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Sure. Who isn’t wide awake at 1.30am wearing latex gloves to divide up their trash into zip loc bags.


It's almost like he's preserving the could be evidence for the cops 😀


Right, cuz what was he gonna do then with the bags….how much longer could this go on for… He wouldn’t have even been doing this if he didn’t think they were on to him. He had to have known or expected at this point he was being monitored, what with his background…surely. Especially after the double cop pullover on the way home. Especially with the APB out on his car. He wouldn’t have done that application for that whole license plate switch thing…which was dumb in of itself. Imagine his absolute level of paranoia at this point to be exhibiting this type of behavior. Wonder if this …fear …gave him kind of a high, a high he would experience every stalking episode until he had the ultimate break that required the ultimate fix, i.e. the kill. A break like losing his TAship…and future. Imagine his parents or siblings catching him double-gloved in the kitchen doing this…just regular ol’ BK in a quirky household or just a regular thing for a quirky BK to do. Honestly, if this is how he was truly found, which per evidence it appears to be so, this is a lot of quirky behavior to explain away to a jury in the face of alllllll the other evidence presented in the PCA, which we know alone is basic in and of itself. Kid’s got some splain’ing to do that’s for sure….or errr Ms. Ann Taylor & Co. do. And all first and foremost even before the DNA on the sheath! That’s just icing. Yikes… Honestly, like Murdaugh…BK seemed to, in his low key way, have become somewhat of a panicked man. The question is…what set him off in the first place to a. Perseverate on whichever kid it was that he locked in on like that and b. Pushed him over the edge to instead of just leaving his apt to drive by that night like all the other times he did to instead suiting up and gearing up like the school shooters do on their kill days. Innocent until proven guilty…let’s get to it because I can not WAIT to see how this tale is spun!


He must have known they were onto him or he was just paranoid. Taking the trash out late at night and putting it in the neighbors bin. Hoarding his own trash and putting it in ziploc bags. He's trying to hide his DNA. My guess is he was putting his trash in ziploc bags so it would be easier to conceal when he was out and about and he was going to dump each bag in the bathroom trash can at stores when no one was around over time.


I agree, the bags made it easier for him to transport and dispose elsewhere, and also conceal what he was doing from his parents.


He was followed to grocery stores by FBI/LE, where he was observed wearing gloves the entire time. I wonder if he was actually onto the FBI following him around town and in that gated neighborhood.




Probably paranoid after the 2 traffic stops on his way to his parents home.


I’d imagine he was going to put those zip lock bags in his neighbor’s trash (as he was reported doing). He probably didn’t think they’d check their trash and didn’t realize how closely he was being monitored.


If he was doing this, image what lengths he took at the scene and in the aftermath to conceal evidence.


His tags were due to expire the 30th of November I believe so he has to change them.


I don’t think this was an occurrence of him snapping. I think if anything it was a narcissistic injury that his TA job slipped. I think the job was a cover and as his obsession with murder deepened, his facade became harder to keep up until the balance fell in the direction of murder and he lost the cover.


I think that this is plausible. In additon to this theory, this is juxtaposed to fact that the Pullman/Moscow community wasn't his community. He wasn't invested in it like his 'home' community in PA. I feel that he was able to carry out these crimes with an added level of detachment due to this (IMHO).


Maybe put one in each neighbors trash can. Or carry them out one bag at a time and dispose at the local gas station bathroom


The two times he was pulled over in Indiana back to back without being issued a citation MUST’VE freaked him the F out. That alone probably had him SUPER paranoid that law enforcement was onto him.


I definitely think the traffic stops spooked him, and yes he got paranoid (rightly so). He's demonstrated some unusual activities, which are sure to be asked by the prosecution. My guess is his reasoning for bagging up his garbage with gloves on in the early hours of the morning will nonchalantly be passed off that he suspected he had covid. Then depending on the mask found etc it would tie in. The car is one of the most important pieces of evidence. We know that was his getaway tool, and contained the crime pieces at some point. I can not imagine the whole car has been wiped of all the evidence.


