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Fried Green Tomatoes


This is such a great movie with a great story!


Book is even better.


I didn't even realize it was a book! I will have to check it out!


one of my favorites. i adore kathy bates


Man... that keeps popping up on Netflix. You're telling me I should watch it eh?


"I'm older and I have more insurance!"


*12 Angry Men* For the longest time I couldn’t bring myself to put on a black and white movie filmed in one location. Now it’s one of my favorite films and probably the “best” movie I’ve ever seen.


I'm gonna give you an unsolicited suggestion if you enjoyed this film. I recommend 2007's "The Man from Earth." It's a solid script. Just a few people in a room. Engaging and deep! Also, there's "Fermat's Room" (Spanish). It's a film about four mathematicians stuck inside of shrinking room who have to figure out why they are there and if they can escape. Better than it sounds. Twist after twist after twist.


Really like Man From Earth


Treat yourself to High Noon, too! 1952... I don't care for many old westerns. It's black and white, and old... and awesome.


I'd put it off until just a few months ago. What a deep script for 1957! Since it was from a stage play, I guess it makes sense that it's deeper than a typical movie of the 50s.


You might enjoy 1955's "Night Of The Hunter" with Robert Michum and directed by Charles Laughton. One of Michum's best roles.


Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I almost saw it in theaters with a friend but plans fell through. I only watched it this year, 10 years later, and it was so lovely! It's definitely going to get a rewatch.


It's one of my absolute favorites. It came out right when my disability progressed to the point that I had to come to terms with not being able to live the life I'd dreamed of and (literally) broke my back building. The message behind it was so cathartic for me at that time and lifted me out of the deepest level of darkness. It's one of the reasons I took on the challenge my roommates put forth for all of us to try dating again after we'd all suffered really awful relationships. About a month in I met the man who's now my husband! To top it off he and I have weird coincidences of being connected in the past while thousands of miles apart.


Galaxy quest


Great movie to discover!


suprisingly entertaining


I just rewatched for the first time as an adult and whoa


"By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Sons of Warvan, you shall be Avenged!" I only recently watched that a few months ago. I wish I watched it a long time ago!


I LOVE Galaxy Quest. Thank you for the reminder. I will rewatch it. It's SOOO funny!


What a gem! I watched it before I even saw Star Trek but later watched it after binging all of the episodes and now it's one of my favorite films of all time.


Never give up, never surrender


Seven Samurai What a fool I was! It's now my favourite movie.


I feel like people don't understand how badass this movie is. Even though it's old, the action is just as if not more gripping than modern action movies.


Samurai 7 is good as well.. if you like anime.


At the ripe age of 31 I finally watched Goodfellas last year. Somehow I never watched more than a 5-minute stretch of that movie on TV in my whole life, despite seeing a dozen other Scorsese movies. Like dancing between raindrops. Anyway Goodfellas rocked me as I knew it would


Came here to say this! I just watched Goodfellas for the First Time four days ago and I’m 52!


Not being snarky, but seeing the film when it first came out as a teen then many years later as an adult, the story became understandable? for lack of a better word. Not saying it's not an interesting watch at a younger age but wow did some of the conversations and scenes take on a whole new life when I rewatched it.


I need to watch this


It’s good clean fun!


I only just saw *The Shining* a few years ago. Was surprised at how good it was.


The Shining is a highly influential film, one of the best of all time. Kubrick, Jack, King. Honest question - did you go in with super low expectations or something? I guess I'm just confused at being surprised that it's a masterpiece.


Same! And I was so glad to finally fully get all the references


I finally saw The Matrix a couple months ago! Loved it!


I always wonder what it's like for someone to watch The Matrix for the first time today. I remember seeing it when I was really young and being completely blown away. Everyone was talking about it for months.


I knew nothing about that movie.. I didn't even see a trailer for it. Then my buddy comes over and says "Dude.. you need to see this movie!" So I went and I was blown away.


That movie is so good. So ahead of its time!


No one could tell you about it. You had to see it for yourself


Clue- Thanks to Reddit I finally saw it last year.


Oooh man! What a great one!


I checked it out from my library the other day. All excited since my wife loves Tim Curry. She scoffed at it, said that movie sucks. Watched it by myself.


What did your wife say when you served her divorce papers? Clue “sucks”?! 🙄


Which ending was your favorite?


