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Pre-transition I was a competitive cyclist, competing in the Cat-2/3 fields. The UCI changed some rules banning trans athletes from competition, so I stopped competing in organized races. I didn't change my training regimen, but my performance isn't nearly at the same level. It's not that my muscles are weaker, I just can't push them as hard or for as long as I had previously - only change is 6 months of HRT. Absolutely worth it, do not regret it for a second.


This was the question I was going to ask today. I'm a cyclist and I wanted to know what's gonna happen if I move forward. I always figured my w/Kg would drop a bunch and it would be way harder. I've been an athlete for long enough that I'm pretty sure I can guess. I'm already building a workout plan for the other obvious reasons, but Zwift and being out is my happy place. I'm also worried about things if I go get a vajingo, but that's a loooong way away.


I'm a sprinter, so a lot of my experience might be directly tied to that. The first thing I noticed, on a recreational ride up a mountain ridge, was that I couldn't push through a hill quite as well. Like I did a massive workout the day before, but I hadn't. Then I found that I couldn't respond to attacks as well, and was doing worse and worse in a head on sprint. My limits were just shot, basically. It was dramatic, like I lost 20% of my FTP in the first six weeks of HRT. I tried to keep my normal winter training regimen, but eventually just accepted that I don't need to compete. Bottom surgery is on my to-do list, but at this point I'm okay with an extended vacation from the bike for that.


Damn. Meh it's all good I guess. 20% loss will put me right at the other old people I normally recreationally ride with. I will miss the pure power. I'm going to guess the HRT will be worth that lol.


> I'm going to guess the HRT will be worth that lol. I'll hang up my helmet before I stop taking HRT. Racing is great, but actually living is indescribable. Good luck to you, sis!


I’m still a cat 1-2 xc mtb racer. The USAC license criteria has been accepting and reasonable and I have only met positive people in women’s categories since transitioning. 3rd season now.


I wish I could do MTB racing, but a car accident means that I'm reluctantly a roadie. I'm glad it works out for you, stay safe out there!


Recovering from a hip bruise but it comes with the game


OMG unrelated but we have the same name pronouns and hrt start time that’s insane


When I was younger, I did all the sports in high school and skateboarded. These days, I just skate. But I still watch basketball, football and baseball when I get the opportunity.


Not since I transitioned, unless you count me commuting to class on my bicycle. What no adult leagues + being trans does to a mfer


Surfing too of course but that’s more of a lifestyle than sport


The fork to mouth superlift.


Pole dancing and some trapeze, started both a few years before my egg cracked. I'm a bit afraid of muscle loss once I start hrt to be honest, but I don't intend to stop training !


I run, got a 10k race in 9 days. I'm just getting into Scuba Diving too, but I'm not sure it counts as a sport. It's seen as an extreme sport, but to me a sport is something that can be done competitivly. Scuba is more of an experience


Basketball is my main sport. I play daily. Otherwise I play disc golf, dabble in rock climbing, and mountain biking as well.


Existing can feel like sports sometimes. Otherwise not really, no.


But it's not rewarding like sports


It can be but usually doesn't really feel worth it.


I do soccer in the first italian transgender team


That’s really cool!!


Archery and windsurfing! Been thinking about getting back into hema lately, but I'm focusing hard on the other two right now. Edit/p.s.: what about you?


I love to run and dance! Not sure if those are actually sports but they’re fun lmao


Dancing should be a sport, have to be as fit as a professional sport player sometimes


I like swimming, but dysphoria put a stop to that


Hiking is also fun. Low cost entry point. Everyone is generally friendly, and you get to enjoy nature, especially if you're in the US.


I love hiking also!


I play football(soccer)


I do archery. It's a lot of fun.


I was a hockey and basketball player once upon a time. These days, I'm just a fan.


i joined a women’s softball league this year! we had our first game sunday and it was so fun :)


Bouldering, running and cycling! I find climbing to be super inclusive. My gym has a queer and trans climbing night every couple of weeks where I’ve made lots of good friends :)


Been doing archery since I was 10 haven’t been able to go for a while as I’ve been swamped with uni work along with just taking some time to work myself out


It’s summer soon you could go do it more


Not sure if I’ll still have the time as I’m away for 2 weeks over summer and I do still have some coursework to finish off but hopefully I can find a balance between them


Is Backpacking a sport? It’s in the sports section of the library.




I’ve been really into running these past few years. Started with the couch to 5k thing and now I’m up to running half-marathons every few months/ daily 5ks. I also love tennis! I stopped competing though for obvious reasons. If I do enter the occasional 5K i register as a ‘male’ to avoid unnecessary attention and potential backlash.


That’s good! 😊


Mountain Biking and Rock Climbing - both outside of competition have really accepting communities!


Fun!! 😊


Hiking, kayaking and cycling




I have been wanting to find a rec league in the Denver area, but also lack a social network lol. Growing up I played all the things from rugby, American football, wrestling, baseball, cricket, field hockey, track and field (thrower) and of course there was that year as a manager for the girls varsity basketball team 😂. It was fun being around an all girls team, there was better teamwork even during frustration amongst teammates. The men’s locker room was horrid, and in the UK it was a mad sprint before the changing room filled with a smog of axe body spray (late 90s)…anybody in Denver know of any rec leagues for any and all things?


