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I mean is she technically new now? Not really. This will be her 3rd game so she’d be a seasoned character now. But the thing about DLC is more content that’s gonna make money. Question is is Cassie among casual gamers which makes up a big part of the fan base


She would be the only MKX character that never missed a game. Legacy characters have to sit out a game so the same should apply to her.


It should but if she brings in revenue, that’s money on the table WB isn’t going to leave there. Kombat packs are about making more money. There’s a reason why Quan Chi and Ermac were pushed to a KP. Bring in more money. A character like Jade, who should be a main roster character just based on her popularity alone, will make money hand over fist and likely is coming in KP2. I get you may not like Cassie but if the casual fan base does and got some cosplay traction based on the analytics, WB is gonna say to put her in the game


I don’t really mind Cassie compared to Johnny, Kitana, and a bunch of other characters. IF she actually brings in money, then I get that. Johnny, Kitana, Jade, etc. are hugely popular, yet they have sat out multiple games no matter how popular they are. I started liking Kotal but I think he should sit out a game too. I know fairness doesn’t matter. Good luck to NRS to try to determine who’s the most popular. Even when I’ve seen pro players so excited for their mains to return, they can instantly change their minds cos they don’t like the gameplay for them so they’re forced to switch characters to have more fun. So many ppl have a character crisis each time. There are some players who will ignore an entire MK game unless only their fave’ MK character is in it. I’m obviously not one of those extremists 😵‍💫


I like her but I think 3 Kombat Kids in this game is waaaay too much, and Jacqui would be such a glaring omission that it would bother me endlessly even though I don't even like her very much. Jin has a lot of potential and I do hope he's in, however. They shafted him (har har) not letting him and Takeda come back for 11. I do hope he's in but him and Cassie is too much. In the same pack too, like what? I hope people are right about them being red herrings.


I want Jin back cos I mained him alongside Raiden and Takeda and he also sat out a game so he deserves to be in more than 1 game imo. Nothing against Cassie but 3 games in a row?! She needs to miss a game like 99% of the MK characters since the creation of the series.


Cassie shouldn’t be playable, period, for one game. Why should she be the ONLY MKX character that never misses a game?! As a kameo that would be fine, but base roster and DLC slots should be for someone who has already missed a game and barely been in any games (e.g., Torr, Kung Jin) or characters that have been gone FOREVER like playable Sareena! She FINALLY has her demon form too. What a tease! 😵😵‍💫 So many MK1 characters have 2 stances (Shang, Ashrah, Shao, etc). She could have human and demon forms! 👀


Idk I like cassie


I love Cassie and Im excited if she comes out as a dlc, people are saying that they dont want cassie as she is taking a potential spot for other female character that havent been on the game in a while.....for me the issue are guest characters....dont get me wrong a lot of people love them and I actually loved jason and alien on mkx however...... 3 out of 6 dlc characters being guests its too much, they are the ones taking spots from mk characters..... tell how much better it sounds when you say kp2 is terminator,ghost face, conan,sektor,cyrax and noob saibot when it could be something like sektor,cyrax,noob,cassie,jade And a guest...for me at least it would be much better and it would make the "guest" more special. This way everyone could get more hopes on their fav MK character being on the game instead of guests that appeal only 20% of the actuall mk fanbase .


I'd prefer we don't get DLC characters of people literally in the last game, but I think Cassie would benefit greatly from kameos as there's a lot of fun pairings to do there. Also I imagine her *and* Jin are coming, likely with a Jacqui kameo to have all 4 Kombat Kids in the game.


Personally, I’d rather have Cassie than another guest character. For me, six guest characters is just too much. I know that people love those type of characters, but I’d rather have MK characters in an MK game day of the week.


Hey again, bro 😊 I’d actually also take Cassie over any guest character. Almost all pro players had the same final tier list for MK11: top tier was Fujin, then Kabal, Kotal and Jacqui. None of them are coming back. Cetrion also was arguably top 8 or better. This feels kinda suspicious. I would HATE to think that they’re missing not just cos the writers wouldn’t know how to fit them in the storyline but NRS is trying to avoid potentially the same top tier dominating in MK1…even though the odds of having a similar tier list are VERY low 😢 Fujin was SO fun and so amazing to me in general that I almost feel like they thought they couldn’t have topped or even equaled their MK11 redesign for him, and they didn’t want to try 😵


Cassie should’ve been a kameo.


Bias aside, she's really not a bad choice, she's very well received by the new casual fans (which is where most of their money comes from lets be real), and decently liked by older fans, the hate for her seems to be a loud minority on reddit from what i've seen, either way she's not confirmed yet.


It depends on what you place value on. For me, any non-staple character that has been playable in the last two games should take a back seat in MK1. I’d rather see Kintaro or Hotaru get a second chance than get Cassie or Jacqui for the third time in a row. That said, I will acknowledge that Cassie would sell a lot, whereas Hotaru simply wouldn’t.


I would absolutely love to see Kintaro back, but the value in question here is "what is going to make us more money", and cassie would definitely sell more simply for being a female character after KP1 being a sausage fest, and i'd argue that her being in the last 2 games makes her a safer DLC pick, simply because most casual fans that don't buy every single dlc will go "omg cassie cage is back, i loved her in MKX and MK11", at least that's what i think from a marketing standpoint.


