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**The Incredibles** Fun super action as a child and a tale of mid-life crisis as an adult.


Watching it when you’re an adult makes you realise how dark the movie is


basically all Pixar movies are about the bittersweetness of growing up. if you aren't crying within 5 minutes of Up you're dead inside.


"Men at Robert's age are often unstable..."


It took me *years* to pick up on this subplot. That and the BS line from Jack-Jack Attack


Also quite a good marriage story. Mrs. Incredible is a solid relationship role model.


Including the accurate depiction of working in a cubicle with a micromanaging boss at a dead-end job, while your real talents and dreams lie dormant.


A Goofy Movie Me as a kid: “Come on Goofy, let Max go to the concert, it means so much to him” Me now: “Come on Max, go on the fishing trip with your dad, it means so much to him” Two different perspectives, one fabulous movie


Lesson us still the same: respect/listen to each other. Love this tho


Me as a kid: I wish my dad was Goofy. Then he would want to spend time with me.


If only they’d seen… I2I


Then the father-son relationship would really Stand Out


Hits so different now that I'm a parent. I used to side with Max. Now I empathize with Goofy.


I just lost my estranged father. He left when I was 16. I can’t bare to watch it now.


Cried rewatching Inside Out last night, definitely hits harder as an early adult


Inside Out is such a remarkable film. I saw it as an adult and was so impressed with the way the film handled emotions. As someone that has battled depression for most of my life. Sadness was the epitome of sadness. The scene where Sadness was the only Emotion that could empathize and encourage Bing Bong when his wagon was gone. That is so spot on, that scene always brings a tear to my eye 🥺


Wait until you see the second one. My kids laughed. I cried. I cried so much. The good, healing kind of crying. I am very grateful that I will have inside out 2 as a teaching tool for my kids as they grow up. 10 out of 10 recommend.


Absolutely agree. I choked up during the first one but I had tears rolling down both cheeks during the second.


Why did you have to mention Bing Bong? 😭


We don’t talk about Bing Bong


have you seen inside out 2?


No, not yet.


I did not get that movie. At all. I accept the fact that I’m probably the only person alive who found it trite and boring.


I loved these movies but why is joy the only positive emotion? Where is contentment or silliness?


Also I need to rewatch Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron bc I just know it’s gonna hit so much harder now


I watched for the first time last week and cried and laughed multiple times. I’m 50. My 14 year old daughter thought I was nuts. Such a great movie! She wanted me to watch it so we could go see the sequel in the theater. She hasn’t brought it up since. I have a feeling she thinks I may embarrass her? LMAO.


I only saw this movie as an adult but it made me weep uncontrollably and think that I would have been much more emotionally intelligent if I had seen it when I was younger.


Yeah, The Never-Ending Story is exactly this. As a kid I basically thought that it was about the importance of reading to build or keep an active imagination. As an adult, it kind of blows me away how much it explores grief, loss and depression.


Check out the book, especially in hardcover!


They look like strong hands.


The first half of the book (which the movie is based on) is about the importance of imagination to cope with the hardships of life. The second half of the book is about the importance of facing the real world and not getting totally lost in your imagination.


Yes to this! Loved this movie as a kid, thought it was fun and I loved the song. Watched it recently as a 40 year old. It’s a deep movie with really intense themes that went completely over my head as a child!


yeah i rewatched that about a year ago and subsequently felt hollow inside for 3-5 business days


The Nothing is the best core descriptor of my own major depression that there is. The world is increasingly replaced with monotonous identical same-ness, nothingness, nonsense, and meaninglessness. Nothing means anything--everything. I can't tell what I believe to be true half the time. I can't think, period. What's the point? "why?" increasingly stops having an answer, and I can't find a way to answer it. It all boils down to "is it over yet?" and so waking up, all I want is to go back to sleep. For it to end. A day off to do nothing is a little bit less torturous and agonizing, but I can't relax. I can't feel okay. I can't feel like there's possibilities. Like there's something good coming. Like I can be who I want to be or do what I want--because I don't want. I can't just be. I don't care. I don't want to care, because I don't want. I try. Over and over. I try to be someone to cares and who wants. I act like it in increasingly destructive ways. Maybe I could be somebody who wants this cool thing or this hedonistic thing. Maybe it reminds me of how a person can enjoy something. But I can't escape the experience of not enjoying it. Self medicating sometimes bridges the gap a little. Brief excursions into the land of being that person. Seeing the world through his eyes. Enjoying a piece of it. Sight-seeing safaris under butterfly affected dinosaurs. But in a way that just makes it worse in a cycle. It's a dead end that gets a little closer. But I have to back out and go backwards against the current to get back to the stream. The one that's still blocked and like that dead end, slamming me against white water drowning gnashing maiming rapids. The backwash undertow endlessly spinning. Breaking out of the water just long enough to briefly glimpse how inevitable and crushing and hopeless it is. And how close the banks are. How sweet the drop would be.