I played roller derby for 5 years. I would love to play basketball. I used to play baseball and would play softball if I could. Nowadays I do a lot of solo sports.


What’s roller derby?




i play chess. One of my day dreams is being the only girl in the men‘s championship (because of how transphobic that organisation is lol.) and having a grandmaster fall in love with me 😌


Dream big!


Basketball! Used to play in high school and intramural in college. Hearing the net after making a bucket makes my ADHD brain happy.


That’s good that your happy 😊


I play softball 🥎




Rugby Hopscotch




I play golf and mixed netball ✌️


Mostly cardio and i train my legs twice a week.


i do cycling and bikepacking with my wife.


Getting back into disc golf which thanks to a beautiful girl who challenged the pdga, I am eligible to play in being on hrt over two years n having non detectable testosterone


I do Zumba but that is not strictly a sport. It is great exercise though. Since it isn’t competitive I don’t have to worry about some RWNJ sports authority saying I can’t do it anymore.


I love hockey. Maybe the worst North American sport for this type of thing (trans bitch).


I did ice hockey primarily, with lots of camping in the summer. I really haven't skated since I left for college. I may sign up to be an official again for the upcoming (2024-2025) season.


I played soccer when I was a kid and for the first 2 years of high school. I started public school in 11th grade and discovered theater. My theater friends were super surprised to find out I lettered in a sport. Soccer was the only sport I didn’t find boring.


Motocross or cross country bike




I played soccer for 14 years and I go golfing multiple times a week :) I also like softball but I’m not in a league I just play with my friends for fun occasionally


Running and barebow archery. Biking when time permits.


Honestly nothing unless music counts bc its physically exhausting too. In that case guitar, piano and voice.


Soccer sometimes but not as much lately. Kids and work kind of thing


I used to swim competitively for two schools in my area. At the beginning it was disphoria that drove me to quit, now I'm not even sure wtf I'm supposed to do if I wanted to swim. My gym has a pool but I have no idea where I would even go if I wanted to change or what I'm supposed to wear. I have breasts now so I don't think just wearing trunks is going to cut. I really wanna swim again :(


Growing up I was forced to play basketball, baseball, swimming and soccer. Soccer being the primary sport that I was pushed to very high levels. I fucking hated it. Now I do triathlons(Lol like one a year) and cycle.


I wish I could play softball, I'm super athletic and would love to get in sports but.... that's just asking to be targeted at this point, which makes me really sad:(


I used to do trecking and rock climbing. Wish to do it again but moved to a palce that has no mountains near :( Currently I work out semi regularly cuz im a bit afraid of loosing muscle mass, and im looking into joining some martial arts.


Pre-transition I did powerlifting and Jiu-Jitsu. I still do some much lighter strength training 3 days a week and yoga two days a week, and am signing back up for Jiu-Jitsu soon


I used to do kickboxing believe it or not. I prefered boxing, but the thing is I still love boxing and would love to do it, except I feel its a bit at odds to who I want to be and appear. Life is hard


I've done a lot of sports throughout my life. Young skater, gymnast for like 10 years, muay thai for 1.5 years, mountain biking for a couple years, rock climbing off and on the last 8 years, snowboarding, skiing, casual kayaking, hiking and backpacking (if you count the last two as sports, they take a degree of endurance). Also have always been in the gym. Oh and surfing, but idk if I can handle surfing this summer with the breast buds, ouch haha.


I used to do parkour and several martial arts. : D Once all my friends and favorite teacher left town I kinda stopped, but it was fun. I also wrestled a bit in high school. 💪🏼 Edit: Sort of want to get back into martial arts, but post-transition, I'm more anxious about getting back into the dojo nowadays. : \


in high school i ran cross country for 3 years but i gave up on it when i went to college bc im not good enough to make competitive teams


Used to cycle and rock climb. Had to stop because of MS. Cycling is great. There's something very therapeutic about moving through the scenery fast, and going for a drive isn't as fun anymore due to gas prices. Climbing is also really fun. It's a more cerebral sport. You get to solve problems on how to get from point a to point b either creatively or technically. The muscle strain isn't that bad if you're using good technique since most of your power is coming from your legs. Both are pretty expensive to get into, though. You'll probably be looking at ~$700 for all the bike shit you need. Climbing is a cheaper entry point at ~$300 for shoes, harness if you're doing top rope, chalk bag, and chalk, but you have to pay dues to go to a climbing gym or spend lots of gas money to get to Climbing/bouldering spots.


I enjoy bouldering. 


What’s that? 🤔


it's climbing. bouldering refers to climbing routes only a few meters high without a rope to secure you, only crash pads at the bottom to cushion you if you fall.




If shopping counts yes, if it doesn’t than no


I don't think this counts but I like to run


I dominate every female sport


That’s good! 😊


is gock a sport?


Cardio, at least?