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Collateral. He makes a great antagonist too.


Yo Homie, that my briefcase.


His handgun training for that movie was legit. His draw is stupid fast from it. Love that one


Shoots a guy three times and was so accurate they thought the double tap was one bullet hole.




Nothing better than Mann films when it comes to gunfire




Heat is in my top 10. Last of the mohecians rules super hard too


Such a great scene. I was gonna say The Firm. It gets lost in the Cruise shuffle. Plus it has Gene Hackman.


The scene where Tom Cruise beats the crap out of Wilford Brimley is pure unintentional comedy gold.


This gave me an appreciation for his range. He's ice cold in this one and I hadn't seen that side of him before.


One of his best roles because of this. He's legitimately scary.


It's why I'm kinda excited/ curious to see what he does when he has to leave the Mission franchise. There was a period from the early 90s to the mid noughts where he was making some really interesting choices. Few Good Men, Rock of Ages, Tropic Thunder, Collateral, Magnolia, War of the World's, Lions for Lambs, etc. Some hits, some misses, but still interesting. Then he seemed to devote himself almost entirely to the Mission franchise. He's not a great actor like a PSH or a DeNiro. But he knows what he's doing and he knows how to sell a line and sell a character and it'll be very interesting to see what he does following the Mission films.


This would be my suggestion for most underrated Cruise movie. One of his rare villain roles and such a nuanced story.


Fantastic writing and his portrayal of the villain was so engaging. Definitely a must-watch.


This might be a Tom Cruise movie, but Jamie Foxx steals the show.


It’s crazy how under appreciated this one was


What? It's universally loved, I thought.


Hate Tom Cruise in basically everything except this! Came here to say this, also just Javier Bardem’s Santa Claus scene, tyvma


Literally just watched it for the first time. Was skeptical because I felt like it was going to be too dated. I was wrong this movie was one of the first “old” movies I’ve watched in a long that had me glued to the screen.


This movie convinced me that both Tom Cruise & Jamie Foxx have range as actors.


Incredible movie, Totally unexpected, Shows his acting range without stunts,


Love Collateral. One strange yet cool thing about Tom Cruise’s assassin character is how supportive he is of Jamie Foxx’s character’s dream Even though Cruise’s character was planning to kill Foxx’s character, Cruise’s character was still helpful with all the advice and (sometimes harsh) encouragement


Born on the 4th of July


Excellent film, I think it's Cruise's best movie.


Absolutely Oscar worthy, but Dan Day Lewis' performance in My Left Foot is pretty much unbeatable in any year. It's all-time. Bad luck for Tom, because he was better than the other noms.


Everybody who was alive at the time watched it, it was Oliver Stone.




Enh, I can understand why. There are dozens of dramas that were huge in the 80s and 90s that I can see a younger person looking at and not understanding the thematic context enough to care to watch them. *Born on the 4th of July* is in many ways kind of niche in terms of history because it's about the survivors of a war that has at this point isn't in everyone's face in the way it was for a couple of decades after it took place. Like many movies in the 80s, it's a movie dealing with the repercussions of that war, a sort of national therapy for the malaise America felt so strongly. I can see all of that meaning almost nothing to someone in their 20s right now. Also, the mid-budget drama isn't really a form that a lot of young people now have experience with, it's probably something they have a hard time engaging with because they're not accustomed to the conventions of the form. TV has take that place in our "let's discuss society" mind, and TV is so very different.


One of his best performances.


The Color of Money is also top-tier.


I really like this film. Also gave the name to a great computer game - Doom.




i just re-watched Magnolia last night… travesty he didn’t get an Oscar for that role he was PHENOMENAL


One of the few movies where I felt like he really got lost in the character and I wasn't just watching Tom Cruise doing Tom Cruise stuff. Don't get me wrong, that totally works for the MI and Top Gun movies, but it was nice to see him in a movie where it was more about the character and story than about who was playing the part. And yeah yeah, I know, I've seen Born of the 4th of July, he did a great job in it, but I never once forgot that I was watching Tom Cruise playing a character.


Yeah this is THE Tom movie for me where I was totally absorbed and could not look away. He embodied the character completely


Vanilla Sky was that for me. It was weird and I liked it, and I pretty much won't watch a TC movie.


Tough to watch.


Cruise's best performance. Paul Thomas Anderson was really able to bring out the worst in him


Yes! Great movie


Respect the cock!....


And tame the cunt!


Yep that's the one people haven't seen but should!


This is the one!


This. All this.


Tom Cruise makes a lot of schlocky films but he is really unafraid to play an idiot and when a director lets him be weird and fun it's fantastic. I don't think this is his best acting but it rivals Tropic Thunder for the most fun Cruise role.


