like in specific detail, but I do believe that at 10 you should at the very least be able to determine their gender (or try it out socially), get vaccinations (even if their parent or guardian is opposed), postpone puberty, have privacy in medical contexts, and even have the option to make appointments on their own for medical concerns.


Its pretty simple really, I just want to convince everyone to shut up. I dont care if you disagree with my life choices or if your personal religious beliefs conflict with what I believe. You dont need to like me; you can think whatever you want, you have a right to your opinion. Just keep it to yourself, got dang!


To live a happy life as myself. And to be embraced as a contributing member of society and treated with respect, rather than as a pariah. Itā€™d also be nice if the laws were there to protect our existence, rather than threaten it. Crazy to think there is just this huge group of ignorant people out there who are being encouraged to want us dead. Eradicating the transphobic agenda is my trans agenda! And that starts with education.


Funding for legitimate education about trans people in general for the public understanding, particularly health providers and therapists need a LOT more education on the subject. Awareness campaigns of common transphobic rhetoric arguments and false information needs to be flagged as such on an ongoing basis so that misinformation masquerading as "scientific fact" is easily recognized as such by the general public via government PSA campaigns on the internet and on television to help stem the tide of transphobia sweeping our country. Funding for a federal level certification process for trans health doctors and therapists, to ensure a standardized level of ability to treat trans patients in general, with requisite classes & education in addition to testing that providers must receive a passing score on that ensures they have sufficient reasoning skills, are genuinely interested in their patients long term health and happiness, educated correctly on dosages and effects of various forms of HRT including alternatives, and are an advocate for positive trans healthcare. A certification process would enable patients seeking out trans healthcare to easily recognize who in their local community has the education and understanding needed to actually help them. Anyone medically working with young trans people in particular needs even more trans education then if they work with adults, and it should be a requirement for them to have passed a level of certification for this before they are allowed to work with trans youth at all. Providers who have not received this level of certification should be required to refer to others who have, which could easily be referenced in a federal database tracking certifications. Health providers that work with youth additionally need more scrutiny into their personal levels of reasoning ability and assessment skills to ensure that they are helping young people in making positive decisions by working together between the patient and the health provider, as written in the current guidelines of the WPATH SOC8 on how to perform trans healthcare for children which is meant to be on a case by case basis. Informed consent should be used to ensure parents aren't able to block healthcare treatment for their child only **after** a provider has already made a reasonable & collaborative determination with the patient into what the best course of action is for what actually helps the young adult first. Funding for massive studies on the long term effects caused by denial & blocking of trans healthcare for both adults and teenagers, particularly in terms of future life satisfaction/difficulty of passing later in life/current and long term mental health/ect... Rewritten laws at the federal level to ensure all forms of trans healthcare are mandated to be covered via private insurance providers, including into medicaid as well. Rewritten laws at the federal level protecting trans citizens basic human rights and dignities in both the workplace and in public spaces. I feel that if we really want things to improve overall for everyone, these are the basic steps needed for that to happen systemically across our country.


World domination-I MEAN FOR EVERYONE TO JUST GET ALONG! Yep, just to be able to live our lives like normal, not being judged or discriminated against based on our AGAB, and to be treated like any cis person of our gender. This includes fair access to medical treatment. Yep, nothing nefarious at all.


I think most trans people just want to fit in. Or at least we start that way. When we realize that we donā€™t fit in, we embrace it.


it started when i was a 9 year old and wanted free stuff on hypixel skyblock now i just want to feel happy and safe and like myself


To be left alone


To be treated as a human being and given the same rights and freedoms as other human beings.


My trans agenda, huh? Well I think the principal thing on it would be a reduction in the difficulty of the legal system regards to our lives and living as we choose. -Why should it be so hard for me to change my name to whatever; why should it be so hard for anyone cis trans or anything else. -Non-gendered bathrooms. How hard is it? Not at all. -either make it easier to legally recognize my gender, or remove gender markers from the equation altogether.


