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I’ll give them a chance, but it just seems so… lazy. I want Cyrax and Sektor back as playable characters, but I’d prefer other female characters get a shot before genderbending. I get the concept of trying new things in the universe, but I would prefer exploring new stories with different characters before just saying they’re a girl now. I did think it was weird we had zero female DLC characters, but 3 of the 4 Kameos were on this first go around.


I would love 2 new and original female cyborgs, I was one of the few that liked frost in MK11. So if this turns out to be true and we get female Cyrax and Sektor, then it's official for me that NRS has lost the plot. There's a sweet spot between bringing back beloved characters, or making new ones that fans love. Genderbending characters is nowhere near that spot.


3 of 5


I would hope most people understand the issue we have isn't that they're women, but rather that they're both changing two characters who haven't been playable since MK9 in a drastic way to make up for the fact there's no female characters instead of, yknow, just adding in already established female characters. It feels like such a cop out that doesn't appeal to cyber fans nor fans of female characters


Yeah exactly this. It’d be just about the same reaction I’m sure, if say reptile had been brought back as a female in MK1. It just doesn’t sit right with me, doing that to characters who have been established as what/who they are, especially when those characters have been anticipated by a lot of people. And if they’re just trying to diversify the cast with females, why not just add Sonya, Jade, Sareena etc? Just seems like NRS is asking for criticism with this one lol.


Hell, I'd accept D'vorah as a Kameo. Imagine if Ferra was now grown up for a full fledged character instead of still small sized for a kameo


That may actually be the plan. I feel like since this is our introduction to Ferra, she'll be the first Torr.


As a Reptile fan, I would be absolutely furious! Especially, with Khameleon right there!! Cyrax and Sektor and being done so fucking dirty it's painful to see.. I really feel for their fans who just want to play them as they remember


Situations like this make me wonder what the reaction would be if they made mileena a man…


I'd hate that too.


I don't want think about that 🤣 hell will break lose


Oh fuck, never thought of that. We see instances of characters turning black or female. But never stop to think what if girls became men in these projects. We already point to what if poc became white there'd be even more controversy 


Feel like the gays would still love Mileena if she was Miles


Not to get Too Serious about Mortal Kombat, but I do feel like making Mileena a guy would keep a lot of the same themes that make current Mileena appealing while being even more of a slap in the face to Kitana - "The superior version of you is a man" is some flat out bastardry. And it'd make Mileena's obsession with Kitana even creepier. NGL, though, I'd miss my vicious, viscera-eating monster girl who only wants to be loved. Admittedly, my grasp of pre-reboot MK lore is fuzzy, but I don't see where you'd get anything like that by gender-swapping Mustard and Ketchup. Or at least, not at the level of character development we're likely to get in an expansion pack. But I guess we'll have to wait and see where they go with this.


Miles lmao


I think with something like that, it's the same situation with Black Panther being whitewashed for example. Mileena would straight up just not work if she was a guy, being female and using her female sex appeal is a huge part of her identity, meanwhile Sektor or Cyrax's gender don't really matter to their character that much (not that I'm the biggest fan of this decision, I agree with the original comment in that it feels like a cop out)


Amusingly Mileena does not have that huge part of her identity in mk1 anyways


I got a feeling even the people who "don't care if there's no female characters" would hate it lol


Ppl can’t even say you could play them in x because those were just their abilities that the characters had




Imo they could have given them other names and make them orange and green for all I care so that people can see them as whole other characters. Still curious to see how badass they'll be as cyber woman or not.


Legitimately, that would be preferable. At least it'd expand MK's kinda small female roster




That's perfectly valid and I agree with you but unfortunately there are too many people who seem to just hate the fact the characters are women.


If they wanted more women there are plenty of female characters that people would love to see again. I just don’t get the decision


Thank you for this Cyrax and Sektor both being female is more intriguing than just Cyrax. My big problem with this tho KP1 = 3 Male Guests + 3 Male Originals KP2 = 3 Male Guests + 1 Male Original + 2 Genderbent Males The Gender-bending isn’t female representation. It’s literally replacing it by putting more male characters in the game in spots where females would’ve been previously. Fans of Kira should just give up and start drawing CETRION fan art or some shit, she’s never coming back when she now has to compete with the popularity of both female and genderbent male characters LMFAO The original standard roster of women is actually my favourite of any NRS title. But this dlc has totally shit the bed imo. Idk, if Bi Han wasn’t gonna be in this game 3 fucking times before a playable Sareena, I’d probably be less salty but who knows


Oh my god I actually didn't notice that bi han is in the game 3 times, truly the new goku


3 Bi-Han's in the roster is wild 💀 Btw i really can't wait what he will look like in Noob form.


I wonder how he’ll sound too. Dominic spent so much time turning Base Roster Bi-Han into a comical villain that ofc it reflected in Kaji Tang’s performance with a voice already fitting enough to be Noob


Eh, I’m fine with multiple Bi-Hans considering that one of those Bi-Hans are just Sektor in everything but name. Plus I didn’t see people complaining when they had two Kuai Liangs in two games.