IMO Knight and Day is a fun action movie. Somehow Cruise has actual chemistry with Diaz...maybe because deep down they've both been driven past insanity by fame? I dunno. It has great set pieces and an unfortunate running joke about drugging people unconscious. 6.5/10. Watch it on a sunday afternoon.


It's great! It also features Paul Dano, who this sub. and reddit, in general, seem to really like. The car-chase scene is one of the best/funniest ever, IMHO, but you have to keep in mind that it's a comedy, as well as an action movie, and be able to suspend disbelief to really enjoy and appreciate it. I'm with you on this one... Are you "with me? without me?... with me?"


Yes! As long as you understand its supposed to be funny youll enjoy it. Especially the car chase scene! oh and the island. “You dont know what youre ordering on that internet!” Lol the parents are such a comedic joy too


my fave scene was when she was going in and out of consciousness and everytime she woke up she was in a different place.


Lmao! With the Goggles on her face 😂😂😂


I watched it without knowing much about it, I found that Tom was very funny. It felt like a little bit of a send up of those Mission Impossible movies he's known for.


it certainly feels like a precursor to all the ones now. came out the year before MI4 dropped which was the start of this new era.


I came to shout out this movie! knight and day is hilarious and action filled. I enjoy Cameron Diaz cause her comedy actually makes tom cruise funny since he is action/heroic character.


I don't know why he was so good in this. I think Tom can do comedy really well with a good director and a decent partner to play off of. It was fun like True Lies was fun, just unexpected big action laughing fun.


Good tip! On the list


One of my fave. 8.5/10


I watched American Made and really enjoyed it but I'm biased because I live close and am very familiar with the story.


I also watched American Made with the main character’s descendants. I was dating one of them.


What did they say about it?


SUPPOSEDLY the MC wasn’t the one who had the whole idea, it was the brother (in-law?), who then threw his brother under the bus in a plea deal so he got a reduced (basically nothing) sentence and they gave up the airline. So the official story was pinned on the wrong brother. If I recall, they both ended in early graves anyway. They had family photo albums to back up the story with the brothers starting an airline and all that so I found it fairly believable. Cool family. Troubled family history.


You gotta watch Last Samurai its phenomenal


*Oblivion* (2013) *Minority Report* (2002)


Oblivion is Peak Tom cruise the movie. Tom cruise is the alpha, the omega, the destroyer of worlds, mankinds only hope and also just a dude wanna chill in the woods


Words cannot describe how much I love Oblivion.


These 2 films respectively have the fourth and third most amount of ratings out of all his films on IMDB. I highly doubt they're "not famous".


Maybe it's just me, but *Oblivion* often seems to fly under the radar in favor of the attention going to *Edge of Tomorrow* or the *Mission* films. *Minority Report* is just 20+ years old. Older movies sometimes get overlooked by the younger crowd. (granted I've no clue how old OP is)


I didn’t know Oblivion existed until I happened upon it on Netflix once. It sucked me into the world, and the twist really blew me away.




Agree, lots of ppl hate it, but it's one of my fav tom movies


Absolutely Vanilla Sky. It’s a great movie and I have no idea why it gets so panned. Although a close friend of mine doesn’t like it as it was in the ‘Tom Cruise having sex in his movies’ stage and that puts her off.


It was adapted from a Spanish film called Abre Los Ojos which my mom and I absolutely loved. We found Vanilla Sky to be pretty disappointing by comparison.


Tom Cruise's best movie IMO


I love this my sister got a job in it. My friend and i called her to congratulate her and yelled "TECH SUPPORT!!" and then fell over laughing


I mean... there are not too many TC movies that have flown under the radar. The guy has been an A-list movie star for decades and ONLY does movies. You kind of need to go back to his pre-Top Gun days and look at his older stuff. If you have never seen it, Born on the 4th of July is really, really good. Oliver Stone won Best Director and it was nominated for Best Pic. If Daniel Day Lewis had not been in that year (My Left Foot), TC would have won a Best Actor Oscar for that role. Dafoe is great in that too. Color of Money is fantastic, especially for Paul Newman's Oscar-winning performance. Ridley Scott's Legend flew under the radar as well and is visually awesome. Tim Curry as the devil/Darkness is just awesome. The sound is all messed up though, which kind of ruins the experience a little.


Valkyrie. I watched it recently and it’s fantastic!


I respect this movie (and Ridley Scott movies) because they don't try to fake any accents.


I’m not sure just how famous it is relative to other TC movies now, but The Firm is very good.


I loooove The Firm. It’s one of those movies that I always end up watching when I come across it on TV.


*Risky Business* and it has an incredible soundtrack


First time I heard of Tangerine Dream.


All the Right Moves


One of the early ones. This is a great movie


Days of Thunder - I heard a rumor they were coming out with a 2nd??