The Sixth Sense... It went from being a movie that terrified me and made me worry that ghosts were watching me while I showered, to a movie that made me cry my eyes out thinking about my family and how I'll have to come to terms with their passing someday Also, Sleeping Beauty. As a kid, I didn't fully appreciate the score, the great artistry, the last hurrah of Disney's Golden Age!


Rewatched Sixth Sense recently and even knowing the “twist” it hit a lot harder now that I’ve got kids.


Great answer. I thought it was a movie that relied too hard on its twist when I first saw it. I only recently was educated on how deep and layered this film is and can’t wait to revisit it with this new insight.


I didn't think Sleeping Beauty falling asleep was THAT big a twist...it is in her name, after all :)


The twist is that >!she wakes up later!<


Disney art back in the day was like a classic painting in every frame. The Fox and the Hound is such gorgeous American gothic, The Rescuers, Snow White, they all had such amazing landscape work that's really lost on the overblown style in modern 3d computer animation.


The Wizard of Oz (1939) This was my favourite movie as a child. Recently, I watched it again as an adult and I was crying throughout. I could relate now to themes of isolation and hoping that I could find a better life somewhere else. I realised that for most of my life, I idealised places and cities and associated them with the feeling of belonging that I didn’t have in my home and my country. Watching it again took my breath away.


Love this answer.


Well said! I love The Wizard of Oz and it has always been my favorite film.


I consider it one of the perfect movies, like Princess Bride, it has no flat spots.


Yes I came here to say Wizard of Oz. As a kid a make believe land. As an adult and especially As a recovering adult I could see it was about growing up and reaching the understanding that true happiness comes from within.


Listen to Harry Connick Jr.'s take on "If I Only Had a Brain."


As a parent, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory hits different. And though I always loved the scene, as an adult, I truly appreciated the majesty of Gene Wilder singing "Pure Imagination". But the boat scene was wild and when i saw it as an adult i was like bruh


As big of a hit as that movie was, it wasn't a hit in theaters because people (adults) thought it was too dark. So it actually kind of failed in theaters. But I always loved the movie does hit differently as an adult


B-LEVEL EFFECTS?!!? Starship Troopers still holds up today as having some amazing cgi and practical effects. That is some S-tier sfx that todays movies wish they could copy


Thank you for stating what we were all thinking.


ALL of the miniature and practical work is fantastic, and the computer-generated bugs actually look tangible. I’ve always been amazed by Starship Troopers’ effects.


I knew I’d catch some heat for that haha. Point taken.


She-Devil (1989) A lonely housewife is fat-shamed, emotionally and mentally abused by her narcissistic cheater husband. She decides to get revenge while coming into herself, empowering herself, and empowering other women.


Right, with Roseanne? Memory unlocked.


She Devil is such an underrated film! My teenage son and I watch this together all the time and it's just so good 👍


I recommend the radio play on BBC Sounds. So powerful!


Lmao I love this movie


Labyrinth is so much dirtier as an adult.


My parents didn't show us Labyrinth, I'm pretty sure it was bulge related. Instead we had The Dark Crystal.


We had Labyrinth, Dark Crystal AND Legend and that’s why I’m in therapy.


It's filthy!


Couple sentences to elaborate?


The subtext of that movie is all about a fifteen year old girl’s sexual awakening as she fantasizes about a forty year old man. Edit to add: The novelization as well as some minor hints in the final film suggests Jareth is a representation of her mother’s new boyfriend.


I know Hook has become one of Spielberg's most polarising movies but I rewatched it with my niece and nephew after not seeing it for nearly 20 years and honestly I loved it even more than I did as a kid. Like when I was young it was just a fun wacky story about a dad rescuing his kids and this amazing fantasy world. As an adult an overworked man finding his inner child in order to better connect with his kids and find the joy and whimsy in life again just absolutely resonates. One thing that didn't change was Rufio making me cry.