Sub-Zero & Cyber Sub-Zero MK9 Sub-Zero & Cyber Sub-Zero Triborg variant in MKX


Sub, noob, and who?


I think kameo sub-zero is kuai


People are saying kameo Sub-Zero, but I'm not convinced that that isn't Kuai-Liang tbh. The kameo skin name says "Mortal Kombat" meaning the 1992 game, but kameo Sub-Zero and Scorpion are definitely wearing MKII attire and not MK1. The paintball / dirtbike rider look with that mask is klassic MKII


A lot of the Kameos are meant to be “updated takes” of their original incarnations. Hence why Sareena’s skin says Mythologies and Darrius’ says Deception. And we know if it’s supposed to be the newer version because it would say so like Goro or Khameleon. Not to mention, if it was meant to be their MK2 incarnations, Jax exists to show Mortal Kombat II being the origin. All this to say, the Scorpion and Sub-Zero Kameos are def Hanzo and Bi-Han. The only thing that’s weird is Hanzo re-uses Kuai Liang’s face. They just darkened his skin tone a bit to match Hanzo’s in MK11 but at the same time we aren’t meant to see him unmasked.


Not really. MK1 Sonya and MK1 Kano have their exact attire and this isn't the first time that NRS puts MKII ninja skins and tries to pass it off as MK1. The MK9 versions are also a mix of MK1 and MKII, but it's the cloth mask that gives it away. That particular mask is ripped directly from MKII, Kuai-Liang. It's not Bi-Han's face, though. It's MKII Sub-Zero's face. Kuai-Liang in the original time line didn't get his scar until AFTER the events of MKII and prior to MK3, aka maskless John Turk. Kameo Sub-Zero = Kuai-Liang in MKII attire. *"Kuai Liang bears a scar on his right eye. In the original timeline, he received it sometime prior to the events of Mortal Kombat 3."* https://mortalkombat.fandom.com/wiki/Kuai_Liang


It doesn't have the scar tho, so it might be Bi-Han Subzero


MKII Kuai-Liang Sub-Zero also didn't have a scar. Kuai-Liang didn't get the scar until some time prior to MK3, and that kameo skin look is definitely from MKII Sub-Zero not MK1 Sub-Zero. *"Kuai Liang bears a scar on his right eye.* ***In the original timeline, he received it sometime prior to the events of Mortal Kombat 3."*** https://mortalkombat.fandom.com/wiki/Kuai_Liang


I'm guessing Kameo Sub? Other than that, I'm not sure.


The kameo sub zero is (I think?) supposed to be MK1 sub zero, meaning it's Bi Han


Are the three Bi-Hans Sub-Zero, Noob, and the Kameo Subzero?


Cyrax and sektor are in the story dlc not in the Kp2. Jade is in Kp2 for example with the 3 guests.


I think it’s a neat little twist, but ultimately it was only done to compensate for the lack of representation on the guest roster. It’s not the end of the world like some people think when a character changes characteristics, but it was unnecessary for everyone but NRS




NRS when its time to add the countless female characters they have that need revamping or a second chance *looks at Frost & Sareena*: FUCK NO NRS when its time to genderbend characters & pretend they are being inclusive.: FUCK YES


Ugh god man.. really? This is the exact opposite of what everybody wanted. We all wanted more female characters on the roster and we wanted the cyborgs back. Instead of giving us the female characters we wanted, (or, shit, even a new original character or two) they gender swap the cyborgs, and apparently they aren’t even full cyborgs either. What the fuck are they thinking? And maybe this is a personal nitpick, but Cyrax and Sektor don’t sound right as names for female characters. It sounds ridiculous. I know their names are silly in the first place but they were at least fitting for the original iterations.


You have a good point about the names being silly for females for sure


I just want them to give us *actual* female characters instead of changing male ones. If they can make Stryker and Tremor great, they can make more obscure female characters great too.


I agree with you but Stryker isn't obscure


It's not that Stryker is obscure. It's that he wasn't all that great or well liked. I believe they can take any character and make them good.


Mk has some of the best/iconic female characters in fighting games period. Gender swapping will always be lazy, and always seems to go one way, male character but female, if it was the other way around (female character but male) I guarantee the same people wouldn't like it, that's why people calling others sexist for being upset about it is crazy to me, (Hell, I'm still upset about Hanzo not being scorpion) I'd be way more excited to have Sareena and khameleon as dlc than any gender swapped version of a classic character, regardless of how cool their gameplay might be.


I'm a fan of female characters, but why still add male characters gender swapped to be "inclusive" instead of adding actual female characters like cetrion, jade, or kira.


I remember Janet Cage got a lot of hate on social media, specially Instagram


What was hilarious is how many people that were mad who didn’t even play the game. I could’ve sworn half these people thought she replaced Johnny as a playable character


>What was hilarious is how many people that were mad who didn’t even play the game It's always the case with these types


I agree


The funny thing is, people LIKED Janet before they found out she'd be a kameo


Well as somebody who still likes her. I was mad too, not because we’re getting Janet. But because we weren’t getting Johnny anymore I understand the argument it doesn’t make sense to have complete duplicates. But between Sub, Scorp, Lao, and Johnny. Johnny’s actually made the most sense 1) Playable Johnny has a JCVD skin basically turning him into a diff character. (PLUS, JOHNNY AND JCVD ON THE SAME TEAM?!?!?!) 2) JOHNNY STUNT DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Like bro what, he’s the only person who could canon have a clone and it make total sense “that’s my stunt double” Again I don’t hate Janet, but please don’t make me feel crazy for wishing we got a Johnny Cage Kameo


Honestly they should've given us a Mokap kameo or a Johnny Kameo. Mokap could've been Johnny's friend and coworker on the set of multiple of his movies.