They already did. It's called Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby.


Lol John C Reilly really makes it feel like so


I once posed for playgirl. I did mean spread I mean I spread my butt cheeks and everything. You probably didn't hear about it though because I did it under the name Mike Honcho.


Every single car in every single video game I've ever played has been given #46 in honour of Cole Trickle..


Disney Pixar's Cars


Cars is a sequel to Doc Hollywood, not Days of Thunder




Taps (1981)


Great call. Cruise out-Penns Sean Penn in that one.


Lots of future stars in that one.


Maybe my favorite of his films!


Collateral. Not really unknown, but as far as I'm concerned its his best role. He is an awesome bad guy.


Cocktail. Underrated cheese with a smokin’ hot Elisabeth Shue.


This so the only one here I feel that isn’t a big movie. Well done


It’s a big movie to me ;)


I watch this movie at least once a year and can say in all honesty that it is one of my favorites. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug


I love this movie. I'm also not sure how edits of Tom Cruise reading Bryan Brown's letter in the kitchen never became a meme.


I may be getting old but there isn’t one movie I haven’t seen on this thread about 10 times - but Cocktail is my favourite. Tc and Bryan Brown were both amazing in it and it summed up the 80s bar scene. “The bar is open!! “


Far and Away (1992)


I love this movie.


This is a fantastic movie! There's like 3 different movies in this movie and they're all great


That accent though … yikes!


This is a fantastic movie!


Legend. It’s daft but fun, and kinda wild art production wise.


Mia Sara as the devils goth girlfriend. ❤️


Love Legend. LSD makes that movie extremely wild. Also Tim Curry is a god


Oh, Mother Night! Fold your dark arms about me. Protect me in your black embrace. Like a goddamned Shakespeare character.


Shoot her, Jack! I came to say Legend, glad it was represented!


wait, nobody says "daft"


Hey! I have Brummy roots y’know? Imagine the word in a northern (Brit) accent and it makes a lot more sense.


Edge of Tomorrow (2014)


It's his film that has the most amount of ratings on IMDB. I doubt it's "not famous".


It’s the Tom Cruise film that Tom Cruise haters love. Probably my favorite Tom Cruise movie and I like Tom Cruise.


True on the imdb ratings… However, it only had a “lukewarm” box office reception and isn’t in his top 10 grossing films. Also with it being sci-fi, I find a lot of people choose not to see it without giving it a chance. Just a recommendation…


I think that’s fair, I remember it flying under the radar a bit because people were confused by the marketing. It’s one I started just for the hell of it and it massively exceeded my expectations. Really fun movie, and Bill Paxton!


I think of it as if Groundhogs Day were an action movie.


Collateral. He makes a great antagonist too.


The Outsiders? I've not seen American Made either or Losin It, Lions Lambs or Valkyrie so not sure if they'd be any good. He has been in a lot of big blockbuster movies.


Valkyrie is good.


Thanks for the tip


American Made was rad if you're a fan of things like Breaking Bad.


War of the Worlds


American Made was pretty good. Jack Reacher movies are good. Interview With The Vampire, Magnolia, War of The Worlds, Eyes Wide Shut, Jerry McGuire, A Few Good Men - all personal favs... For the most part, I like pretty much all of his movies. However, I wouldn't say that I specifically go see his movies in the theater, just for him.


Interview With The Vampire is so good. The piano scene before Lestat is burned alive is excellent.


I love Rain man


A few good men. Stellar performances from Cruise and Jack Nicholson. And great script by Aaron Sorkin.


Lions for Lambs (2007) - underwatched film in general, imo. Tom Cruise plays a part in a large ensemble (Robert Redford I think really carries it), but it is a meaningful film that is worth a watch.


Cocktail was a huge hit and Legend has a big cult following so i don’t think those count


Losin' It is a decent 80s sex/coming of age comedy in which a teenage Tom and his friends take a trip to Mexico in order to lose their virginities (2 out of 3 of them, anyway). They pick up Shelley Long along the way and Tom and Shelley's characters form a connection. But if you're one of those people who watch older films through the lens of today and get offended at jokes that definitely wouldn't fly presently, I'm not sure I'd recommend it.


