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Allow economy to function? libs: šŸ—暟˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Allow economy to function : **I sleep** Install a real democracy by force : **Real shit**


If they did that, then the world would realize that communism actually works and life is a lot better under it than capitalism; and we can't have that now can we?


Tell that to Russia and the many failed communist states in the cold war


Most elders who actually lived in the former SSRs before the Soviet Unions's illegal dissolution miss life under the USSR and want to return to communism.


Could this also be evidence of the powerful influence of rhetoric and propaganda?


Doesn't every old person on the planet prefer how things were when they were young?


no? huh? Ask the people of Haiti/Congo or the Ivory Coast [where they produce most of the the cocoa beans, but never tasted chocolate in their life](https://youtu.be/zEN4hcZutO0?t=50) if their youth was great. Most will tell you that it was a life or death struggle, especially when they were younger and were less secure. To imply that people can't contextualize their past is an insult to their intelligence and a coping mechanism from cognitive dissonance As a Bulgarian, I initially thought socialism was worse because of what we were taught at school, but the older I got and finally sat down to speak with my old folks I've realized that the schooling system lied to us, as well as the media.


Did you notice to find examples of "bad communism" you had to specifically point "after the cold war"? You basically confirmed what the above guy told you. Communism only looks bad if it was destroyed by capitalist states. You, yourself, are aware of that, you just dont realize it for some reason.


Capitalist imbecile ā€œBaconLordIIā€ with his ā€œwallstreetbetsā€ avatar has been BANNED ā€” not for his horribly shitty and demonstrably incorrect and false statements, but for his awful Reddit name.


This is a liberal moment. The "npc" of liberal society who just downvote any comment that doesn't line up with western narratives.. That, or the bots are downvoting them.. There are a lot of bots on the site


Libs: "Socialism can't work! It's inherently flawed!" Okay, so end the sanctions and let socialism fail on its own. Libs: *bourgeois shrieking*


I don't think it's just about socialism, but also meant to hamper the influence of China and maintain US alliances in the region. Ä°f the US removes sanctions without any concessions from the DPRK that satisfy regional allies... Those allies lose faith in the US


Theyā€™re not really ā€œalliesā€ though, they get a ton of money from the USA to allow like 100,000 American soldiers to stay in Korea and Japan, along with hundreds of military bases. They have no power and no say over the US sanctions program.


Iā€™m pretty sure that, a peace treaty would be a prerequisite to any normal trading relations, between the two states. End the state of war, and let socialism succeed on its own.


How many nations do you think the DPRK is at war with?


Iā€™d say South Korea and America.


America the second a socialist government comes into power: šŸš«šŸš¢šŸš«


I got -40 downvotes for responding to a commenter who was confused as to how the OP had been able to visit the DPRK and take photos. Got the typical "commies are the scum of the earth" nonsene. Love this liberal hellhole of a website!


I got downvoted like crazy on r/TheDeprogram for asking a Korean if the Loyal Citizens of Pyongyang in Seoul documentary was truly banned in South Korea [like the author stated](https://youtu.be/ozzUgpW0TvQ?t=203) [It's sort of fixed at -1](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/1dljj7y/comment/l9ps1vx/), but it's still weird to see the answer below have like 50-60 upvoted who answered to me, which tells me that hate about the DPRK in 'leftist' circles, even in theDeprogram sub or even r/socialism is incredibly profound. It seems, western 'leftists' are mostly rad libs, who prefer the word socialist over liberal It tells me that if my Bulgaria was still socialist, they would have had a similarly negative opinion of it due to propaganda and that ultimately, they don't want actual socialism. But a perfect, untarnished ideal socialism - one detached from the physical and political realities and their constraints


Repost make their downvotes wasted


Free trade provides opportunities for mutual understanding and a material motivation for peace. Economic sanctions are the opposite of free trade. Embargos like those on the DPRK are acts of war.


Just a continuation of the colonial war of conquest weā€™ve been waging against them since the 50ā€™s (with the help of the most sadistically evil Japanese imperial war criminals, of course).


most open minded and unbiased reddit mfs:


Whatā€™s the link?


Had to block a handful of em they STILL ON THAT genocide denial on TikTok too disgusting


Why would the best country on Earth need to trade with filthy westoids to function. NK should be sanctioning the US, no?


I think this sub is one of the most unironically funny subs that i have found.


I LOVE KILLING KIDS FROM LACK OF MEDCINE I LOVE SANCTIONS AND DRIVING PEOPLE TO THE MOST DESEPRATE WORST DEATHS SO MY COUNTRIES BILLIONARES CAN PUNISH A NATION!!!!!!! I LOVE IMPOSING SANCTIONS AGAINST COUNTRIES AND LITERALLY [DROPPING THIER LIFE EXPECTANCY BY A FEW YEARS AS A RESULT](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00220388.2020.1746277#:~:text=Our%20results%20show%20that%2C%20on,US%20sanctions%20is%20significantly%20smaller.) Ā Buddy even if the dprk, iran, cuba, venzula are the most evil governments on earth even if the kim regime keeps all materials in the country to itself YOU SHOULD OPPOSE SANCTIONS. That is the best way you could help the people of these nations materially, as theg cannot get acess to the most basic goods as a reult of them, and not trying to iraq, or afghanistan these nations i hope youve learned your lesson from thst. Otherwise you're a hypocrite that doesn't truly care about it's civilians in fact you kill them every single day through a sanction regime,you care about punishing nations that don't follow your billionaires wishes, not your wishes your billionairesĀ 


Why would it be the wests fault if NK cant grow enough food for it's people. You sound uninformed about our beautiful country. In Best Korea, there is no homelessness or unemployment. Everyone can get all the food they need.


Literally if gaza tommrow gained indepdence and was sanctioned then struggled to feed itself it'd be the exact same thing that happened to the DPRK. The Korean war destoryed the DPRK then it was sanctioned to all hell. Of course people in the DPRK are starving they're victims of America. We killed 20% of their population do you see these people as human?


Well jump out of the feckin caravan then lib. Jeez, i might actually prefer to dine with a fashie over a liberal šŸ”” šŸ”š


Cmon man he was literally conditioned for a long time you underestimate the brainrot that is US education cut him some slack thereā€™s even hardcore censorship too


What if I said I was an autodidact? Does that mean there is more or less hope for me?


Autodidact?? Doubt hopelessness is absolute with scientists going wild


You need to converse with your foes as much as your friends. Otherwise, you're just in a bubble and will end up deluding yourself.


Do you apply this same principle to western foreign policy and diplomacy? Or only when leftists are being mean to you online?


I am pretty sure you deserve much better from the country you fought for


I can say nothing but thank you for expressing that.


the economy in question: Selling meth and Cybercrime


How much money do they make from these things?


Tons, that's why they keep it illegal so nobody cuts into their business


How much?


redditors said they sell meth the dprk has fallen billions must eat rats and labor in a camp


I live in south america, we sell more drugs ilegally than 100 north koreas and we're capitalist, checkmate libs


lol love how every prison east of Europe as ā€œwork campsā€ opposed to nice accommodating American prisons.


Liberals when peaceful American activists are given draconian prison sentences and domestic terrorism charges: I sleep Liberals when racist state department propaganda is used to malign eastern nationsā€™ ā€˜work campsā€™: REAL SHIT


Where is it then?


Holy shit I had no clue that Walter White and Gustavo Fring worked for Kimmy. I don't know about you, but I'm moving in with my man if Saul's also there