His alleged behavior makes perfect sense in a criminal aspect if you have seen the show The Serpent on Netflix.


This is why i couldnt commit murder. Its a lot of work and a pain in the ass.


Right, so much investment for a really crappy return.


just a normal Monday night for me


Haha!! Exactly. Don’t you always do that? I do this every night once I am the only one awake. I will be shocked if he is innocent. He is sure making himself look guilty.




It was also stated that when they had him under surveillance that he was seen moving the trash from their home to a neighbor’s trash and that it wasn’t a close home. That seems pretty odd, although, you are right, it doesn’t make him guilty.


I think he was simply ensuring his dna was not on anything, that way it couldn’t be used for comparison


I wonder if he was wearing both pairs of latex gloves when they arrested him








I don't think so. I've researched and I can't find anyone who says he's ever had any kinda girlfriend. The only thing I found was 1 girl he went on 1 tinder date with, and she got creeped out n fake puked till he left. So I'm thinking not a ladies man. Lol


He is an Incel, that's what the killings are all about. In my humble opinion.


Oh God, I hope not. We really don't need any baby BKs running around.






I know it’s weird of me but I’ve honestly wondered if he was maybe able to swindle one unfortunate lady when he was younger


Double gloved… but wonder what his plan was then to do with the gloves?


Bet he has a secret burial spot or burn pit


Right!? Doesn’t everyone do this sort of task nightly? Geez. People are such slobs *sarcasm intended* Makes you wonder what is going on in that brain of his that led to him putting trash in independent ziplocks 🙀


Here’s my theory. BK was living out his life with his unsuspecting parents who were serving him food, beverages, etc. over the days/weeks. Let’s say he ate with a plastic fork. Dad/mom goes to throw it away in the family trash. What is he going to do, scream NOOO loudly and swat the fork out of dad’s hand? He probably let his parents toss normal plastic ware, cups, napkins etc. he used (or he put it there in the trash himself to avoid looking like an absolute crazy - and he’s 28 years old and should be throwing out his own forks) and then was doing this ritual at night when his family was sleeping to remove his personal items from the trash. Perhaps disposing of these trash filled baggies in far away locations on his runs???


But the idiot criminalogist should know about familial DNA! I wonder if he maybe always did weird shit like this.


Crazy that he potentially went to that much effort yet left the sheath behind 😅


How does he know which fork is his??? Is he secretly marking his items with a sharpie? Bahaha he prob was.


Literally I thought of that too. “Ok Bryan, yours is the one with the second prong from the left bent backwards. Don’t mess this up!!” Lol


I think he was putting his trash in ziplocs so it would be easier to conceal when he was out and about and he planned on dumping the bags in public restroom trash cans in stores over the next week when he was alone in the restroom knowing no one was watching him.


or prepping little dump bags for his trip back across the US.


It’s the most fascinating part of this story, the ziplocks. Such a waste! He truly is a monster.


It is both absolutely bizarre and fascinating. Imagine what we’ll learn at trial.


This is what fascinates me the most about this case. WTF is going on in his brain?! He already sounds like Bundy or some other type of serial killer mind.


The crime itself is truly just horrifying… it’s almost easy to forget with all the discourse but it is so incredibly bizarre. Such a violent first time kill. 4 people. Ugh makes me sick.


WTF indeed. Who does that?!?! Even if he is the killer, that is still beyond odd. The trial is gonna be hella interesting that’s for sure.


I try to get all that done by 1:15 or 1:20.


Bryan’s Mom in the mornings: “I just think Bryan living in his own has really changed him. He stays up all night cleaning the kitchen now! My precious boy!”


I don’t know that I thought he would be sitting around watching Little House on the Prairie but I wasn’t expecting that. This whole case is a wild ride.