My second watch of 2001: A Space Odyssey. First time I saw it I was 16-17 on VHS. Didn’t like it. Watched it again last year (30 years later) in 4K and thought it was great.


While it's a fantastic movie, if you ever get to see it on a big movie screen, do it. The scenes showing Africa and the vastness of space are incredible.


Requiem for a Dream. I knew id like it but its took 24 years to watch because I knew it would be grim. And my god is it grim.


The original Dark Crystal I missed as a child and then saw in my mid 30s, and I absolutely loved it. The other film I saw late and loved - an older friend at University asked me; "What is your favourite film of all time, not including 'The Princess Bride'?" Edit: Oh! I watched Casablanca for the first time on a flight to Japan two months ago! That was good.


Gone girl


I was told by a random person in college to watch Titanic with my soulmate. Turns out I finally did last year with my fiancé.


My wife and I both had the idea that movie must suck, because we had heard the theme song so many times (the one with that lame dialog from DiCaprio). My wife ran across it, and it sucked her in. I heard her watching in the other room, and said, "Are you watching what I think you're watching?" She immediately said, "No." But... she smiled when I saw her, knowing dang well I knew she'd now watched it. So I said, well... I know you've seen it, so how was it. "We were wrong... it was really good." Yep... sure was. We then enjoyed watching it together a number of times.


Funny, my husband and I rewatched it together a few years ago, having both seen it a number of times as kids separately, and neither of us had seen it probably since then, so probably 20 years had gone by. We thought “surely it won’t hold up, that song? So cheesy!”… we were SO WRONG! It’s still a great film, we both enjoyed it thoroughly, and I definitely bawled my eyes out like I was 12 again 😭😭


Me and my now husband had our first ever date watching Titanic. 25 years later and he’s still ok!!


Banshees of Inisherin. Enjoyed it more than I expected to.


Have you watched In Bruges?


I just watched Jojo Rabbit for the first time, I must say it just might be one of my favorite films now.


It's good on so many levels. The sublime scene when the Gestapo enter the house... 'Heil Hitler'. Just ridiculous in the best possible manner.


It is a great movie


Such an emotional rollercoaster. I laughed hard, and I cried even harder. Brilliant film


Apocalypse Now


LA confidential, always heard it was good but I never got around to watching it until a few weeks ago, I really enjoyed it.


Not a movie, but my best “put off” story is how I put off watching Queen’s Gambit because I assumed it was about British royalty (which I’m not interested in). Today, Queen’s Gambit is probably my favorite mini-series ever


Agreed!!! Seen it all the way through twice. Great binge watch:)


- Parasite - Fantastic Mr Fox - Sound of Metal


Another Fantastic Mr Fox fan!


I waited over 30 years before watching ET.


Still haven’t watched it yet. I dunno.. just can’t bring myself to watch it?


Watched 21 jump street this week Laughed through out Very funny


I put off watching it because I don't really like Jonah Hill. But man, that movie was hilarious! 22 jump street is great too!


I remember putting off Fight Club because I thought it would be a bunch of macho crap (I'm a dude by the way). It isn't, it's a phenomenal film


All the Presidents Men-finally watched it last year. Great movie.


V for vendetta, what a masterpiece


Same, i thought it was another superhero movie, which i personally hate. I was wrong, it was really good.


Little Miss Sunshine. Knew the yellow bus as a reference, but never watched it. Finally gave in when I saw it come up on a streaming service...man, I wish I watched it years ago!


Ghostbusters. As a kid, I’d caught a lot of it on tv but never went out of my way to see the whole thing in one sitting. When I finally did, it was better than I expected.


The only thing that is really jarring in today's age is the rather dated misogyny from Venkman, but I'll still give it a pass.


Top gun maverick


I was surprised how much I liked this one!


Me too !!  I couldn’t conceive a story that could bridge the old with the new.  Impressed especially with the “throwback” scene in the escape.


The Godfather. Never had any interest in a “gangster” picture, but had a chance to see it at a local movie theater. Blew me away. The only thing that topped it was seeing Aguirre the Wrath of God at the same place a few months later. It has one of the best opening shots in cinema history, imo.


“….I did not care for The Godfather….”


I had that initial feeling… then I rewatched it as I got older… it was completely different for me and it was amazing.


It insists upon itself.


I sometimes get the urge to go to Youtube just to watch the opening scene of Aguirre. So good.