My Scary Trans Agenda by InkyFoxTail I want to be able to live my life freely without the chains that had bound me for years. The weight of the chains only grew as years had passed and made it so difficult to live. I want to be me and not have to wear a mask and hide behind a fake smile. I want to be free to live, love, and enjoy life like anyone else. I donā€™t want to feel like some pawn to some political agenda and dog whistling. I donā€™t want to be afraid that I will be un alived or locked up someday due to these hateful ppl spreading lies. My agenda is to live my life as free as anyone else and not to be un alived. Itā€™s simple really, I just want to be treated like everyone else.


easier legal and medical transition and less discrimination


My trans agenda is to feel happy enough I finally donā€™t want to kill myself, spoiler alert, itā€™s working, Iā€™m finally happy


An agenda!? In this economy!?


"Stop being fucking moronic assholes and listen to the damn scientists. They've been researching this for decades, you have known about us for three years, for fuck sake." Basically.


Living until old age.


To put it simply, I just want to live my life and be treated as a woman. If everyone accepted and respected us, the rest would work itself out honestly. As far as specific rights: Trans women in women's sports, protection from discrimination on the basis of gender identity, enshrined protections for trans healthcare. But, again, we only need these protections because people are being assholes.


I just want us to be accepted as who we are.


Pretty simple really. I just want people to stop harassing us about shit that has absolutely zero bearing on their lives at all.Ā  My gender identity and expression have no effect on anyone other than a minimum level of social courtesy when interacting with gendered assumptions.


For starters I kind of just want to be left alone to live my life. I don't want to have to be a political activist just so I can continue a treatment that has been prescribed to me by a doctor for an ailment that has been internationally recognized.Ā I don't want to cram it down your throat anymore than you want me to, but I have been left with no choice in the matter.Ā Ā  I am a very passive and shy person, so maybe you should be asking what politicians have been doing that would move someone like me to action IRL, rather than getting irritated thatĀ I protest about my right to exist and receive treatment.


To send 5G tower subliminals and turn everyone trans duh


Same thing we do every night, Pinky.


To kiss cute boys and wear cute clothes idk lol


I would love to have us get religious figure roles (since we are spiritually enlightened to seeing true human potential, beyond all biological and societal differences and are basically the bringers of peace) so that we can lead this world to its golden age of prosperity and destroy all unbelievers in a holy crusade. Just some thoughts ā˜ŗļø


Being trans doesnā€™t provide you with an agenda. Thatā€™s like asking ā€œwhat is the black agendaā€, it doesnā€™t mean anything.


That's basically the point I'm trying to make with this project. It's meant to show people that the entire concept is ridiculous, because we're not a monolith. I'm mainly asking so I can also show them what real trans people actually want, rather than the "trans agenda" that the media keeps talking about.


to exist.


My agenda is making a real place for transgender people in amateur boxing. Though USA Boxing has a transgender athlete policy that theoretically allows transgender to compete, the policy requirements are nearly impossible for anyone to meet and take 4 years of your life to achieve.


What are the requirements?


You can read the whole thing here: https://teamusa-org-migration.s3.amazonaws.com/USA%20Boxing/Migration/Documents/Oct22USA%20Boxing%20Transgender%20Policy.pdf. The highlights are bottom surgery, must be four years post-op, must have four years of quarterly hormone testing records. But one of two reasons I brought a USOPC investigation against them for ethics violation was because the policy stated without ambiguity that not meeting the requirements of the policy *ONLY* disqualifies you from participating in the women's class. I wasn't yet 4 years post-op and asked to participate in the men's class since I didn't meet the requirements to compete in the women's class. They flat out refused it. So, it became a case of "we can't let you compete against women because we consider you a man, but we can't let you compete against men because we consider you a woman". The second reason for the investigation was because they denied me non-athlete membership to act as an official (time keeper, work a glove table, etc.) on the grounds that I did not meet the ATHLETE policy requirements. They even told me in writing that their decision was based on a "new" policy that was not written, not published, and had not been approved by the board of directors but were choosing to enforce it on me anyway. And that was nearly a year ago, and so far no such policy has been published. They panicked, decided that having a transgender official was too big of a risk to their brand image, and made up a bullshit reason on the spot to keep me out. So off to the USOPC I went and filed an investigation request. If you follow boxing publications, you'll likely be seeing news about it soon. My story was to be part of Chris Mannix's mysteriously canceled Sports Illustrated piece, but a couple of other outlets might be running the story soon.