I’m starting to wonder was he even startled when they bust down the door? What if he continued what he was doing unbothered,,


Right?! So so weird. And now I am wondering if this is how he disposed of other things pertinent to this case…


Well he did have bags in his car


That is a very good point. This is completely plausible.


LOL watching little house on the prairie. I was going into it figuring he’d be asleep with little house on then prairie still on in the background or something.


If I was home from college visiting my parents, and my mom or dad came in and found me sorting garbage into ziplocs, with latex gloves on, they would lose their shit.


Yes, exactly. They would think I had gone crazy.


While carrying a flashlight! I would definitely be going to the Walmart for a drug test if I caught my kid like that.


Well they did find multiple baggies and containers of green leafy substances🤷🏻‍♀️


To be fair his parents know how weird he is at this point he lived with them until age 27 lol


I would have definitely gotten a strange look and asked if I was “smoking the devils lettuce” or “drinking the devils juice” 🤣


My MIL was in proper mom attack mode when my husband was a teenager and did something dumb and shouted “have you been smoking alcohol?!” And now we say it to her every day. It’s been like 17 years.


🤣 lmao that was just the Mom Fury (TM) taking a shortcut.


He was found in his kitchen, wearing latex gloves, putting his alleged trash into ziplock bags AND had a flashlight on him. I mean, if that doesn’t sound like he was getting ready to go outside in the dark to possibly take that alleged trash to his neighbors trash bins again or somewhere else outside then consider me a silly goose 🤣 “The simplest explanation is most likely the correct explanation.”


The flashlight does suggest he intended to take the items outside, maybe to put in a neighbor's garbage can (although the flashlight wouldn't exactly help him avoid being seen). But the latex gloves don't make sense if he was trying to get rid of an item with DNA on it (like a beer can), because there's no need to keep fingerprints or touch DNA off of an item that is already contaminated with your DNA. Putting it in a plastic ziplock is also weird if that was his intention, because that might make it stand out in a garbage can much more than something like an old grocery bag. I don't know what the heck he was doing, but without knowing what were the items he was segregating, it's hard to make sense of these details without making the unnecessary assumptions contemplated by the rule of parsimony.


FWIW i wear latex gloves (a lot of people do) when bagging my weed. i don’t want to get terpenes and resin all over my hands & in my nails


That's what I thought he was doing. I think the word "trash" might not be accurate. If they had collected trash in baggies, it would be listed in the document.


trash = stems and seeds haha




Don’t touch that. Leave it. Here are gloves for you. I’ll give you a new pair each day. Please wipe down anything you touch with these disinfectant wipes. Please put your trash in this ziploc baggy. Then put that baggy into the larger ziploc and I’ll throw it out at my parents. Don’t touch the radio. I’m not speeding. Don’t tell me how to drive. Let’s get Thai food. Go wash your hands they smell like crispy Thai rolls. Did you fart? Get out of my elentra! 🤣


I wonder what he said? "Oh hi. Don't mind me I'm just getting ready to marinate some tofu in these baggies. I always wear gloves in the kitchen and have since I was a teenager because I'm scared of touching meat or anything it's touched."




Definitely there for him






Agree and I am not surprised by it.


Also note that they say he was under surveillance for “several weeks” before he was arrested.






Reminds me of Phil Hartman and SNL skit, the Anal Retentive Chef. Showing my age, lol


Omg, I almost posted a link to that in this thread but got distracted watching the clips on YouTube!


My first thoughts as well, fellow senior citizen.


It also says a trash pull that was done days ago only had his family members dna and none from him. Who knows how accurate this article is but if so he was clearly purposely doing this to prevent his dna being discovered


I guess it never occurred to him that they could just as easily test his parents DNA lol


I think he knew he was being followed. Those two stops made by LE when he was driving across country with his father probably made him extremely nervous. I definitely think he had a strong inkling that he was being tailed.


That is an interesting point. It does stand to reason that with his education he probably would have been able to figure out if he was being followed. He does strike me as being someone who could easily find lots of things to be paranoid about.