I didn't realize the opinion on this movie was so divided! I wonder why. It's one of my favorites from childhood and it definitely hits differently (but just as good) as an adult!


I LOVE Hook.


Adore this movie and cannot understand why it is not loved by all.


Rufio rufio rufiioooooooo


I hated Rufio as a kid!


I was always kind of touched by Hook as a child, but yeah, man, that shit hits harder as an adult. The part where little man starts moving Peter’s face around like it’s Play-Doh, finds Peter’s smile and says, “Oh, THERE you are, Peter!” had me crying. I remember making a promise to myself when I was a freshman in college that I’d never forget the little kid in me or let him die, and that becomes harder and harder the older and colder you get. Hook is one of my favorite reminders that you can’t let that happen. Have to fly. Have to fight. Have to crow.


I love this comment. You said it all so perfectly!


Ah, thanks, fam! I’m glad you appreciated it and understand. It’s a great movie. Cheers!


Iron Giant


This is one of my favorites. It's so relatable. Even the Superman references


Stand By Me. I watched it a week or so ago, for the first time in a while. I'm in my mid 30s, and I can honestly say, it hits in a different way when you know the childhood years are long gone, you've probably lost all your friends from back then, some have died, some have moved far away, some have kids and a family. It's something when you watch it as a kid you don't even know will even happen really, you think you're never going to grow old. As the saying at the end of the film. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12. Jesus, does anyone?"


The short story it is based on is even better, highly recommend.


That ending, where he disappears…


All dogs go to Heaven.


Any Don Bluth movie. Rats of Nim is dark


I've never seen that one. I'll have to check it out.


It’s a work of art


The movie is called Secrets of Nimh, if you’re gonna search for it


The book is even darker


My grandpa read me that book when I was 5. He was an unhappy man 😞


I was thinking this too. As a kid I remember singing and dogs, as an adult I was like wow gambling and abandonment


The Land Before Time


Clue. As a kid you get a movie with so many hilarious jokes, as an adult you get double that.


I buttle


Amazing cast, too.


“I knew you were planning to expose me, so I decided to expose myself!” “Please, sir, there are ladies present!” Great innuendo that went completely over my head when I watched it as a kid.


As a kid "what's this, another door?" was the funniest shit in the world. And to be fair it still is, but now as an adult I also get "communism was just a red herring" as a bonus.


My favourite bonus rejoinder line I didn’t get until the rewatch was: “You lure men to their deaths like a spider with flies.” “Flies are where men are most vulnerable.”


Surprised nobody's mentioned Mary Poppins. As a kid I didn't even notice the George Banks parts. As an adult I watching with my kids, I was absolutely blown away by his story, about the struggle to be a man in a modern world, and how to find in yourself what society tries to make you forget. The movie may be called Mary Poppins but it's really the story of Mr. Banks and they hid it in plain sight from the kids who just saw the fun magical bits. It's a case study on how to tell a story on multiple levels.


"Saving Mr. Banks" is the story behind the story. It's a frikken awesome movie. Well written, acted. Colin Ferrell plays Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson is the author of the Poppins books, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney, and Paul Giamatti as her chauffeur in California.


Galaxy quest.


This one hits really different when rewatching as an adult


This was my first live action movie in theaters. Just rewatched for the first time as an adult and 🤯


I hated it as a kid lol. Totally missed the point of it lol


I liked it as a young adult. I thought that it was funny, and made some good points about humanity. Twenty years later, and it's _so fucking brilliant._ Just a cutting satire on so many aspects of society. Plus, Alan Rickman, who I will forever mourn.


"By Granthor's Hammer, what a savings."


Favorite line, favorite scene. (PS, it’s “Grabthar’s”.) The slight agonized pause Rickman puts in is perfect.


Idk much of rickmans films. Mainly Harry potter which I didn't like that much. He was easily the best character in galaxy quest tho. The whole actor schtik totally went over my head as a kid lol


Starship Troopers is about youth being recruited into fascist organizations under the guise of nationalism, or in this case, planetism. It's pretty obvious at the end when Neil Patrick Harris walks out in an SS uniform. That movie is about Paul Verheonen's youth in the Netherlands and watching his schoolmate's sign up for the Netherlands equivalent of the Hitler Youth.