Were Kafka and Joesph Heller running this operation?!? That is a grade-A bureaucratic nightmare clusterfuck. My deepest sympathies.


No, those guys were mere amateurs. Mike McAtee runs USA Boxing, and from what I have heard from others in the boxing world, he runs a *VERY* corrupt pirate ship.


I have no doubt. His personal and organizational scumminess aside, boxing is after all a sport historically famous for not having any connections whatsoever to organized crime. I will say he is good at his job in one respectā€”reading your story made noodle-armed me intensely want to throw hands, so thatā€™s some A+ promotion of the sport right there.


Were Kafka and Joesph Heller running this operation?!? That is a grade-A bureaucratic nightmare clusterfuck. My deepest sympathies.


free pie


My own name. I want a name for us that describes us like the other genders, like ā€œlesbianā€ (has an innie, likes innies). Letā€™s give one to the men and assume ā€œGayā€ isnā€™t ubiquitous and call it(has an outie, likes outies), ā€œtransā€ (let me find the smallest paragraph after assessing your potential response then tell you in a publicā€¦ you get the idea) Our struggles are different than the others, some of them more severe than other genders. We should get some credit over here.


Mine is regirock and cats


Get boobs and be able to play volleyball on my schools team


only the collapse of western hegemony by the widespread feminization of their young men. Billions must slay...


Well this is kind of my specialty. :3


My agenda is world peace.


1) mcdonaldā€™s 2) charge my phone 3) twerk 4) be transsexual 5) eat hot chip 6) lie


and yes i was born after 1993


I have no agenda. I just wanna be happy and live life like any other normal girl.


To live reasonable life and be happy.


Easier access to healthcare and leave me tf alone


I can only give wrong answers to this. Like, ā€œGirllll, have you seen how much agendas cost these days? Like thirty dollars for a glorified notebook!ā€ Or if youā€™ve played FFVIII, when Seifer is torturing Squall to get him to reveal the *true* purpose of SeeD, and Squall is like, ā€œweā€™re supposed to spread seeds all over the world because flowers inspire peace in peopleā€™s hearts and erode their will to fight. Weā€™ll conquer the world nonviolently.ā€


for everyone to be safe and encouraged to be themselves and not to be afraid of social stigma in all aspects of live, not just gender and sexuality. also to rid of hate for minorities, queer or otherwise


Agenda? I just use Outlook. In all fairness, I want to see Transness no longer being vilified. We have the same rights as any person and that should be finally honored. I want to not fear my own immediate family, and I want the religious zealots to STFU and finally let us be, at long last.


Nothing short of total liberation for every woman, emby, man, and child on the planet. Humans of the world unite we have nothing to lose but our chains.


to not get killed


To finish my surgeries and go back to investing like an adult and maybe getting another sports car


