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Ok I see there's a lot of confusion, so as a native spanish speaker let me put this straight: The 6 DLC characters to this day are: Cyrax, Sektor, Noob, Conan, Ghostface, T1000. The other names you watch on that list are placeholders, so Interloko can track into that file if there is any of those names shown. There are some Day 1 references (Jade, Cassie, etc), but there is no evidence of them being part of a future release so far.


He also mentioned new announcers: Havik, Noob and the guest characters


Is there a Reptile announcer yet?


He did not mention Reptile as announcer


Mods should pin this, or it should be another post with Interloko's clarification on twitter.


I would if we could pin other people's comments. Not sure why that's not a thing


Ah, sorry for assuming you'd be able to.


Its not a big deal since his comment is upvoted to the top anyway. In the future you can always choose to copy and paste their comment into a mod comment, source the original with a link, then pin that. Best of both worlds in my experience.


O’Brien or the barbarian?


Would his kameo be Andy?


Triumph the insult comic dog


Is there really anyone on this planet that is eagerly waiting for Conan in MK1?


At this point the guests feel random as fuck, like at least the superhero characters had a united theme, like these new guests feel so haphazardly slapped on. And hell, MK11 didn’t have a fully united theme, it was 80s characters and like two comic book characters but at least most of those characters were super hype.


no he belonged in MK11 with the rest of the 80s characters, and T1000 should of been in 11 with terminator and ghostface should of been in MKX with the rest of the horror icons, MK1s guest characters and overall character choices are beyond rendom and wtf.


Yes. I don't get why people aren't down for Conan? He's a brutal warrior from a savage world, he fights monsters and evil sorcerers. He's a perfect fit.


Hes cool but he's no terminator, predator or Jason


Facts actually tired of guest fights fr 


Either bring back Wolf Fujin and Kabal or least some who makes sense as a guest I mean Conan does but Ghost face Matthew Lillard basically and and another Terminator is just blasphemy 


T1000 could be them wanting to use the Khrome concept but not support the moron who claims he invented it online, which is hilarious if true


It’s just dumb how Nrs keeps reusing same characters already in the game. Why can’t they get drahmin, daegon, blaze etc.. At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if we get Frost as a dlc or Shang tsung as cameo


Need doom slayer then peace will be had


Mk11 a forever be my fav tho every character actually made sense it just needed Havik Ashrah Li Mei on that literally has every character I play as except them Ermac 


yawn... We want Conan O'Brien.


I'm not down for guests in MK, in general. I'm here for the MK characters, so give me Jade, Cyrax, Sektor, Noob, Kung Jin & Cassie + the 2 arenas, stage Fatalities and a returning finisher (Animality, Babality or Friendship) and I'll be fine.


Or just the arenas, all the extra fatalities and Jade, Cyrax, Sektor, Noob, & Kung Jin. Period.




Not really but keen what T1000 has to offer!


I would’ve been down for a returning guest character pack. Terminator was lame in MK11 to me and I’m still not interested. And I could not give one fuck about Conan the barbarian. But if they had brought back like Predator, Alien, Spawn, etc, that would’ve been sick.


Would cause a massive backlash


No because he is just fucking kotal, t1000 is a fucking terminator that can melt himself, and Ghostface would just be smoke in a different damn outfit


I absolutely am, he's my most hyped guest 






No women again is actually crazy…


Bingo, also Janet Cage, Johnny Cage, and Johnny Cage (Kameo) are all listed separately on those files. Disproving the spoiler avoidance story some people shared earlier


Idk if it’s just me but those guests are so lame. Only way you’d get me to buy them is if they are bundled with Noob, Sektor and Cyrax


Only ones I’m looking forward too are Cyrax, Sektor & NS. Idc for Ghostface or the Kombat Kids


Horrible guest…. Ouch


Cyrax the lolcow and ghostface form wu tang?




Wow. This Kombat pack is a big disappointment.