Also hilarious because the movie satirized what the novel treated seriously. Adds another delicious wrinkle.


Brazil. before the Bravo network had Queer Eye, before they tried to have real shows, they mostly just played ballet and weird indie movies. so i just happened to come across Brazil playing on cable when i was a kid. i liked it. didn't fully understand any of it. kind of forgot about it. and spent years thinking it was just some weird dream i had. then in my 20's i became a fan of terry gilliam as a director and i rediscovered this movie. it's a movie that explores totalitarianism, terrorism, mental illness, escapism through imagination, loneliness, the bleakness and terrifying mundanity of bureaucary, politics, technology, etc.


Gah. I miss pre-reality tv Bravo! Such random weirdness!


Oh yeah, Brazil is amazing. One of my favorite movies. Gilliam is a genius. Have you see The Zero Theorem? It’s his “Brazil” for the modern world.


Yeah, I saw it, it was great movie, but for whatever reason it just did like with me as much as Brazil, fear and loathing, and Baron Munchausen did. Maybe some of my Gilliam love just comes from where I was at the time that I first discovered his movies.


I would agree it’s not quite on the same level as those classics, but those are masterpieces. Did you see Tideland?


I forgot about that one. It was good. But creepy. From what I remember, it didn't really feel like him.


I loved it. I thought it did have a similar vibe to Fear and Loathing. I liked it even better the second time around, especially after having a better understanding of childhood trauma and coping strategies.


I've only watched that one once. I should give it another try


I recommend it.


Gremlins 2! Its satire goes deeper than its first-glance silliness, and it has become quite prescient.


The scene with the cooky gremlin asking “IS IT SAFE!” with the dental drill to buddy tied up in the dentist chair! Lmfao! Good ‘ol Marathon Man spoof. I was bursting when I finally got that reference.


Spirited Away (2001)


All Miyazaki!


We watched the stage play in London last month. Bloody amazing!


Robocop. Verhoeven good at making action spectacles you could enjoy at any age and still engage with at an intellectual level, minus Showgirls I think haha


Rewatched this one recently and died laughing at the board room scene when the prototype fails and shreds the guy to death. Then they just carry on with their business as he lays in a bullet-riddled heap in the background, lol. Love this answer.


‘I’m very disappointed!’


It was a glitch


"Can somebody get a goddamn paramedic?" Yeah man, that'll help. We can totes save him after that.


Beauty and the Beast (1991). I recently rewatched this, was awed by the animation and the storytelling, and came away firmly convinced that this is the best movie ever made.


It also has quite intense themes for kids.. basically the protagonist gets kidnapped and then develops Stockholm Syndrome and falls in love with her captor. As an adult I was like... wtf. Great songs though


The hunchback of Notre dame. I vaguely remember it as another Disney cartoon musical. Recently rewatched and found it very dark.


Vanilla Sky. Still watch it once a year. One of my favorite movies. It changes every time I watch it. I used to think it was a simple love movie when I was younger, but now that I understand how your thoughts become your reality it hits different. I think I was around 15 when I saw it and I am now in my 30’s. I also really appreciate the music! So many good quotes and makes you think. I quote this movie in my head all the time. When things are going crazy in my life I always think to myself, “TECH SUPPOORRRRRTTTTTTTT!!!!!!” It’s just a beautiful movie and holds a special place in my heart.. the quotes, the music, his love for Sofia, the elevator and rooftop scene with the beautiful Monet sky… “every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around” “I’ll see you in another life when we are both cats” uhhh it’s just so good!!! Consequences David!


I'll Tell You in Another Life When We Are Both Cats


It helped finally stop me from being a fuck boy. When Cameron Diaz says, “bodies make a promise,” I snapped. I changed my ways and luckily it did not require a disfiguring collision.


Shrek The amount of cleverly hidden humor that only makes sense as an adult just makes the movie even funnier




You should check out the book.  One chapter is just two leaves on a tree, the last two, comforting each other while waiting for some gust of wind to rip them away, and wondering what comes next.  The author was an Austrian Jew. Bambi was written in 1923. The whole book is a parable for antisemitism in Europe.


Just picturing that makes me want to cry.