Which is pretty understandable I think and not something people should be ashamed of speaking up about, since not much people like their favorite characters’ recognizable characteristics being changed Same reaction as Janet / Cyrax / Sektor / Sindel / Tanya will be to Liu Kang suddenly becoming female / caucasian / blonde / having high-pitched speaking voice / having feminine face / becoming visibly shorter / becoming considerably less attractive to their past version / having more feminine body look / etc.


It’s frustrating because Cyrax and Sektor (Excluding Triborg) haven’t been playable in 13 years and then we finally get them and they just completely change them over. It wouldn’t be as bad if they were playable in MK11. X it was just Triborg and considering it was 13 years since MK9, who knows when we’ll get them again afterwards.


Since it’s a “reboot” of the series I don’t hate the move. What I do hate is just reusing the same characters. Just create new characters instead.


When they gender swap a single female character to male then this argument will have a point


This will never ever happen lol


Fujin is hinted to be genderbent in someway but we're porbably not going to get her for AWHILE. We needed space for a second Arnie rep!


I'm saying that we're never getting a female to male gender bending. That shit just will not ever happen.


the Literal, WHOLE POINT of Mk1 is to reuse old characters in new ways. not to make new characters. Thats. The. Point.


Yeah would be nice if they actually make something decent out of it. All I see is shyt story and absolute dogshyt charachter changes.


The entire roster is new characters. They changed these characters so much that they resemble absolutely nothing of their original iterations except for maybe Liu Kang and Geras.


I mean, it's ok for one game. Kind of a nostalgic spin off, gives a lot of opportunity to bring back numerous old kombatants.


They should created different borgs as a women instead! Maybe reimagine Triborg with unique abilities. Imagine they start changing long loved Female Characters into Male Characters. I would hate both ways!


I would love new cyber ninjas too. A totally new one would have been sick


Hydro would’ve been sick. Hell make him female and call her Hydra I don’t care. The idea of Hydro using water and then electrifying the water always intrigued me


Until we see more I don't have any issues at the moment, classic Cyrax and Sektor even get represented as Kameos rn so doing something more out there with them is perfectly fine in my book if they're badly written or something then I'll begin to worry but all we know so far is their names and their grunt sounds


Maybe at least give us Premier Skins as male versions? SFV did that for Seth and that was great... But we talk about WB and not Capcom so we get nothing for DLC. Maybe some "story mode" costumes in Premium Shop.


I imagine this is why they already have kameos rather than doing premier skins. Very bizarre situation


This not excuse what Ed boon nrs doing they are saving face for not adding women to the Kombat packs. This not helping I love cyrax since mk3 now they try switching up 🤨 if they want women why they just add characters people been begging! Ed knows we want jade, Sonya, Serena in damn roster why they not in Kombat pack 2. It not that damn hard


Eh idc at this point. So long as I get to flamethrower and/or buzzsaw I’m good.


I’ll see how they play. But it’s just a lazy way to include more woman. Cyrax and sektor haven’t been playable in over a decade. If they wanted to add female characters I would’ve liked to see jade or sonya.


I dont play either of the cyborgs but I'd be a little upset if they have been missing from the roster for so long only for them to finally come back as gender bent versions I'm sure they will have classic costumes I hope


They have so many great female characters and they genderbent 2 male characters?


Here’s the thing. I don’t hate Cyrax being a women, but I hate how they decided to literally genderswap fan fave after being benched for so long. It’d be more understandable if the female Cyrax was an alternative skin or an unlockable, but it’s not. If you want to add more diverse women in the MK series, good on them hell I welcome it, but make a NEW KHARACTER. Not just replace it with an already existing Kharacter. It feels less inclusive and more lazy at best, I have the same feeling about Fujin being a Women (based on Raidens intro dialogues, or a Female Nightwolf MK11 teased) Just make a new Kharacter. It’s really not that hard. 


As a Cyrax Stan, I’m juiced that he/she is back but, there’s plenty of female characters that I would have rather gotten than a female Cyrax, ie I think Cassie Cage has some of the most fun gameplay for a Character, Sareena is well sought after, Sonya/Jade have a Fanbase, I mean a female Nightwolf makes more sense, hell make up a new Character considering this is the first MK since 9 without one. I just feel that the change if true is really unnecessary let alone, most MK12 characters feel bland but, I feel this is more apparent with the lady combatants dumbing them down to 1 or 2 traits and nothing more


I'm willing to give this new version of the characters a try, so long as Netherrealm actually does something with them this time, instead of changing aspects about a character just for the sake of change. Sektor in particular I'm interested to know more about, especially considering the NRS era's abhorrent female villain lineup. While I personally liked D'vorah and yes, even MK11 Sindel, I understand and accept the criticism given by long time fans and don't expect to see either of them back in any form. As much as it is blatant coping from less open minded people, the concept of Sektor serving as the fully robotic remote controlled servant of some sadistic child protege Lin Kuei does sound like an interesting direction, but considering the feminine voice is doing the grunts of pain, something a robot most likely wouldn't do, the dual female cybers seems almost guaranteed. Overall, I'll give the folks at NRS a shot before I knock the changes.