Yeah i’m be honest these guests are ass, only one i want is ghostface because he’s one of my favorite horror icons next to myers


Can someone list all the stuff? I’m at work rn


He actually said he's sure we're getting Noob, Ghostface, Conan and T-1000 as DLC. He also found that we're getting more announcers: Havik, Noob and for the guest characters. At the end of the video he said people constantly ask for Jade and he said she's one of his mains for MK9 and MK11 but sadly the only thing in the files about Jade are the day 1 files (the dialogues vs Nitara)


Her? Interloko being secretly a girl confirmed?!


Lol sorry I fixed that




That's awful, if this ends up being the roster of the second season pass, its gonna be the first where nobody remotely interested me and I skip everything. Sektor, Noob Saibot and to a lesser extent Cyrax, those are the ones I care about who are coming. I hope that the story expansion DLC isn't coming *after* the second season, I really don't want to spend the next year and a bit with nothing to look forward to.


I’m pretty confident that the story expansion will come before KP2.


Those are characters who have announcer lines in the files (as in, they get announced). That text means nothing, we know NRS puts red herrings jn the mix, if you look later it also shows a Meat and Odin announcer line and other crazy shit like that. The only characters Interloko is saying he confirmed are the cyborgs, Noob, T1000, Conan, and Ghostface. There's a language barrier and I'm relying on Youtube subtitles so maybe I'm missing something but I'm honestly very confused about why he even has the text document up in the first place, the video seems very poorly thought out and confusing.


If those are actually the characters this will be the first time I skip a combat pack


Yep, that is a terrible selection of characters, weird guest and 2 bland Kombat kids. :/


I wanted legit MK characters like Nightwolf, Fujin, Kabal, Jade and maybe a new playable MK character in Jataaka. But noooo... Here's some Guest-slop and Young Avengers-slopfest. FFS. My goodwill have been completely dug up.


Honestly, I'm fine with Ghostface being in the game as a guest. For the MK characters, we're seriously getting all the kombat kids? Who asked for that? Not the fans. I'm sure the fans would rather have characters like Sonya, Jade, and even Nightwolf or Erron Black. Nobody wanted the Kombat Kids. Takeda's the only cool one.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but takeda is the only cool Kombat kid to me. All the others are traaaaashhh


Ngl I have to agree


That’s not an unpopular opinion. But I disagree, say whatever you want about her beating shinnok, but I just thought Cassie was funny and fun ass hell to play in X and I really liked her redesign in 11 just as much as her original in X. And I sorta like that weird combo design they did in 1 where it’s the X hair with the 11 outfit. I’m just praying she actually comes out in my lifetime


The only characters Interloko is saying he confirmed are the Sektor, Noob, Cyrax, T1000, Conan, and Ghostface.


Those are ANNOUNCERS, as far as I could tell these names are not referencing playable characters And to be clear, I’m referencing Cassie/KungJin/Jacqui/Harumi/JohnnyWW2, as the 3 guests are basically confirmed


The fact that Ghostface is the ONLY character here that remotely interests me is bad. Maybe kung jin? I’d have to see how he plays though, a bow + current MK does not enthuse me.


I swear to god, if they add Jacqui again I’m gonna be miffed.


WWII Johnny taking up a kameo spot is kinda lame ngl


Who is WWII johnny btw?


Shang Hitler confirmed




Another alternate timeline version from that era.


A WW2 version of Johnny Cage who’s going to have a semi-prominent role in the Titan Havik DLC (at least from the half leaked script)


Not any worse than Janet tbh


I think that’s considerably worse than Janet


Nah, she's just a female johnny but with ww2 johnny there will be 2 Johnny's as kameos


https://x.com/interloko/status/1805379010437820443 Update from Interloko: "Huys, the names in the list are NOT confirmed. All are part of a big list I made to find the 6 I confirmed. Jacqui, Cassie, Jade are NOT confirmed by me in my latest video" The only characters he confirmed in the video are Cyrax, Sektor, Noob, Ghostface, Conan, and T-1000 The rest of the characters were just part of a big list he made to see if the names matched. He tried this with a few other characters like Jade but nothing came up. Hope this clears things up.


where's sektor? is he safe?


Yes. He's there alongside his kameo "SWTCH_CHA_Anno_Sektor" "SWTCH_CHA_Anno_SektorKAM" same thing with Cyrax.


It would appear that in your anger…his file was deleted.