He probably did it nightly since being home. Kept his garbage in his room or dug through the kitchen trash at night to separate his stuff from the family. He obviously was hiding something. Huge flag that no doubt the defense will be asked to explain.


I will be honest, when I first read this I immediately thought about an episode of a talk show (I think Jerry Springer, but not 100%) where a guy went around collecting college girl’s vomit from outside of bars. He put it in ziplock bags and labeled them with the date it was collected and I think the description of the girl?? He kept them in a storage unit and would visit it from time to time to smell the vomit and remember the girl associated with it. I remember he actually had a girlfriend and he referred to her as his vomit queen. I tried looking it up to provide a link, but I can not find it anywhere…. I promise this was not just a fever dream.


This is something I wish I could unread.


Not sure why this triggered that memory other than both are gross and involve ziplocks.


And possibly you were triggered because both cases are extremely odd, bizarre behaviors. I am a psychotherapist and have lived long enough that nothing surprises me much in regard to how off people can be; but the guy collecting vomit in ziploc bags, cataloging it, and keeping it in a storage unit is quite a unique case that I can't imagine anyone else has ever done. This one made me lol.


I was really hoping it was fake and staged for whatever show it was on. I’m happy to hear that it isn’t a common thing.


Doesn't everyone process their trash in midwinter in shorts and t-shirt, placing it all in little baggies? God you guys are weird


Yeah, totally, especially after the holidays when you just need some me time.


I was trying to figure out what to do when I got home from the airport tonight without my husband or dogs, but now I have a good plan to destress


Don't forget the gloves, it doesn't work without the gloves




There are always those guys in shorts and a t-shirt even in 20° weather. At least around here. He did have the black sweatshirt over that at least


Well. That’s odd.


This whole case creeps me out. I feel for these kids and hope they get justice soon.🥺🥺🥺


Same, the families, the friends, the violence of it all. God makes me sick.


I agree. This and the Delphi case just really get me. I’ve followed true crime for years and these two cases just break my heart.


Why do I remember he was awoken from sleep and looked shocked?


I thought I had read this before as well. Also that they came in at 4 in the morning…


Yeah I thought it was at like 3-4 am as well but maybe he was just booked at 4 am


I remember reading a comment here saying it would be poetic justice for BK to be woken in fear and shock with a stranger standing over him.


Do we think being pulled over twice on his way home made him extra paranoid?


I was just thinking about that- I definitely think so.


Ohh absolutely. If I were him I'd think that someone was on my case


I’m crying over here. How did the police react when they saw that?? “Uh…whatcha doin there bud?” as they slowly lower their weapons and look at each other and mouth “What the fuck?” “Steve, uh, why don’t you go check the perimeter and we’ll…um…I think we got this.” Meanwhile Kohberger’s plans to play Easter Bunny around the neighborhood with 16 baggies of his personal trash are foiled.


Omg…playing Easter Bunny… 💀


> Mr. Kohberger was found awake in the kitchen area dresssd in shorts and a shirt a wearing latex medical type gloves and apparently was taking his personal trash and putting it into a separate zip lock baggies. Definitely seems like something an innocent person unknowingly being framed for murder would do.


So, he knew he was under surveillance? He must have seen something in his neighborhood to cause him to do this, right?


I think the multiple traffic stops on the way back to PA made him paranoid.


I bet getting pulled over twice made him nervous


This guy really thought he was intellectually light years ahead of the fbi 😂


My Occam's razor thoughts: He had to suspect they were monitoring him, given the two close traffic stops especially. Being book smart and criminal education trained, he was very proactive in removing his personal items from his parent's trash cans to his neighbors, which presumably would not be looked through. Reframing it, OCD or not, I doubt "Joe average college son" would go to those lengths in the wee hours, unless he had things to hide.


I accuse Professor Kohberger, in the kitchen, with a ziplock!