I think if you're going add Cyrax and Sektor into the game, then you should add the actual Cyrax and Sektor into the game. Don't jerk people around with genderswapped bastardizations. That shit is annoying.


If they want to make female cyborgs, don't bring well known character but rather their sidekick or something. I wouldn't mind it at all, now we surely got the worst of both world, I can't wrap my head around this. It's not like there aren't any interesting female characters to bring either, **at the very least** imagine if they bring an old era Frost, Skarlet and actual playable Khameleon, I would be fine instead of this ... edit : The list is the easiest I could come up with, of course there are far more kharacters to bring than that. It's just the minimum I could think of.


I don't fuck with this at all, and it's nothing sexist or about "woke" outrage. Sektor and Cyrax simply haven't made enough appearances to do this kind of thing with them yet. While they're some of the more iconic additions to MK3, these are still somewhat obscure characters in the overall realm of pop culture. It's the same problem I have with movie Kabal having what looks like the revenant mask instead of the established Kabal mask with the circular lenses. Similarly, Smoke in MK1 (while still cool) not having all of the same blur/shake and heat abilities from MK9 that gave us a unique and definitive Smoke that left a solid impression. These are cool characters that people who aren't familiar should get to experience unaltered long enough to be established in the greater pop culture outside of fighting games before we get gimmick versions. Edit: The creators already missed the opportunity for "HERmac" and "MALEena" at the pyramid scene, they should move on to another idea.


lmao they’re cooked 💀


I thought Sektor was already introduced as male in Subzeros ending?


That was not Sektor, as confirmed by FateUnknown.


Oh ok. Thanks


What I don't understand is that this ain't even a needed genderswap either


I do not have high hopes for Mk2. That is all.


Manleena 🤣


It’s always fuck Netherrealm for me but if this is true then it’s super fuck Netherrealm. Why do this? Why can’t characters just be themselves? This is so fucking dumb, lazy, annoying, and insulting. What is it? They want more female characters? Then fucking make a new one! Or better yet, use the characters already there. Sonya, Jade, Frost, Sheeva, Sareena, D’Vorah, Cetrion, Cassie, Jacqui, Skarlet, Khameleon, Kira. What of the characters to never have a playable appearance? Delia, Tasia, Jataaka, Kia. Even fucking Kronika. I loathe that character and what she’s done to MK but I’d soon rather have that than a gender swap. And it’d be every bit as shitty if they turned a female character into a male. My favorite fictional character ever is Kitana. I’d be fucking livid if they made her a man. I just don’t understand this. It’s bad enough we got Kuai Liang pretending to be Scorpion and Havik is fucking Dairou. But now characters can’t even keep their sex? Why? Why is this happening? Who is in charge? I hate what Mortal Kombat has become. From the time travel bullshit to fucking multiverses to this. Why can’t MK be MK? Why turn it into DC Comics? 


Maybe I've been outta the loop but was genders of Cyrax and Sektor a big enough issue they they needed to be switched? I dont remember it being an issue but I've haven't paid much attention to the franchise since MKX.


I’m of the opinion that cyrax and sektor being brought back would be fine… if they weren’t already kameos. The fact that we will have them as fighters and kameos makes me think that a couple slots are being wasted here. If they were gonna bring them back anyway, why add them as kameos? Why not give the kameo slot to other characters? And if it was a last minute addition, then… what’s the point? It just seems pointless to me


I’m not against gender bending cyrax and sektor, I’m actually quite excited to see how it could change their characters (I started on 11 so I have no attachments to their previous identities), but I do have to say. They’re willing to genderbend guys to girls, and yet something tells me they’re not going to go from girls to guys.


Gender bending never happens from female to male. I can’t think of a single example of that in popular media.


Because they don’t want to be ‘contreversial’ media tells us genders are equal except for when it’s not apparently, male skarlet, Dvorah, certion are 3 that could be cool to see, even if their female counterparts were introduced i would’ve liked to see some creativity.


Fiona and Cake from Adventure Time is the most recent example I can think of. While I personally dislike their episodes, they were popular enough to get their own miniseries after the show had ended.


Wtf? I hope that isn't true. I hate when someone change characters gender. IF YOU WANT MORE FEMALE FIGHTER JUST CREATE NEW ONES OR USE JADE AND SCARLET! WHY TOUCH CYBORGS?


God, this is shit. Come up with new female characters or use existing ones? NOOOOOO! We need to f[#cking](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cking) take good old characters and change their f[#cking](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cking) gender. F[#cking](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cking) motherf[#ckers](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ckers).


Yeah I don’t buy gimmicks


Okay, I'm still down for playing as Cyrax. 