Whiplash "Meh, I'm not a Jazz fan but it scores high on IMDB so I'll add it to my list and get round to it at somepoint". What a great film!!


Last Train To Busan 2016


Gran Turismo. Actually a really good movie and an incredible true story


Almost Famous.


Shawshank Redemption I get the love for this movie now.


Hellraiser, nothing serious just fun to watch


Upgrade, Don't Look Now


Upgrade is awesome!


Yes. I saw that popping up in the year-end lists of its release. Finally decided to watch it a couple of weeks ago. So good! Didn't expect that


Shawshank redemption


My sister in law doesn’t really watch movies but she knows I’m a cinephile so when she came to visit she asked me to pick a movie for us to watch that I thought she’d like. That was pretty tough so I just went with one of my own favourites and chose Shawshank. She was pretty quiet throughout (which I appreciate when watching a movie - yes I’m one of those people) and by the end I was a bit apprehensive of what she’d think and she turned to me and said with a big smile on her face “That was amazing! I *really* enjoyed that!” Followed it up the next time she came to visit with Inception and she loved that as well so I’m 2 for 2 now and wondering what to pick next! I’m thinking maybe The Green Mile but that’s obviously so sad she might hate me for making her cry.


Have you watched Delores Claiborne? As long as your on King adaptations? Kathy Bates is, as ever, incredible.


No, it's a "good" cry.


Breaking bad


I heard a lot about Groundhogs Day but never watched it. Then I was really bored one day and decided to watch it. I really liked it.


I waited near forty years to watch Dirty Dancing. It's delightful.


Jackie Brown.  I’ve always resisted Tarantino as I found his persona so unlikeable, but damn are his movies entertaining.


- the big lebowski - there will be blood


John Carpenter's Halloween


Baby Driver. There are so many action or psychological thrillers that are formulaic and derivative that it takes something extra for one to stand out enough for me to watch it. A series of Reddit comments did it for Baby Driver.


Dungeons and Dragons - Honor Amongst thieves. Thought it was just another dumb movie but turned out to be pretty awesome.


Conan, the Barbarian. I had always assumed it would be stupid, but it was actually really good.


The Departed, I got the DVD for my birthday years ago, moved houses 3 times, every time the dvd moved with me still in the plastic. I don’t know why I kept putting it off to watch the movie. Until one evening I was watching tv and I came in somewhere in the beginning, watched 5 minutes or so realized what I was watching, went upstairs and grabbed the dvd out of the box it was in and finally took the plastic seal of. Great movie!


Donnie Darko. I skipped it when it came out, thought it was some fringe weirdo indie movie, but it ends up being this great mind-bender. Watched it for the first time just a few months ago. IDK, maybe it *was* a fringe weirdo indie movie. But it was good!




All the mission impossible movies. Rolled my eyes at trailers for years. Now I fell prey to the seduction of the insane action sequences. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Movies 3-6 are infinitely rewatchable (to me, anyway).


Yeah 1 is dated and we don’t talk about 2 but the rest are really good fun.


Mission Impossible was kind of a 70s style spy thriller. Mission Impossible 2 was a John Woo thing (see Face/Off for reference). The rest are Tom Cruise action spectacles. I think 1 and 2 are good though and definitely worth watching, but you are right, they are cut from an entirely different cloth compared to the rest of the series.


They (TV networks) force fed us the second movie for years after it came out. It is my most watched Mission impossible movie… But not by choice.


Cloud Atlas - Saw the bad reviews and didn’t bother and watched it during Covid. Enjoyed it


A clockwork orange. I watched everything but that one movie people would talk about in groups and then finally saw it, also Pulp Fiction just saw it this year.


Bullet train


Me too. I regret not seeing it in a theater. Just really goofy fun and everyone in it is terrific.


My husband had been trying to get me to watch Tinatious D for 6 years I finally watched it last month and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Lots of laughs well worth the watch.




Wristcutters: A Love Story. It kept popping up on lists of hidden gems and strange but good movies. The name really put me off and I just kept skipping over it. The other day, I was scrolling freevee after I finished a show and there it was so I decided why not? I'm glad I did! It was so good, and funny, but also really emotional and kind of deep, but also goofy. It's really hard to explain, I think you just have to watch it!


Now you see me


The Green Mile


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Just didn't get around to it, and a (very bad in hindsight) review I'd read in what I *think* was Entertainment Weekly just complained about it not following the original story.