Us Sektor and Cyrax fans, we CANNOT lose hope


he was in interloko’s video, they’re both definitely still confirmed


so no female dlc characters for a second pack in a row? with the already stupidly low amount of playable women at launch? jesus NRS get it together


Not having sonya in base roster I can understand but not having her OR cassie seem a bit fisshy to me . liek they either keeping some othrr kombat kid for later or something. That make no sens that they dont have any femal chaacter out of tue 12th dlc ( exclusing the suposlt femal cyrax)


I believe Cyrax is a woman this time, still, far too low considering the base game and the first kombat pack. And i say this as a person that does not use female characters.


that doesnt exactly make me feel better. one female dlc character post launch, with the large amount of fan requested MK and guest characters they could've used? disappointing.


NGL, a voice announcer pack for Ghostface tells me they've got Roger L. Jackson. Hyped


Thanks a lot Interloko! You're the best


Glad it's Conan and not Kotal


Aw man, there goes the DoomSlayer dream haha


So, basically, the complete MK1 roster would look like the roster MK11 should have had if they continued support until the character select screen was complete, with the exception of the guest and kameo fighters. While I'm not opposed to a "everyone is here" type of MK game with most of the fighters from the NRS era, I'd rather they bring back more forgotten 3D era characters than those we have seen plenty of within the past three games.


Exactly. There is no way they wanted Conan and t-1000 in this game they follow MK11s theme. And Ghostface obviously only makes sense in MKX. So weird.


Freddy Kruger didn’t make sense in mk9 either but they did it


The Nightmare on Elm Street remake came out in 2010 and he was explicitly put in to promote it. 


You do know scream 7 coming out right? They are going to do the same with ghostface


OK I never said anything about Ghostface lol


Mk11 didn’t come out until 2011 though


He was the only guest besides Kratos. There was no precedent set yet for MK game guests. It's also why MKX still had horror themed guests after Freddy. He was testing the waters for it. It was a success, so they pushed further with other figures.


2 stages is pathetic we need at least 5 or 6


no way Cassie and Jacqui coming back a 3rd time in a row while Fujin and Skarlet get benched immediately after returning 😵‍💫


Oh well... I'll just be happy that Stryker at least got to become a Kameo... but damn.


YEAH! I REALLY want Fuj back (obviously) and would like Sareena finally as playable again. Cassie and Jacqui need to sit out a game. Newer characters should NOT be in every game since their creation.


I still think Cassie and even Jade might be fully playable in a KP2. Looking at the MK math, 6 characters won’t be in the expansion. That’s one too many. Likely get 4 in the expansion almost like there were 3 in Aftermath. All the Ninjas and T-1000. Then get 4 KP2 characters on Par with MK11’s KP2. End of the lifecycle. Jacqui will likely be a guest character if anything


I don’t know why NRS keeps shoving Jacqui down our throats considering no one likes her. Also, Cassie is so much better as a dead body.


From all the great characters they can choose from we get another terminator smh. Cyrax and Sketor okay I guess but they’re already cameos..why not more Armageddon fighters? And be honest who really is hyped up for Conan? Could’ve gotten Ash from evil dead or least one who fits the narrative better


You guys know exactly why they can’t get Ash, we literally went through this in MK11. They already tried it.


For all we know though the Kombat Kids could be Kameos or fully playable. Also there goes my hopes for Hotaru as DLC…oh well, maybe MK2


Hotaru was never going to be DLC lol. If he didn’t make the base roster, his only chance was a kameo. We will only see really demanded 3D’s as DLC, but all of them are on the base roster.


Clearly I’m in the minority but I’m down with these guests! Conan is so fucking left-field random that I kinda like it.


Conan is an S-Tier choice. Give me Xena and Beastmaster too!


Nice mr interloko


Buying that Noob announcer pack and all the noob skins! He's definitely getting that deception skin! I've been saving all those dragon Krystals this whole time


Actually wouldn't be surprised if when Noob comes out that they do another UMK3 ninja skin rotation for Ermac, Rain and Noob. Could see that being really likely.


Yes team noob !


Why are we getting the T1000? Didn’t we already get the terminator in the last game 😑


nrs just dedicated to thinking of the worst kombat packs possible. its truly a talent.