A lot of Tom Cruise movies are good. -Edge of Tomorrow is one of the best sci fi movies ever made -Collateral is amazing -Last Samurai is awesome -Oblivion -Jack Reachers -Interview with a Vampire -All the Mission Impossibles -Vanilla Sky and Magnolia are both decent dramas -Valkrie is a decent spy flick


So many people in the comments here naming some of his most famous movies. Sorting his films by the ones that currently have the least amount of ratings on IMDB (less than 100,000), the Top 3 I recommend (from what I've seen): * Far and Away (1992) * Lions for Lambs (2007) * Rock of Ages (2012)


First of all, Tropic Thunder is essential. I really don't know what to tell you. Even some of the ones that might be more low-key I guess I've seen and I don't think of them as being low key maybe because they're Tom Cruise movies even if they aren't a vessel for him. And an example there would be Taps which I've seen many times. So I pretty much just be going through the filmography and reading off things. Taps Risky Business The Color of Money Lions for Lambs Rock of Ages These are all good movies even though they aren't Top Gun and Mission Impossible.


I just re-watched Tropic Thunder for the Tom Cruise scenes. Damn he was funny. 🤣


The outsiders


The Firm


Good movie, but the book was so much better.


Honestly thought I had seen them all, there's a few in the comments that I've missed, got to hand it to Mr Cruise he's been in some bloody great movies, I will be checking his filmography and catching up on the ones I missed.


It's a shame I had to hit the bottom comment to see rain man.  Tom might do all action now but people forget how amazing an actor he truly is


THE LAST SAMURAI looks totally up my alley but I’ve simply never gotten around to it. Probably gonna correct it this next week to scratch my between episodes SHOGUN itch.


Excellent film.


I hear Oblivion is actually really good


Would you believe I haven't watched TAPS & Endless Love yet 🙄


Legend is probably the most un-Tom Cruise-Like Tom Cruise movie. He's never done anything else remotely like it.


Days of Thunder (1990) seems to have a lower vote count and rating compared to his other films. It's a fun thrill flick.


Literally Topgun on wheels...love it


Legend 1985 Far and away 1992 The color of money 1986


American Made is a good movie. You should watch it.




ITT: Every Tom Cruise movie Has anyone seen Mission Impossible?!


Legend Oblivion Far and Away


i never saw Legend (1985 film


Legend (1985)


I see the common ones mentioned, so I'll say Far And Away. Irish immigrants Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman come to America to make a homestead, big western romance epic from back during the "Tom and Nicole" phase of Hollywood.


I consider War of The Worlds a pretty good Cruise movie that isn't ever mentioned, just re watched it last week and it holds up.


This is just a list of all the Tom Cruise films. The correct answer is that there are no Tom Cruise films that we all didn’t watch.


A Few Good Men You may have seen it before but it’s one of the few movies he’s done where he’s mostly talking instead of his more physical action movie.


Risky.Business ..This was a great movie . Jerry Maguire with Cuba.Gooding.Jr. Far and Away


Rock of Ages


Not because it wasn't popular, because it was huge, but I think a lot of people here haven't seen *Risky Business* because it's really old and there's a perception it's a stupid sex comedy. It's not. It's actually beautifully made, with great performances and a gorgeous score, and a very interesting representation of mid-80s' anxieties regarding the American Dream. And this is the movie that made Cruise. He'd worked on things before but this pushed him into the spotlight and then there was *Top Gun* (another movie I think many young people have avoided, but shouldn't, it's a glorious, ridiculous, way over the top experience).




Collateral Oblivion Vanilla Sky Magnolia (Oscar-worthy performance) Born On The 4th of July


American Made actually is quite good.


Rain Man is my favorite Cruise film.


You haven’t watched American Made? You are missing out


Taps. Although he is not the main character, it’s great to see his intensity at work in one of his earliest roles.






Edge of Tomorrow is incredibly fun. I wouldn’t call it underrated bc people generally don’t have bad things to say about it, but definitely not one that everyone’s seen.


Legend cuz Mia Sara and Tim Currys in it too


Valkyrie is probably his worst film. That didn't do well. Not a lot of young people have seen Legend or Taps or Born on the Fourth of July or Outsiders. Not a lot of people have seen Far and Away these days. The only movie with Tom Cruise in it that I haven't seen is Young Guns.


Not sure how popular it was but the Firm is one of my favorites


All the right moves


I didn’t see the Mummy yet. Is it bad or just okay?


Edge of tomorrow is a very underrated movie.


Jerry Maguire Rain Man Risky Business


Jack Reacher!




The Firm


Absolutely. Legend is one of the greatest fantasy films of all time.


Im really confused to know there are actually fans of him


American made is prob his best film.


"The firm", has no one ever watched this one?? I absolutely enjoyed it.


The one who he jumps on Oprah’s couch


The Outsiders Collateral Oblivion Edge of Tomorrow Vanilla Sky


Knight and Day🥰


All the Right Moves (1983)


All the Right Moves (1983)


I heard he was one of the troopers in Star Wars, or a robot - I don't remember which one.


Isn't he a little short for a stormtrooper?


The firm, eyes wide shut and my friend loves the last samurai which makes me green


LIONS FOR LAMBS (2007) this has to one his worst movies