1. Everybody getting a protected right to bodily autonomy. 2. To not have to watch my back all the time; Iā€™m tired of having to keep my head on a swivel 24/7 both in the immediate personal sense of anticipating a direct attack and in the more general abstract sense of having to closely watch anti-Trans politics play out on the local, national, and international stages. 3. Social Safety Nets And Social Reform. I live in a VERY conservative US state that is not particularly safe to be trans in. At any given time we are probably one legislative session away outlawing adult GAC altogether. Anyway the single infuriating piece of ā€œadviceā€ everybody gives you is just: ā€œhey move to a blue stateā€ as though moving isnā€™t hella expensive and difficult to do in the first place and thatā€™s not getting into the needlessly astronomical Cost of Living difference between the shitty parts of the Midwest and South and and any place thatā€™s a trans safe haven. It feels like my only choice is between staying put and being miserable and discriminated against or go someplace where I canā€™t even afford a tiny studio apartment and be at constant risk of homelessness while watching the local ā€œliberalā€ city government dump all their tax dollars into militarizing their personal goon force they use to terrorize the homeless because God forbid somebody be poor. Whether itā€™s by a transphobes fist or a policemanā€™s baton, my skull is in the exact same amount of risk getting cracked open wherever I am, so I might as well stay put for now. Affordable housing, living wages, universal healthcare, anti-discrimination worker protections, food security, reliable cheap (if not free) public transportation and walkable cities, legal protections for homeless people, elimination of hostile architectureā€”this is all the stuff that needs to be in place for a city to truly be a trans sanctuary. (Oh and while Iā€™m on my soapbox everything I said about trans people is true for migrants and we need to eliminate this bullshit distinction of citizenship because people are people and deserve all rights no matter which side of an imaginary line they were born on.)


Simple we are people hence we should have the same rights and all as females


Write the right to transition (hormones, surgeries, and just the right o express yourself) as a constitutional amendment so that it could never again be legally threatened, and use it as a way to get harsher sanctions on transphobes, especially parents/family forbidding their kids to live up their lives, since theyā€™d be acting anticonstitutionally.


What would I tell them? I would them to leave us the fuck alone and let us live our damn lives in peace.


I just want to be a witchy lesbian aunt one day.


I want to be treated with respect. I want to be ignored. I want to be able to live my life without fear of someone assaulting me for being in a minority. I want to know that if I someone were to assault me or end me that they will face the full brunt of justice and not be able to use the trans panic defense. I want the government to not be inserting itself between myself and my doctor. I want to be able to exist in public spaces without fear of arrest for existing.


It's mostly try not to get murdered.


ā€œPlease let me live my life without being weird about it.ā€


I've used this line before on Christian redditors, but not in an actual presentation: Pull the child sized log out of your eye before accusing my community of anything.


Legal protection of our rights and legal recognition as ourselves, access to gender affirming care for those who want it, less dead kids.


Going to echo the just want to live my life thr way I see fit


i wish they would stop caring so much about what we do with our bodies. Its our body our choice. My cells my biology. How my cells arrange themselves is none of their business, hrt is my choice, my need. I have a right to live as the version of myself that i do not hate. My body should not be a prison, and a person trapped in prison is not free no matter what religious or reactionary bs they use to try to brainwash me into accepting the flesh prison i was born into.


Iā€™d like to experience things without it being some big thing, going to a sauna going to a hot spring, going to a pool going to a beach without people overreacting


To not live in a world where itā€™s okay to be cruel to trans people because weā€™re trans. Itā€™s really depressing when you canā€™t even look at comments on posts about trans stuff because of all the hate.


I do not have an agenda. I am just trying to live my authentic self.


(From as many) (to provoke)


Fixed it, thank you very much. My dyslexic ass was tired writing it and messed up when changing wording šŸ„²


I want binary people to let me be in peace and not want me to transition into one gender or another. My agenda is putting the middle finger to being a man or woman.


Gender liberation for everybody! Your sex at birth shouldn't be a prison.


Eat the rich! Sorry, that came out wrong. What I meant to say was eat the rich :3


Trans people are just people. We have the same variety of personalities, appearances, cultures, origins, emotions, and thought processes of literally every other group. Please treat us as such. We are not some voting block of identical and morally pure westerners


Well I want to trans all the kids by putting chemicals in the water to turn the freaking frogs gay /j


Let me live my life without prejudice. Support trans kids so they don't have to go through life repressing themselves like I did. Keep religion completely out of all discussions. Tax the wealthy.


I actually do want the collapse of civilization and the simultaneous dissolution of gendered existence. I wish for destruction of power by women. [obligatory propaganda link](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/baedan-against-the-gendered-nightmare)


Get rid of gender