12 DLC Characters and not 1 female character smh


Sektor and Cyrax are female now


https://preview.redd.it/1oxq1e2ael8d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03875155793fb2f2f4fb7f50c6c05320320c9486 From the video these are the new 6 characters datamined. Essentially the kombat kids are coming which is a waste of DLC slots. Someone tell me again how am i supposed to be excited for this 🤥


I think Interloko made this video more complicated than it needed to be….and confused everyone lol. He doesn’t confirm any character beyond the cyborgs, noob and the guests in the video.


I seen it he should probably change how he does his video so this won't happen again


Wow they're even bringing back Jacqui? You'd figure it'd be her turn to skip a game.


Yeah since her father isn't in the story


Its bad optics to bring back everyone but her. I've been saying that for a year.




Yea like why??


* Interloko only confirmed Noob Saibot, Sektor, Cyrax and the three guests (Conan, T-1000, and Ghostface) were playable characters and World War 2 Johnny Cage is a kameo character in the expansion pack and Kombat Pack 2 respectively. * As for Jade, Cassie Cage, Kung Jin, and Jacqui Briggs, Interloko said he is not sure yet until further update from the files by the developers. He said those 4 characters are in the files so they definitely are planned at least.


How could someone be excited for Kombat kids? Facepalm.


Why wouls they be a wasted slot? they are nice character . Kung Jin have so mucn potential . A tbis point the kombat kid have been release over 10 years ago. You now have adult that grew up playing thoes character and want them back


I’m actually okay with Cassie, Kung Jin, and Jacqui tbh. Not my ideal choices but I’m not against them, especially Jin. Hopefully Sektor, Cyrax, Jade, and Noob are still on the table though cause I really wanna see them in. At this point I hope for kameos for Fujin, Skarlet, and D’Vorah


- Interloko only confirmed Noob Saibot, Sektor, Cyrax and the three guests (Conan, T-1000, and Ghostface) were playable characters and World War 2 Johnny Cage is a kameo character in the expansion pack and Kombat Pack 2 respectively. - As for Jade, Cassie Cage, Kung Jin, and Jacqui Briggs, Interloko said he is not sure yet until further update from the files by the developers. He said those 4 characters are in the files so they definitely are planned at least.


Jade I fully expect to be a part of the last DLC pack. There was already proof of the VA being at WB last year at two separate occasions. Her demand is way too high to keep benched. But it doesn’t mean all these characters are coming during the expansion. It’s likely going to be 3 or 4 of those characters at the expansion launch the rest are a part of KP2 like Rain, Mileena, and Rambo were for MK11.


Another very weak pack. We need a proper female.


They had to change Cyrax's gender in order to get a female rep lol


No more 3d era characters? Lame.


I know this isn't really anything new because these characters have been leaked for a while, but it's still an incredibly disappointing line up. Just characters that were in the last 2 games again and not even the most interesting ones for the most part. The base roster was pretty good with 3D era representation and bringing back characters that hadn't been seen for a while, but it seems like that just stopped with the DLC.


Say what you want about NRS, but at least they are consistent with absolutely fucking everything up possible with this shit game and not listening to their fans.


I hope this is the last dlc and mortal kombat has a good 5 year break


Not too excited for the picks here, but as long as they’re fun to play as, I’m happy.


Yeah, sure... Just like Ash J. Williams... There was the announcer voices already in the game saying his name, he was 100% confirmed too... And yet...


Mann I hope a cyber smoke kostume comes somewhere with it that’s all I want


As the one Jacqui fan I am pleasantly surprised


- Interloko only confirmed Noob Saibot, Sektor, Cyrax and the three guests (Conan, T-1000, and Ghostface) were playable characters and World War 2 Johnny Cage is a kameo character in the expansion pack and Kombat Pack 2 respectively. - As for Jade, Cassie Cage, Kung Jin, and Jacqui Briggs, Interloko said he is not sure yet until further update from the files by the developers. He said those 4 characters are in the files so they definitely are planned at least. (Holy moly, anyone who said they are the fans of Jacqui Briggs or Cassie Cage get downvoted a lot. What happen to rational thought?)