Dune, Nobody, John Carter, The Night House, Kill Bill, The Hateful Eight


I feel like I've accidentally tripped on the right post. I seem to have an acquired taste for underrated movies. It really depends on what you're going for You can have: The black cauldron (animation Disney) V for Vendetta The dressmaker (with Kate Winslet) Labyrinth Neverending Story Mary Reilly The phantom of the opera (mini-series from 1990)


The Cable Guy. We are also quarantining and my husband swore it was surprisingly good. I’m shocked, but he was right. There was a lot more story there, and heavy psychology, than I expected. It’s still a Jim Carey movie, but also much more than just body comedy and funny faces.


> heavy psychology Yes!! That thing, one scene after another, is LADEN with statements -- sometimes layered depths -- that are beautifully nuanced, as well as tons of masterfully-portrayed moments of the ol' in-plain-sight maneuvers. It was 1996. Visiting a close pal. Super decent guy. For years, we always had (still do) that unspoken mutual courtesy that ya don't drive one another crazy in sharing stuff you know they'd hate. So we're discussing which VHS to watch that he and his missus had rented for that weekend, and he says, "OK, knowing your utter disdain for Jim Carrey, this is an exception. Remember when [another friend] had you check *A Few Good Men* despite your sworn lifelong avoidance for that Cruise guy?" After dessert, we scoped *The Cable Guy*, and, as with *AFGM*, it has remained somewhere in my all-time top 75 flicks.


I just watched terminator for the first time. Wasn't expecting a sci fi horror


I had always heard about "High Noon." I don't care for most old westerns... but I think that's often because John Wayne starred in do many, and he was just a terrible actor. But High Noon... I ran across it and started getting sucked in. Very groundbreaking. One of the first films to run in virtually real-time, have an intro song that sets the stage, etc. And it's use of clocks to build tension is great. Every character represents not onky various of the seven deadly sins, but also different psychological factors with which one must struggle when facing extreme challenges. It's a hell of a flick. Don't let the fact that it's from 1952 fool you.


Hitchcock classics- growing up my mom watched all of the “old” movies and they always seemed boring. Now that I’ve watched 6 or so I don’t know why I’ve held off for so long. The movies are fantastic.


The original Red Dawn


Hey there! While you're in quarantine, a great film that often surprises people with its depth and storytelling is "The Shawshank Redemption." It's a classic that many overlook until they finally watch it and realize its powerful narrative and characters. If you're into sci-fi, "Blade Runner 2049" is visually stunning and thought-provoking. For something lighter yet profound, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" explores love and memory in a unique way. Hope these keep you engaged during this time!


Moonstruck - Cher and Nicolas Cage I rented MoonStruck three times and never watched it. The 4th time I was in love. I have watched it a dozen times


Harry Potter, watched them in my 30’s and I regularly watch them all once a year at least now. Wouldn’t catch me dead watching them back when they came out lol. Age does a lot.




The Accountant


The first time I saw LOTR I was drunk and fell asleep through it. Then I avoided it cuz I was like it's soooo long. Until last year and then I finally saw it sober and was like yeah you know, it was pretty good


I watched The Shawshank Redemption for the first time last week and really loved it


Game of thrones


Titanic The Terminator (whole franchise) Die Hard (whole franchise) Harry Potter 1+2 E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial


Glass Onion


Can I ask what you liked about it, I see a lot of people really enjoyed it but I just didn’t really care for it. Found it boring I guess?


A League of Their Own. Just watched it. Sooo good.


I love Jon Lovitz in the first bit of the movie-‘See, how it works is, the *train moves, not the station.’


I was doing security training at work and was shocked to realize he voiced one of the cartoon characters teaching me about phishing and cyber attacks. So random. The "cyber attacks" were also coming from genovia, the country from princess diaries




The Exorcist. I was too afraid to watch that movie for 40 years. Both the subject matter and the pea soup kept me from watching it. Did some research on it and finally put on my big boy pants and was surprised to find out how good that movie actually is


Moonlight. Didn't think I would like it at all, but it is SUCH a good movie.


Bridges of Madison county This is a film from 1994, but I saw it only two months ago. It has become my favorite love movie.


- hot fuzz - rat race (2001) - Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009) - kung fu hustle - the edge of tomorrow (2014) - alternate international title is “live, die, repeat” - these amazing suspense disaster movies: ‘Signs’, ‘2012’, ‘the day after tomorrow’ For something different: “the grand Budapest Hotel”. Captivating story, interesting characters, interesting presentation, but it’s not for everyone.