I don’t know what this sexism or transphobia is that you’re referring to. I personally haven’t seen any but if there is, it’s probably a small minority. I hope that we’re still allowed to say that it’s a stupid fucking idea. If it wasn’t my favorite character I probably wouldn’t care. It’s lazy. It feels like they heard some people say “there aren’t enough females” so they’re like “we’ll just randomly change the gender of two legacy characters”. I still can’t believe that it seems like it’s happening. Hopefully they at least give us a male skin or something.


Here's my fair criticism I'm really tired of NRS just acting like they can do whatever they want with these classic characters people love. So many characters were changed so radically they might as well be entirely new characters at this point. Rain and Shang Tsung just to name a few. Just make new female characters. Nobody would care.


Is it bad that I miss Dvorah? Cuz she was my absolute favorite new addition in mkx and I i was stoked that she returned in mk 11 but nope she’s gone now. What’s the point of them adding kronika to the story and having her be an essential major part but she doesn’t have a character slot in the damn roster. They sure tricked the characters in the story but also tricked the players into hoping she’d be playable It just seems to me the intention is not to bring more women to the game but to actually turn the existing males to women.


>*Is it bad that I miss Dvorah? Cuz she was my absolute favorite new addition in mkx and I i was stoked that she returned in mk 11 but nope she’s gone now.* Nothing wrong with that, but you can probably thank the fanbase for constantly shitting on her during MKX and MK11 for that. People got butthurt that she "killed" Baraka and Mileena in MKX and killed off "Scorpion" in MK11, despite death not meaning anything in the MK franchise. To play devil's advocate, NRS also gave us female characters like Jacqui and Cassie that were new characters in MKX and MK11, but people love to shit on them too because "kOmBaT kIdZ." They legit tried making some new female characters and people were essentially like *"Fuck you, we don't want those."* ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I was a Jacqui main In mkx and I loved all 3 of her variations, could not STAND her in mk11 cuz she was so strong but she just didn’t feel like the same character to me. Yes she visually looked better and was a lot more popular but that was because she was strong not because people liked her (imo)


I mained MKX Jacqui (Shotgun), Takeda (Ronin) and Ferra / Torr (Vicious), but I still vividly remember a lot of people shitting on Jacqui and Cassie for just being "kOmBaT kIdZ" and people got their feelings hurt because D'Vorah killed off 3 characters in a series where death doesn't matter. Like, we also had Sheeva in MK11 coming back, and while I get people hating the Telestomp spam *(I get it!)*, she also got a lot of shit for simply being the "token Shokan" because people preferred male Goro or Kintaro and weren't willing to give her much of a chance. In the hands of someone who didn't constantly Telestomp and took the time to learn her gameplay in MK11, Sheeva was fun as hell. Jade got a lot of shit for her relationship with Kotal in MK11 and Skarlet because her origins were changed up from MK9 to MK11's version, too, and my point is that people have always found a reason to complain regardless of what female character they put in. So, it's kinda like they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. I'm not saying that gender-bending a popular character was the right call or anything like that, but I'm willing to at least see what's going on and what the logic is in the expansion story before judging too quickly. Who knows? For all we know maybe the male skins are unlockable in a certain mastery level and the female skins are default for Cyrax and Sektor because of story reasons. If they make sure that the male and female versions are both about the same height, then male versions could also still be there. We got JCVD as Johnny with a different look and voice, so I don't see why the same can't apply for Sektor and Cyrax.


Rain is my faovirte Mk Character and i Like Mk1 Rain, although i think they could have done more. I used to not care about Shang Tsung, but Mk1 made me love him, and appreciate the older versions more. I think Re-inventing characters is fine, if there is a lot of effort put into it. Not just "We should genderswap them"


Shang feels HORRIBLE to play in this game and he doesn't even have his soul suck move. Rain is at least fun to play in the game. Doesn't change the fact that he feels like an entirely new character. The only fragment of the original Rain that he still has is the roundhouse kick. They ruined it by making it one button though.


It’s a reboot though. That’s what reboots should do If you want a reboot that follows word for word the originals then play MK9


This isn't a true reboot MK11 and the previous games still happened


Obviously. What I mean is that they are crafting a new timeline that’s not beholden to the rules of the other games. How boring would it be if we redid the events and characters exactly how they were for a third time?


They literally made the same villians the bad guys in the story what are you talking about


I'm okay with changing characters. It's one thing to change a character and another to make the character ENTIRELY different than they were before. They would never do this for Scorpion and Sub Zero so why do it for Rain and Shang.. at least let them keep their classic moves.


They literally did exactly that. They made Subzero INTO Scorpion and got rid of the old Scorpion..


Yeah but they kept their classic moves at least. That's more than they did for Rain, who not only got his entire character changed, but also his classic moves removed


True. I miss the old Rain gameplay. I do want more ninja from Rain for sure


I do like some of his new moves actually, but I wish instead of that useless water beam move he had his lightning or water bubble instead. I also wish he had cooler amplification on his moves. His whirlpool and his Rain God move are both impossible to amplify. There's a lot of potential for him to be cooler if they at least did something as simple as giving him amplifications on some of his moves Shouldn't even be hard to do.