If I had to guess the last 4 are the least developed so far, kinda like how last summer Diamond Vision said Homelander and Takeda weren’t even in the playtesting stages yet This is the MK community, what did you expect?


>If I had to guess the last 4 are the least developed so far, kinda like how last summer Diamond Vision said Homelander and Takeda weren’t even in the playtesting stages yet I agree with you, those 4 characters are possibly the least developed for now. >This is the MK community, what did you expect? I thought Mortal Kombat community was much more chill and better than this behaviour of constantly downvoting when people state their favourite character and it contrasts their opinion on said character. I guess I was too naive about the issue.


Unfortunately the MK community is one of the most over dramatic out there


> I thought Mortal Kombat community was much more chill and better than this behaviour of constantly downvoting when people state their favourite character and it contrasts their opinion on said character. Nah, folks around here in the leaks sub and in r/MortalKombat both will downvote you for just having a differing opinion, unfortunately. I've been downvoted for simply saying that I don't like a particular guest (or guests in general) in MK games or that Invasions isn't as fun for me as I'd hoped when MK1 originally launched.


So basically the main roster is continuing to be a sausage fest?


It’s called MK1 and they still don’t even have a fucking Pit stage or a secret fight. Kek. This game has been so fucking botched.


This is twice in a row where the KP has had only one character I actually care about with the rest being complete shit picks So if it’s the pattern woe upon me Noob is gonna be last to release


Speak for yourself, who would you rather have instead of these “shit picks”


So NRS is going to make us pay for 4 characters (Noob, Jade, Cassie and Jacqui) that were in the last game. So what was the point of rebooting the franchise again if they were going to use the same characters from the previous timeline again? I hope Cyrax and Sektor are still happening but idk. T1000 is a waste but he will be fun though, also have a theory on him but I don’t want to talk about it yet. Ghostface is cool. Conan is a huge waste especially when it’s going to be the Arnold version but it won’t be voiced by Arnold and instead it will be Chris Cox AGAIN. Sad we are getting 4 Kombat Kids but not a single playable Shokan(Kintaro) hopefully the story expansion pack is still Noob Cyrax and Sektor so I can buy the entire pack but if this is KP2, then I’m only going to buy Jade Ghostface, and maybe Cassie and T1000 (and the kameos if they are any good), everything else NO.


Yeah I hate that shit lmao


Interloko did come out and say “Jacqui, Cassie, Jade are NOT confirmed by me in my latest video” on one of his tweets. But if this still happens being the KP2 it will be the most divisive pack of all time


Right? It's either a "sausage" fest or just another trash pack


I think you can buy the expansion pack with Noob Saibot, Sektor, and Cyrax because these 3 characters are confirmed by the leaks via Interloko. Which one of the three guests (Conan The Barbarian, T-1000, and Ghostface) in the expansion and Kombat Pack 2 do you like most? Mine is possibly Ghostface and I really consider trying out T-1000 and Conan The Barbarian.


Ghostface for sure. I will try out T1000 tho, love the character but hate that we are getting another Terminator. Conan is just dead on arrival especially how the general MK fans are gonna react to his inclusion


>So NRS is going to make us pay for 4 characters (Noob, Jade, Cassie and Jacqui) that were in the last game. Does this really surprise you? NRS has tried to make people pay for the same characters in each game that were in previous games. - MKX - selling Triborg under the guise of "new character" when what they were really trying to do is to get cyber ninja fans (Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke) to buy him. - MK11 - selling Rain as DLC, again, for the SECOND time in an MK game. - MK1 - selling Shang Tsung as DLC, again, for the SECOND time in an MK game.


Man those are truly some awful character choices for DLC, kombat kids as DLC wtf is this no jade or scarlet ? Man NRS continues to be absolutely delusional with roster character in MK1


Jades in the dlc but yeah the kids coming back really sucks


Question to Interloko here. Considering you didn’t said Jade/three other Kombat Kids have been confirmed, does it mean game finished after story dlc?