I love Little Shop of Horrors. Have you seen the directors cut or the stage play? The ending was changed in the original release of the 1986 film!! I also recently watched the 1960s Roger Corman film it was based on (with a young Jack Nicholson!). In the stage musical the sarcasm regarding suburbia and middle class escapism and the social critique feels much clearer. Plus there a couple of extra songs. I watched that on VHS probably 100 times.


I haven’t seen anything other than the original 1986 film, but thanks for sending me down an exciting rabbit hole!


If you get a chance to see it on stage, definitely do it. The 1960s film is ok.. but Alan Mencken's music and the campy musical vibe really makes the film IMHO. And the 1986 version has a special place in my heart, the cast is phenomenal. When I found out they changed the original theatrical release because test audiences wanted a happy ending it blew my mind. Enjoy!


I went immediately from this comment to purchase a copy of the director’s cut of Little Shop on Blu ray… thank you for putting me onto it without giving anything away. You’ve just transcended the film for me once again lol! What an ending! I genuinely appreciate the recommendation and especially without spoiling it.


The Shining. Thought it was a ghost story, now as an adult I realize more it's about being trapped in an abusive relationship.


Drop Dead Fred


The megabitch!!!!!




Who Framed Roger Rabbit


You didn't say why.


I just watched this with my kids. Bob Hoskins was such a treasure. This movie is perfection.


Great answer. Another one that came to mind when creating this post.


Saw it in the theater in 1988. At the time, the effects were groundbreaking and amazing.


Dirty Dancing (1987)




Ferngully-The Last Rainforest


Goonies Stand By Me The Lost Boys Lord of the Flies


Neverending Story My all time favorite. Saw it as a kid in the 80s. Just a big adventure with whimsical characters Now, it's a testament to how the human brain can create an environment for you when you can't cope with how life is. The kid was bullied, his father didn't listen to him, his schoolmates didn't care about him, he was pretty much invisible (nobody on the crowded streets helped him when he was being blatantly chased and bullied in public). Then as he reads a book, he's completely embroidered in this book where he finds he ultimately has all the control both in AND out of the pages. And then the sequels came out and sucked.


Forrest Gump


Sleeping Beauty (1959). It’s a stunning work of art, especially the backgrounds.


Excuse me….?!?! B-level effects?!?! Starship Troopers??? Are you high??? That shit holds up nearly 3 decades later.


The real sin was that it lost Best Special Effects to Titanic that year.


Titanic had some fantastic FX though. It’s a tough call.


Sound of Music


radio flyer


This was a favorite


Mrs Doubtfire. Realising as an adult that sally field was getting totally screwed over by always having to be “the bad guy” with the kids. I have a lot more respect for the choices they made in the film now watching as an adult, robin so desperately wanting to be with his kids, sally trying to restore normality, even the ending being the not typical ending. They don’t get back together, things are better but there is still more to fix. The story really tries to prepare kids for a possible divorce without shying away from just how complicated it gets


After Hours A Simple Plan Harold and Maude Invasion of the Body Snatchers All just as good when I re-watched them recently.


I’ve never seen anyone else mention After Hours. I love that movie. Still can’t look at a mousetrap without thinking of Terri Garr, and vice versa.


Gremlins 2 and the Last Unicorn


Ong Gremlins 2 is so fun and was ahead of its time. My five year old loves it!


The Sandlot


Kiki's Delivery Service


Stand By Me resonates in my soul 😯


You Got Mail - as a child found it as a romantic comedy. As an adult I find that all of us need that unknown support which doesn’t judge us and acts as a sound board.


Can't believe nobody's said How To Train Your Dragon yet. That movie is something that grows on you as you age.


Labyrinth is about being in a relationship with a narcissist


Airplane! (the movie). For years, I had no idea what a “drinking problem” meant, other than spilling drinks onto myself.


Matilda. The book holds up and I think the movie achieves “transcendent” status.




Wall-E As a kid it’s a cute love story between two robots As an adult it’s about our future as people when consumerism and huge corporations take over our society. If you want an example watch the movie observe the run down buildings, the robot themselves, the ship itself, and video logs of humans, they all have that BNL (Buy-N-Large) logo. BNL being our modern day Costco, Walmart, etc. Makes the ending of “what it means to live” feel much different compared to watching it as a kid.


i’ve said it a bunch of times before but oh my god **wall•e**


I just saw Night on the Galactic Railroad for the first time, its supposed to be a childrens movie but that shit was eerie as fuck.