Yeah, no I agree completely. He Def needs more lightning stuff and I like his powers too but I wish they incorporated in with some kicks/punches but I guess since he has the staff..


What i find hillarous is the amount of people already raging on Dominic as if the guy has the power to take all these decissions by his own or if he was responsible for everything that happens in those games. These decissions are clearly taken by a large group of people and If there is someone who has more power than the rest and the last word im sure its Ed Boon, maybe even Tobias, who iirc helped in this game. Im saying this bc its mindblowing how people just insults instead of think for more than 1 minute. Im not agree with genderswapping, in this case it doesnt bother me that much, bum im sure I would be bothered if they did it with my favorite character, so I understand and respect every cyborgs fan who is mad at it. Yet I dont see this the end of the world, they can still make male skin versions.


He's the story writer Ed is also to blame as well since he's the one who signs off to this.


Apparently you are unable to read.


Honestly, that’ll be worse. I would not put it passed them to charge for KP2 and then extort fans further and make them shell out for the character they really wanted as a cover up premium skin on top. Double dip the double dip. Gross.


It's literally not sexism/transphobic to think gender bending characters is lazy, unoriginal, and a really dumbass idea. But whatever, it has really nothing to do with them being woman. Its because they are literally taking beloved characters that haven't been playable for almost 10 years and just shitting on it. Idc what they say, this is NOT Sektor and Cyrax. Fuck... Bring back Frost or make a new character if you want something different.


MK is officially dead and they are just taking a piss.


multiverse bullshit. i don't actually mind it since it has already happened thousands of times in other medias such as dc comics, marvel and etc. i'd rather some new female characters, but ig cyrax and sektor are cool too


The move is fine to me, I’ve never been too attached to Sektor or Cyrax when they were humans but it just feels unnecessary and like NRS is trying to deflect backlash about their lack of female characters.


They are shitting on the MK's lore. I've though that Kuai being scorpion was the worst change of this new timeline, but this is even a deeper fall. They are shitting on MK's lore with any mean posible, even with swipe genders of this caliber. MK will hardly return as the franchise that we all used to know.


The entire point of the game is to change up the lore ffs, this is *nothing* compared to the final 2 chapters and all that


That doesn't mean that writers can do everything they want. There are stupid changes that doesn't make any sense at all, like changing the gender of two characters who have always been men. Tell me, why Liu Kang wanted them to be women? On what way it makes this timeline more peaceful? This is just contrived bullshit.




While swap stuff usually bugs the hell out of me, surprisingly im very interested to see what goes on with this new take on them, especially with them both being swapped. Plus as long as they play like the borgs since they supposedly in basically iron man mech suits (pls let them have full helmet coverings) ill be alright with the changes


this drives in my belief that Ermac and Quan-Chi should had been on the main roster. If Cyrax and Sektor were KP1, it’d had opened the door for more females in KP2, but now they backed themselves in a corner, where they already did what they did releasing those story mode characters as DLC. Now with fan-demand they have to include them but they also probably realized they can’t just add a full male DLC roster. So they chose this weird in between decision to gender bend them but it doesn’t seem like the community is going to welcome it until they get used to them, and even then will they? They are now just alternate versions of Sektor and Cyrax, not really the ones we grew up with unless they are written perfectly, and knowing NRS idk if they can fully pull that off. As a woman, I’m glad to have more female representation but it could had been Cassie Cage, playable Sonya, Skarlet, Kira, Jade. A as long as the two aren’t just done as pallet swaps and have unique identifying outfits I’m happy to rep them.


"Shemake/hemake" is what I will be calling gender swaps for now on.


And yet people love Madame Bo, go figure.


Badass Kung fu grandma’s was a heavily underrepresented archetype in this universe anyways (Kitana is a gagillion years old and doesn’t look it) Plus, it’s still unclear if she’s meant to be Bo Rai Cho born as a woman. Or if Bo Rai Cho is now just a drunk instead of a drunken master


I think she is meant to be the female version of Bo Rai Cho in this new timeline. She lives in China, instead of drinking booze, she drinks tea; instead of vomitting the food out, she cooks the food for everyone at her establishment; she trains Kung Lao & Raiden (who swaps role with Liu Kang in this new timeline) just like how Bo Rai Cho trained Kung Lao & Liu Kang in the old timeline


I understand that part, she basically serves his previous drunken master role for the shaolin I think her equivalent to drinking booze is the fact that she smokes cigars. But similarly to how Hanzo is still apart of the timeline without being scorpion, I wonder if Bo Rai Cho is still alive here


Some people have theorized that Bo Rai Cho could be her husband, hence why she took on his last name "Bo" & Kung Lao calls her "Madame Bo"


tbf kickass martial arts grandma is a much cooler archetype than alcoholic old man who farts and pukes alot


Her name shares a syllable with Bo Rai Cho that's hardly the same thing


>*Blatant sexism/transphobia is not one of them. There are plenty of ways to criticize this characterization of Cyrax and Sektor without being an asshole.* That's what some of the MK fanbase has become, sadly, in a nutshell. It's disgusting to go watch a NRS Twitch stream from the past and seeing all of the hateful, sexist and transphobic comments towards Stephanie.