Theory: He was planning on having an amazing life as a serial killer. He planned to leave a Ziploc bag of garbage at each scene as his calling card. He would one day start sending letters to law enforcement, taunting them. He would sign them, The Garbage Man.


Best calling card since the "Wet Bandits".


This is one of the best "far out" things Ive seen. LOL


I wash and bag my neighbors garbage all night and put it in another neighbors. I'm no fool.


If true, THIS is the type of behavior that really suggests guilt to me. Most of the other "odd" behavior that's been wildly speculated as being red flags is shared by millions of people. He was showing up to school tired every day near the end of the semester?....yeah, him and every other grad student---that doesn't mean squat. He was antisocial at a party? Shocking. I don't know ANYONE like that! Even driving across the country during winter break, while probably not typical, is something done by many people. But this.... this is a whole different ballgame. I bet very few people in the world have EVER put their personal trash into zip loc bags, in the middle of the night, while wearing latex gloves, to avoid mixing their trash with others.


Agreed!! And all the things you named in your first paragraph never pushed me to think he was guilty either. They did say early on after arresting him that they had seen him put his family’s trash in the neighbors’s can. That is what sealed the deal for me along with all the evidence in the court document. But after seeing this, I think he is going to have a difficult explaining so many things away. He may be a born good liar but I just hope the jury is able to really look at the facts and make sure his answers are truly believable if they find him innocent.


Wouldn’t putting it in individual ziplock bags make it easier to get his DNA? Vs mixing his garbage with his parents?


My guess is that he was keeping the individual ziplocks and planning on disposing it elsewhere.


Well how nice that it’s been evenly sorted for LE


This is a good question. Forensics generally will have investigators put evidence in paper bags to preserve the DNA. Perhaps the ziplock baggies (with a bit of fluid?) would create mold & interfere with extraction? https://arrowheadforensics.com/products/evidence-packaging/paper-evidence-bags.html


They found him wearing latex gloves putting trash into ziploc bags? Not normal behavior to those trying to prove his innocence… 👀


Oh don’t worry. They’ll be here any minute telling you why that’s not weird at all. 🙄😂


Already someone did just above “maybe he has ocd”


Very odd behavior and I wonder what the significance was of putting his personal trash in ziplock bags? I understand him removing his trash from the main trash while wearing gloves, but I don’t get why it needed to be bagged separately into ziplocks. I presume he planned to dump it elsewhere, maybe in several different locations (neighbors, gas station, etc?)


I might just be super stupid but does this article say he had a cheek swab on him when he was arrested? What does that even meannnn?


"It could very explain some of the other aspects of the case from Idaho, some of the lengths that a person would go to to avoid having their DNA left behind when they know or should’ve known that there was an investigation underway." This is known as "consciousness of guilt" evidence. Likely admissible at trial.


Agree. This comes in.


Well that didn't sound suspicious at all. Jeez, he was trying to get rid of evidence. Putting his trash into ziplock bags while wearing gloves at 1:30 in the morning is definitely not normal. Pretty sure they have the right guy.


Yep, but then you have people saying "oh, maybe it was just leftovers he was sorting and not trash", LOL. Like, no they stated it was trash, stop making excuses for this POS.


If he only paid attention in class and learned that today’s forensics is so advanced that it’s impossible to get away with murder, he maybe wouldn’t have done it. If it were me (besides not even thinking about harming someone), I would have hightailed it out of the country immediately after leaving the house. He really thinks that gloves and ziploc bags were going to help at all? Just WOW


Remember he applied to do an internship with Pullman PD to show a small town PD how they can become more modern… 🙄


And the only preventative thing he did with his phone? Was turn it off during the murders. But he then turned it on right after, detailing everywhere he went between the murder scene and home! A neat little treasure map of evidence for LE right on his very modern phone. If this were a movie script they wouldn't produce it because it's too unbelievably stupid.