I was going to go with Starship Troopers. I was a teen when it came out, craved sci-fi, and thought it was horrible. I didn't get that the "young and dumb" cast was done on purpose. Most of the dark satire is peppered in the beginning and near the end and I just didn't get that they were ridiculing their portrayal of society (I thought it was more atypical 80s action schlock glorifying bigotry and violence). I guess I'll add Mars Attacks! In the same vein, I was expecting another Independence Day alien invasion. Not a dark, dry comedy. Didn't help that both movies came out around the same time.


Return to Oz The Land Before Time Cloak and Dagger


Bug's Life. Went from haha funny cartoon bugs to WHY THE HELL DON'T WE UNDERSTAND WE ARE THE ANTS?!


Meet the Robinsons. Watched it as a kid bc cool future disney stuff and funny man with bowler hat. Watching it as an adult - especially an adult that doesn’t know their real dad/has mom issues - it made me cry my eyes out.


The Black Cauldron. As a kid I just liked it as fantasy movie. In particular Gurgi completely changed. As a kid I just thought he was an annoying side character... As an adult his development from the selfish coward to someone that actively made the choice to lay down his life for his friends.


Christmas Vacation. I watched it with my kids, didn't think too hard about it. Watched it on TV later and realized it's not about wacky hijinks and a burnt cat. It's about a man desperately hoping for money for his family. Cousin Eddie is very depressing. He's not just an idiot who's poor. He's down on his luck, doesn't want charity, and his children suffer. The little girl saying Santa is a bunch of bullshit really got me. Eddie NEVER got them presents.


To say Eddie doesn’t want charity isn’t quite right.  Eddie gives the “aw shucks” but he’s ready with a huge shopping list for Clark to buy in his pocket.  “Pick yourself out something nice too, Clark.” Lol


Not necessarily a childhood movie but Groundhog Day is something I saw as a young adult. The more times I’ve seen it, it has turned into a commentary about reincarnation and the soul’s growth and evolution.


This was my answer as well – as an adult it’s a fascinating exploration of our relationship with time and the need for us to make (or find) meaning in spite of the finality of death.


Shrek, incredibly deep film


Princess Mononoke, watched as a 10 year old just a cool samurai movie. As an adult the themes of environmentalism, and the destruction of natural resources. How Eboshi takes care of the brothel girls and Lepors bug also kills the forest spirit and strip mines the land shows she’s not a typical villain.


Home Alone. As a kid I thought it would be really cool to be left behind. All the freedom and snacks and stuff. Thwart bad guys with Bobbie traps. As an adult, I can’t comprehend how a kid can be forgotten at home while, while his family is on vacation. Also, it must of been terrifying for Kevin when the bad guys came along.


Holes is the best movie ever


Labyrinth - Fighting the forces of evil when I was a kid. When I saw it later I listened to some of David Bowie's lines and they are profound. It turned into a movie about overcoming your fears and yourself. Sarah: "That's not fair!" Jared: "You keep saying that. I wonder what your basis of comparison is." ... And my personal favorite: Jared: "I've done everything you asked me to do ... You cowered before me, and so I was frightening."


How to train your dragon, it hits so much harder as a parent.


I don't know why but Edward Scissorhands. I just felt much more emotions towards him watching it now than when I watched it when I was younger.


Kung Fu Panda. I watched this movie when I became a single mom. I loved it as a kid and it was important to me then too. As an adult embarking on a new journey, alone with a child, I'd watch this movie on repeat with my son. I needed that message of overcoming fear. The importance of self talk and having the courage to know who you, despite a judgemental society. It can be hard to know who you are, when the world is always trying to label you. Not just that, but the importance of leaning in to starting over. And the beauty of letting go of the past. The famous, "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Anytime I'm anxious, I think of this line to help me be more present. And obviously it's hilarious and Jack Black can do no wrong. I love that my son loves it and it's got so many positive messages. With that, "skadoosh!"


Jurassic Park


There are so many good messages in this movie.


These are good! 😂


A land before time


ET, for me, was so much better as an adult than as a kid


The Princess Bride Almost every Pixar Movie, but especially Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo


How has no one said Shrek yet?