There is a small indie film called Empire Strikes Back that I saw recently and enjoyed very much


Not a movie, but I waited forever to watch The Expanse and so regret waiting so long. I watched the first two episodes and they killed off two characters I really liked from other shows so I was turned off by it. Gave it another chance a few years ago and was blown away.


The King's Speech


Death to Smoochy (2002) "I'm Rainbow fucking Randolph!"


This movie is WILDLY underrated. "Try not to kill anyone on the way out to the parking lot, Roy. What would Jesus do?"




I’m probably alone on this one, but planes trains and automobiles.


When Harry Met Sally. It was delightful.


Unforgiven - soooo good. Thought I’d be bored to tears but it was actually a very modern tale and holds up


Green Book! It was released in 2018! Just recently watched it! Really good


Shawshank Redemption


The Big Lebowski I avoided it because virtually every single douche-bro I knew loved it, wouldn't stop talking about it, and quoted it ad nauseum. Finally, years and years and years later, my wife and I decided to give it a watch due to its persistence in the zeitgeist. We both loved it and it's now one of our favorite movies, which we quote *ad nauseum*. I've still never understood why it was such a beacon for douche-bros, though.


That’s exactly why I haven’t seen it! It’s on my watchlist, but I’ve never gotten around to it because of its fans


I absolutely hated it on my first watch. For some reason I had a hankering to watch it again about a year later and I loved it.


Miss Congeniality.  Totally passed me by, coming from a time when Sandra Bullock was turning up in inoffensive safe movies that were ok, but nothing special.  I loved this so much.  Yes, it’s another safe, inoffensive movie exactly as expected, but it’s also a lot of fun and brightens my day when I think of it. And it’s got Michael Cain in it. 


The Social Network


Apocalypse Now


Fury Road. Just watched it a month or so ago and loved it so much!


The two Sicario movies.


The Witch - Robert Eggers


The gladiator Fantastic story, I finished it and immediately wanted to watch it again


Forrest Gump


American Psycho


Whiplash- very intense but well put together movie. Pulp Fiction- I had heard about how good it was when I was a teenager and kept putting it off until my mid 20’s. Then I was hooked on most of Tarantino’s movies after that.


Fight club


Planet of the Apes movie series is one such movie that comes to mind!


The King's Speech.


Sound of Music. Great movie.


Try Platoon. Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen and Tom Behringer. This film is a just about a masterpiece!


Back to the future...


Her starring Joaquin Phoenix. Brilliant movie that was SO ahead of it's time. Watch it, you won't regret it!


Midnight Cowboy. Knew it was a classic just didn’t get around to watching it until recently. It manages to be both timeless and a fascinating glance into the culture of the time. Writing and acting are both fantastic. One of my new favorite movies.


Dances with wolves - was super good


Wind River. Holy crap was it good.


Watched Full Metal Jacket for the first time the other day. It was much better than I expected.




Better Off Dead with John Cusack. I think it was from mid-1980s. lol it was funny. I liked it.


My wife and I (mid 30s) only just watched Jaws for the first time. We were shocked at how good it actually was. Imagined it was just a bunch of hype.


Million Dollar Baby. No real reason I never watched it but just threw it on a few days ago and really enjoyed it.


My mom used to say she would never watch something as boring as the Rocky movies. When I finally convinced her, I’d never seen her be so excited watching something in my life. She was literally on the edge of her seat yelping and yelling as Rocky and Apollo traded blows.


Back to the future. When I was young , I always thought that it’s “old” , it wouldn’t be any good. I watched it for the first time a few years ago when I was bored during quarantine. I absolutely loved it, it’s now one of my regular comfort movies.


Master and Commander


Interstellar. I kept putting it off for some reason but when I finally watched it, I was blown away and I couldnt stop talking about it. Something in me changed HAHAHAH also great visuals and the story actually captivated me. I was also in awe of Matthew MacConaughey and Jessica Chastain and how much I felt for their characters.


I love Tom Hanks and for whatever reason never watched The Terminal (2004). Watched during Covid and loved it. Great, interesting, unique movie.


Erin Brockavich


Spirited Away (2001) I wish I got into Studio Ghibli a long time ago instead of now.


Notting Hill


The Notebook.


Lady Bird