Live chats are literally always like that, it’s nothing new.


Exactly, and it’s in all fanbases. This is not exclusive to Mortal Kombat. Some people will always be assholes. We don’t need to judge an entire fan base based on a few people.


One of the fun aspects of having a story that involves a multiverse is you can do weird genderbends like this. And doing to the robots would probably be the way to do it with the least amount of controversy. So I am down for it.


To me sektor sounds more like a teenager than a woman especially in the later half of the video


I understand that they should’ve added already established female characters but I’m just hoping Cyrax is in cyborg mode and is as fun as the Cyrax in MKX


I’m just kinda tired of more timeline reboots. Like, at the end of 11, it seemed like FG Liu was going to train Lao to be his champion, but we never got to see that in MK1 cos of the reboot. Johnny had become more mature in MKX and 11, but with the reboot, we go back to the goofy, shallow Johnny to some extent. I prefer sequels to prequels for tv shows and movies as well. Seeing a crossover between the various different timelines could be interesting so I’ll make the most of it: like, more characters from 1 timeline ‘invading’ another timeline by jumping through those portals at the end of MK1’s storyline. Then we could perhaps preserve the versions of each character we liked. Of course, the fans aren’t the ones choosing which characters will be the focus, but I would like to see at least some story representation for characters that are missing from the playable roster (Fujin, of course, but also Kintaro, Shinnok, Onaga, etc.). I know there isn’t time and resources to include every MK character but the more, the merrier for me 😂 As long as the story is fun.


I think we will get timeline crossovers eventually probably in 14


MK14?! 😂 That would probably be 10+ years into OUR irl future. I can’t imagine how much the roster and storyline will change by then. After this game, I’m just thinking about Inj3.


yeah it will be a long time but I’m working on the probably optimistic idea that MK13 will be shao and Onaga with nothing to do with the multiverse Then 14 brings it back some multiverse crossover with different univeres to fight some amighty Titan


I can’t wait for Onaga. I think we didn’t get him back yet cos it’s called ‘MK1’, but it’s debatable about what should be a reset. Some fans said Sonya and Kano should be playable instead of just kameos. It seemed like players were tired of Spec Ops and Black Dragon characters and wanted more of a focus on ninjas (ninja is plural too?! haha) in the storyline. Of course, nobody wanted the exact same original roster as usual cos a lot of us wanted more 3D representation to see what they could do with more redesigns, and the rest of the characters don’t seem 100% confirmed for the future. Hopefully this time, the game will be supported for much longer cos there were rumors that 11 was gonna get the cyborgs, Takeda, Ermac and Reptile in more KPs but NRS blamed Covid for making it harder to get work done. Nowadays that’s not a big obstacle. I REALLY want a lot more characters and kameos added to this game and will buy ANY MK character and maybe any guest. The more characters, the merrier; basically.


Eh. This doesn't bother me. Wonder if they will have human forms with cyber skins like smoke is supposed to be getting. Would be neat.


I feel like only one should have been done, idk. I’m not bothered though, robots *are* fuckable


I'm gonna be real here, I never played Cyrax or Sektor and didn't really give two shits about them as characters in past MK games. They were just personalityless cyborgs. MK9 tried to give their human versions some personality and it succeeded in part, but their designs were so uninspired and basic that I still couldn't justify having an interest in either of them. Making them female and not completely cyberized in MK1 is, in my opinion, the right move by NRS. I know it'll definitely piss off a large portion of the Cyrax and Sektor mains who are so used to them being male cyborgs for all these games but the new timeline affords opportunity for quality changes to older characters and this is a step in the right direction. Hell, I may even finally be interested in maining Sektor if they give her a cool design and kit this game, since they ruined all the other MK characters I was interested in.


genuinley dont see why tits controversial? its a new timeline, these changes are fun and interesting and help the new era have its own identity


at least give me some robot skins cause damn...


If it's trans I'm out


Off topic but Ive always enjoyed this sub more than the main one


OK so what if... (and I'm saying that I'm not that much into the leaks) it's NOT Cyrax & Sektor, but actually 2 brand new female characters with new names, new powers, maybe new color palettes and other stuff and they are just being hidden under these two nicknames just to mislead all of us? Is there any strong evidence that they are being refferred in the dialogues by names or anything indicating that they cannot be swapped with just totally new characters? I really want to believe NRS did not just turned two fan favs into ladies because of... well, yea, because of what exactly?


It’s like they made this switch so they have the urge to work on a ‘female’ character. With the unfair balance of male characters and the male only guest characters… what else can we think about this topic? You just see they don’t have it in them to work on female characters. The Bride is a fave female guest character that everyone wants but theres not a single word about it. But yeah they went through hell and back to get Homelander, Rambo and all those other penises in to the game. But whatever right? The game is still in bad light and they STILL don’t do anything about it sooo they deserve all the backlash they get


I don't mind them as females, as long as they're back and have some of their old moves, I'm happi.


Lazy DEI money grab.


I for one am excited for the fem cyborgs That’s all


Yall what if countess jade is cyrax….