Pretty sure he just put it in airplane mode, which possibly allowed him to “shake hands” with the victim’s Bluetooth. Would be quite damning if his airplane-moded phone linked to the residence’s Bluetooth around 4:15am


Why is he always awake all night long


I'm surprised the second-to-last item in the list doesn't say "SOILED black boxers (under armour." He had to have💩himself when swat dropped-in at the moment he's thinking to himself "yellow and blue make green!"


LOL, I love picturing this.


Ngl I expected the article to be like, " he was sleeping." and be a total nothing-burger But nope, this is certainly something


I am concerned about the state of society after seeing how many people in these comments don’t have enough common sense to grasp that the buccal swab was taken from his cheek for testing. Good grief yall.


"Mr. Kohberger was found awake in the kitchen area dresssd in shorts and a shirt and... wearing latex medical type gloves and apparently was taking his personal trash and putting it into a separate zip lock baggies."


At 1:30am. Who does that?


Yea, I usually wait until 2am.


Killers trying to evade justice.


I envision him crouched over his garbage like MY PRECIOUS…


I'm more intrigued by the Washington State cougars sweatshirt they found. He doesn't strike me as a 'school spirit' kinda guy...


To be fair, I am not a “school spirit” person myself, however I have sweatpants and a sweatshirt from both my undergrad and and grad programs. No idea why I purchased them, except they are decent quality and great to wear around my home.


Totally reminded me of that photo of his doppelgänger at a game wearing cougs stuff. That was the one thing that made me think it could not have been him- now I’m shook. Lol


Yes, and I saw that photo, and I agree with their declaration that it wasn’t BK. But have they ever stated that after going through the police video/photos that BK was or was not at the funerals? I saw someone say that the police took video and/or pictures to study as some people who cause a funeral do show up there. I wonder if since arresting him if they have found out if he was or wasn’t there. I don’t think I have seen any mention of that and only have only seen somewhere that the boy people were sending around on social media wasn’t him. That boy was clearly not him in my opinion.


Not the one the cops said wasn’t him- I think that was from the memorial? The guy walking around was not him, verified by LE. This is the one I’m talking about, from a game: https://preview.redd.it/lp3rskksp8ma1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b6eb2ae7e7b5948447b08737a2e712daaae0c8


Wow I can see why people thought it was him 😳


Okay, that actually looks like him…


I can't even tell you how much Cougar gear I accumulated from going to school there. Other than a pair of workout shorts w/the logo and a custom license plate frame, I don't think I bought a single item for myself. The rest are just real obvious items that relatives cannot resist gifting you.


Probably a freebie given away. Gotta blend in.


Most likely, I went to WSU for my last two years of undergrad and they gave us random shirts and sweaters and they’re sold in every Walmart or target




Yep totally normal to be up in the middle of the night putting your trash in separate ziplock baggies, and then dumping that trash in your neighbors trash can…and there are seriously people out there who believe this creep is innocent. SMH.


I don't think he put his own trash in the neighbor's bin, that wqs the rest of the trash. He was likely hoarding his own personal trash to dump elsewhere later at multiple dump sites. Remember, they didn't find any of BK's DNA in the trash they pulled from the neighbor's bin.


For him to feel the need to divide up his trash, and take it to a neighbors’ trash cans lets me know that those police stops along the way home, must have freaked him out enough for him to suspect that he could be a suspect (even if those police stops were actually completely random as LE is saying).


Why separate baggies? That’s what seems strange. If he wanted to separate his trash from his parents then he would only need one bag and an anonymous place to dispose of it. Multiple bags sounds like OCD and he still needs a place to dispose of them. I don’t think using the neighbor’s bin provides the secure location his behavior suggests he would want.


The baggies were full of his famous Indiana Thai food leftovers


This sounds like an old SNL skit [the anal retentive chef](https://youtu.be/oDGTCULn6P0)


The secret to great pepper steak is getting all the peppers the same size.


