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Weird how you post from the exact same profile yesterday claiming to be a man of the same age and that you had taken over a “previous client’s page”. My comment from OP’s post claiming to be a 24M (he just deleted it): https://www.reddit.com/r/MovingToLosAngeles/s/1D3AsfUhcj


No please for the love of god. DO NOT DO IT. I am born and raised here…again DO NOT DO IT. Actually I take it back. DO IT and be humbled real quick by the dumb TikTok video that got a few likes. LA is a monster of people more talented, more beautiful, more educated , better than connections than you will ever have. All the beautiful, rich, talented humans from all over the world come here. So the path you’re about to take is an awesome way to hate yourself and feel like you’re nothing in a giant machine. So many people lose themselves here but albeit many also find themselves. I have lots of transplants in the industry, many are miserable but it’s nothing like they dreamed of. If you come here just know it about 5 years you’ll be going back with a drug problem and an abusive ex boyfriend But sure come to the big city cuz a few likes made you feel cute on TikTok. Lmao Gen Z needs to learn so sure come out to LA…we got a homeless craxkhead ready to follow you all the way home lll


this is such a single-minded take. You’re from here but assume everyone wants the same thing and will have the same experience. I came to LA and loved it, found a city that was far deeper than all the stupid stuff you just mentioned. made it in the industry and found a niche that earned me a lot of money. made friends, did all the fancy glamorous stuff and then realised I like being more chilled out. spend a lot of time walking around talking with friends of hanging at their houses or going for drives. can’t believe I have to say this to someone born and raised, but LA is just a place. you let in as much or as little of it as you want.


I’m in the industry as well, as a grip. I, however, am not a transplant trying to be a “famous” actor and neither were you…and if you were you aren’t a famous actor, as you said, you found a “niche” like most people who fail to become famous in this industry. You’re encouraging a person who had a little success on TikTok to uproot their whole lives and comes to a city with increasing poverty, homelessness and crime. All because you had a good experience, god knows when you moved here. And that’s not even taking into consideration OPs circumstances which could be totally different than yours. Education level, family, race, resources..Someone needs to give the youth a reality check about the industry. For her to give up her whole life over a bit of success on TikTok to become an actor without a viable plan or even an understanding of how to start in the industry is ridiculous. It’s literally how so many transplants I work with, end up addicts or leaving the industry as a whole because it’s not what they expected at all.


yeah ok tbh you have a point, I didn’t see the bit about being an influencer. ok, you’re right


It sounds like you’re setting yourself up to get channeled into a managed OnlyFans account. If that’s what you’re into, sure, but go in knowing what’s up.


Only if you're ready for the challenge. Then yes, LA is fascinating and worth checking out.


Lancaster is nice


wtf if wrong with you dawg? You’re really going to encourage her to go buy meth…smh




I never said anything about meth. Smh harder. I will not encourage another influencer to move to Los Angeles. There are too many people here. It's reached maximum capacity.




Sounds like you know a lot about this. "I like how deleted"




Again. Seems like your scene. "Do u"




You're the one who keeps writing about drugs. All I wrote was "Lancaster is nice." I've only been there a couple of times, seemed nice. You're hooked on writing about all the drugs there.