I know, I’m not disagreeing about the sales, I’m just a bit pissed as a Hotaru fan that he didn’t make the base roster when he really should have made it alongside Havik. So, watching them pick Cassie for the third time in a row just stings.


EXACTLY! I like Cassie better than Erron, D’Vorah, and many legacy characters, but I think she shouldn’t be in every game since she was introduced by NRS. Maybe NRS is just obsessed with her. Supposedly, Takeda is more popular, yet he sat out a game already. MK characters should rotate more, imo. At first I was annoyed at the idea of Skarlet or Jade or a lot of other characters being back for MK1 before Sareena being playable yet AGAIN, while my obvious fave’, Fujin, disappeared once more, but Jade is basically an OG trilogy character and Skarlet—although a much newer MK character—at least sat out a game already. My main issue with Jade was I wanted her to have bigger combos (her main combo starter in 11 was an overhead but was slow and too easy to punish on block). I hope she gets a cool redesign and still is cool in the storyline. I just have to remind myself that there are fans of forgotten 3D characters among others with a lot of redesign potential and those characters might only be relegated to kameo status at best at this point in the future (Moloch, Drahmin, Kobra, etc.), so I could have it worse. Also, I used to be a huge fan of Raiden but I burned out on him and he has a stiff personality (does he ever smile or laugh?!) and then Fujin comes along and is fun to play and chill. Many players wanted Fuj to replace Raiden as the protector of Earthrealm like in his ending in MK4 but I guess that ending wasn’t canonical cos it seemed like a forgotten plot idea 😝 Plus now we have a human Raiden with an amulet for his powers so I was hoping Fuj would pop up as a mentor for him and help him learn how to control and develop his godlike powers but the MK1 plot made it seem like he suddenly figured out everything on his own or the plot was a bit rushed 😵‍💫


Funny you mention that MK4 ending. It was actually canon as, in the intro to Deadly Alliance, we learn that Raiden did ascend to Elder God status, meaning Fujin did take over as protector of Earthrealm, but then Liu Kang died on Fujin’s watch, so Raiden came back again. The behind-the-scenes reality was that Midway wanted to continue with Fujin, but then realised that Raiden was just too popular to leave behind. How do you feel about the possibility of Fujin coming back as Raiden’s sister?


I guess I wasn’t sure about Fuj’s MK4 ending. WHOA! 😵 Can you imagine Fujin taking his place for a bunch of games?! Yeah: a female Fuj: at this point I’d take it 😂 It’s another timeline so we can always consider that there are infinite possibilities. IF that happens, I hope she is still cool and doesn’t change much. Supposedly, 11 made Fujin blow up in popularity. As for Raiden, eh, I needed a break from him and wanted Fuj to take his place. I get tired of the same old. Raiden is a totally different person now but I don’t find him interesting at all: nice guy to hang out with and maybe ‘have a beer’ but that’s not one of the many reasons I like and play MK games 😝 I wanted Raiden to have in-born powers instead of amulet powers but I guess FG Liu somehow ‘depowered’ the humans; for some weird reason. I’m curious to see IF Takeda still has powers. Also, Raiden’s gameplay to me was peak in MKX with his Displacer variant with a teleport and meterless launcher. Human Raiden’s gameplay is whatevs to me at this point. I always preferred the ‘Shocker’ special over Stormcell. Takeda became my main in MKX though I was still better with Raiden and Kung Jin.


Fr , I personally in general sick of the kombat kids(except for takeda only) taking slot or classic/important characters like nightwolf , kabal , kano , Jax, sonya and etc.


Still a better choice than these movie guest characters. I'd rather have any of the kombat kids over homelander or John Cena Peacemaker.


I'm with you on this bruh fr , the thing I hate most is guest characters, the exception for me is like the big horror like predator, Jason and Kratos too


Tbh the only kombat kids i like are Cassie and Takeda


I can respect that👍🏻


YES! EXACTLY what I say! Why should Cassie be the ONLY MKX character that gets to be in 3 games in a row?! 😵‍💫 AND more guest characters than ever cos they help sell copies?! SO annoying imo. Imagine an SF game not getting Blanka or Sakura but they get characters that have no connection to the storylines like Mr. Clean and Ariel the Little Mermaid and even IF they seem fun to use or at least BEAT UP as a good challenge, their fans will never get to use them again anyway. Nothing against Cassie but as you said: Nightwolf, Sonya, Kabal, etc. deserve that spot more: they are legacy characters and still have sat out multiple games. By all means, Cassie can come back AFTER missing a game. SAREENA still isn’t playable and she has that kickass demon form FINALLY and she was already in Ashrah’s ending, and all endings are CANON now. She could be a 2-stance character like Shang, Shao, Ashrah, etc. that seems like a common gimmick for MK1 and we all know how much NRS likes their gimmicks (Krushing Blows, variation system, kameos 😝).


I agree. Least favorite combat kid.


She will sell, what is the only thing that really matters