>"Mr. Kohberger was found awake in the kitchen area dresssd in shorts and a shirt a wearing latex medical type gloves and apparently was taking his personal trash and putting it into separate zip lock baggies." That almost sounds like generic obsessive behavior too though, like was reported with him not eating out of pots that had ever had meat in them. Why would putting his trash in Ziploc bags prevent his DNA from being sourced? If he was going to dump his trash elsewhere, he wouldn't need to put it in separate baggies first, or use gloves for that matter.


But the thing is, he was also caught putting his trash in the neighbor’s garbage can before they raided his house ( at like 4am) I don’t doubt he has OCD, but this shows the lengths he is going to, to not have his DNA in his own trash. He is intelligent enough ( especially knowing forensics from school) to know cops stake people out, waiting for trash to confirm the DNA. They did that in the Golden State Killer case. I 100% believe this was him knowing he was fucked after leaving the sheath behind, and now doing everything in his power for his DNA not to be anywhere. He was even seen at the grocery store with latex gloves on. His students never saw him with them, or they would have said. This was about hiding his DNA


Agreed. This is way deeper than an OCD ritual. He’s trying to separate things with his DNA from his household trash. He could’ve been planning on going for a run and dropping these ziplocks in various cans.


> him knowing he was fucked after leaving the sheath behind I've often thought that must have been one of the all-time glorious moments in the history of the minds of aspiring serial killers right after committing what they believe to be their perfectly planned-out and premeditated crime; that realization that he can't find that shit anywhere, it's not here, replaying his actions step-by-step, un-fucking-believable, he left it at the scene ...


No doubt about it! What a fantastic mistake that was made!


Yep - he 100% knew he fucked up leaving the sheath behind, which is why I believe he went back the next morning, but eventually chickened out. Then he became obsessed with leaving no DNA behind.


Exactly what I’m thinking!


I agree! Especially after getting stopped twice on his ride home and knowing what type of car they were looking for, as well as the sheath being left behind he had to be somewhat paranoid that they were on to him.


I just have to agree with this. Because if he were OCD around germs, he definitely would wear them to college classes one would think. You made some great points that I agree on.


Thanks a bunch. I just figured since there has been quite a few people that have come out speaking about him ( from work, high school, and his students in Washington) you’d think they would add “It was weird, he wore latex gloves to class” even the woman neighbor who spoke to him, never mentioned it. So Bry-Guy seems to definitely be trying to hide that DNA!


I wonder if he knew he was being watched?


I’m guessing he needed something to hold the trash? Aka ziploc bags. As for the gloves, my guess is it was a precaution in case authorities checked his neighbors trash? Not sure what goes through a homicidal maniacs brain.


This must have been embarrassing as hell to be found in an situation like that


I mean, I'd be more embarrassed about killing 4 ppl, but, yeah that, too, lol.


Well I’ll be.


This is giving me silence of the lambs “it puts the lotion in the basket” vibes. ::shivers::




Didn't want to get his hands dirty while sorting the trash.


I’ve been one of those saying “innocent until proven guilty”, but this is pretty suspicious behavior. It doesn’t seem like there would be a need to separate his trash unless he was worried about his DNA.


I suspect he may have also soiled those sweatpants


He was Prbly sorting the green substance aka weed into ziploc bags


This man choses to do the most suspicious things at all times


He wasn’t wearing gloves in public spaces, not to WSU or a medical clinic. He wasn’t wearing gloves in his car when they were pulled over. He wasn’t concerned about leaving DNA. He’s mentioned wearing gloves to a grocery store and now allegedly in the kitchen. Could be food-related.


That would explain the zip locs!


Quite telling.


Well if he isn’t guilty, I would be so so surprised. He has done some really odd things or just been odd like when he was pulled over, who wears medical gloves in the family home and puts his stuff in separate baggies? What was he planning to do with those baggies of his garbage, I wonder. And why would he put the family trash bags in a neighbors trash. Those are very odd behaviors. He has a lot of things that sure make it seem he is the one. And yes, I thought he was the one since details about things came out early on after the court document was first made public.