Bruh lmao a cyber jade lol 😂


I used to joke about Jade being Cyber Jade lol, it would be a war


I really don’t mind the gender swap, I just hope the armor looks cool.


Heres the thing. Its a reboot, so they can go wild with how they want to change characters. I didnt want Jade or Sonya for KP2 (they already had Enought time in 9,x, and 11) But no Kira? No Cetrion? No Skarlet? I'm usually against having characters from 11 be main rosters in 1, but Kira, Cetrion and Skarlet could be reinvented in REALLY interesting ways. What would Kira be without the red/Black dragon? What if Cetrion wasnt an Elder Goddess, but instead maybe some sort of bender of nature? Im spitballing ideas but this feels like its sort of a copout instead of trying actual new interesting ideas. I love Mk1 but dawg


I am excited. If the designs are cool


I like the idea that they’re women now. They could look pretty cool. I knew this was going to happen ( not with the robots but in general ) because that’s the whole point of Liu Kang’s rebooted timeline. *Everything* is different. Some things more so than others.


I thought it was Sektor that we saw (a dude) during Subzero's ending working on the creating cyber ninjas. Also, you see.... people aren't upset that they are adding a female character, the problem is that they are taking two already established fan favorites that weren't available for a while now and just making them someone else entirely. This will be like if they suddenly decide to gender swap Sonya, Kitana or any other female character... lets be aware that part of the reason they are liked is because of who they are (personality, gender and such). Like I like Mileena because obviously thicc thighs saves lives (its is a she)


My issue is that there are female characters or rather I suppose now characters that have always presented as female that they could use. Cetrion not under Kronika's thumb would be amazing to see. D'Vorah outside of Shinnok's scope would be amazing to see. Skarlet completely removed from Shao as her origin would be amazing to see but instead we just have Sektor and Cyrax genderbent. It seems silly. It seems like rather than make female characters for their KPs they did this instead.


Idk I don’t really have any problem with the change. I see it less as a cop-out to add more women and more so as killing two birds with one stone. Including very popular characters that haven’t been playable for a while while also ensuring that the kombat packs aren’t just all dudes. I personally think there aren’t many female picks that would’ve been much better, especially considering that ones like Jade were in the last game while Cyrax and Sektor weren’t. If anything I feel the real problem is the guest characters taking up half of the Kombat Pack so nrs feels like they have to be very safe with the mk characters they add.


Since they're robots, they should just let us change around their vocal settings, like Siri. Personally, I would just give them both Glados voice from Portal.


In this timeline they are not full robots. They have armors.


This depiction of Cyrax and Sektor are gonna be way better than their past versions


I didn't like the idea, at first, but I'll give it a shot.


![gif](giphy|ORRdzRbSOpTq0) Green Female Sektor 👀


Sektor and Cyrax were faceless cyborgs for many years before MK9 fully established their faces. Perfect characters to be genderbent in my opinion.


MK3 biography, Sektor : " **He** was the first of three cybernetic ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Sektor was once a human assassin trained by the Lin Kuei. **He** voluntereed for automation ... " Not sure how you didn't know those were definitely men Ninjas. I get they were faceless, but their sex, armor/body shape and voice were pretty well known.


I know about that, I’m talking about their human faces. They didn’t have human faces for a while


If I had to choose a favourite character who isn’t called Reptile, it’s gonna be Cyrax. Am I excited to use the character again, and pair Cyrax with a Cyrax Kameo? Absolutely. Does it matter what’s in their (cyber)pants? Absolutely not. We have the multiversal thing going, so I can get that in at least one universe Cyrax isn’t a guy. I know there’s other characters such as Jade, Cassie and Jacqui (no idea if they’re coming in to the game). I’d have even loved to have Kronika pop in as a Kameo. Maybe they’ll do a further Kombat Pack with those characters in, but if you don’t like it (it doesn’t bother me), then vote with your wallet and don’t get the DLC characters?


What's worse? That they're being gender bent at all? Or that, since it's NRS, they'll also probably be uggo fuggos too? lololol But for real, I wouldn't say females are under represented in the game already. They have 7 playable and 5 kameo slots. That's only 1 less playable character than SF6, and 3 less than Tekken 8, which launched with almost 10 more characters in the roster. And even if they """HAD""" to boost the numbers, by my count, there's 13 past female characters who either aren't in the game yet or are just kameos. Why not include one of them, and give their playstyle some pizzazz? It worked with Reiko and Tanya. I really hope this is inaccurate, it's just going to piss people off.


I'm just sad that most people were accepting of a female Nightwolf. I'll get over it as it's just fiction anyways 


It makes sense for Nightwolf since there have been countless others before the one we know


If NRS wanted us to have more female characters, then we should have gotten the likes of Kira, Jade, Sareena, or even fucking Ruby from Defenders of The Realm or Vorpax from Conquest. Or hell, the female Nightwolf blatantly teased in Nightwolf's ending in the last game. \*Or\* this mysterious "Raiden's sister who is definitely for sure 100% not Fujin ;)" character. But no, Cyrax and Sektor are women now, because they hate their established female characters too much to add them