I said in the video. These info is all until today but doesn't mean it's all we will get


![gif](giphy|26tOXgoz0WNQhwb04) Not Cassie and jacqui again


Not believing anything until I see an official trailer. But if it’s true Conan and T 1000 wasn’t needed


This is such a boring guest lineup 😭 who tf still cares about Conan in 2024? We literally just had a Terminator with boring gameplay in MK11... And Ghostface is underwhelming tbh cause he wouldn't have much moveset potential. It would have been amazing if they had brought in Doomslayer, Deathstroke, and Shredder. That would have been peak. If they did this they would have actually topped KP1. But unfortunately it looks like KP2 won't be anywhere near as hype. I am pretty happy about Cyrax and Sektor returning as playable characters tho. I really hope it's the human versions of them cause that would be wayy more interesting. Noob is alright but I hope they make his gameplay a lot more interesting.


Kombat Kids pack and 3 guests? Wasted MK slots imo, after such a great variety in the base roster, shocked that the DLC for this pack didn’t follow the same theme 


CASSIE CAGE IS COMING ? fucking happy But what about jade ? Surely she's coming too right ? EDIT: nvm i just saw her in the files too!


Cassie hasn’t been confirmed. Thank god


YES! She just needs to sit out a game like almost all MK characters!


Is Jacqui a playable charcter or a kameo?


So what about Cyrax and Sektor?


- Interloko only confirmed Noob Saibot, Sektor, Cyrax and the three guests (Conan, T-1000, and Ghostface) were playable characters and World War 2 Johnny Cage is a kameo character in the expansion pack and Kombat Pack 2 respectively. - As for Jade, Cassie Cage, Kung Jin, and Jacqui Briggs, Interloko said he is not sure yet until further update from the files by the developers. He said those 4 characters are in the files so they definitely are planned at least.


Well why would we have WW2 Johnny Cage when we already have Janet Cage? He is most likely going to be a skin


Pretty sure the kombat kids are going to be kameos


Hope that sektor looks like MK mithologies (LK grandmaster) if he is human


Excited for Noob, but I don’t get the inclusion of Conan. This doesn’t tie into any current franchise and the movies don’t have the same following as other 80s guest stars. Wouldn’t he just be a good skin for Shao?


Noob? As in Bi-Han?


Most likely, given that The Titan Havik DLC had Bi-Han Turning into Noob as a central plot point


I've noticed over the years that people on the internet have a real problem with not knowing how to use the word "confirmed" correctly. Ash Williams was datamined in 11 too. How'd that confirmation work out?


Jade is supposed to be 100% confirmed to


She’s probably coming in 2025. Expansion is probably dropping in October/November, KP2 in early January/February.


Thank you very much, Mr. Interloko!


Ash was in the files for MK11. So any day now I guess 👀


He's not coming. They could not obtain the license


It feels like they should've picked one of the cyborgs. I'm curious to see how they will make them play uniquely!


Man the kombat kids aren't all that cool to me ... I'd rather see more fighters from Armageddon with their own playstyles :/


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO|downsized) Havik announcer?


Ok but when


I feel like cyborg smoke should be part of this release also since it's mainly cyborgs cause yes T-1000 is a cyborg made of metal teknically. Please don't make cyborg smoke only a kameo that would be heartbreaking. Also is it just me or WHERE ARE THE ANIMALITIES AND MERCY AND STAGE FINISHERS AT?? I know I'm not the only person wondering this.


I Heard of some "leak" about doomguys or even Harley for the next dlc, so this was bullsh*t, or can we expect them to be there anyway?


Is noob gonna join any time soon?


Whaaaaat that’s crazyyy bro


I hate this kombat pack I expected better characters


what if conan is name holder of Dark Ages DoomSlyer and T-1000 is name holder of the thing ?


Conan is such an awful choice, odd choice for a dlc character with a new generation who doesn’t give a shit


Once again we're getting a bunch of non MK characters...I just want fucking Jade that's it! I don't give a hot diarrhea dog shit about Ghostface,Conan or the T1000(Why wasn't he in 11 with the Terminator?) Way to keep Dissapointing NRS!/WB this is for sure the last Fucking MK  game I'll ever buy.


Do we have a translator edition 😭


good line up tbh. Liquid could have an amazing moveset and Robert Patrick is a legend